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Posts posted by justclay12

  1. Cotton...(oh how quickly I'm forgotten!)...I TOLD you I was taking your post to bed with me---what MORE do I need to say to PROVE how I FEEL ?!?!?!? :cry4:


    wait....did I see something about mounting Clay? :blink:


    Muski, you sure know how to bring the smut. Sure keeps things interesting. And I already caled Cotton

  2. I've been reading over at the CH, which I usually like, but its a good thing I'm not a member, because there are a few there that are making me very angry so I thought I'd come back here. Anyway, there has been references to Santa Monica and apparently a Fran that is on the shit list. Can anyone here fill me in? I have no clue. I do remember a Fran that had to do with the BAF but hadn't heard anything else. And yes, I'm nosy, why do you ask?

  3. Gibby and Cotton, thanks for the explanations about Clay's voice. I have to admit that I've been playing hooky lately and listening to this guy (who's Australian BTW, Hee!) who I think, after reading Cotton's post, swings between his head and chest voice as easily as Clay runs his hand through his hair. Cotton, can you check this song (Bui-doi) and let me know if that's what you were talking about?


    I would never have heard this and I loved it. It sounds like something from Musical Theater - I want to see the show! HAHA

    Yes, I think he does travel from chest through to head voice without an obvious break.

    Although part of that may actually be the melody itself not hitting the difficult "break". I don't know if that makes sense. Maybe Gibby can help.

    But - vocalist have a note - or three - which is their break. And if a melody line doesn't hit that "break", the singer may not have trouble with the transition.


    Clear as mud?

    But thank you for linking that. It was lovely and I plan to listen again!

    I dunno - me personally, I like a lot of old school trained voices and also good perfection - roughness or imperfection in and of themselves don't thrill me or add authenticity to me (which is also why I hate that "antiquing" stuff - you know, battering a perfectly good new piece to make it look like something you should throw away - I like shiny and new looking! I like old that looks like you took freaking care of it. And "homemade" looking stuff - I can't get past the fact if you were really skilled, it would look perfect. But then again, I don't mind machine made either.).

    If the performance called for a different texture on purpose, that's different - but just sounding bad due to poor technique or lack of talent (not Clay, people!) just doesn't whip my panties off. It's like the only song I like by Bob Dylan sung by Bob Dylan is the one where he has the flash cards. I think he's singing. Otherwise, I especially like his stuff when other people are singing it. Like the Animals. I know, kf, I know - I'm a TOTAL heathen.

    Me, I fuckin' love the pretty. And Clay brings the pretty consistantly.

    I just loved this post.

    I don't think Clay always sings perfectly. I don't expect him to.

    That doesn't stop me from cringing when his voice cracks.

    One thing I don't think he ever does - is lose pitch. But I admire that he sings live. When you hear Clay in concert, you know you're hearing Clay in the here and now!

    I love that.

    And I love his interpretive skills. He is an amazing actor in song, if you will.

    And he can vary his treatment so much from one song to the next.

    I mentioned favorite notes this morning. So - I listened to MOAM this morning on the way to work. I forget how much I love this album. I do. I loved it the first time I heard it and revisiting it this morning, I find I love it still.

    Fav. Note - one of them - SONG - in NMSS. It's at the end. The 4th from the last time he sings the word "song" - with a bell like clarity and a bit of vibrato. Very nice.

    Although I love some of his "HOLDS", the long-assed notes that I can eat an apple in the time he holds the, I also love the way he can power a note, then feather off of it with a whisper or a breathy cry. Lord he can make love with his voice.

    I've been surfing around a bit and I'm reading some angst about whether or not Clay is OK. There seems to be a prevailing feeling that if he'd just blog, or make a statement, or something, it'd make things better, ease some minds. Help people stop worrying about him, stop perhaps believing some of the seedier versions of the story floating around out there. Some people even seem to think he's misrepresented himself in some way over the years. He is the same man he's always been. Give him time to deal with this in his own way, the way that is best for him, for Jaymes, and for the baby (regardless of paternity). I just hope the fandom at large can have a little faith in him.

    luckiest, this is where I'm having trouble, too.

