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Posts posted by annabear

  1. The shoes, however? Have we ever seen him in Converse tennis shoes? That threw me a bit.

    Yes - during the ATDW promo. Clay was wearing the laceless Chucks in the photo shoot at the piano, and I'm pretty sure he had them on during the "I shaved my leg for yewh!" Kimmel appearance. He was also wearing them in some of the OFC pictures from that timeframe. No access to photobucket though, so I can't post pictures.

    Yep, yep, yep! I don't have the bigger version, but he's got them on here:


    Wishing you a verra :bday: cha cha! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  2. Anyone in the mood for more schmoopiness?

    From CV:

    From Karma19 at the CB...

    Video with TMZ logo removed and sound track changed to "As Long As We're Here". :biggrin:


    Karma sent me this Sendspace. I highly recommend the download. :jugglehearts:

    Caro :listen:

    I agree, Play, about them probably giving the hospital gifts away. I did the same when I was in the hospital last fall.

  3. My cousin and I got together yesterday to discuss the news, and ended up doing what we do best- retail therapy! Not surprisingly, we found our way to the nearest Gymboree, and picked out a couple baby outfits. I know someone here expressed the hope that the fans wouldn't bombard them with baby gifts, but we couldn't resist. We'll do the BAF donation thing too- but this was a very tangible way for us to come to terms with everything. We really do just want his happiness- and it's clear that he is absolutely "over the moon!"

    Please don't take this as my trying to tell you what to do, but since you happened to bring up buying baby clothes..... I saw rohdy mention on another board that where she lives, they have some sort of community baby shower to collect all kinds of items for babies in need. For those who want to buy things, or even those who like to make things, it might be nice to check around where you live to see if there's something similar.

    Oh my word! :hysterical: A friend I used to work with in my old job here sent me pics from her little girl's 2nd birthday back in May. I was chatting with her and asking how things were going. She told me that Marlise loves colors and cars and loves to point out "the red car" or "the blue car" when they're out and about. That's all fine & dandy - until they see a truck... Marlise is having a little trouble with her "tr" sounds, so you can imagine what truck comes out sounding like... and of course, she has to yell it out when she sees one! Hee! Look what Clay has to look forward to with Parker! :hysterical:

  4. Oy.

    I feel like I have been having to deal with my own wrongful curiosity and other people's takes on the unknown for far too long now.

    There are things to be kept in mind before "deciding" an opinion.

    1) we don't know Clay, he is a complex human being as we all are.

    2) we don't know the details of of Cl;ay's career or life and any opinions are only the vaguest guesses and should not be used to make statements to his career or life. We just don't know.

    3) the term I objected to and the persons I would like to see gone are the ones who are using bastard to describe the child. Because a) it is rude and b ) might not legally be described that way and c) it shows what a rude ass that person is. I have also seen Jayes described several ways that are far from complementary. They don't know her, they don't know the situation, so if is presumtive to use those terms and once again shows these people as ignorant of manners.

    It is especially offensive on Clay's board. The key is, it is a few people, and they tend to post over and over and over.

    About the way it was handled by Clay

    1) It is quite possible that it was handled that way it was because of the rude and obnoxious behavior of some fans on the OFC. I am sure that no woman who is connected to Clay will ever get a pass, his mother is vilified, yet the people who know her, love her. She must have some redeeming qualities. It is only the people who don't know her and will never be in the inner circle who dislike her based on random facts.

    2) It is quite possible that Clay received advice of the best way to handle this by gasp!!! professional image people. Clayfans are such nosy big mouths, it didn't work the way they forsaw.

    I know that most fan groups would like to know things and it would be cool if they could be celebrated and anticipated as others do in the media, but this is Clay with a cafre of women who cut each other down publically all the time and many trash all women in his vicinity for laughs.

    I think Clay is constantly between a rock and a hard place in this fandom, there is no way he can ever win. I don't want to kick fans out, I want to help them find some way to accept things. Clay needs his fans and many people are having trouble with the way this wa handled, some are suffering quietly politely, others are more vociferous. And then there are the usual turd stirrers that are completely without honor and don't want a solution.

    Tis will be a rough time, I apreciate letting people celebrate, but not everyone is doing that.

    It is possible that Clay got married in a civil ceremony out of this country and we don't know - there would be an explosion if he did. I only state this, not because I need or want this to be a fact, but to indicate that this is one more possiblity in the myriad of possiblities in the great unknown. If it is not the fans barbequeing Clay, it is the media that would find a way of attacking any woman involved with Clay.

