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Posts posted by annabear

  1. An auction for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Starting bid is $500 and auction ends Sept. 20 at 12:00 PM EDT....


    Item Description

    You and a guest will receive VIP House Seats to see the return of Clay Aiken in the Tony Award-winning musical, SPAMALOT. After the show, you’ll go backstage where he will give you a special behind-the scenes tour. You will also have the opportunity to have your photo taken with Clay and get his autograph. Go home today with a SPAMLOT poster, autographed by Clay and the cast when he was in the show earlier this year.

    Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!

  2. Two.jpgmore days until



    chicken_blink.gif Chickens quake in fear! chicken_blink.gif

    EEEEEEEEE!!! Love your countdown, too, bottle! I can't wait to get the reports of Sir Robin's return in 2 days!

    Glad we finally heard from everyone & that they're safe and sound. No power for a month, merieeee???!! I'm a wimp. The 36-40 hours I was without was more than enough for me. I don't like camping, even when it is in my own home. My mom still has no power and no phone at her house, yet right across the street they do! She does have gas for the water heater, so she has hot water at least. She may come down here if it's still out by the weekend.

    I have finally been sucked into getting a Facebook account by my daughter and a few friends, and I've been spending far too much time setting it up and getting familiar with it. But it's helping me kill the time until Friday! :cryingwlaughter:

    Hee! I got sucked into Facebook, too. A friend & I were just talking the other day about how it's like being in jr. high again - we really are 12!! :P.P.S. I'm not ignoring you, FromClaygary - I just haven't had time to get sucked back in over the past few days to update! :lol:

  3. Hi FCA,

    Day five, still alive! The power just came on, and I am checking in to tell you that I did suffer some damage to my house, but I am OK. Will post more later since I have major clean up to do. I did stay through Ike. My son and his family, who also stayed are OK too.

    I'm so glad to hear from you, Desertrose!! Sorry about the damage to your house, but the most important thing is that you're okay.

    Looks like all of our FCAers weathered the storm! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Let's celebrate! :nana: :nanas::nanalove: :schwirr: :fest30: :Pogo0: :laola0:






    I loooooove the way you celebrate, Gibby! :hubbahubba:

  4. My power came back on!!! :00000442: At 12:44 am, then 12:53 am, then 1:55 am, then 2:21 am. The last time, it was finally not followed just 30 seconds later by a big boom in the distance of a transformer blowing! My mom, about 45 minutes north, is still without power & phone this morning.

    The water receded on its own!

    Yay! :00000441: Sorry about the mess it left, but just glad it left. Hoping for the best for your appliance situation. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Off to get ready for work with a warm shower, light and the ability to dry my hair! Will have to catch up at lunch today. Hope everyone else is OK!

  5. One of the things that makes me angry about the hurricane is that gas companies are using it, as they do with all such disasters, as a way to gouge the public and make even greater profits.

    I wouldn't mind so much if they then used those profits to help out the victims of the storms.

    Amen. It's a real mess here & I'm so very glad I thought to get gas while I was out yesterday. Most stations around here are still without power and those that do have power are running out of gas, which they've raised to over $4.15/gallon.

    Duke & Cincinnati Bell are saying it could be anywhere from 3-7 days for us to get residential power & phone service back. Our office here is surrounded by upper-middle class neighborhoods. Looking out the windows this morning, it looks like about 3/4 of the houses suffered some sort of roof and/or siding damage. People who live in outlying areas and are slowly trickling in to work are amazed that our building has power, as they aren't seeing much on the way in.

    Glad to hear you're OK, 00lsee. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  6. Whatta ya know... work is good for something afterall: :ilovemypc:

    No power at home since a little after 12:00 yesterday afternoon, along with about 580,000 of my closest neighbors in OH, KY & IN. I headed out to get cat food, gas and a car charger for my cell phone. Got the first 2 before the power went off at the shopping centers, had the charger in my hand at Best Buy when the power went out there. Phone was out at home this morning, as well as cell reception. There are trees down EVERYWHERE. Assorted shutters, drain pipes, gutters and shingles on the ground, mixed in with clumps of leaves and branches of all sizes. They clocked some wind gusts upwards of 80 mph yesterday. It was loud and freaky enough to send Gidget running for the bathtub, where she camped out between the shower curtain & liner until about midnight. She was still skittish this morning and growling at every little noise.

    Sorry about the flooding problems, jazzgirl. :hugs-1:

    I only got about 2 hours of sleep, so I'm off to find coffee. LOTS of coffee.

  7. OK, I know there are some here who don't like Tom Hanks, but I also know there are others who do. *g* Anyway, Clay connection moment....