    I'm thinking - "What?! You think he's betrayed you somehow? "

    I just shake my head.

    You know what I think Clay's trouble is?

    I think he's too damned progressive.

    He has a broader view of the world. How is that possible for a lowly North Carolina guy? An ordinary guy who was going to college and decided to enter reality show/talent contest?

    But he is. Progressive. Religious, yet open to a variety of religious views.

    Very aware of current events. Opinionated, yet accepting of a variety of opinions from others. Doesn't seem to be judgmental, yet has high expectations of people. Patient with people with learning differences. Impatient with laziness and unprofessionalism and intolerance. Injustice.

    He's intelligent. He's a character. He has a wild sense of humor that sometimes doesn't translate in print.

    And - then - he sings "off the chain"!

    People are just used to celebrities who are less substance. More shallow.

    Especially as young as he is.

    It throws people.

    And some people just don't see the intelligence and the snark. Some people don't recognize sincerity.

    So - I guess they are right. He's odd.

    And some people are just greedy bastards who want to sell magazines and papers and they aren't even aware enough of the world to see consequences. Others just don't give a damn.

    I think I like odd. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I still wanna hit somebody.

    Still waiting for suggestions.




    That turned out to be War and Peace! :lmaosmiley-1:

    I loved your post. And you said the stuff about his voice much better than I could. And what you said about Clay, the man, was just perfect.

    Are you already taken? I get so confused on who is with who on this board. And then you start talking about sharing and stuff. I'm rather monogomous myself.

  4. I guess I should check in here, huh. I've been reading the message boards ever since the end of AI because I had to find out as much as I could about Clay. Why the need? I had no idea, because although I'd been a big fan of others before, never to this extent. There really is something special about Clay, besides his amazing voice, and I have stopped trying to figure out what it is and just go with it. I'm a Clay addict with no desire to ever give him up. He has brought so mch happiness into my life, and so many life changes and experiences that I will never be able to thank him enough.

    As far as why I started posting, I think its because I was finally ready to risk opening myself up. And I wanted to start being a part of a group, which is a big step for me. Another door that has opened thanks to Clay.

    I have so enjoyed being a part of this board where I feel respected, and where there are so many funny, intelligent women.

  5. Personally, I would rather vote for my dog than see another Republican in office. And I really don't understand the Obama hate. He wasn't my original pick, but I have seen nothing about him that makes me feel like he is the devil incarnate. Unlike Bush, where I could have swore I saw horns on more than one occasion. Never saw his appeal.

  6. Don't be jinxing my Burn Notice. I love that show. And I haven't seen the ad with Vincent D'Onofrio but I so enjoy him. I wish it would just be him and Eames on CI, because even though I liked Chris Noth on SATC and the original Law and Order, I just don't enjoy him so much on CI. Love me some Goren and Eames. I like a lot of those quirky shows on USA, like Monk, and shows like The Closer. Also can't wait until Damages comes back. Thank God for Tivo.

  7. While channel surfing I passed CNN Showbiz and stopped, since we were talking about these shows today. Did you know that according to someone from TMZ, the fact that Gina Gershon is angry that Vanity Fair implied she had an affair with Bill Clinton is PROOF that it's true? Why else would she be so angry? Lots of salacious captions, leering commentators and so on. It's 10 after and they're still on the subject. Is Gershon making a mountain out of a molehill? Will this hurt her career? If Clinton's angry, shouldn't he be talking to Gershon, not the press? (WTF?) Oh, now we've moved on to Hulk Hogans' son's jail house videos. Bleah!

    At the risk of being accused of thinking Clay's voice is the most perfect one in the universe, the imperfections are what keeps his voice interesting for me. Sometimes he'll sing a note that seems a bit strident, and about the time I'll decide it is too much so, he'll round it out and make it so pretty. I like the way he plays with sounds and syllables, and lets some of them be "natural". I don't care for singing that is too perfect. It has no life, no character, for me. Don't like Il Divo or Josh Groban. So yeah, his every note is not perfect, but I like it like that. Now if he was out of key all the time, that would be a different story. That would bug me.

