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Posts posted by annabear

  1. As someone who spends a small fortune in allergy medicines for grass and pollen, hanging clothes outdoors is not an option, although I do try to hang things in our unfinished basement when I can.

    Even if I didn't live in an apartment, the allergy issue is a big hindrance to hanging clothes in the great outdoors for me as well. I do try to hang things up inside to dry, at least partially. Instead of worrying about birds, I used to have to worry about this clawing my clothes. No more claws, but I still have to worry about this pulling clothes off the rack and dragging them through the apartment!

    Sorry about the sinus/migraine, {{{Cotton}}}. I've been kind of off kilter all week since the one I had Tues. They SUCK!

    Ooooh! Thanks for the pic, Scarlett! Looks like you two are getting ready to start your first full day on the town - have FUN! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  2. I thought maybe we'd have heard something from Scarlett & KAndre by now. :Iluvclaysbutt:

    Too many good interviews to make up my mind, although if I were forced to pick favorites right now, I'd day the Kimmel interview with the tattoo (soooooo many funny moments in that one!), the Leno interview with the sandwich & twisty tie issues, the Standard and the original Diane Sawyer interview.

    I really do love to hear him talk & laugh & tell stories almost as much as I love to hear him sing. :flirtysmile3:

    It's been a looooong week. :offtobed:

  3. Posted by dancermom2:

    Update on Clayzedover....from gcd4clay at CV:

    Hi, I just wanted to give an update on Clayzedover - I saw her today and she is doing very well - She is having thearpy to help her get the movement in her left arm and left leg back. The therapy is very tiring. It was a minor stroke and thank God it didn't affect anything else. Hopefully she will be back with us all soon!
  4. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Jazzgirl!!! :thbighug-1:

    Do you like profiles by any chance?


    Good Morning Peeps!

    I certainly like Clay’s profile! YUM! Thanks, Kareneh :hubbahubba:

    Thanks for bringing over that piece about OMWH being played for the Korean Olympic medalist, play.


    Love the new banner, cindilu2!

    I kind of feel like I'm in the middle of a Spam sandwich where the meat and the bread got mixed up.....Oh! Wow! I bet that Leno thing was a sign! Ya gotta be on the ball around that Clay guy....all the time.

    Pardon my denseness . . .

    What Leno thing??

    Oh - Good morning . . .

    woke up with sinus headache - ugh - and last day the Myrtle Beach Dream Dinners will be open.

    Too bad the grocery store doesn't realize they are getting rid of the best, most unique, friendliest part of their store.


    Please pardon my Whine, as well, this morning. It's pouring rain and I just finished baking cookies to take to the store as a goodbye to the girls I've enjoyed working with since the end of March.


    Leno...When he was on with Jack Black and they were talking about singing the "Yes that is my Baby" song. Jack sang it and then Clay came out and said he was going to sing the extended version.


    Hee – I was thinking of Leno when he talked about having to MAKE the sandwich and getting confused by the twisties! LOVE that interview! :lol:eta: Or what ldyj said - it's evidently our turn to share a brain today!

    Sorry ‘bout the sinus headache, Cotton. I hate those! :therethere:

  5. So sorry for the rocky start to your Hong Kong adventure, Scarlett & KAndre, but I'm loving the pre-caps! :funny:

    Clay's got his fingers crossed that the rest of your trip goes off without a hitch!


    Love the banner of our brave Sir Robin! Hee - when I first signed in, it got stuck for a few seconds on PANTS! and I thought, Whoa! A smutty banner! :hysterical:

    ETA: Stinking 'My Coke Rewards' contest! If only they chose the winner based at least partly on the effort it took to get a Coke product home from the store...

    I stopped at Krogers to pick up some Diet Coke with Lime. I'm carrying the 12 pack by its handy dandy cardboard handle down the frozen foods aisle, when riiiiiiiip, clang, bang, whirrrr... the box tore from end to end, diagonally across, and every.single.can dropped to the floor and rolled. And rolled. In all directions!

    There were no other customers in the aisle at the time, but there was a worker, unloading frozen food. Do you know that he didn't even blink, let alone help me chase my poor, dented, but thankfully not exploding, runaway cans of Diet Coke with Lime?

    I think it should be worth well more than the 10 points I got from the barely salvaged end of the stinking box!

  6. I'll give a 'yay' for 2 & bring this over to the new page! :clap:

    So.... since Clay is revisiting Spamalot, we thought maybe it would be nice for us to do it,too... in the form of another Sir Robin pin. This is what we came up with. It is a die-stamped pin, so it should look kind of like a coin when it's done. We'd like to get an idea of how many people might be interested, so if you could give a yay or nay, that'd be awesome.


    I'll do an attached image too - for those who can't see photobucket.

    Also... we are working on a second, non-Spam related pin as well - proof for that one should be along soon.

