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Everything posted by canfly172

  1. Oh here... I really don't have much in the way of JNT2 pix:
  2. Totally missed that SYTYCD episode or at least that part of it. I have been watching SYTYCD this season. I skimmed the articles (cuz I'm supposed to be working on Report Card comments ) Those comments as presented in the articles seemed out of character for Nigel. I'm wondering if he came down on them because he wasn't sure if they were being serious...hence the Blades of Glory comment? I dunno. This is the first I've heard of it. The whole thing has me confused. OK, I just searched youtube and found it and also found them dancing on some Colorado thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7LFGUMFShg...feature=related OK, after watching it, I'm still not sure what to think. Colour me confused on the whole thing. It would appear that SYTYCD presented the pair in a Blades Of Glory way, which seemed to be trying poke fun at them and therefore to make Simon's comments seem less homophobic and more "WTF are you two trying to show?" I definitely think that it was presented in such a way as to take some of the heat off of Simon.
  3. That's entirely too funny...I gotta steal that. Whomever is in charge of Thread titles... Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth) I saw all of the emote talk and I have NO idea how I ended up with my own emote here (presumably Cindilu "appropriated" it, lol? I have my own emote at RHT, The Shed and NNHB and here, lol. is pretty distinctive. That reminds me...I've been meaning to post a picture of my airplane. I took this on the way to the last Toronto cluncheon. I own 1/10th of it and don't ask which 10th because that joke is really old, lol. I bought my share of the plane in 1998 for $2,500, when it had faded out old paint and fugly 70s mustard yellow interior and an over-timed engine. It now has a new engine, new burgundy interior with lettering rubbed on by hand...letter by letter by yours truly over the course of a summer and nice shiny paint job. Luckily costs are split 10 ways, lol. While I'm in this PB folder, here's my new Mustang...2008...and my cat...and a squirrel's nest in the engine of my old Yukon, lol.
  4. Please, allow me - Not sure this one belongs but it has an interesting effect on me ;0) And lastly, of course Reed looking at Clay's butt! lmao... I have NO idea where the second ass shot came from... The last one...is a photoshop by buttr. (claysbuttrcup).
  5. I just went back one page to read a little... Hmmm...sounds like I need to go back yet another page, to find out what this is all about huh? I had no idea!!! Happy Belated Birthday Bev!!! Heheh, I had the same thought. Oh well, maybe those gala tickets won't be so hard to get after all....... Kewl!!! :7: Oh...wait... I just realized how apropos this thread title is, lol...
  6. Once again, I'm like 10 pages behind but not feeling so hot, so no quotathon this time...I haven't even read anything other than what's on this page. Have fun in France KAndre! Any plans to go to a certain French singer's show with male dancers in tutus? My friend Nicki is now in Banglore, India for several weeks to train Indians how to take over New Zealand jobs... I hear that there's been a bit of drama huh? I haven't read reactions here and all that I've read is what's been brought to the Shed or NNHB. I have no desire to go out and seek out any more drama. I can tell from what little I've seen that it's not overly pretty...but this too shall pass. Clay is news. When will he learn that, lol??? My 2 cents worth: I think that Clay should have filtered his opinion of Adam's Ring Of Fire performance. I was surprised that he would say something like, "...thought my ears would bleed. Contrived, awful, and slightly frightening!" about an Idol contestant. He should know that whatever he says is going to be taken public and he should have known that the shit would hit the fan. IMO, he could have just said, that he didn't really care for the performance. If he'd left it at that, I don't think that there would have been the same backlash. I have zero issue with him "taking on the Idol machine" because obviously, he's already been "ostracized" from the show, so it hardly matters whether he's PC about Idol or not but the comments that he made about Adam's Ring Of Fire performance did seem a little out of character for Clay because normally, he's more tactful when taking about something that he doesn't like. I think that he's just gotten comfie with sharing with his fans and has gotten increasingly more "unfiltered" in his responses to questions. I think that he just got carried away with that and his comments re: Adam were originally an answer to a question in the question thread at OFC, so he was answering it the same brutally honest manner that he's been answering questions in there. If anybody "off the streets" had said it on their blog somewhere, nobody would...but because he's a celebrity, he should have filtered his opinion re: Adam somewhat, knowing that whenever he says or does anything slightly controversial, that it will be splashed all over the place. The timing of it was bad because while Clay was thinking that Idol was over now, the shit was hitting the fan re: Adam not winning and there was a lot of raw emotions over THAT, so Clay sort of shook a hornet's nest. I guess that I wish that he'd listened to the people that he mentioned that he trusts and had watched a couple of different performances by Adam first before judging....although if I'd only tuned in to see Ring Of Fire, that performance would have turned me right off too. I didn't enjoy that one either. All that being said, this too shall pass and I hope that Clay's having a grand ole time in France and maybe this will help him to enjoy ballet a little more... Now to make me feel better cuz I feel crappy (I'm sick of being sick...I've had this low-grade bug for like 4 weeks now)...