    OT, because I think some here will be interested. TCM is doing a series this month, every Tuesday and Thursday night, on "Race and Hollywood: Asian Images in Film." http://www.tcm.com/2008/aif/index.jsp. There are 4 to films every night, starting at 8 pm. Here are the films and times: http://www.tcm.com/2008/aif/index.jsp. I'm really sorry I didn't know about this last night and missed The Bitter Tea of General Yen. I've long wanted to see that. There are some really good essays on the site about each film too.

    Bleah is right, and I'm with you liking how he plays with the sounds and syllables. That's what I was trying to say but you said it better. I like how sometimes the word sounds like its coming out in a breath of air, or how sometimes it will kind of break. There is just so much that he attempts with his voice which combine to make beautiful sounds. I just love it.

    And I've seen Bitter Tea of General Yen because I've been a Barbara Stanwyck fan since I was a kid and would watch the old b&w movies on one of those old tv's that we eventually had to use pliers to change the channels when the knob came off. That was in the days when we actually had to get up and change the channel. Now that makes me feel really old.

  8. Even after taking a semester of music appreciation and 2 semesters of music for elementary students, I still have less grasp than an actual elementary student when it comes to music and notes and all that other technical stuff. Thank god they didn't require much to pass or I would have been screwed. But I do hear the different nuances and emotions that he puts into the words and songs, even if I have no idea what they are. I love how sometimes he'll get a little growly or how he draws out a word, sometimes into 3 syllables when they are actually one syllable words. But the effect thrills me and its what keeps me from getting bored with his voice, like I have done on occasion with other singers with great voices. I'm listening now to my mp3, mostly Clay of course, but with many of the others I feel a disconnect with the words and the songs. They have great voices but all I hear is the voice, not the feeling, at least with a majority of them.

    And Muski, I have no doubts you showed that Australia a thing or two.

  9. I heard the bid for Angelina's first baby pics is $15 million.

    The money will go to charity, so it's all good - ridiculous, but good.....although I honestly don't know why the pictures are worth that much. I heard that no magazine can hope to recoup the cost of a Brangelina baby pic, but it is just the prestige.

    Angelina supports refugee charities, Brad is helping rebuild in New Orleans.

    See, this is what I was saying about how someone can overcome bad press, at least in my eyes. Angelina moreso than Brad has had their bad times with the press, and they still take hits, but I don't recall either of them addressing it. They just go about their lives and I wind up respecting them more. Still think Angelina has done some weird things in her past, but I wound up having a lot of respect for her. Sometimes negative press can wind up having a positive outcome because people get so tired of the meanness of the press that they start feeling sympathy for the target.

    Now as to that beautiful cd, I was listening to it, like I do everyday, and I think part of what I love about Clay, besides the beautiful voice, is how he makes each word special. I'm no Berkeley, so I don't know how to say it, but not only does he make each song evoke a certain feeling, (like Proud of Your Boy sounding innocent or If You Don't Know Me By Now sounding hot) but he does that with the words in his songs. He knows when to make it soft, or powerful, or sexy, or add your own adjectives here, but they are just perfect. God, I love this cd.

  10. I do have a lot of things running through my head but without knowing the truth it seems too invasive to start speculating about certain things like whether it's friendship or love or soulmates or was it mutal or did he ask her or did he do it for her. Hell I'm embarassed to be so nosy about this but there you go..I do want to know. And I'm saying that with the understanding that I may never know anything and am not entitled to know.

    I do think of Clay as sort of a traditional guy in one way but he really has always marched to the beat of a different drum. So I guess after some thought I wouldn't be surprised if for him it wasn't get married, have babbies, live "happily" ever after. He always seemed to form families where ever he found a place of comfort be it with him mom, with extended family, with friends becoming family, with co-workers becoming family. It's kinda been a theme song of his.

    I like the thought of Clay having all these people as part of his family, and I think to an extent, we are part of his family also, just not as close as some would like to believe. I wish that I had that ability that Clay has to draw people to him. I think I have that line around my heart that Clay sings about, so it has been really hard to let people in. Clay has given me hope though because it gave me the strength to break away from those who pull me down, who I'd kept in because of fear that I wouldn't find anyone else. So it brought me here to a group of people that I really like and hope someday to meet and have some of those drinks with.

