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Everything posted by canfly172

  1. With all my WHAT talents, lol??? I know how to take clack. I know how to cap clack. I know how to crop the tail-end off of a vid if I let the tape run too long and it goes past the end of the song. I know how to upload to sendspace. I know how to screencap. I know how to save and crop pix in Paint. I know how to right click and save as. I know how to upload pix to PB. That would be the full extent of my "talents". I don't have photoshop. I have no clue how to make a montage, other than I've watched Goldarngirl editing montages and had NO clue what she was doing. I don't even own one of those thingies that you can print your own pictures on, lol. I gotta get me one of dem things. All of my pictures exist soley on my computer screen, lol.
  2. wonder if he plays sax :teehee: double I love the new banner!! I just went to the Pharmacy PO to pick up mail that I got PO cards for (parcels to big for the mailbox) and... My pictures that I ordered from the Zenfolio site that night when I was making screencaps came!!! I am impressed. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have ordered a few more copies of the full Spam pages. I ordered a 4X6 and an 8X10 of Clay giving Reed the finger and a 4X6 and an 8X10 of Clay grabbing Merle's boobies and a 10 X 13 copy of each of the full Spam pages with all 6 pix. They were extremely well packaged and protected. The large pix were taped to cardboard and the smaller ones in sleeves with a layer of thin foam and sandwiched between 2 layers of corregated cardboard, professionally sealed with plastic and the whole shebang in a hard cardboard express mail thingie and requiring a signature to receive. I should have gotten a few more for friends and might have ordered a bigger size than I did but it was $50 plus S&H for those 6 things. Quality is very good though! :laola0: I don't know if anybody else ordered anything that night before the site made the code go bye-bye and we couldn't access the site any longer. I know I am the only one who made large screencaps. I just may have been the only fan to get copies direct from negs from the website.
  3. I haven't read anything yet but tour in May and June is verra, verra bad for canfly. That's right when I'm doing Report Cards and it's always busy. I was really, really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping for a July and August tour. Sorry. CH has one. CV has one. You have to be a member and apply for access and there is usually a wait list for both (I'm assuming. I'm not a CH member. Asked once. Never got an answer. Decided I wasn't CH material anyhow, lol). If you joined CV for example, you're not going to get vault access right away but there is a clack thread where you can get the recent stuff but they don't keep everything there and like I said, you need to be a member. I never had to ask because I was on the old Gonzo site and all of us got automatic access at CV when they transferred vids there. Wish they'd kept the large wmvs. For many things, they only kept mpegs and small wmvs. If there is something that CU doesn't have though that you want, you can always contact the admins there and ask for it.
  4. I haven't read much here in the last couple of days but this was the next post on the page that popped up for me just now: Admins being able to see members emails sent VIA the board is a new Invision feature (new, as in the last 6 months or so???). My old board was Invision. I too discovered it by accident. Sparky (AKA Clayphoria) and I were like AACKK!!!! Make it go away! I do NOT want to be able to see people's emails TYVM!!! It can be changed because we got it changed. I forget HOW but we did. We told everybody to only use the Invision PM system on all invision boards and to NOT use the Invision "email" option because unless the board has gone for tech support to get that option changed, the Admins on any Invision board can see the emails that you send from that board. Invision is evil!!! Yuku is safe. This is only an Invision issue. OK, now why I'm here is because I found the Katy4clay Golf Clinic vid at CV. It doesn't appear to be up at CU. Not sure if somebody has posted a sendpace but in case not, I made one: Description: 090126 GFI Golf Clinic katy4clay large You can use the following link to retrieve your file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/pxpd0m
  5. I wub the kitty! I only wish that Clay had sung something that kitty coulda jammed to! I'm having a sudden revisiting of the feelings I had after I found out that the next CD is going to be a covers CD. I'm with Muski and ncgurrl re: the song selection. So, I'll leave it at that before Cindilu2 wants to smack me. I'm hoping that Scarlett's clack will pull me out of this "slow songs/covers funk" that I'm suddenly finding myself in. Thanks for the link Scarlett. Showing 1hr 10min. Guess I'll be watchin' in the am.
  6. Scarlett sounded so cute....all sillly and giddy and excited. She can't WAIT to get the TITM clack done! TITM??? This Is The Morning??? ICG-ing???
  7. I think he's hinting that he'll be doing a Barry Manilow Covers Album... I'm just catching up! BITE YOUR TONGUE! *sits in the "hates Mandy" corner with Couchie*
  8. Nickikiwi was like that. Has been wanting to see snow since FOREVER. Missed out last March Break when she came to NYC and on her way to NYC Dec 30th, she got to see snow on the ground but she wanted to see "new stuff"...wanted to see it falling from the sky. At 7:30am one morning...I think Jan 2nd, suddenly I'm awoken by squeals of, "It's snowinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!". I'm like "yeah, yeah...go out and play in it and let be go back to sleep huh?" I think it might be a reflective umbrella. Maybe. I just realized...I haven't been getting those emails! What happened? :pickme: I see Clay's horoscope says: Here's to Clay doing well in the entertainment industry this year! :11: BWAH! canfly...that made me hoot out loud here at work! Thank you. I'd love to take credit but the hoot was courtesy of Clay's Old Broad. See? Policy Shmolicy. Since when has "policy" stopped ya, lol? I see some red. Gonna post before I lose this and then see if I can get the CV cellstream to connect.
