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Posts posted by annabear

  1. OK, I slept on the 3 Clay/3 non-Clay songs thing and I was actually able to narrow it down! :D

    For all of about 5 minutes... <_<

    My lists, subject to change as other songs come to mind, pop up on my iPod and/or I read other people's lists!


    All Is Well - I really struggled between AIW and GN. If I had to pick a version I guess it would have to be Merrillville '06 because I was there.

    Lover All Alone - Studion version because I haven't listened to all of the concert versions to hear which one I like best.

    Something About Us - AOL Sessions version. I've already married it & we're working on babies. I reserve the right to move on to another version if he sings this one on the next tour.


    A Song For You - I've got several versions of this one. I think my favorite is by Karen Carpenter.

    In My Life - The Beatles, although I've also got Bette Midler's version.

    Time In A Bottle - Jim Croce. I've still got my mom's original 45 of this song. I used to play it over & over & over on my little Mickey Mouse record player!

    Can I get a Brother Maynard-worthy AMEN! to CG's TGIF!!!! post!

    And for OMWH - - -


    :cheerleader:I think it can! I think it can!! I think it can!!! :cheerleader:

  2. My five year old neice asked me the weirdest thing today. She said..auntie...why do you sometimes say "ya'll."

    Oh and sending out a salute to parents today after taking my neice and nephew with me to my mom's doctor's appt. I distracted them pretty well ... but then the 5 year old went into a tizzy cuz her brother didn't want her to touch him and she was intent on doing so. It got aggravating ... not to mention embarassing... in about 2 minutes.

    Tell her it's all Clay Aiken's fault.

    And I'm glad I have cats. Only have to take them out in public once a year!

  3. I don't think this has been posted yet: There's a clip on Good Morning Yahoo! about celebrities who "go back home" to live. Clay's on early...and he looks damn fine.

    Thank you!

    Posted at CH by CantGoADayWithoutClay:

    Posted at ClayDreamBelievers by PraeKenobi

    As I have mentioned before, they do play On My Way Here on radio in Thailand and the DJ is very complimentary of Clay! Now for the great update, this week it is at no.8 on top 20 of this radio station!!!! No surprise though because it hear it almost everyday! Today, they also gave away several of "On My Way Here" CDs just by calling to request the song! Moreover, I found the CDs on the new release shelf at a music store another day. It can be said that this was the first time that I found many Clay CDs in Thailand!!!! I'm so happy!!!
  4. Could use some good thoughts, in the last couple of weeks I have had two mammagrams, ultrasound, and a MRI of my Lt. breast. It is hard waiting for answers. Next I expect to here I will need a biopsy. This is a area that is not felt either by me or my doctor, so it was a suprise when the results came back. I keep telling myself that 80% of lumps are benign.

    {{{{{gbmifan}}}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    gbmifan...good thoughts your way. Reading your story makes me realize that my procrastination about getting my regular mammogram (already over two years late) is something I should 1) stop and 2) try to figure out the reasons behind...Why DO I continually 'forget' to get it?

    Muski - Get on the phone and reschedule an appointment for yourself TODAY! :waiting:

    annabear, I haven't set you up at StripedSockSirens yet but will get to it asap! *pls don't let my laziness reflect on the group (SSS not eHP; eHP is proud of being lazy)*

    That's quite alirght, Scarlett! :cryingwlaughter: I've been trying to attempt to knit a smiple scarf this week... :huh: I think I'll stick to the bears.

    OMWH jumped another spot on the Mediabase AC Chart:


    119 spins

    Up 16 from this time last week

    Chug, chug, chug.



    :bday: Ansa!

  5. Another here who's purchased & gifted all the singles I think will be downloaded. Streaming from AOL when I'm home. Can't go to MySpace as is freezes, then crashes my computer.

    Pulling this out from the post that Lotus brought over from the CH because I think it should be repeated. Over & over & over & over...

    Clay isn't a quitter or a whiner. He's a strong, vibrant, talented man. He's going to be around a long time.


  6. From the Post-Tribune of Northwest Indiana:

    Let's ALL Play Hobart camp

    Through the generosity of popular entertainer Clay Aiken, 20 Hobart children, ages 3 to 5, will enjoy a fun-filled day camp through the Let's ALL Play initiative.

    This "inclusive recreational model" has camps set up nationwide each year to serve children with special needs. This year, there will be 20 camps, including Hobart.

    For the second year, 10 children with disabilities will join 10 children without at the Hobart YMCA for swimming, arts and crafts, story time and to learn that they are not that different.

