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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Oy! I see what people mean when they post about us being chatty! I went to bed early last night & it's taken me a while this morning to catch up. Thankfully most everyone else in my aisle here at work is in meetings. Hmmm... *quickly re-checks calendar* And now, for my next trick, I will attempt to organize my thoughts regarding the many, many quotes I've collected below! 7.gif

    Thank you for answering my question about the dog walker designation. How fitting. Every Thursday night, I drive to Allentown and walk the dogs at a "no-kill" animal shelter. I love those dogs and enjoy their walk as much as they do. Additionally, I give them some TLC. We had a huge yard sale on Saturday and raised $1100 for the shelter. As you can tell, I am a big dog lover...well, I love animals in general and I have a big 120 lb. German Shepherd named "Belle". The ultimate dog walking job of course, would be walking Raleigh and Durham. I'm pretty sure they already receive a huge dose of TLC from their Daddy.

    :welcome:Belle! As you might have seen, especially recently, we're not only a Clay-friendly board, but also a pet-friendly board. I love your dog walker story. I've done that before with a local shelter. I should look into doing it again - good for the body and the mind! :) And the pups!!

    If Clay were to one day have his own television show. I could see a show in the old mold of the Mike Douglas or Merv Griffin Shows. They both were performers and performed fairly regularly on their show. They were both "nice guy" types I don't remember mean humor from either of them. They were good interviewers too.

    Merv Griffin was an excellent talk show host.

    Yes, he was....AND an excellent judge of talent. I'll never forget how PROUD I felt when he was on Ryan Seashit's show and talked about Clay having one of those unique voices and then listed people like Streisand, for God's sake, as examples! He "GOT" Clay...and I remember thinking, "SHIT! Merv, go get him! Be a business mentor to this extraordinary young man and help him realize his potential!"

    Merv Griffin was an uber-savvy media mogul...yet he always seemed to "keep it real", you know?

    Yes, yes and yes to atinal, muski, keepingfaith and whoever else talked about these types of talk/variety shows! :clap: On a side note - any Seinfeld fans here? - I can't help but giggle every time I hear Merv Griffin's name mentioned... I now always see the epi where Kramer 'rescued' the set from the trash and had it set up in his apartment. Every time Jerry, Elaine, George and/or Newman came over, he had them sit in the chairs and "interviewed" them! :lmaosmiley-1:

    When I first saw this I’m not sure I commented. But what comes to my mind when I read the words “rude” and “diva” applied to Clay is a resentment from some fans that he has pretty much cut off access to himself the way they would like it. They want him accessible to them, for a variety of reasons, and when he doesn’t allow that, and wants boundaries, he becomes “rude” and a “diva”. It’s petty bitchiness, IMO. I think we’ve seen this for YEARS starting way back at Hockeygate – they believe they have paid well for full access to Clay and how dare he keep parts of himself (literally and figuratively) private?


    I think all the shipping or non-shipping based on what we’ve “seen” is very tenuous and consists of no real “evidence” one way or the other (hell, it's fun and I'll play - but with the acknowledgement that it's JUST fun). We just don’t see enough of Clay’s life for us to make any rational judgments on anything…other than that he sings good. <g> People can hide things easily if motivated. Clay doesn’t really get the attention from paparazzi that some do, so who the hell knows who he is or isn’t doing in his down time. For all we know he could be married to Jaymes. For all we know Jaymes could be pregnant by someone else and Clay is schtupping Jamie or Hannah or god knows who else. I have a knee jerk reaction to definitive statements one way or the other, and this is why – to think we really know one way or the other is rather…just kind of deluded. We only "see" a minute part of his life.

    WORD to all of this, HeidiHo! I don't really get into the shipping much, but I love, love, love seeing him with women like Tyra or Hannah because they're successful and talented in their own right, can keep up with his charm & wit, he seems comfortable with them and they seem to "get" him. It's just nice to see that kind of positive interaction with him, as opposed to say, Ripacrite. <_<

    Hee, I think the London group needs an acronym or something. I had suggested Famous Ontario Posse before, but it doesn't really have a great ring to it....FOP. :cryingwlaughter:


    I loved the way he sang MGUCL and also WTOW at times, almost whispered/spoken rather than sung, but then building towards the end. Same thing with TRM. I think it's very effective, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest if he uses techniques like that in song (recorded or live) rather than in theatre.

    Hee - how about the iOP - infamous Ontario Posse? :P And I agree on the whisper-singing. For me, it's very effective in building the emotional intensity.

    Man, I hate the work thing!

    AMEN!!! :fncomputer:

    I'll be sure to let y'all know if/when the West Coast travel plans are a definite go, muski, couchie, scarlett & other possible posse peeps! :pirateship:

    Good thoughts and positive energy to all suffereing from health issues! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  2. I want to thank everyone for their good thoughts for me. It worked! My MRI came back normal, and I do not have to have another mammagram for a year. Now I can get back to enjoying the next two weeks off from work.