  11. Truthfully? Lately I've been really examining my own life---who I am, where I am in my relationships, health, work; what I FEEL about what I've done and what I'd like to do; how I've crafted myself to be here and how badly I want to make some changes toward making the second 'half' of my life even more satisfying and meaningful than the first.

    So while I'm certainly interested in this latest wild ride that is being a Clay fan, I'm working to make sure my interest remains that of a bystander--someone who loves the man that he's allowed me to get to 'know' and enjoy, and who wants him to be happy with his own life. So whatever choices that means for him, I'm there.

    Posting or blogging at the OFC is about as private as talking to TMZ.

    That "don't believe it unless you hear from me". IMO, was not addressing intimate details of Clay's personal life.

    I cannot think of one reason why he should say a damned thing, really, and this fan is sticking with him.

    I understand, sorta, if some people are working through feelings about this whole thing, but, really, Clay himself is not responsible for fixing that.

    Anyone can enter the FCC car, just follow the sounds of laughing and clinking ice cubes and the blender - just remember why it is called the Fucking Cheery Car and act accordingly!

    I just want to say, yeah that. And what do you want me to bring to the FCC?

  12. I didn't have a problem reading them, rather do it here than wondering what crap they wrote this time, because unless Clay actually gives an interview, I don't bother buying a magazine. At least they weren't horrible but I still think they are just building a story around the TMZ stuff. And while I think that Clay and Jaymes are likely having a baby together, the rest of its just crap to me. I do have a hard time believing that Jaymes would be having Clay's baby at his request, although I can see it as mutual. It just seems that Clay would not ask someone to take the risk if it was just something he wanted, and there would be other ways for him to go about being a father, since its not like he'd be the one carrying it. For a women its different, because a lot of women want to feel the whole pregnancy experience, and I want to emphasize the "a lot" for all those who don't feel the baby need.

  13. Unfortunately, I got sucked up in the whole OJ mess, but it did almost become entertainment for me. Not the tragedy itself, but the actual circus that came of it. For me the big turning points was the situations with Anna Nichole and Paris Hilton. I couldn't believe that every single channel that had some kind of news program, and I use that term loosely, were treating this stuff like it was earth shattering news. I don't mind actually reporting the stuff, however I do expect things like accuracy, silly me, but then let it go. It gets annoying, especially when there are so many other things that could, and should, be covered.

  14. Can I be in the cheery car even if I'm more of a whateva person? I'm just accept things as they are and then deal with them, just as I do with my own decisions. Sometimes I make a decision that works great for me, others are not so great, like that 20+ marriage of mine, but I deal with it and move on.

    Part of the reason that I love Clay is because he is not afraid to make his own decisions and take risks. Sometimes his choices haven't been the greatest for me, but they worked for someone else, like the CITH. I like more Clay interaction, others like more straight music. Spamalot was a risky decision since some of his fans freaked about him being in something with "bad" words in it and all kinds of naughty stuff, but it worked out great for him, and for those of us who got to see it.

    As far as the media, even though some people don't think Clay is an A list celebrity, to me the press attention proves otherwise. Daughtry and Kelly may have higher sales currently for a single cd, but what do we actually hear about them. No one really cares one way or another. Carrie is really big right now and I'm seeing lots of stuff on her and her boyfriends, probably not much else on her because I actually think she is pretty boring material, so they go the boyfriend route because she is a pretty girl.

    I think about 2 different cases of media trashing that has effected how I've looked at the people involved. One is Jodie Foster, who has ignored the media, and never addressed any of the rumors, and the other is Tom Cruise, who seems to go out of his way to change media perception. The media did make me wonder about their sexuality because anytime something is planted in your brain, you wonder, but I wasn't worried about it one way or the other because I wasn't sleeping with either of them. What did change for me was how I saw them and I have to say that I came to respect Jodie Foster so much more and lost a lot of respect for Cruise, although his weird behavior didn't do him any favors. No celebrity can change how the media treats them, but they can control how they react in response to it. Clay's way is much classier, and in the long term, will probably earn him respect from others who aren't fans, except those nuts who have nothing better to do than being idiots.

