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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Morning all. :hello: Rough night last night. Weird dreams. Migraine coming on this morning. At the moment I'm debating whether coffee sounds really, really good or if it's going to make me :kotz0: ...

    Loving all the baby stories. Even though I have 3 brothers & 2 sisters from my dad's first marriage, I'm so much younger and they lived with their mom, so growing up I was basically an only child. I wanted a baby brother or sister soooooooo badly! Always thought I'd have my own family, but at least I've got lots of nieces & nephews.

    Add me to that list of wanting to see a family pic, if they choose to share one. Hope they're getting some rest! I'm sure they've got a lot of help right now. :kirtsun_05:

  2. But in a "gossip" culture - that's never going to happen.

    I think I've seen Tom Cruise's couch jumping moment way more times than I've seen ads for any movie.



    OMG! I think the last bit on that page with Matthew McConaughey's placenta planting is hysterical!

    True, true. "Reality" news has taken over as entertainment. The actual entertainment is secondary.

    And I bet Matthew got the idea from that interview Clay did with Ryan back when he did the appearance on Days! :lol:

  3. I hope you're able to find something that works. A couple years ago I was going through some major stress with work and ended up taking Sertraline for a while to help ease the anxiety. I ended up terribly frustrated with our insurance because they seem to support long term, even permanent, use of medications for depression, anxiety, etc., but coverage for therapy absolutely stinks. I would hope it's better for minors.

    Good luck to you & Stuart. :friends:

    ETA: Clarification on my rant about meds/therapy above - I totally understand the importance of meds when it comes to these situations. I'm not against long term or perm use if that's what turns out to help someone. I just hate the attitude I've experienced (and have seen others) with insurance not fully supporting finding alternate ways to learn to deal with these issues.

  4. Well, I've been taking pre-class workshops the past 3 weeks in order to get a feel for what my online classes will be like and today is my official first day of school in *mumbledy*mumble* years! 1.gif I think I'm going to like it. It's seriously close to being on Clay message boards, except the focus, of course, isn't Clay. Damn. *g*

    Anyway, our first discussion assignment involved reading this article in BusinessWeek on blogging. It's certainly not a stretch to relate some of it back to this fandom.

  5. I'm very, very happy to know that there are Clayboard fans that have been here or live around Nashville. I've never seen one in RL.

    This isn't exactly Clay country. LOL!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I have to laugh 'cause this (bolded) made me think back to Play's post about Bigfoot a few days ago! :cryingwlaughter:

    I stopped into a neat little stationery & card shop today at lunch time to pick up a birthday card for a friend and found myself standing in front of what else? The baby cards! :dadrocks: One (or two) might have made their way into my basket, along with the birthday card that I almost forgot :rolleyes: to purchase... Now let's just hope I don't send one of the baby cards to the birthday girl! :o :hysterical:

  6. :huh:

    You mean there are still people in this fandom trying to start sh...stuff, or keep the same old sh...stuff going? And there are still "insiders"? And that there are people who still believe them? And that just because someone posts something on a message board or blog doesn't necessarily mean it's fact?


    Gosh. Who knew? (tm King Arthur)


    I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


    Believe whatever you want. Just don't list it as fact cuz that's the only thing that bothers me.


    might as well edit once more to say... I'm smiling still just thinking about Parker. Silly really but can't help it. I've never speculated much about Clay and his friends/family ... never been interested ... but this is WAY different. I'm surprising myself. Can't wait to see the baby.

    Hee - couchie's all schmoopie. I really wanna see the little guy, too. Whenever they're ready. :babybuckethat:

    To Next Food Network stars lovers..finally saw Aaron's show today. I liked it..and I love how it feels like a family show. His brother was way cute and I liked hearing the bits about his family. And I may try that macaroni salad!

    I missed it this weekend, but I liked the one where he made the oven fries & the chicken finger salad - YUM.

