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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Sending out safe vibes to {{{{all in the possible path}}}} of Ike. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    :hello:Jazzgirl - Thanks for bringing over that info about JG and TV theme songs. Interesting...

    And thanks to ldyj for bringing over the QVC info.

    You're welcome, Scarlett! I hope the rescheduled puppet show goes well. Also loved what you said here:

    On a more serious note, (or looking beyond the white pants...)

    Last night I was at a United Way Campaign launch and I so wanted to ditch it. I wanted to go home. after all there was a new blog and lots of things to Eeeeeee about on the boards. I'd been to a lot of these in the past 14 years and MO was that instead of throwing an elaborate party to thank the "leadership donors" from last year, pat ourselves on the back and then ask for even more money this year why not just take whatever was going to be spent on the party and send it to the fund instead?

    I'm glad I went though because we had a very good speaker who had a very moving story about how someone who normally didn't think of himself as a recipient of the fund had his life and his daughter's touched by it in an important way. He also pointed out how crucial it is to keep the fund growing every year. When you think about the numbers, it's easy go ho-hum yes we raised XXX amount last year and so what if we don't this year? What's the big deal, after all we are facing tougher times this year? Well in reality, that "so what" means that each program will have to turn away at least 1 person -- maybe a mom seeking to escape an abusive situation at home would be turned away from a shelter for lack of space, a child receiving after school care may have to go back to the streets, people relying on food from Target Hunger will have to go without for one more meal one more day. Or someone like his friend's daughter would not have an unknown person manning a crisis hotline who'll keep her on the phone for an hour an a half or just long enough for her parents get home to help.

    I'm concerned because this translates to all programs everywhere, including the ones we support here like Unicef or TBAF. I hope that the tougher situation this year challenges all of us to find more creative ways and put more energy into going the extra step to cover those who can't participate this year in order to meet or exceed our goals because tough years mean that the need will be even greater out there.

    :welcome: out of lurkdom, Jemock, lalasusan & Penny!

    I had a day from hell at work, homework when I got home, and then a few nice, cold, adult beverages. Now I'm ready to head :offtobed:

  2. Damn! Did I miss the drama about humo(u)r? :ohthedrama:


    Oh, DO please repost, Lotus! I could use some diversion... :women23: :humor00239: :titanic::dan: :thcid_3BBE149B-59C6-45CF-B77F-7

    We seem to be sharing a day today, muski. If I get to 5:30 without killing hurting maiming yelling at someone getting fired, it will be a miracle. Regardless, I WILL be stopping on the way home tonight for some adult beverages! :bier:

    In the mean time, here's a little joke:

    Can you solve this puzzle?

    You are riding on a beautiful white horse.

    On your right side is a drop off.

    On your left side are several ostriches being chased by a lion.

    In front of you are four large gazelles which won't get out of your way and you can't seem to overtake them.

    Behind you is a stampede of horses.

    What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation?

    (Think carefully before you answer. Also, try to have a witness!)

    For the answer click and drag your mouse from star to star:


    Get your drunk butt off the merry-go-round!


  3. You know, with the amount of money I've supposedly won from the many international lotteries I've never played and/or dead people I've never met who have supposedly left me their life savings, I think I could afford for all of us to go to Spamalot! We could all have premium seats for every.single.show. and we could afford to stay in the swankiest hotel in NYC! Afterall, these offers keep popping up in my Spam folder...

  4. Imagine the crowds that Clay would draw if he was nude in Spamalot........they'd have to rename it "Thudalot". One way to definetely ensure a massive stage door crowd.......I would think.

    Sorry..... :whistling-1: ...just a thought that passed through the vacant space in my head.....

    Just idly thinking...

    If you were replacing Mike Nichols as the director, which part of Spamalot would you turn into a nude scene? I certainly hope not the first scene because it would be useless. It would be most "logical" after he returns from soiling his pants/Brother Maynard because where does he get a fresh pair of pants in the middle of nowhere anyway? Or it could be that the guards of Swamp Castle have very unusual uniforms...

    ETD: Parts that I suddenly remembered would cause massive head-spinning & more

    That would certainly be one way to change up the tabard flip in the piano scene...

    (PS... annabear, shouldn't you be reading? :imgtongue: )

    *sniffle, sob, sniffle*

  5. I see a man who's very relaxed and comfortable with the people around him. A relaxation born of trust.

    He may be a little tired. Or maybe just inhibition-blurred by champagne.

    But if I could touch him, he'd be all warm and mushy. Maybe a bit musk scented. His arms would feel muscle-relaxed, no resistance. His smile a bit lazy, his eyelids a little slow to react.

    Instead of his usual guffaw, I'd hear a deep snuff or chuckle at any joke or ribbing.

    He looks like he's leaning his body into the back of a booth, maybe, his longs legs stretched out in front of him. Maybe crossed at the ankles.

    He just looks so open. So - not on. Something "we" aren't privy to.



    But wait! I am not dead yet, I can dance and I can sing!

    Can you do the Highland Fling?

  6. I see a man who's very relaxed and comfortable with the people around him. A relaxation born of trust.

    He may be a little tired. Or maybe just inhibition-blurred by champagne.

    But if I could touch him, he'd be all warm and mushy. Maybe a bit musk scented. His arms would feel muscle-relaxed, no resistance. His smile a bit lazy, his eyelids a little slow to react.

    Instead of his usual guffaw, I'd hear a deep snuff or chuckle at any joke or ribbing.

    He looks like he's leaning his body into the back of a booth, maybe, his longs legs stretched out in front of him. Maybe crossed at the ankles.

    He just looks so open. So - not on. Something "we" aren't privy to.



  7. So, after initially feeling "gah" at those sexy bedroom eyes I thought...he's probably just tired.. Darn!

    This is my very first post here!! So first of all, Hi. :handshake:

    And now......my very first disagreement..he's not tired. He's "content". Very "content".


    Please let me think he's "content". :whistling-1:

    Well, Hi! :hello: And Welcome, lynnie! :welcome:

    Glad you're OK, Cotton & cha cha.

    Sorry about your neighbors and the mess they caused you, Play. Btw, I like reading about Clay's international sales - any news about OMWH selling is good news!

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