  15. I'm a GH fan too. I get a kick out of Maxie and Spinelli. Love any scene with the ghost of Alan so they can bring him back as often as possible. I still wish they'd bring back Laura to cause trouble for Luke and Tracy. I don't mind either of them alone, although they've gotten boring, but don't really enjoy them together. Right now, the show is pretty boring for me so I'm just watching it about once a week until something good happens.

  16. Since not much going on in Clayland, at least that we know of, I've been checking out the rest of this board so I wanted to chip in here. Just read the last page so far, but I was shocked by the season finale of CSI too. I actually thought there were a lot of good season finales this year, even though I'm not happy about some of the results. I had just started to like Amber on House and then they kill her off. Really sucks and Wilson is my favorite character on that show. Liked the ER ending, sad that they made that sweet guy on Bones as the killer, though thankful he didn't eat anyone. And I though Lost was great all season, unlike last season where it kind of bored me.

    Ok, that's enough tv talk for now. Going to check out other topics.

  17. cf, I'm so glad you are posting here. You always make me laugh. Not to ignore all you other funny people on this board. Lots of funny and intelligent women on this board.

    And the CH really has a one post per page limit? Yikes, that wouldn't work here sometimes when I sometimes feel that I'm talking to myself because everyone is out having a life. I'm off for the summer, except on weekends but I still have access to my computer, so I'm starting to get a little stir crazy. And if I don't hang out online, it means I have to clean which I try to avoid at all costs.

  18. I've really enjoyed reading these posts and have learned quite a bit. I'm kind of like kf, although I was never an Edwards fan. He just didn't seem real to me. I was initially a big Hillary supporter and I still believe she has the most experience and I liked that she gave more details about her plans in her debates than any of the other candidates. I do think though that she is partially accountable for probably losing the nomination. It was hers to lose because in the beginning, she was the one everyone expected to win. However, she did not lose it solely on bad decisions but the media did do a number on her, and I do agree that she had it worse than any of the other candidates. That's what the media does, the higher someone is, the more they want to bring them down.

    I came to be more comfortable with the idea of Obama being the nominee after seeing him on The View, and also on how he handled the situation with his pastor and how he handled it when the media tried to get him to blast McCain for something he had said. Basically saying that everyone will make comments that just plain stupid, although he did it more tactfully than that. Don't know how his lack of experience will affect him, could be like Carter who totally blew it, or he could be like Clinton. He was young when he was elected, may have had more experience, but he did a great job, in spite of making some really stupid personal mistakes. And I love listening to him speak, moreso than Hillary, because he definitely has charm and he is really intelligent. However I could not read his book, although I really liked hers, because he could spend a chapter on one meeting, telling about the decorations in the room, every statement, etc. Way too much info.

  19. Ack, I had a whole post ready to go and I got logged out again. If I can remember my post correctly, which gets harder and harder all the time, I was commenting on Muski's post. I do understand how you feel about the media and those dumb asses who roll their eyes or make stupid comments because I get angry and frustrated too, but if nothing else in the last five years, I have learned better how to deal. I just ignore them as much as possible. I don't go looking for the articles or shows unless I hear its a good one cuz otherwise my head would explode. There are always going to be stupid comments, and usually from stupid, immature people and if I paid attention to everyone of them, they'd lock me up because I would be trying to hurt some people. Clay is a great leader when it comes to that, unfortunately some people are more type A personalities or something so can't seem to let things go. I feel for their stomachs and blood pressure, they are certainly getting a workout.

  20. I'm glad that I saw Spamalot when I did too. I loved the cast in January although I loved Clay's performances better towards the end. And I wasn't really into Jonathan Hadary until I saw the young guy who did his part when he was out and it really made me appreciate him so much more. Maybe with all these people leaving the cast there many be hope for them all to make a movie. I think its only Rick and Tom (both awesome) who are going to be left. They'd definitely have to be in a movie if it gets made though because they were amazing.

  21. I don't even bother with the google alerts because I figure if its important enough, it will be brought to one of the boards where we can choose to support the site if they have behaved and are good, or we can just trash them on the boards. And if it never makes it to a board, then I really don't think I want to know.

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