    OK, Play, that's 2 days in a row that a post of your's has made perfect sense to me. Which one of us should be afraid, very afraid? :hysterical:

    I think Clay made it clear why he didn't say anything earlier...he didn't want to tempt fate. That means there was some anxiety about this pregnancy. Its also clear that he wanted to follow what the Foster family wanted...they said they will make a statement after the baby was born.

    This is an EXCELLENT point regarding how and why communication may have been handled the way it was. Not only is this Clay's personal life, but Jaymes's as well. As much as Parker is Clay Aiken's baby, he's not just his. Lesson # 1 in deciding to bring a new life into the world - almost any decision you make from that moment on no longer affects only you.

    I don't blog much anymore, but I ended up going through old blogs at the OFC last night. I came across this one I posted in May 2006. I felt compelled to re-post it and thought I'd subject you to share it here as well. :P


    "Remember, the mind likes to assume it 'knows what it knows', but often its perceptions are just not accurate. Yet strong judgments are made all the time based on limited information...When we judge someone and then adopt an attitude toward them, that shuts down other possibilities and locks us away from the insight of our hearts."

    ~ Doc Childre and Howard Martin

    It amazes me how much truth there is to this quote. So much so that I want to break it down...


    Why do some feel it necessary to pick apart and automatically put a negative spin on every.sinlge.thing certain people have to say?

    “Remember, the mind likes to assume it 'knows what it knows', but often its perceptions are just not accurate.”

    Why do some feel that their opinions on certain topics are superior to others? And long after things have settled, why do some feel the need to keep picking at a scab?

    “...strong judgments are made all the time based on limited information...”

    Do they even read the words that are on the screen in front of them? Really read them and take into account what the words mean? Or are they completely blinded by their dislike of the screen name under which the words were posted?

    “When we judge someone and then adopt an attitude toward them, that shuts down other possibilities and locks us away from the insight of our hearts.”

    To those people, I say: Let.It.Go.Already!

    Separate your preposterous perceptions (hmmm… say that 3 times fast!) that there must always be some hidden evil in everything they say. Heck - - if you know you’re going to automatically find fault, why are you even wasting time reading what they have to say anyway?

    One last question -

    Is it truly INCONCEIVABLE that some people are not the monsters you think they are? If your answer is yes, it is INCONCEIVABLE, then I leave you with this bit of wisdom from one of my favorite movies…

    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

    ~ Inigo Montoya

    I hope everyone has a good day. The weather here is unusually nice for mid-August, so I think I'm going to skip the rest of the cleaning (the dust bunnies, unfortunately, ain't going anywhere... <_<) and head out for a while. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  5. [PSA] For the record, when I read this post, I didn't relate it to being directed at anyone in particular, so my quoting & commenting on it is not directed at anyone in particular. [/PSA]

    Negative feelings about the baby, I can understand mixed emotions. There are always mixed emotions about unusual things and the way this baby was handled is unusual, normally baby's are acknowledged and celebrated before hand. I am not going to hate someone for honest confused feelings, but direct insults to the people involved is unneccessary. I like to tread a middle ground where I can acknowledge how I feel honestly without being rude.

    I think this is the crux of A LOT of the tention surrounding this situation. We all come from different places and have different life experiences. I can't fault someone for feeling how they feel. I can't fault someone for respectfully stating how they feel. I can even sympathize with their reasoning sometimes. BUT. When it comes to calling names and making moral judgments, that's where I draw the line. <- No pun intended! You don't have to agree with someone's decisions, but not agreeing doesn't mean you have the right to belittle them, nor does it give you the right to belittle and cast stones at those who choose to be happy for the other person.

    Again, this is not directed at anyone in particular, but I have experienced the exact situation I described above. I think some people must truly be miserable deep down in their hearts if the only way they can approve of something/someone is if it meets with their exacting standards. They're going to end up awfully lonely someday.

    :thbighug-1: to you, Perma, and good thoughts sent out for hubby's safe & quick return.

    Hope the shower goes well, aikim! 9.gif Can't wait to hear about it!

    I'm home from a great evening of a lot of Clack and a little junk food. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to my lurker friend, if she's lurking! Now I must clean up my mess of an apartment & hit the grocery store.

  6. Ok I've thought about this but does anyone else thing Where I Draw the Line could do well. Ashes is middle of the pack for me. WIDTL isn't my favorite song, but I just think it can do well.

    I think WIDTL could do really well. Of course, I thought LNM would be a good single choice, but I'm not the executive producer Clay listens to....

    Just popping in from a Clack/pizza/chocolate party to see what's happening. :)

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