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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Life's too short for reading about carping about stuff that doesn't affect my Real Life!

    Absolutely! There is definitely a toxic environment on some boards and it's not worth hanging out in the muddy waters. I was responding more to a point cindilu made:

    I'd say that 95% of my Clay conversations now take place outside the boards - which is a shame, because it leaves a skewed impression that enthusiasm for Clay has waned and a too-large proportion of what is left is the angst and fretting, and sometimes just plain nastiness. Pity.

    So is it that the ugliness from some boards makes people not want to post much anymore on any boards?

    I reported several people at the OFC as well, Fear, back when Parker's birth was first announced. There were some comments left on Clay's blog that floored me. Some people should come with a neon WARNING!!! sign flashing above their heads.

  2. whenever we have the FCA awards, Annabear is a shoe in for Best use of Spam!

    I guess I could say my brain is Spam rather than mush!

    So last night I was up until 3 Am working on bills LOL...and I got a little bit bold and sent a 3 am email requesting a raise from my second job and I "may" get a promotion out of it, but definitely a raise any way it turns out. Is it Spam yet?

    Share the wealth with your friends! Or at least email the link to whatever you were going to email me at one point! :hysterical:

    Got my pins ordered - thanks cindilu! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    As always, love your blog, Caro. :clap:

    I'm soooooooo tired. Tomorrow is Thursday, otherwise known as Friday for me work-wise. A 4 day weekend!!! :04:

    Looking forward to reading more of the Asian Adventures of KAndre & Scarlett and hoping they finally find someplace where this works in their favor: :Iluvclaysbutt:

    'Night all! :offtobed:

    ETA: Yes, CG - I was wondering if you'd holed yourself up at the Shubert, waiting for Clay to come back! ;)

  3. Thanks for the head's up on that Courtyard, Kareneh! I can get a room Jan. 2-5 for $118/night (AAA disc.) and can cancel up until 6:00 pm on Jan. 2 with no charge!! I'd make a reservation now, but I took all my credit cards out of my purse... must remember to do it tonight.

    ETA: Made reservations, so we at least have someplace to sleep. Now to gather the change from the couch cushions for show tickets!

  4. Hey Lauren! My first Clay buddy! :thbighug-1:

    She sent me tapes of all of the early stuff I missed while I was trying not to get too caught up in this guy who didn't even win AI... :cryingwlaughter: And then I drove up to her place in Columbus, got in a car with her (my verra first reference who can prove I'm not an axe murderess) and rode to Cleveland to meet up with two other girls. We all wound up going together to the Columbus IT, which was my first Clay concert! :fedora:

  5. That people can drive you to move because they are rude and oblivious is bad.

    It really is. I've been here for 5 years and a lot of the neighbors are the same. This particular "family" moved in last spring. While I'd still be looking to buy eventually, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get out if the community was still friendly and peaceful like it used to be. I'm just sick of coming home from work and having to listen to their tv or music over mine. Heck, I can't even take advantage of the nice weather, open my windows and turn the a/c off because the noise would be even worse.

    I hear you on the management issues, Couchie. Ours is fairly new too and they're the other part of the reason I want to move. They've been completely ineffective in my neighbor situation and they've raised the rent almost 20%.

    And, yes! Moving is a great way to clean out. I think the jumper and leisure suit may have seen better days, Play. :lol:

  6. Whew! Meetings, meetings and more meetings today. Now it's time for lunch. I think I'll run downstairs, grab a sandwich and head back here to read KAndre's latest travelogue! :ready6:

    ETA: I'm glad I ate before reading, or I'd be trying to clean bits of turkey sandwich and baked Lays out of my keyboard with a Lysol disinfecting wipe! :hysterical:

    Just got SPAM mail!

    Oops - I cut off a bit . . .


    That's CUTE! And the the guy in the pic ain't bad either! Oooooh, I hope I can scrape together the funds to get back to NYC this time, see Parker's daddy soil his pants, and meet up with some FCA'ers again! :partytime2:

  7. After more than a year of trying, unsuccessfully, to get the next door neighbors to turn down the noise, which they've NEVER apologized for....

    This morning, as I'm leaving for work, I find a note taped to my door apologizing for the noise Friday night, but it was her daughter's birthday, she would have been 30, blah, blah, blah, and her friends came over to console her.


    Really? Then which other dead relative's birthday has it been every other freaking time they've been partying like a bunch of loons?!


  8. the energy of September is the most difficult of the year, then the rest of the year is good.

    ACK!! I'm going into hybernation for Sept. then! :unsure:

    Thanks for the tips, Iseeme. I've become quite familiar with the HOA fees and how widely they range... <_< Between those and the taxes in some areas, it basically doubles the mortgage payment! :yow: And since I'm leaving my current home (apartment) of the last 5 years because of noisy neighbors from hell (interesting development there - I'll post about it in the neighborly thread) and ineffective management, I've most definitely been looking into all of the clauses and rules and whatnots. <-- insert Exorcist-like headspinning emoti here

  9. Love, love love that pic from GFI from last year! Any pic like that, where his eyes are smiling, too... :flirtysmile3:

    And the toe pic is cute - makes me think of pics of him when he was little, which makes me think of little Sweet P.... :wub:

    Back to cleaning, packing, planning, etc.

    Me too! But for moving. I'd appreciate good thoughts for this Friday as I go look at my umpteenth condo. I really like the neighborhood, it's only about 2 years old and the girl selling it seems very easy to work with.

