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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Count on muski to prove the adage, Smut follows angst.
  2. He pointed it out as clearly as he could - 1, 2, 5, 3 - and they still don't get it! :bigemo_harabe_net-24: I said it before and I'll say it again: I am ridiculously in love with the man and that's all there is to it.
  3. heh...I wonder if Jaymes used to throw rocks at hornet's nests as a kid. lol OMG! I was just thinking something very similar to that, 00lsee! Whether that was the case then, it certainly appears that's what she's done now!! Because this fandom has a way of digging up every freaking piece of info they can anyway and she thought we might want to know? *shrugs* I see that some people are mighty pissed about it, though, thinking that she's trying to shame us into buying more CD's. I just can't go there. I'm heading home to listen to my new favorite CD.
  4. I agree! I refuse to let anyone rain on my parade, even though it really is raining and there is no real parade! So his dedication & thank you on the album is now his goodbye?!
  5. Thanks, Ansa! :F_05BL17blowkiss: My mom is wanting to get one, but she can't upgrade iTunes on her computer, so I'd have to do it on mine. She would definitely have a different one, as she doesn't care about video at all.
  6. iTunes/iPod question - - - can you have more than one iPod synch on one computer? Does that make sense? Oooooooo! Verra verra niiiiice, 00lsee.
  7. WIDtL is # 2? Gosh. I like OMWH, too. I like all the songs. Yes, I'm easy.
  8. Woohoo! Pretty posters are now in at my KMart, so I'm taking my lunch hour to go pick up our boyfriend!
  9. Thanks, ldyj! He does look quite CUTE, if not a little sleepy.
  10. I keep forgetting to tell everyone about my very EXCITING celebrity sighting on this last trip to NYC...... Al Roker walked past me and boarded a plane at the gate next to mine at La Guardia on Monday morning! Isn't that EXCITING?! Yeah, I thought not too....
  11. Going waaaaay back a few days to *wave* to Ausdon, who got home & lost in the middle of the Spam Finale! We loved meeting up with her & her family in Shubert Alley. Wish we could have spent more time together, but I'm glad I finally decided to go over and ask if she was who I thought she was, as she was having trouble with her cell phone & we couldn't call each other! Hope you're finding your way out of all the laundry! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. Interesting reading your recaps from last night. I missed the show since I went to our local CD release party. I totally agree with the boring comments. I don't know when I last actually sat & watched AI. I have it on in the background while I'm doing other stuff & if someone does something well enough to catch my attention, I may go watch for a few minutes, but that hasn't happened much lately.
  13. AMEN! ETA: After finishing my unpacking yesterday, I also have your book that you were enjoying oh sooooooo much, Cindilu! I would have packed your lotion with your sneakers, Couchie, but I wasn't checking my bag & couldn't fit it in my little bag for security!
  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's wife, CG. That certainly does put life in persepctive. Hey! *Someone* read enough of your posts to get you a KMart CD and (hopefully) poster! I didn't even know we had the ignore function on this board. The only place I use it is on the OFC, everywhere else I just scroll & roll my eyes, which should be classified as aerobic exercises when used as much as they are in this fandom...... This made me smile, Play. I also loved the Muppets. I taped GMA, but my mom called to tell me that it seemed very rushed. Thanks for the caps, cha cha! He looked very yummy at the CD signing yesterday. I'm really, truly loving this whole album! I got a teaser of the WalMart bonus song last night at our CD release party. Mine still hasn't shown up - this Pony Express shipping crap is for the birds!! I still need to listen to it more (such a hardship) before putting any kind of order to the songs, but there is something about "Where I Draw the Line" that keeps tugging on my heart. And "Sacrificial Love". And "Something About Us". That's it. For now.