    I'm sitting here eating lunch and have BIG on WE TV. It was the part where he's staying at Elizabeth Perkins' house, it's the middle of the night and he's homesick. They're playing this song in the background and I thought it was familiar and started to sort of hum along - "It's In Every One of Us"!

  8. I know the amount was posted somewhere but I can't find it. I do know it was over a million for 2007.

    Thanks, Lotus!

    Well, it's finally raining here - some people I know have lost power - I ain't one of 'em. Just mostly bored.

    KAndre is in bitchy mood (well, bitchier than normal). Her cable went out about 45 minutes ago so she's now without internet.

    So bitchy is normal, right? :lol: Glad to hear KAndre is fine! Thanks, PerusingOne.

    I just got off the phone with Scarlett. While we were talking her power went out. She's doing well - has plenty of supplies, candles, etc. She promised to call me in the morning to let me know she came through the night okay.

    Thanks for the update on Scarlett. Glad she's doing OK.

    Just talked to DS. They are fine - no power, a few leaks, but he just sounded bored with it all!

    I'm still glad I called!

    Glad your family is fine, too.

    Hope everyone else is safe and that we hear something from them *soon*. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Extreme Home Makeover has been building a house here locally, so the ABC affiliate has been covering the project extensively. The contrast between this symbol of hope and the potential devastation of the hurricane is very striking.

    We had them down the street from my office, building a home back in July. It's quite a production! And you're absolutely right - the contrast is very striking.

    I went to Costco yesterday to grocery shop and saw about 100 cars waiting all around the lot in line for gas. It scared me because I hadn't thought of it. Although we drive our Prius most of the time I went out and filled up the SUV. Now I'm hearing about a gas shortage. So obviously the effect of Ike will be felt nationwide.

    Yeah. The United Dairy Farmers store down the street from work was at $3.49 Thurs. night and you couldn't get anywhere near a pump - it was crazy! Kroger's right down the street had already raised regular to $3.79 and didn't have a car in sight. Of course I was running on fumes, so $3.69 with my Kroger's card it was for me.

    Clay content; Thanks for the hints Clay. Now I'll have to rewrite the bio since I didn't send it in yet.


    ETA: Some clarification from OFC mod butterflyshine on the Spam bio entry process:

    And yes, the word count [approx. 150] includes Clay's list of characters...

    You may use your regular email, please place your screen name in the re line and the bio in the body of the email AND as an attachment....

    Thanks for asking...

    This post may travel....

    Good Morning Everyone,

    6 days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! :woohoo:

    14 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula!


    35 Days until The BAF Gala!


    41 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer!


    Everyone have a great day!


    Yay! Thanks, aikim! It's so good to see stuff on the countdown again. :)

    Do alligators drown?


    Well, here's something from The Gator Hole website:

    Alligators have a specialized valve in their throat called a glottis that enables the gator to capture its prey underwater. However, in order to swallow its food and thus keep itself from drowning, an alligator must lift its head out of the water.
  9. I was watching the Weather Channel a bit this morning... :o Ike is SCARY. Still sending out {{{safe vibes}}} and prayers for all in the path. PLEASE check in when you can, or with someone who can check in for you. :thbighug-1:

    Thanks for the comments on my story about my mom. I made the mistake of watching some 9/11 coverage last night right before trying to go to bed. :cry: I was a sobbing mess. I think having visited NY for the first time just a few months ago, it's still so fresh in my mind and seeing all of the videos from 2001, of and from places where we were, it was even more surreal.

    Lack of sleep and a sinus headache have me dragging today. At least it's finally FRIDAY!

  10. Posted by snowluv4 at CV this morning:

    and some lighter stuff,I was watching Unicef video again on youtube and saw this reply


    Clay was my camp counselor at the YMCA. Now I'm grown up myself. He's using the same voice in this video that he used during Chapel Time before lunch.

    I'll gladly donate! Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention, Clay! No matter where your talent will take you, you'll always still be Gonzo from Finley Day Camp to me! <3


    Eeeep! I killed the board... :unsure:

  11. *Totally off topic, personal post!*

    I have a personal connection to Sept. 11, 2001, but thankfully not because I lost someone. My mom and I were watching the horror unfold on TV, much like everyone else. Except we were watching it in the waiting room of a doctor's office. She was there to see her oncologist for the first time after having been diagnosed with stage iv breast cancer and undergoing a double mastectomy. We both decided then and there, although we didn't speak about it until much later, that no matter what the doctor told us about her prognosis, it would be ok. Even if he said she only had a few weeks to live, it would be more time than those poor people in NY, DC and PA on that awful morning.

    Seven years later, my mom is still here, cancer-free and one of my best Clay buds. I sent her flowers today. We'll never forget about all those who lost their lives, but it's nice to have something hopeful come out of that day. :bloomingflowers:

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