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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Glad you survived - lol - and had a good time, luckiest!

    Ooooh, I gotta agree with you on Dermot Mulroney, cha cha! And the songs from that movie. I also enjoy Buble to a point.

    A friend of mine just LOVES him and Groban. I concede their talent, but neither move me. She's a casual Clay fan, although I think she would be more of a fan if she saw him live. It's never worked out for her to get to a concert with me. I was going to gift her with OMWH, as she's been busy mothering (has a 2 year old & just adopted a 1 year old from China) and prepping to move back here from Chicago and I figured she wouldn't have heard about it. But she surprised me by emailing that she'd already downloaded it and was loving hearing him finally sing new songs!

  2. He simply makes me smile when I see him.

    Thread title choice for next time! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I agree - adorable is almost always the word that comes to my mind, along with that ICG, of course. :flirtysmile3:

    I think artquest may be on to something with her phrase suggestion... :lmaosmiley-1: I'm eating some Ranier cherries & fresh blueberries right now - but just a few of each! Hope the eHP enjoys their last day on the northern CA coast. I'm joining ldyj for the whine & cheese platter. *pouts*

    Off for coffee and to find something to do here at work. It's Monday. Again. killer_rabbit.gif

    Oh - I almost forgot! :Iluvclaysbutt:

  3. If you're a glasses lover, this thread at the Clayboard is a good time waster...lots of pretty, pretty pictures...

    Yummy Guy in Glasses thread

    Hi! I'm fairly new here and I'm mostly a lurker on all the boards, but I just had to post my very favorite picture of Clay in glasses. Isn't he just gorgeous?! :wub:


    He certainly is! Yum! Thanks & welcome, justforfun! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Welcome home, cha cha!

    Good luck & have fun, lucky!

    :hysterical: Loved Couchie's & YSRN's recaps of their time with the eHP! Looking forward to reading some more... :hysterical:

  4. Oh my Lord!

    I just watched the Asheville banter BGB intro clip.

    Thank you to whoever posted that last night.

    That man is FUN-NEE!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    I was there that night, but I was NOT in the front. And being short stuff that I am I missed A LOT!

    I had no idea Clay had "touched" Quiana and that's what got him laughing so much he had to "step away" for a second!

    You know - I LOVE Clay and his Stage Team!

    Q & A, Jesse - whoever he tours with ends up being part of his Schtick and it's HYSTERICAL!

    That was a funny night! The moths, the bats! I though Angie would cough up a kidney when she realized there were bats!

    And Quiana and her Blackup Singers comment just CMSU!


    I wanna go to a concert!!!!

    Me too, Cotton! I remember :lmaosmiley-1: but I didn't remember the details of some of the banter. The church and meat rack comments are hillarious as well! :hysterical:

  5. Gosh. (tm King Arthur) Is there a full moon out tonight? :huh: I must have missed a memo or a text message or some writing on the wall somewhere along the way...

    annabear, yes, there's a full moon out tonight (July 18). :cryingwlaughter:

    I noticed that as I looked out the window before I went to bed last night - gave me a giggle! :lol:

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures as always. Missing you terribly and though I know we keep missing each other just barely -- from Knitter's Connection in Columbus to here in the Bay Area, tho' I love that you took my spot on the final Spam weekend -- I'm looking forward to the time we do meet!!! :thbighug-1:

    Aww, me too! :F_05BL17blowkiss: You and the other members of the eHP visiting SanFran and MsCouchie, have FUN! As if I need to say that! :cryingwlaughter:

    of course I could not find my favorite one j34.gif

    I love it! :hysterical:

    Guess I should go to bed since I have to get up at dawn apparantly. But need to wash clothes. what to do what to do.

    I think I'll go watch funny Clay clack again!

    Always - ALWAYS - a good choice! :D

    Everyone have a good weekend! It's HOT and we have an air quality alert in effect here, so I won't be spending much time outside. I do need to head to Target, though. And I think I might have to hit a yarn/fabric/craft store..... Some food shopping might be called for, too - all this talk of the Cullinary Intstitute and Farmer's Markets and restuarants is making me HUNGRY!

    Oh - and this CUTE guy?


    He'll be back. No worries. That other guy too. :wub:And probably that sweater too! :hysterical:

  6. annabear, thanks for that clip! LOL Hey, It says at the CH that you have a birthday today?

    IIT (hee), :00003653:

    If not, birthday cake is NEVER a waste. :)

    It does??? Noooo!!! I'm not another year older for another 2 weeks! But, yeah, birthday cake is always good, thanks 00lsee! :)

    Aww, Couchie, I'm glad I've gotten to know you too. Hey now - I DO have my birthday in my profile! My b-day is Aug. 1st! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Must be someone else at CH. I'm not even a member! At least, not that I know of! :cryingwlaughter:

    ETA: Ah-ha, ok, mystery solved!

  7. Ok, if anyone is interested in laughing, may I suggest downloading this clip from the Asheville DCAT?

    070811_Asheville_BanterNotCool&BGB_bearcat_large.wmv at Clack Unlimited or your friendly neighborhood vaults.

    When Clay went into his "not cool" schtick, he grabbed for Quiana's hand and got a little more than he bargained for - their facial expressions and the ensuing remarks are verra, verra funny! :lol:

  8. Great story & pic, Chardonnay - thanks for sharing!

    I don't remember my first kiss, but most of the guys I've liked have had freckles. Only one was a red head, though, and even just strawberry blond at that. My big crush in high school had dark hair, freckles and blue eyes. He was a jock, but not the typical type. He was smart and funny and kind to everyone. I just adored him! But I could be co-queen of unrequited love with whoever (was it lal?) mentioned that upthread.... We just ended up as friends and he married his high school sweetheart.

  9. Whew! Now that I've got my mind back... I just came from a great lunch meeting about continuing education, degree programs for working adults, tuition reimbursment, etc. One of the most interesting things I learned? That being on message boards the past 5 years could actually help with acclimating into an online degree program!

    Who knew?! (tm King Arthur) :wordpooper:

    Btw, anyone have any experience with the University of Phoenix?

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