  7. Strangely enough, all the "adamizing" prompted me to watch last night (well that, and my head would not stop pounding, so I was being a couch potato, and there was nothing else on). LOL. Anyways, I thought both guys were quite talented, but man, didn't that coronation song suck? TOTALLY horrible. Overall, Paula has seemed less drugged up this year and the annoying one has been Kara. I don't know ANYONE who likes her. Me either but I'm gonna go to Hamilton to see the Idol show...alone apparently... Idol Spoiler... I don't know how to do the black boxes (I need a lesson) , so you're getting white on white and highlight OK?
  8. Agreed. I mean, really? Blah blah, deeper...something something hurricane...I'd rather be drinking one... The song was such a horrible cliched Idol finale song. I could tell that Simon wanted to say he hated the song but he couldn't cuz Kara was co-writer. I could tell that Randy didn't really care for it either. Not only is Kara really annoying but she sucks as a song-writer. I'll quote my friend Sparky: Now on to the good stuff... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the clack!!!! I was really surprised to find out that somebody actually got clack of Clay's speech last night! I really wasn't expecting it. His jaw is looking really good now. I was kinda worried when I saw the puffiness during the GLAAD event...he must have had a nasty infection. Looks good now! Lookin' good... Who took it? I only got to skim a page and a bit tonight...and not remembering anything except... re: the gala tickets...yes Claygary...I'm shallow. At least I'm admitting it. I know that there are some out there who pretend that it's all about the charity but how many of them would buy a ticket and fly or drive all of that way if Clay wasn't going to be there? I'm not even going to pretend that I would. Also, while I think that the BAF is a great charity, if I was going to just pick a children's charity to support, I'd likely pick on that would benefit kids in Ontario. And that's all that I remember.
  9. This kinda skeerin' me. I've never been to one, so I'm one of the ones who has decided to go cuz with no tour...I'm missin' hearing him sing live and I need my "fix". Hey nowwwwwwwwwww... there are lots of snarkasses like myself hangin' around yanno! Really? That was a board? For real? What were they wanting to suck???? See, now that never occurred to me. In non internet-land, I only had my own impression to go by. The word "gay" never entered my head. I just assumed that he thought that Clay had a great voice but was more suited to singing big power songs on Broadway than being a pop star. Mind you, I never knew until recently that Broadway was associated with "gay" in any way shap or form. I've agreed with Simon a few times this year...mind you, he's playing a different Simon this year than he has in the past couple of years. He's actually been the voice of reason quite a few times this year...and sometimes he sounds like he's talking out of his ass just trying to get people going...but not as much this year as in the past. I still think that he's an arrogant jerk though. There is quite a bit of non-Idol Adam stuff on youtube...everything from a religious Broadway style show that's available on DVD to him singing a religious song in...not sure...hebrew or something?...to pop...to a Hard Rock performance art thing a la David Bowie. :pickme: Idgit is a CF trademark, lol. I'm glad that they stopped that shit this year...that stupid Simon and Ryan hate each other act they had going. No evidence of that this year. New? Checks post time and date... hmmm..might be... Yet, I also remember him saying re: Kellie Pickler that he liked her better than "the other one from last year"...meaning Carrie. That was before her career took off....and there is Jennifer Hudson...he never saw THAT coming either. Sometimes he's right. Sometimes he's not. Sometimes I agree with him. Sometimes I don't. Overall, I've agreed with him a heck of a lot more than the others this season. :pickme: Nah...was decidedly not "all there" last season and she was referring to her notes from that afternoon's practice...meaning, she'd made her mind up at practice how she thought about them. Yup, yup. People only remember the "dissing" but Simon had lots of positive things to say about Clay too. I really think that the effing up came with the phonelines not being able to handle the volume of calls for Clay and the lines being jammed and Idol not wanting to admit that problem and figuring that they had "2 winners", who were both getting recording contracts, so they decided to not admit a voting "discrepancy". Oh for Pete's Sake....I wasn't gonna comment on the whole Conan, Ripa shit but it's apparently not going away, lol... I can't stand Conan. Never could. I've yet to hear one of his comments re: Clay. I heard enough comments re: other people. His face gives me the creeps and I think that he's an ass. Kelly? Her tirade towards Clay was so unexpected. That's one case where my opinion of somebody really changed overnight. I thought that she was a bit self-centered before and I'd gotten tired of listening to her but it was like that tirade was her showing her real colours and it was not pretty. My opinion of her has nothing to do with what anybody else thinks about her. I just lost all respect for her. Done. Ditto. I've liked a couple of his songs but some I haven't. That's just dumb. Idgits. Posting and going to page 43 later... sorry...no record tonight Couchie. I gotta have a shower and do some work for school yet...