  10. Sorry about the crappy day, aikim. Would a pretty picture help you feel just a leetle bit better? :lilredani:






    :hello:Scarlett! Glad to hear you made it to Manila safely and that your aunt is doing so well. :thbighug-1:

    Instead of "The dog ate my homework.", I may have to end up telling one of my prof's that "The cat wouldn't let me do my homework because she doesn't like the voice of the chick who reads the audio files." Honestly - I'm sitting here listening and I keep hearing what sounds like growling, which I thought was the nasty little dog next door. And I'm thinking, man, is he sitting right at the edge of the balcony growling in this direction?? Then Gidget jumps up on the chair next to me and proceeds to put her front paws up on the computer desk and hiss at the speakers! :hysterical: I paused the audio for a few seconds and she sat down, but as soon as I started it up again, she started growling again! :hysterical:

  11. And since the company generally shuts down the last two weeks of the year..and no instability means I can save money for Spam...

    Both verra verra good things, Couchie.

    I had a really good weekend, getting things accomplished at home (it was quiet ALL weekend - I think the mgmt. maybe possibly hopefully got thru to the stupid neighbors) and I'm finding that being here at work today is interfering with the momentum I had going. :clown_4:

  12. Topic: I wonder if Clay will watch "The Amazing Race" this year. Maybe he'll Tivo it so he can watch it when feeding Parker at 2:00 a.m.

    Aww. I'd love to see that. Clay feeding Parker at 2:00 a.m., not TAR. What? I told y'all my middle name is schmmopie today.

    I go back & forth on DWTS. I've really liked it, but I don't think I watched it much last season. I'll check it out this time around.

  13. So far, so good! First full week of actual classes and I've got 100% in both.:whoo: Of course, I don't expect it to stay that way, but it's a nice way to start back.

    I had to email my academic counselor with what I would want her to say to me if/when things get rough and I’m on the fence about continuing. I’m going to post it here and probably also email it to some friends & family so that everyone can throw it back at me should I need that little slap upside the head… :gen069:

    1.) I'm not getting any younger.

    2.) My career path isn't going to change unless I change it.

    3.) I've waited over 10 years to go back to college; there is never going to be a totally perfect time.

    4.) This is one life changing experience I have control over.

    5.) I need to keep looking forward to how I'll feel when I've accomplished this step.

    6.) I want to live my life according to one my favorite quotes:

    "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~ Erma Bombeck

  14. It's Monday. <_<

    I still can't get over the fact that this :Iluvclaysbutt: didn't help KAndre get any sugar! Maybe it'll work on getting rid of that bug?? :blink:

    Wonder how the new little one is doing?

    :kirtsun_05: :Laie_6: :crib: :connie_42:


    Why so many emoti's you ask?

    I was going to add one, but photobucket is being a poopiehead to me lately! :pffft:

    So - I came to check and we already had him anyway. :)

    I like all the baby emoti's and always want to post all of 'em, so thanks to Cotton, I didn't have to. Hee! :P I also wonder how the new little family is doing. :wub: Yes, schmoopie is my middle name...

    I feel bad, but I just.could.not get into the Olympics this year. Don't really know why. :shrug:

    *yawn* Still waiting on the coffee to kick in. Thankfully this is a short week with a looooong weekend coming up...

  15. I have discovered asking for sugar for your tea is a monumental exercise. The waitress brought a senior waitress who brought a manager who brought a senior manager who brought me a teaspoon of sugar in a dish. Scarlett seems to think that no one in the history of the restaurant has ever asked for sugar in their tea before. I like being history making. I think they also brought us a picture menu to choose because oddly enough the phrase "I love Clay's butt" didn't help a lot in this situation.

    What?!?! You mean this :Iluvclaysbutt: didn't get you what you were asking for??? :o


  16. I also had a Clay Dream. I was at a dog show watching Raleigh and Durham and Clay came up to talk to me. He was wearing a light blue jacket, khaki pants and a white shirt. The collar was caught and I straightened it out for him. As I was leaving (yep I was leaving him) he slipped some money into my hand. I asked him what it was for and he leaned over and said........I woke up. I'll never know! Waaaa!

    Ooooooh! We could all take turns guessing what Clay said to merrieeee.... :sleezy:

  17. So, is it Sept 19th yet? I can't wait!


    Me either!! Still keeping fingers & toes crossed (who gives a crap about muscle spasms!) that I'll make it to NYC in January. killer_rabbit.gif

    annabear, that second pic of your cat is an absolute HOOT! LOVE IT!

    Thanks! She herself is a HOOT - as I type right this moment, she's spinning around on the chair next to me, chasing her own tail. Then she'll stop and go after her own whiskers, which she evidently sees with her peripheral vision... she's quite entertaining... although I doubt she'd be the kitty to convince Clay that his fear of cats is unfounded! :lol:

    They are probably still kicking up their heels..... and thinking about Chicken Feet for breakfast.....


    Hee! I'm loving all the lists of favorite interviews - fresh, old Clack to review! I started a folder a while back for interviews to add to my iPod, but I don't think I ever added them. Must do that so I can look like this at work -> 15.gif

    My disclaimer. I don't know shit LOL.

    Words to live by! :cryingwlaughter:

    I'm off to Walgreens to pick up my inhaler (gotta love summer air quality... <_< ), to Kinko's to run some copies, and then to PetSmart for cat food. Everyone have a good Sunday, for tomorrow is Monday and

    back to work.

    Bad words, deserving of being hidden...

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