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Posts posted by justclay12

  1. playbiller, i'm planning on being right there with you at the stage door. bought some hand warmers, packed my boots so i'm all set.

    hopefully, i will be able to bring back reports but i'm not sure if there is internet access in my hotel room, plus my laptop has picked now to go crazy on me. aol appears to be kaput, and i still haven't figured out internet explorer. wonderful timing.

  2. before i head to bed, had to respond to playbiller's post. i've hated peta for a long time too, anyone who is that radical about anything needs some serious help, in my opinion. but i'd never read about some of those things that were done. that's just horrible. i did read an article recently where they wanted to let a chimp or something die when its mother wouldn't take care of it and thought that was wacko, but those things you posted were just terrible. i don't understand how anyone can go to those extremes.

    i also wanted to respond about some of the political stuff because i'm really interested in that, especially this year, because i think it is a very important election. claygasm, i'm with you on that one. but even though that is my pick, i still hate when bad info is put out there. a friend of mine recently sent me an email about obama that she had gotten from her mil which seemed too weird, and even though he's not my top pick, i still had to find out the facts, so when i started looking around, i found that the email only contained part of the info from the site. that site that the mil had supposedly gotten the article from was actually using this particular email to say that it was all false accusations and then went on to tell the actual facts. this is why i don't believe anything anymore without doing my own research, unless its something that is relatively unimportant to me. for example, while i am completely fascinated with thinking about clay's personal life, if someone says they see him out somewhere, i'm not going to stress if its true or not. it's interesting but as long as it's not a diss or someone being delusional and claiming to be girlfriends or something, to me it's just something to amuse myself.

    now i have to get to bed so i can do more studying tomorrow. night all.

  3. still trying to catch up because i have lots of reading for school and it just started yesterday but i justed wanted to add how great i thought clay did during the interview. i love a man who stands up for himself without beating someone over the head, although he has beat up a coke machine or 2 in his time. i just love him and i am getting so excited about next week, especially after hearing they wrote some songs for him. i so wish i lived in nyc right now because i'd probably go to see him every night and i'd wind up losing weight because who can afford to eat and go to the theatre in nyc.
  4. some of you crack me up. still haven't figured out how to quote but maybe that is a good thing because my posts would all probably be filled with quotes. muskifest, i completely agree with you about hoping some lucky girl is getting some of that because it sure feeds my fantasies and it would completely be a waste

    KAndre, i loved what you said about clive and the jungle fever. i'm not a fan of his at all and would love him to finally retire. from the bits i've read, which isn't all that much, because i don't like being sucked down into the swampland of the music business, i gather he is kind of like one of the kings of the swamp dwellers.

    i'm not one who thinks too much about the future, including my own, so all i hope for clay is that he is happy, although for me, i hope that what makes him happy is to continue singing and making me laugh and think nasty thoughts, sometimes all at the same time.

    sorry for the run on sentences. i always hated grammar. loved english though and i'm happy because i just got the books for my english class this semester, and the professor included that book that clay liked before, i think its called the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime. haven't read it before because i kept forgetting the name. and we also have to read pride and prejudice, which i haven't read since i was a teenager. after i the talks on this board about the jane austen works, i've been wanting to read them again anyway. i think i am going to love this class.

    have to get off of here now to get ready because today is the first day of class and thankfully, today's classes are late classes. unfortunately for me, tomorrows classes start at 8am, which sucks for me because i'm not a morning person. i keep hoping that by the time i graduate, they will start elementary schools at 11 am or something.

    editing to add that i'm sending good thoughts to claygasm and her father.

  5. playbiller, that info came from one of the admins of another site who contacted a staffer on the view. she said its not official though. i'm not sure if she is in the entertainment industry herself, behind the scenes. i just recently started reading there occasionally so i don't know all the people, but the other people on the board seem to think she knows what she is talking about. then again, that could have been said about other boards, and look what happened there.
  6. since i didn't want to start doing my education portfolio yet, i went checking some of the other boards and one of the sites is reporting that clay should be on the view on jan 22. i cannot wait to see him on there and hopefully on lots more, unless its regis and kelly. i'd only like to see him on there if kelly licks his shoes or something. he is always so great on talk shows. and i'm another who likes letterman so i really hope he appears on there. the daily show would be great too or colbert report.

  7. lord, he is one beautiful man. and i've listened to all the songs posted so far and they are just beautiful. i also think that is the best he has sung um. i loved it and loved how he sounded on get here.

    on another note, since everyone has been a little bit too preoccupied to check out the spamalot thread, i'm hoping i can do some begging here. my friend who normally comes with me to see clay, decided she'd rather have a baby this year so i have an extra ticket to spamalot on opening night. its in row l. i don't want anything for the ticket but i would like someone to share a room with, maybe travel with if there is a place to meet up, and someone who'd be interested in checking out the sights in nyc. i've never been there, so i'd like to go for the entire weekend.

    i can assure you that i'm only a perv when it comes to clay, and i've never met any of the fake baby momma's or fake clay/clay's (hard to keep track).

    and i'd like to add, after seeing the additional pics, that he sure looks good in a nice fitting pair of jeans.

  8. i am going on opening night and hopefully during my spring break if i can manage it. and if any of you want to sit next to me in row l, let me know because i've been left in the lurch. i'd really like to have someone to share the expense of a hotel with for the weekend and hopefully someone to do all the touristy stuff while i'm there. i've never been to nyc so want to see what i have been missing. let me know if anyone is interested and i promise i'm as sane as you all are. :cryingwlaughter:

  9. boy, did it pick the wrong day to be off the boards. i finally caught up. when i left we were on page 3 and i come back to 10 new pages. clay looked gorgeous in those pics and i hope we don't have to wait too long to hear the audio. if they are planning on having this event yearly, i am really going to have to start hanging out at the golf courses to find myself a man. and i sure wish i knew some of them that had those extra $20000 laying around to bid on clay dinners. should have thought more about the high dollar cost of being a clay fan before i decided to go back to school for teaching. of course, i could always try to convince all those young potential clay fans to go out and get lots of donations for unicef or something so he could come to visit.