  15. Reporting back from KMart trip-turned-adventure! Tip: Don't let the Clay CD love make you forget that you just made it home from the airport the night before on fumes & that the first thing you should have done in the morning was get gas....... Moving on - they did have 6 copies of the CD in the first slot on the NEW RELEASES endcap. They didn't however have it tagged or signed in any way to let people know that it's IN THE FREAKING AD, ON SALE and/or IS SUPPOSED TO COME WITH A POSTER! Anyway, I bought 5 of the 6 copies (wanted to leave 1 there for someone else before they hopefully get more in) and will take my receipt back to get the poster when they get it in tomorrow or Thurs. The cashier up front was very cute! She was a little African-American woman, I would guess in her 60's (looked about my mom's age), and she asked if I'd heard anything from the CD yet. I told her yes, that I'd already downloaded it from iTunes last night, but wanted this version because of the poster & was picking up extra copies for friends without Kmarts in their area. She said she was really looking forward to hearing the CD because "he can sing anything" and "he's always excellent"! To sum up, I will have 3 (well, 4, but 1 set aside already) extra copies of the KMart CD w/poster once they come in & I pick them up this week. If you want one, PM me. If there are enough takers & others who want one, I'll be glad to get a few more if they've restocked by then. Yep and yep, Cha Cha, you should be good!
  16. Other way around, muski - WalMart has an extra song, KMart has a poster.
  17. I love, Love, LOVE the iTunes bonus track!!! Ok, I love, Love, LOVE the entire CD!!! So many different songs, yet the same beautiful voice on all of them.... I kinda love, Love, LOVE that Clay Aiken guy, too!!! I'll be making a run to Starbucks & K-Mart shortly and will report back with my findings! You are me, laljeterfan, on all of this! I've always loved LAA, but it does sound different when presented with this set of songs rather than ATDW. Listening to it now, in the context of this album, it seems to me that in 2006 it was a teaser saying, "This is what is yet to come....." As I said above, I'll be making a K-Mart run then I've got to get my butt in gear and finish up a Sir Robin bear for the SW Ohio CD release party this evening. And since I procrastinated so much last week, trying to decide whether I was going to go this weekend or not, I've got a TON of work to do on the bear today. Oh well - I've got Clay's "breathy tenor" (TM some review) to keep me company!
  18. I'm stuck on WIDTL. There's just something about us it.
  19. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! My iTunes email FINALLY came through at 12:03 AM! *Very happy, heartfelt sigh*
  20. Feel better, 00lsee. :F_05BL17blowkiss: GAH! This album is GOOD! It's really, really GOOD!
  21. 10:00 PM 12:00 AM Same difference, right? RIGHT? I'm weak Falling.
  22. Thank God for those who were able to get pics of our sweetie up there on the Shubert roof last night! I figured why bother trying for another shot of the tip-top of his CUTE head & put my camera away. My meager contribution? My cellphone's view of the crowd in Shubert Alley, taken from down past the take out section of Junior's, looking towards 44th St. It was just as full looking in the other direction. Unreal!
  23. Ahhh, but you were there in spirit! I did your ticket proud & screamed/cheered/laughed/clapped loud enough for the both of us - and then some! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I didn't find any keys, but I do have someone's sneakers that were left in the closet & a lock (maybe from someone's suitcase?)! I'm finally home, too. Smooth flying, no problems. I was glad that I ended up actually sitting in an empty row on all, but the last leg home from Chicago because I spent the entire day thinking back over last night and going back & forth between grinning like an idiot and getting a little teary eyed! Waves to my roomies - Couchie, Cindilu2, & luckiest1! Thanks for trusting that I wasn't an axe murderer & allowing me to sleep with you! Waves again to all the FCA'ers I met this weekend - Play, Fear, CG & LurkerFriend, Muski, Cagney, Ducky, ChaCha - whoever I may be missing because I'm so tired & schmoopie & excited. I just don't even have words for how wonderful this weekend was. I'm so proud of Clay Aiken for being one of those very special people, who can sing and dance - often at the same time! - and deciding to give "this Broadway" thing a try. I think it's safe to say that he succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.... From five years ago: "I'm the American Idol." To today: "When I'm up here on the stage I'll be the Idol of my age You will pay to hear my golden larynx ring." Always & forever..... ETA: I'll be checking the lone K-Mart in my area & will pick up some extras if they have the CD.
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