  7. Good morning everyone!


    Good morning! With that pic in mind? Absolutely! :flirtysmile3:

    Waxing schmoopie for a moment here... that pic brings out that ICG for me and I get this image of Clay smiling like that while looking down at Parker, finally asleep! I bet Clay (and Jaymes, poor Jaymes - she's kinda... Invisible... *g*), even though I'm sure exhausted, are walking around with IPG's - Involuntary Parker Grins. :wub:

  8. Also, Lowe's didn't have any of those glass balls that water your plants for you. Has anyone used them? Where do you get those and do they actually work? I need to keep 2 banana plants and a large palm watered for 10 days in Texas weather.

    Scarlett, try someplace like Bed, Bath & Beyond/Linens 'N Things, or maybe even Kohl's.

    Clay content?

    I'd settle for a picture of Clay in 14 layers holding Parker!

    Or a family photo of all three of them would be really nice.





  9. I'm almost tempted to take my laptop to a library or something..they just don't stay open late enough.

    If you really feel the need to get out of the house, how about a Starbucks or a book store? I know the Barnes & Nobles and Borders around here are open until at least 11:00 PM.

    I agree with jmh though - you gotta put your foot down! :mixed-smiley-011:

  10. From cafacara at CV:

    I just got off the phone after buying tickets for Spamalot. The woman told me that the Nov. 30 evening show has been cancelled...they are going to a Friday matinee in its place that week. I have no idea if her information was accurate, but I was thinking it might be worth looking into is anyone had been planning to go to the show on the evening of Nov. 30.

    luckiest... Not sure I believe this... I know part of his run there will be Wed matinees and no Sunday evening shows, but a Friday matinee??? We'll see I guess!

    This is accurate per the Telecharge site. I posted the current added/no show dates in the SPAMALOT Rewind - FCA Representing List thread here:

    Dates & Times Exceptions – Per the Telecharge website

    Added Performance: Wednesday - November 26 @ 2pm, Friday - November 28 @ 2pm, Monday - December 22 @ 8pm, Monday - December 29 @ 8pm, Friday - January 2 @ 2pm

    No Performance: Thursday - November 27 @ 8pm, Sunday - November 30 @ 7pm, Wednesday - December 24 @ 8pm, Wednesday - December 31 @ 8pm, Sunday - January 4 @ 7pm

  11. I'm off work today! :nana:

    Great hummingbird pics, Gibby & Cotton!

    Never knew there was a musical called "Atlanta" -- other than a spoof in the movie "Irreconcilable Differences"

    That's exactly what came to my mind, too! :lol:

    The first bundle of DVDs from KAndre... well, I never did a thing for a 48 hour stretch except to watch the DVDs non-stop, some of them more than once!

    Gosh. I'm not sure any of us can relate to such behavior...... *snort* :hysterical:

    There is still so much I don't know... <sigh>

    Patience, Grasshopper. :therethere:

    :00003653: FromClaygary! bd-party2.gif

  12. OK don't have any tickets yet but I'm planning to go after xmas and stay until the last show. And eeeeeeeeee yay Ansa is hoping to come for part of that time as well. I haven't started doing anything yet but will soon. Looking for roomies!!

    I'm seriously trying to talk my friend into going at this time as opposed to our original end of Oct. timeframe. The hotel prices are soooooooo much better.

  13. Here goes:

    In NYC October 14-20.

    Got Spamalot tickets for October 15-20 (7 shows) and got tickets in first 3 rows for all shows. The ticket person tried to put me in row 10 for one show, but when I asked about tickets in the side sections, there were seats available in B 101-103, and those are GREAT seats, so keep the sides in mind if you can't get tickets close. Fortunately, if you buy early, you should do well.

    Hotel: Hotel Newton ($252/night and $300 on Saturday and Sunday). This is the room with 2 beds. Others are cheaper. The reviews looked pretty good and TripAdvisor lists it as #78 out of 350 NYC hotels. Most reviews said it was clean. Bus stops right outside and subway station is a few yards from hotel. The hotel is at 95th and Broadway in the upper West side. I reserved through Cheaphotels.com, but had to pay in advance to get a cheap rate--but I can cancel if nec for $25.

    wanda - I hate to bring this up, but.... the BAF Gala in NC is Oct. 18th and Clay's supposed to be there. Not sure if he'll back to Spam for Oct. 19th.

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