    YAY!!! Wonderful news, gbmifan!!! :thbighug-1:

    *pets my copy of "Big" and holds it dear to my heart*


    I usually think of it as a song to God also, maybe because Clay mentioned that in an interview and the lyrics do sound like a prayer.

    His voice is haunting and beautiful when he sings it.

    I agree with both of your thoughts here, claygirl.

    From the beginning, this part - - -

    Painted on, life is behind the mask

    Self-inflicted circus clown

    I'm tired of the song and dance

    Living a charade, always on parade

    Has always made me wonder if he relates to that since he so often uses humor to deflect. Anyway, I love this song and I agree with whoever - was it couchie? - said about frailty and vulnerability and Clay never clinging to stereotypes. I don't get any gender-specific vibe. I just think of human frailty. *shrugs*

    Loooooong, slooooow day at work. Then it got a little weird/interesting towards the end. Not certain, but there's a chance I might be winging my way to your neck of the woods Bay Area FCA'ers around July 20-25... :fca:

  3. Now off to read....while the rest the boards are pretty much stagnant....this one is hopping!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Wow. A board where peeps have actually found something to talk about. Niiiice.

    Holy crap! It's not even possible for me to keep up here...even during slow times. You gals are a wordy bunch! *g*

    What can we say? We enjoy celebrating a good thing when we see it.

    And this *is* where fans of Clay come to play! ;)


  4. From People.com

    Idol Ruben Studdard Obtains Marriage License

    By Paul Chi

    Originally posted Monday June 23, 2008 06:00 PM EDT

    Photo by: Carlos Diaz / INF

    Second-season American Idol champ Ruben Studdard obtained a marriage license Monday in Alabama, PEOPLE has learned.

    Studdard, 29, arrived at the Shelby County Probate Office in Columbiana, Ala. with fiancée Surata Zuri McCants, 30, just before noon, filled out the paperwork and walked away with their license, an eyewitness says. Studdard is a native of nearby Birmingham.

    "They looked really happy," says the eyewitness.

    There was no immediate word on when they planned to marry. An Alabama marriage license is valid for 30 days.


  5. Thanks guys. I think I'm going to go for the other opening. A lot can be accomplished in 9 months - a baby, for example... heh - and I've been sitting here doing diddly squat. It's draining mentally and physically to constantly have to be searching for things to do, not to mention completely unfair for my skills to be wasted. Especially in the current job climate as they're letting other people go...

    Good luck today, {{{luckiest}}}. I can completely relate to that feeling of not knowing what to expect in situations like that.

  6. Update on the new job front... they gave the job I interviewed for to someone else. :( But they have another position that they strongly encourage me to apply for. I get the feeling that the encouragement means that they don't have any other candidates and since the manager I interviewed with likes me and recommended me for this other position, I would most likely get it. The problem is: Do I want it? So I have some thinking to do tonight. I need to apply this week, the sooner the better, if I do want it.

    I think part of the problem with the job I interviewed for last week is that it's a level below where I've been for a while and they don't like to do that. I could care less about a "level" if it's a job I could do well and would like.

    [rhetorical whine] Why can't we all just find jobs we're good at, enjoy and pay enough for us to live decently and support our Clay habit? [/rw] :rolleyes:

  7. Late evenings & weekends are bad for me, too. As much as I hate being at work, the structure of a work day does help me stay on track better. I've got to get back to exercising, which I HATE to do. I was doing really well prior to Spam, but was sick afterwards and haven't really worked it back into my schedule. I liked that in NY you can walk everywhere.

  8. I know he talked about the Clack in Columbus! That must have been where he said, "Yeah, I know your words." Whatevah! I think I've laughed at every concert - he's just so damn witty and CUTE! :D

    Hee, nope, Clio again. But now you've got me curious about Columbus! I'll have to watch it tonight.

    OK, this is scaring me! :o Did I attend Clio telepathically or something? :huh::P

    4. The entire Ft. Myers DCAT show. cotton, did you watch the Scruffy banter clips from that show yet? I'm dying to hear your opinion. He was just so funny ALL NIGHT. You can't beat him taking Scarlett's camera and videoing everyone, including Scarlett. And, my big favorite...when the clueless lighting guy wouldn't leave the spotlight on Quiana for her solo. He did everything buy hire a skywriter to get this moron to spotlight her instead of him to no avail. When he took her seat and pulled her on his lap and then distracted her with his wandering hand I thought the whole audience would lose it. Loved, loved, loved that show. :cryingwlaughter:

    Oh YESSSS! :cryingwlaughter:

    Forgot to mention earlier - love your doggies, Perma!

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