  9. She gets that a lot. I thought that at first too. That's what kept me from believing that he could be gay...that and dayum...the man loves hims some boobies. Had to google that one. Prurient is CF's new word of the day. Well, I'd never thought of THAT, lol. I always thought that it was Claymahtron...until you "enlightened me". I guess that it could be Claymate-ron. But in reality it's Clay-matron, which means "OldbroadwiththehotsforClay" Seeeeee...
  10. How much IS it to be a member? Can we take up a collection to get Scarlett in? cf - the click here button doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ain't Yuku, so it's a PB image, so... D101 Hands up ----> :pickme: if you tried clicking where it says "click here".
  11. :pickme: I've said it before and I'll say it again. I.am.not.a.claymate.demmit!!! :rant: Clayfan yes. Claymate no. :lmaosmiley-1: But....if you have him take his pants off, he might be naked! I mean...we've conjectured before that he might go commando from time to time ....and if he chose this night to do without, that would be so embarrassing for him ....and... Wait. Never mind.
  12. How much IS it to be a member? Can we take up a collection to get Scarlett in?
  13. See if you can get an ass shot of Reed lining up a putt, K? If not, we'll settle for one of Clay. Dangheshot didn't want her bandwidth zapped by people clicking on thumbnails cuz she doesn't have a premium account but I do, so she said was OK to post from my PB account. So, here ya go. These are clickables of the larger versions of the wallpapers. The ones with the curl are for standard screens and the ones without are for wide-screens. Now, don't go stealin' it for your own siggy (where they allow them) OK, but here's Dang's yuku siggy just to look at. It's so cute:
  14. All good suggestions. He's not going to stop until somebody MAKES him stop. I'm bolding the part that hit me square between the eyes and do you know what I was thinking? Jennifer Hudson's family. She lost her mom and her brother AND her little nephew because that asswipe was allowed to roam the streets. Your brother confronting this guy instead of going to the police could be disastrous. I'd think that gatherering what evidence you can to take to them along with threats that he's made would be the way to go. Or someone else. Of course she "just wants it to stop" but if he stops abusing her he'll find another victim. Maybe she's his victim now because the last person "just wanted it to stop" and didn't call the police. Yup Which I obviously can't because ICRS.
  15. Totally makes sense to meeeeeeeeeeeee, so (except for the IIRC part cuz ICRS (I can't remember shit). I asked what that acronym meant like 2 days ago and ICR what it stands for cuz ICRS. Yup. Was weird how they did that cuz yeah once shared, it obviously spread the wildfire. D101 Ditto. I guess I post here in fits and spurts, more when something is going on cuz I'm absolutelee a separate threads for different topics kinda gal. Seeeeeeeeeeee? lmao...we don't HAVE any more, so we gots to keep postin' the same ones, lol. Well, it's entertaining me too.
  16. So I heard. VIA the shed, VIA RHT, VIA CV: (I heard it through the grapevine...la, la, la...) Canfly's humble opinion: I'm not sure I'm buying totally that story cuz the pix didn't hit TMZ until the morning after somebody gave me the link on Thursday night to the zenfolio site where the photobooth pix from the Spam after party were posted. From what I gathered, the pix or the link with the PW was posted at RHT Thursday night. Correct me if I'm wrong but the pix didn't hit TMZ or PH until Friday right? Possibly this person didn't sell the link & PW to PH or TMZ but to somebody else, who shared them with somebody who posted at RHT? I dunno. Just trying to sort through this timeline but I wasn't hearing about them being on PH & TMZ until Friday, so they weren't first in the chain of access. I saved them Thursday night (really the wee hours of the morning Friday) in case they disappeared and then just sat on them cuz I was not going to post them publicly and be in any way responsible for tabloid sites being able to pick them up. Once it was obvious that they were already posted publicly, then I was OK with sharing. No idea if this has been posted: DangHesHot has made some nice wallpapers. She posted at the Shed that you could pm her for a link to the full-sized versions. I'm hoping she's OK with me posting them here. If not, I'll be waiting for the obligatory upside the head.
  17. lmao...I knew she was going. Was hoping Radio Shack was too. I love the boobies one! Man, that woman has a tongue on her, lol.
  18. Well.....SOMEbody take clack OK? :pray: :prayer: :beg: :begging: There. ONE of those should work, lol.
  19. would have liked to have seen those for fun. I was kind of quick scanning through a few and looking at the little thumbnails, I thought I might have seen Eric Idle. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! You guys have CF's WTF cat!!! :wtfcat:
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