  10. I'm glad that I missed all of that shit djs111. I just lived in my own little sheltered world where I re-watched my VCR tapes from the last 6 episodes (once I started recording) over and over...especially BOTW and Mack The Knife and I watched the "looking up my nostrils" and Brooke Burke making the Clay makes my heart go pitter patter stuff. No idea who Brooke Burke is but the name is emblazoned upon my memory, lol. I was however totally devastated when I accidentally taped over the end of TITN on the Miss America Pageant, when I very quickly grabbed a tape to shove in the VCR when they announced that Clay would be singing the Star Spangled Banner during the World Series. I had no warning cuz like I said, I wasn't online at the time. I found about about him being on Oprah well after the fact and valiantly tried calling to see if I could get a tape (cuz they did make copies of episodes) but they wouldn't do THAT one because he was such big star and all...so some copyright thing. I was so excited to find out that I could get that stuff on DVD. I had NO idea that there was a whole network of messageboards and clack sites. ETA: I just saw your post about the heat Muski. We're supposed to get a real cold snap Sunday night with a risk of frost. That happens rarely for the May 2-4 weekend (that's Victoria Day in Canada...traditionally around May 24th but it's mostly pronounced May Two Four cuz it's apparently a good excuse to buy a Two Four of beer and go camping or partying). Sometimes it's decent but often it rains and sometimes it's cool. High of 12 tomorrow and a low of -2 on Monday night. That's Celcius...not sure of the exact translation but 0C = 32F, so likely that's 31 or close to 30.
  11. Just be grateful that she didn't bring over 3 page explanations of something. It's a wonder she doesn't have carpal tunnel. I actually kinda think that I do...but it's more the little broken bone in my left wrist that bothers me cuz I don't use a mouse with my laptop, so I use my left wrist a lot, lol. :finger: After all of the insults, I suppose that you're expecting some sort of congratulations for the marks and a :therethere for all of the moving shit and painting that you've had to do? Who is "most people"? It never occurred to me and I'm pretty sure that it never occurred to most people because unless you were on the boards at the time (which I wasn't cuz while I was watching, I didn't have internet), you would never have heard any gay implications or questions...until near the end if you had happened to catch the right interview with the gay question. First time I heard any "gay question" was well after when I found DVDs for sale on ebay of TV stuff and got to watch the Diane Sawyer interview...sometime in either late 2003 or early 2004. Don't hit me for buying clack on ebay OK? I knew nothing about downloads until sometime after I got my first laptop in March 2004. Point is that it never once occurred to me that Clay might be gay, nor did I know that there was any question until I heard Diane Sawyer ask it. re: Simon just trying to create "buzz'. He's seemed quite different this year than in the past because for whatever reason, they must have decided that the act was OTT. I would have sworn that Simon and Ryan hated each other last year and the year before yet this year, there is really none of that. If you re-watch AI2, Simon also made a lot of complimentary comments towards Clay. I think a lot of his "mean" comments were intended to "test" contestants to see how they would react to harsh criticism. Clay passed with flying colours. Simon complimented him on that after and said that he took criticism like a grown-up vs Josh, who didn't.
  12. 'cept to say, lookit all of the crap I quoted and I didn't eff up, even once!!! Go me.