  10. i don't understand people's worrying so much about other people's sex lives either, gay or not, although i have had plenty of fantasies about clay's. sure hope he has one for real but he sure does in my head.

    lajeterfan, i'm glad i never had to work with anyone quite that bad. i definately got tormented, especially in the beginning, but most of my co-workers weren't nasty, just teasing. my co-workers liked to pick because i was/am ott especially with my cubicle decorating. wall to wall clay. hey, he's purty. even people who didn't know me, knew about the crazy clay lady. i can't wait until i get my teaching degree so i can decorate again. there are only so many clay pics you can have on your walls at home before the kids start getting jealous.

    also wanted to add that i really like this board too because it feels more sane and it also feels like you are talking to a group of friends. i am glad i found you guys.

  11. i think i've always been sensitive about the trash talking, maybe not as much since clay, but i've never been too much into it, although i do remember some pettiness i had, all those long years ago when i was a teenager. would not go back to those days for anything. i had reasons for being sensitive about it though because i grew up in a small town where gossip was a way of life, and often me and my family were the subjects of it. my mom came over from germany and she was older than the other mothers. my whole family felt like the outsiders, which i appreciate now, because i don't feel the necessity to be like everyone else or fall into the having to be cool thing.

  12. annabear, i would hate to work where you do. i can't stand any of those people/places you listed so i'd probably wear headphones all day so i didn't have to listen to anyone talking about them. and ansamcw, i think everyone trash talks on britney some because she makes it so easy. i'm not one who feels sorry for her, well, maybe sometimes, but its harder for me to feel sorry for someone like her, who has money and access to so many options for help, than some drug addicted street kid, who has so few options. i feel like telling her to get over herself already.

  13. ok, i could possible go for the coconut shell necklace, but those heels would never get anywhere my feet. for me, heels over an inch, which i only wear on rare occasions, would be complete torture. if i could wear slippers everywhere, i would be happy. my daughter has the same aversion to heels so it must be a genetic thing or something. we definately go the comfort over the stylish route.

  14. i said that to someone once, about not singing with his pecker, because i get tired of hearing the gay thing. i'm not sure what people think they are accomplishing when they said that. some people who barely know me will say that when they find out that i like clay. i think its so rude to diss someone that a person likes. i may say that i don't like that person, and i may even say why, but i don't do the whole name-calling thing. nor am i the type to spread rumors. it's probably why i didn't fit in that well when i worked with a big company because i could care less who slept with who (whom?), never could figure out when to use whom. if it didn't affect me, i didn't care.

  15. i'll admit that i am completely obsessed, and i will talk about clay in my conversations, if he has done something that relates to what we are talking about. i don't hide my obsession because it brings me a lot of joy. however, i can talk about a lot of subjects that are meaningful to me and my sisters don't mind that, but for some reason, it seems to bother them when i talk about clay. i do think some of it is jealousy because they don't have something that brings them that much happiness. my friends and people that i have gotten friendly with thru college or work, are much more tolerant of my obsession, and most think its funny. my son and daughter pick on me but they aren't quite so mean about it. my son will abruptly change the subject after about 2 minutes of talking about clay, but then he does that even when i'm not talking about clay. he's 22, so i'm happy he talks to me at all. he actually liked clay in the beginning, until mom got too enthusiastic. it's so uncool to like someone your mom likes. my daughter likes clay too and has gone to some concerts, but she doesn't get obsessive over anything.

  16. i can sympathize about being attacked because of talking about clay. 2 of my sisters will completely ignore any reference to him now and act like i'm mentioning "he who shall not be named" from the harry potter books. i feel shunned and i actually got into a fight with one of them who snapped at me one day even though i've had to listen to her go on a rant about the show knots landing, which hasn't even been on in years, however she's never gotten over something they did. i'd also spent hours upon hours of listening to her rant or go on about something or other for the past 20 years, so i'd had enough. we actually didn't talk for a year and although we talk now, i still feel upset because it felt like she didn't have enough respect for me to allow me to talk about whatever i wanted to talk about. i felt like i was being treated like an annoying child.

  17. claygasm, i love that gif. i have a whole file of them. now before clay, i had no idea what a gif was, nor did i know anything about message boards, nor did i have any interest in them. however once the finale was over, i had to get on the internet and find out as much as possible about that cutie man with the amazing voice. been lurking ever since, although i did start posting here and there about a year ago. this is the most i have posted at one time though, partly because i had a long christmas break and i'd rather post than do housework.

  18. i'll probably be watching ai this season too but only because i don't think there will be anything else on because of the writers strike. although i thought they had some really talented singers last year, none of them did anything for me, although that could be said about every year since ai2. thought some were better than others, some were downright horrible, but none that thrilled me. i thought chris d was good but didn't have much variety and i actually like performers who actually look like they are having a good time so i lost interest in him pretty quick.

  19. i loved the maxine bit. i can relate. i can't wait until ai rewind next week even though i remember worrying at the time that he wouldn't make it to the top 2 because there were several contestants in group 2 that i thought were pretty good. and i saw even then how they were building up ruben. i also thought kim would make it, partly because of the song she chose, and partly due to standing up to simon. now, when he sang on the wildcard show, even though i was still worried because i was completely hooked after that performance, i knew that none of the singers even came close to him. i also remember thinking then that that was a star performance among a bunch of amateurs.

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