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Posts posted by justclay12

  1. liney, I can relate. Many in my family act the same way so I finally gave up and stopped being around them. I started going to a therapist years ago because of a medical condition and he's seen me through my divorce. When I told them about the way my family treated me, with the disrespect, he asked me how they were any different from my ex, and I realized that it wasn't my issue but theirs. Thanks in large part to Clay, I'm changing my life for the better, and I'm actually happy, which really threatens those who are stuck. Since I have no intent of being pulled back down, it was best for me to move on. I know, too much info, but good luck and maybe one day we can reach Wandacleo's or KAndre's status where we can scare people who try to pick on them.
  2. The way I see it, a lot of those who make fun of Clay are either the men who are afraid that women will actually start expecting me to have feelings and stuff like that, or women who have those pre-adolescent acting bullies for mates and can't stand that there are actually decent men out there. We really should pity them, but alas, I can't. Screm em is what I say.

    And for anyone who thinks Clay should handle this or any other situation in his life a certain way, then all I got to say is that when you are in Clay's situation, you go right ahead and do it your way, but please stop telling him to to handle it. You really have no control over it, all you can control is how you behave. I'd like to hear from Clay too, if no more than to tell people to screw themselves, but he doesn't have to do a damn thing. He's a big boy now so treat him like one.

    Now I'm going to try to catch up and then try to find some more pretty pictures.

  3. I would love to know all the answers to put my curiosity at rest, but I recall Clay saying early in his career that people have a right to be curious but not to know. He seems to live by that, and I completely respect his right to say or not say whatever the hell he chooses about his personal life.

    I'm just hoping for Clack from tonight.

    Yeah. What she said.

  4. My work here is done. (for now)

    NO, NO! Come back!!! WORK HARDER!!!!! :P

    hee. laljeterfan said HARDER :hubbahubba:

    *this concludes the smut portion of our program. please tune in tomorrow for our next episode of As The Aiken Turns aka You Only Wish It Was In Everyone Of Us

    :lmaosmiley-1: I had just skimmed the first time around so completely missed the extra words in the song title.

  5. I see that some people are really worried about how this will affect Clay's career, but 1) I don't think Clay makes any of his decisions about his personal life on how it will affect his career, and 2) it is quite possible that this will actually boost his career. I know that I became much more interested in the Dixie Chicks after they made that controversial (at least to some) statement about Bush. I'm funny that way, if someone gets all bent out of shape about something, it makes me more interested. Started reading the Harry Potter books just because of all the frenzy about how it was going to damn people to hell or something. Who knows what they were jabbering about. Yes, he may lose some fans, their loss, but he could possibly gain a lot more. That's life. Is there a singing emoticon around here? Wasn't that a Sinatra song? I know I heard it somewhere.

  6. shhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I'm lurking ! :whistling-1:

    I'm lurking too but my question is why the hell would "clayandr" WANT to go read there and if she does, why wouldn't she make herself/himself invisible?

    And I thought "clayandr" meant Clay A & R, as in Artists and Repertoire.

    ***Back to lurking....***

    Nice to see you, CG! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I have NO idea what he's doing but I'd like to help...


    I think he's trying to move that annoying label at the back of his hoodie.

    He's probably trying to remove those damn fans who won't get off his back

  7. Sorry, Gibby!

    Couldn't resist!!!

    Gibby, you are one of the few of the gang here that I have met!

    I'm not about to name names, cuz I'll forget somebody!

    Vegas! I did meet Couchie! *wavestocouchie*

    A couple I know from combined board parties. *wavestoWS/NYsisters*

    But I still feel very new here and don't always get some of the inside references.

    That's okay.

    I do have one burning question . . .

    um - what is the Muppet Song???

    I know this one. It's the itunes one, Its in everyone of us. I feel so happy.

  8. I'm one who pretty much likes everything about Clay, including his hair or temper, etc. He sure aint dull. The few times I didn't really like his hair (Jenna Bush thingy), I didn't really feel the need to comment because it is just hair and it would be different the next day anyway, so who cares. I do like the blonde, but I liked the brown, red, short, spiky, long, you get the idea. Plus, I don't really give a crap about whether people like my hair or not, so I doubt Clay would be taking suggestions either. Although he might be tempted to do another perm just to freak out a few fans.

  9. If I am being ignored, nobody tell me, okay?
    I'm sorry. Did you say something?

    canfly172, you crack me up. Of course, most of you make me laugh which is why I like it here. Plus, I like that you can say what you want here, even when you get disagreed with.

    And sheiladownunder, I didn't get the impression anyone was saying that jaymes was considered better than Clay, just that it could also be argued that way as well as what clayzor said, however she said it, which by now I've completely forgotten because my brain is full of holes.

    I also hope Clay will be at the ceremony tomorrow night for the broadway thing, just so I can get more pretty pictures, and also know that he is safely here and not in some high risk country.


  10. I do think a lot of the problem stems in how something is said, not particularly who says it. A lot of times, especially on others boards where I don't post as much, I don't even look at who is commenting until after I read something that I either really like or that makes me see red. And sometimes when I go to look who posted, I am usually not suprised at the person who has posted. But it really galls me when the poster that I agree with is someone who annoys the hell out of me normally.

  11. Ivy, I usually read about the first page of comments on aol when there is a story that catches my eye, and most of the time the crazies are out in full force, which is why I stop at the first page of comments. Even stories that are heartwarming or tragic, and they will have comments that are really deranged. So I do know its not just Clay that gets them. I think its the same bunch of wackos though that have no life who just comment on anything posted. Some people seriously need help.
  12. Had to come here so I don't get kicked off the OFC because there is one poster there who is really ticking me off. Sure wish I could come and have some of those cheese things and wine, esp the wine, that you guys are having.

    And canfly172, are you the one that is in the video that lynnie is posting everywhere in which Clay keeps repeating "I have to" which I find hilarious and so in keeping with his stubborness and individuality. Just love him for both of those attributes, among others.

  13. It is interesting that such high emotions have arisen out of discussions based on a two facts that haven't even been officially confirmed by the parties concerned:

    - That Jaymes Foster is pregnant, by artificial insemination

    - That Clay Aiken is the father, by sperm donation

    I have reached a point in my life where my views are based on this question: How does this hurt someone else? If it does not directly hurt another person, then it is no one's business. I have become more and more liberal because I have become more and more open to inclusion. There are so many things that I used to need to have fit into neat boxes with labels on them, but now, what I can't understand, I don't reject... at least not unless it is harmful to humanity.

    Clay has never done a single thing to hurt me. On the contrary, he has given me so much joy. I will support Clay in every way possible, what he chooses to sing, who he chooses to love and even the color the chooses for his hair, even if my personal choice doesn't match his.

    Clay will never be able to please everyone, so he might as well please himself.

    This is exactly how I feel. Of course, there are some people who will say that they are being hurt because he is doing something that upsets them, but that is because of their unrealistic expectations, not because of something he has done.

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