  13. I have no special apps for it other than just plain Paint, because I am graphically challenged. But here's what I do -- Freeze the video where I want it, hit PrintScreen, paste in Paint, use the crop icon to enclose what I want Thanks for the screencaps KeepingFaith. That's about as complicated as I get too, lol. I used to use wmv to do screencaps from vids but printscreening makes more sense cuz it's bigger. It's amazing how the quality of downloads has improved in the last 6 years huh? So sayeth the queen of smut... I can't wait to see this new kitchen one day! I went "Awwwwwwwwwww..." when I read that earlier today. It's cute in that, from what I understand, Reed approves the comments that can be posted. lol...I don't have a problem with the lipo but I was thinking that 30Rock was filmed prior to "the little procedure"? :chair: Who is the dude with the white hair? I've been meaning to ask. If I follow the order of the names from the Huffington Post site then it's Michael McDonald. Who him? Heh. I wasn't done but I was afraid that the board would reject it cuz of too many emotes or did you up the limit? I used to have to chop quotaramas up into 3 or 4 parts. OK. I'm done now.
  14. I was week behind here, so I read 20 pages last night and today. No way am I quoting that much, lol.... I read the clack discussion and yeah, it's really nice when we have at least 3 or 4 different views from an event. No one angle can capture everything. My personal preference is to include some background and then give a couple of slow close-up zoom in and outs (down Muski). If doing "shoot from my knee" clack, then sometimes there is no choice to make it all close-up to the exclusion of everything else going on because I have to shoot around heads and through a small hole. I try hard to not zoom past my capability to keep it steady but sometimes if there is only a tiny hole to shoot though, I don't have much of a choice. I do thank anybody who ever swapped seats for me or leaned slightly left or right for me. I don't expect it but it sure is nice when it happens. What else...AI shit...what a load of crap. I do think that it's interesting how Clay still seems to be a hot topic. After he came out, I thought that there was a definite "laying off" by the media. That whole ridiculous made up scenario where Clay (who doesn't watch Idol) wanted to meet Adam and was denied access, yadda yadda...that may not have been planted by Idol in any way shape or form. Don't forget that if the tabloids can make up shit about Clay, they can make up shit about Idol too. Clay has been steadfast in not slamming Idol...other than to say that it lost it's innocence and that most of the contestants already have some experience. He seems to bear no ill-will. Who knows WHY he's been excluded. I wouldn't blame the whole Idol "machine". Not sure that we'll ever know the exact reason. It would seem kind of petty and 'bite off their nose to spite their face"...or however the expression goes, to not include him because he got out of his contract with 19. The idea of the show is to "discover talent"...well, you'd think that showcasing Clay would be a way to blow their own horns. Simon seems to look down his nose at Broadway but broadway doesn't put people on stage unless they really are talented and can sing...so it's a compliment to be recruited to perform on Broadway. Ok...let the quoting begin. I think that I started about page 30ish. There are several instances of Clay wearing Chucks from the ATDW promo period in 2006: Didn't know what that style of sneaker was called but I like the untied look with the jeans and I love the sunglasses on top of his head in the exiting the office building pix. (I do feel bad for him that he has paparazzi following him and Parker all over LA but hypocritically grateful for the pictures) I'm well known for being super-picky over pix and "looks". Well, I just discovered that it's the Snowflake pix that you don't like. I really love that look. I didn't at first but was just happier than hell that the bangs were gone, lol. The snowflake pix have really grown on me since. Ditto NAJNT hair. I strongly dislike...OK...I hate the ATDW and AIW hair. I love OMWH hair soooooooo much though. Loved the long fluffy Spam 1 stagedoor hair too. I really dislike the whole series of pix like the one that clayzcoffin posted with the "chucks" and the bangs and him sitting on the piano bench. I always thought that they looked "sleezy". The ATDW hair and necklaces look always felt "fake" to me...like they were trying to make him into something that he wasn't. :chair: That's me with the bangs. I hate 'em. Nawww, I don't like it at all. OMG!!! I love that so much!!! I wants one! I thought Clay's face had become much more square long before this surgery. I think it's related to getting older--mens' jaws develop last. I find him all kinds of sexy--more so now than ever. I wish someone would remove MY double chin! But, I wouldn't want to have my jaw broken, that's for damn sure. I doubt that he would have had something done except for the fact that they were in there breaking his jaw anyhow. It explains