    The Center for Possibilities (Cerebral Palsy Center) and Hobart YMCA took advantage of a grant set up by the Bubel/Aiken Foundation to make this possible.

    In a recent booklet, the Hobart camp was said to be a "model worth copying."

    From The Times NWI.com

    Kids will be kids

    By Gregg Doffin

    Times Correspondent | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 | No comments posted.

    HOBART | Young Haylie Barnes was brief and to the point in summing up her summer camp experience. "I had a lot of fun playing with my friends," she said.

    The 5-year-old Portage girl was one of 22 youngsters, ages 3 to 5, attending this year's Preschool Inclusion Summer Camp at the Hobart Family YMCA.

    The camp brings together children, with and without special needs, with the goal of developing understanding and acceptance while learning that differences do not have to create barriers.

    Children with special needs include those with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism or developmental delays. Staff members from Hobart's Center for Possibilities help run the two-week camp, which included art projects, basketball, story time, swimming, a wheel chair obstacle course and balloon volleyball.

    Michelle Higel, the center's community relations coordinator, recalls one instance in which a youngster found a frog in the grass and placed it on the tray of another camper who was in a wheelchair. Before long, the children who gathered around were fascinated with the frog and, she said, "The wheelchair faded into the background. It became a sharing experience together. It helps children develop compassion, kindness, caring and patience."

    Paula Mock of Hobart, whose 5-year-old daughter, Sydney, has Down syndrome, agrees. "It gives her the opportunity to play and communicate with other children. It's a worry for parents whether others will notice her special needs."

    Mock said that when Sydney attended the first inclusion camp three years ago, "It was the first group interaction we had with kids with and without special needs. It proved there's no reason to be apprehensive about her mainstreaming with other children."

    At the end of the camp, youngsters made picture memory/scrapbooks chronicling their daily adventures with the help of volunteers from the national Buben/Aiken Foundation, an organization working to bridge the gap between young people with special needs and the world around them. For the third straight year, the foundation provided a grant to help fund the camp.

    One volunteer, Susan Matthes of Chicago, contracted polio as a youngster and gets around with a aid of a motorized scooter. She said she gets as much out of the program as the children do. "It brings people together," she said. "They didn't even see my scooter. It's heart-warming. This whole atmosphere...it always touches your heart."

  7. I'm enjoying all the talk about music. I have absolutely no musical ability, knowledge, etc. so I have nothing to add. I was in choir all through school, but I certainly never would have been asked to do a solo unless they actually wanted people to stick their fingers in their ears...

    Sorry about the ineptitude of the phone repair service, Play.

    Ldyj, OUCH! in regards to your knee!

    I miss Spamalot.

    Me too.

    I miss Clay. Wishing we had some idea of something coming up - project, appearance, tour...


  8. May need to be shortened a bit, but they're too good not to consider... :)

    what the man did with a minute and a half with a limited choice of material, a backing track and three idiots staring at him was nothing short of art.

    The man has perfectly perfect pipes and a perfectly perfect profile presenting the perfect potion of masculine pulchritude!
  9. Some "words of wisdom" from George Carlin

    Always do whatever's next.

    Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

    Dusting is a good example of the futility of trying to put things right. As soon as you dust, the fact of your next dusting has already been established.

    Electricity is really just organized lightning.

    Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.

    I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of hell will break loose... it'll be much harder to detect.

    If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

    Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.

    May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.

    Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did.

    One can never know for sure what a deserted area looks like.

    One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

    People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think.

    Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that.

    Standing ovations have become far too commonplace. What we need are ovations where the audience members all punch and kick one another.

    * Note to self: watch out next time CA tours...

    The reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.

    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past.

    When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day," I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day?

  10. I was looking, but I don't think I have any pics of the perm. Or else I hid them, even from myself! :cryingwlaughter:

    Posted by Rainlover at CV:

    New Clay montage by K4Clay2....."Our Kind Of Love"......sung by Hannah Waddingham.


    Falling? I like it. A lot. But it's not in my top favorites. It is catchy, though, and probably the song I find most running through my head. Love the deep voice! Hate the electronic, techy voice thing towards the end! Don't mess with that voice!!

  11. I'm looking for a plan, not necessarily true low-carb, but without simple carbs - bread, crackers, pasta, white rice, potatoes, corn, sugar, etc. - and dairy. My allergies are really acting up and I'm positive my food issues are aggrivating the weather related issues. <_< I need to find something I can follow and/or adapt so that I don't get so discouraged trying to do it on my own and wind up tossing in the towel - yet again!