    :hello: Hi Scarlett and KAndre! Have fun! But not too much.... :naughtywag:

    Have a wonderful vacation, muski! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I'm in that 'Thursdays SUCK!' club. :angry:

  7. ... be good while we're away 'k? ... uh ... and if you can't be good... buy us some tickets too!!! :hysterical:

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: will miss ya, my s.b.! *don't find someone else while I'm gone!*

    And I can't wait to use this!


    Awww, cindilu, is there any chance we can have this in chinese characters? :dadrocks:


    So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, goodbye... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I was going through a few old video files this evening, from the JNT 2005, and found this clip. I still tear up watching it...

    From :cryingwlaughter: to :cry4: in no time flat... :wub:


    Well, Charlottetown PEI and the bridge were lovely today....but cold! 15 above in the middle of August, yikes! For you Americaners :lol: that's about 60 degrees. What a busy place Charlottetown is in the summer!

    That's Anne of Green Gables country! Another place on my 'must visit someday' list!

  8. I have Spam tix for Jan 3 - 8 pm and Jan 4 - matinee (the only 1/4 show)...

    I am looking for a room mate and can book a hotel room, but am hesitant to do it without an interested party to share it with me!

    I know of at least one hotel close by the theatre that is not too expensive.


    I've added you to the representing list. :) I'd love to say for certain that I'll be there that weekend...

    I'm planning on it, but just can't commit to it yet and it's driving me cRaZy!!! :Ahh:

  9. I wanna buy a spam ticket whine whine whine.


    Where I Draw the Line would be a perfect single IMO but remember :thsmilies-6728:

    Me too whine whine whine... and 'yeah that'.

    Couchie Shampoo, my dear. You can wash anything in shampoo. It's just detergent for the hair.


    Luckiest When I saw the thumbnail of your picture, I thought that brown around your head was all hair, and I was practically rolling on the floor until I clicked and made the picture big. It was nice to see your kids at different stages!

    Glancing quickly, that's what I thought, too! :hysterical: I couldn't quite reconcile the luckiest1 I met in NY in May with the 'hair' in that picture! :hysterical:

    So I enrolled in a secretarial school during the day and worked at Sears in the men's department (of course, heh) in the evenings. It was the leisure suit era and I had to help the clueless males figure out which brightly patterned polyester shirt went with which oddly colored pastel suit.

    :hysterical: :lmaosmiley-1:

    That paints quite the mental picture, muski! I think I might have some pics of my brothers in suits/shirts for proms & graduations that resemble that statement. :cryingwlaughter:

    And just 'cause I haven't posted this lately: :Iluvclaysbutt:

  10. 00lsee, I would second (third? fifth?) the suggestion to get at least a few classes under your belt, specifically regarding technology. If you know Microsoft Word 2003 (or 2007, as I'm having to learn right now myself) and the rest of the Office Suite stuff, you should be in good shape. Think too about what kind of positions you want to apply for -- there may be a special skill you need to develop for these jobs, and school would be good, IMO. Of course, some people learn better with a book and trying it themselves; if you are that way, go for it! Good luck in whatever you decide!

    OK, I'll third or fourth or sixth (depending on who's on second :P ) this suggestion! I especially agree with knowing the MS Office suite - those are pretty much basics anymore. Of course, going back to school is always a good way to go, says the new student :D.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  11. I cancelled a lot of my channels earlier this year, including the Food Network. Maybe I should reconsider that.

    Eeeeeep!! :o I sometimes wish I could cancel just about all channels except the Food Network & HGTV.

    I'm loving the new season of Monk & Psych! So yeah, OK, uh, add USA to that list up there, then! :P

  12. Sorry about the crappy job news, {{{Cotton}}}, for your {{{sister}}}, too.

    From CV:

    From the CH:

    I got my Playbill yearbook today, it's huge and heavy! Very nicely done.

    I know people posted some things that Hannah said in her special interview but here were two that I didn't see posted.

    Busiest Day at the Box Office

    Clay Aiken's opening and closing nights. I would liken them to Wembley Arena with Elvis in the building

    Memorable Directorial Note/Tale from a Put-In

    During the put-in for Clay and me, Mike Nichols said "don't try to get laughs on every line. It's very cheap and it's like paying for sex: ultimately unsatisfying." There was a slight hiatus and then all of us wet ourselves.

    She said some other funny and interesting non Clay things that are too long to type.

    She notes the shortest costume change as Clay from Robin to Maynard in the space of a few lines but I always assumed that other than the wig, they just throw the monk costume right over him. I thought the stage director said David going from mayor to Patsy was the quickest.

    I do love all the wonderful things she said about Clay and his draw, I would guess that many theater and other entertainment people in NY get this book.

    I *heart* Hannah!

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