the swelling/puffy jaw in the GLAAD pix that didn't seem in the right spot for TMJ surgery. I don't really read anywhere other than the Shed, NNHB or here, so really this is the first I've seen any discussion of it. I took it for what he said it was...they were already in there, so why not get rid of an after effect from the Paxil that was bothering him. I'm still curious about the scar under his skin that we first noticed during CITH, lol. Yup. I was surprised that he actually answered that question because he'd ignored previous questions about his jaw surgery. The one question that I wish that he'd answer was as simple as, "Are you planning on touring this year?" A simple, "No. We weren't sure that my jaw would be healed well enough for a tour" would have been plenty for me. I was surprised that he answered that question but I think he was a little peeved and wanted to make a point. lol...On my long list of things I'd like to have done if I had a bunch of extra money kicking around and more nerve: 1. Have my upper hips liposuctioned and my butt lifted and/or some implants put in on my lower hips to make them look bigger than my upper hips, so I could stop looking less "apple-shaped" and more "pear-shaped". I was self-conscious in a leotard as a kid because I didn't look everybody else. I wear pleated pants from the 90s to try to camoflage my lack of lower hips. My hip shape is literally upside down looking...I hate it. 2. Have the chin thing done and something done with the skin that has turned my mouth into a 50 year old frown. All of a sudden, I look older. Around my eyes, I still look like I'm in my 20s. 3. Have my right eye lowered. My right eye has always been higher than my left one. 4. Have my boobs lifted and made the same size. I've always hated that the right one is way bigger than the left and they've been near my waist, even when I was in my early twenties. 5. Have the top of my ears pinned. 6. Have the scar lessoned from when I had abdominal surgery. 7. Have my teeth fixed. In short, while I still miss Clay's old widdle teefies, I'd never in a million years think less of him for having his teeth fixed or his chin sucked or his ears pinned or whatever. Yup. Even when I was sick and lost a shitload of weight and was only 108 pounds, my upper hips still stuck out more than my lower hips. It's body type and where the fat cells are located. Heh. Kinda figured. Yes, it is! :rant: Ya made me google FromClaygary! I dunno. It looked like the camera was pointed at David at times and behind him even. Weird. Definitely the camera was not pointed at Clay. I have a hotel room booked for the Gala. I've never been to a Gala but lack of a concert season is prompting me to want to go. I need a ticket though. I think Justclay is planning to go and I have a friend Yeahyourgifted, who needs a ticket also. My friend Nicki bought one of the $1000 ones but with new car payments, I just can't justify spending $1000 for one night. I've never tried to get Gala tickets before, so not sure how hard it will be. Yup...and behind him even it appeared sometimes. Ah, well...we got audio and some sort of an image, which was as much as I was hoping for. Heh. Happy Birthday Solo! I love these little birthday guys!!! Too cute!!! You share a birthday with my friend Sparky/Clayphoria!!! Did anybody ever try contacting Kimmel directly? Thanks for the sendspaces Luckiest1!!! Gonna post this and then keep going...
  15. Yikes! Dey's BIIIIIIIIIIIIG!!! ETA: Track that dude with the camcorder down and get his clack people!!!!
  16. Aw what the heck...if they've been posted, they haven't all been posted on THIS page, lol. Damn, he looks good in those jeans! I love the dark suit with jeans look! Whomever dressed him, should dress him all of the time, lol.
  17. I had them all saved from there last night. Let me know if they haven't been posted here yet.
  18. BTW, Cindilu2, I absolutely love the banner! I keep crackin' up at the little wub dude on the right...where he/she's lookin' 'n all....
  19. This is cool to hear...the response to Clay that is. We gotta figure out how to get UM off of Butterflyshine's phone. I wonder who sent it to her. Obviously THAT person has the original version. But someone posted at CH that they had talked to her by phone, and she didn't have it. (She has show video, but not UM.) I was assuming that Cotton only had the show but wasn't at the afterparty. ETA: Did Yollie only get parts of stuff?
  20. No word on the audio of UM that butterflyshine apparently has?
  21. Scarlett, Thanks for the vids that I'm downloading now. (or whatever the code may be, lol) Clay looks great in the pix. Just getting to see them now. :Boss:
  22. Brunch is not 9am. 9am is breakfast, lol. Make it 10:30 or 11:00 and you might have a deal, lmao. If I can get a ticket (more in my price range than $1000), I've decided to go this year. I've never been to a Gala. I've booked a hotel room. If all goes well, I'll be up late uploading clack and sleeping in until 10, lol. Anybody interested in putting together a smaller later seating, let me know...
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