    Any suggestions, ideas, websites, books would be greatly appreciated. PM me if you like. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  12. Posted by footloose over at GCA:

    from snowluv4 at CV...Clay interview with a Korean site

    Dosirak is legal music download site in Korea and each week they publish the webzine(web magazine) which have artist interview every week.

    It seems that the interview was done as similar time period as the Singapore magazine interview was taken.Anyway,I translated the interview.As it was translated English->Korean first and I translated the Korean article into English, it is NOT exactly what Clay said. (and sorry in advance for poor translation;-))


    Here is the link(just click 'No' if pop up asks about installing the program.Ignore!) It talks about his journey before/during/after Idol and interview and then review which was attached to licensed CD here(I will translate them later).I only tranlated the interview part.



    Congratulations on your new album.You must have been busy with working on your album.Tell us what you have been doing recently.

    Clay Aiken:

    We just finished the musical on Broadway recently and we are now spending our time mainly on promoting the new album with TV appearances and interviews.


    Your new album debuted at No.4 at Billboard chart.Congratulations.You must have a special feeling when you have a success with your every album.How do you feel?

    Clay Aiken:

    Who would not be glad about it? I feel already previledged to be able to keep doing the music and I'm so happy that people keep support me.


    When I listen to the lyrics of your single 'On My Way Here', it seems like it is about your story last a few years. What does the song mean to you?

    Clay Aiken:

    We are educated at school but that is just a small part.We rather learn more from the experience in our lives. There is a saying 'If you give someone a fish,you're just giving him a meal for a day but if you teach him how to fish,you are giving him meals for rest of his life.' Every person you meet and every experience we go through in your life makes you who you are. This song is about learning from experience and becoming a wiser person.


    Let's talk more about your album.Is there a favorite song on this album?

    Clay Aiken:

    I love most of the songs so it's hard to pick, but if I have to choose one, I want to choose 'As long as we're here'. This is the first song that made it for this album. Three years ago when tsunami hit Indonesia, I went there for the Unicef trip,the song was recorded after that. It talks about 'Do not worry about small things and let's just care about important things and people you love as there is limited time for us in the world'.


    We heard that before the release of the album, everytime Claymates have parties.Did your fans hold the party this time?And what your fans mean to Clay?

    Clay Aiken:

    Claymates hold parties to celebrate the album release,not for me.Also,parties are held in various cities so I couldn't go there.I heard that many fans gather and have a great time. Of course,they mean a lot to me.Had it not been fans' support since American Idol,I would have not been here.


    You're working as Unicef goodwill ambassador.Is there the most memorable moment as a Unicef ambassador?

    Clay Aiken:

    There are many.One of them is that when I went to Indonesia, people quickly restored their environments and had postivie attitudes despite dire situation.It was really touching.They are strong and brave people.It gave me an opportunity to reflect myself.I thought how blessed we are for being able to live day by day safely.

    Also,the most impressive one is when I visited Afganistan.It was shocking to see people living without all the energy facilities for a long time and above all I felt really sad when I saw children suffering.However,they showed the power not to give up despite their situation.


    Along with Unicef,you also established the Bubel/Aiken Foundation.What is your plan for the foundation this year?

    Clay Aiken:

    We try to make programs for children with disabilities to get along with children without disabilities so that they can experience the childhood that children without disabilities go through. This year,we plan to start summer camps and prepare a fund for future summer camps.

    dosirak:What do you think of 2008 American Idol? Is there a contestant that can be as successful as you are?

    Clay Aiken:

    Unfortunately,I haven't watched American Idol for three years,so I don't know anything about contestants.


    I guess you will tour after the album release,is there a plan?Plus,is there any plan to visit Korea.

    Clay Aiken:

    Personally,Korea is the country which I really want to visit.However,right now,there is no plan for the tour.We don't have a plan even for the US.I think that if I promote the album now,people will get interested and then other countries will get interested in me.So right now we try to concentrate on promoting the album.


    Last request,please say hi to your fans in Korea

    Clay Aiken:

    It's always amazing and thankful that people listen to my song far away in Korea.Thank you so much to fans for likiing the music I like and

    for continuing to support me since American Idol. But it's only a small part of me that was shown on American Idol. I want to show other parts of me more when I visit Korea.Until then,please keep listening to my music.Oh! Please spread words about me!

    somehow the translation of the last part sounds smutty :lol:

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