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Everything posted by canfly172

  1. 9/10 It reminds me of my view of Clay when Q was sitting on his lap! I just want the mikestand moved, K? My avatar ain't changin', so I don't care whatcha give it, lol. It's ME! I vowed when I first started posting waaaaaaaaaaaay back when at RHT, that I wasn't going to have a picture of Clay cuz almost everybody else had that. I ended up with a Waldo Watching one for 2 or 3 years but tigercub started using it too, so was disconcerting. I got Scooterized at the CB (i.e.; He told me my avvie wasn't "family oriented", so I started using and now it's ME. And it's all about ME yanno!
  2. I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston Oh and and . Ya doin' good!
  3. Yup. If you're positive, then just go ahead. If you're unsure and the person doesn't come back to check for a day, either pm them and yell at 'em or just go ahead. If we end up with a couple of animations on the go at the same time, so be it. The more clack the better, I say! Katy, You're up! I'd have just said something like: "Sterling Heights, SRAAHPT (or for some of you folks here I think it's called DCAT, lol?), TV Theme Shows" and then post a new animation. I made the first one easy but feel free to try to stump us. (Good luck on stumping Luckiest1 though!) I'm hearing the Jeffersons in my head now, lol...
  4. ... watergun! Parker was
  5. Nana, na, na. Nana, na, na...Hey, heyyy...Good-bye!!! I've been toddling around a bit outside of the Main thread tonight cuz I's bored. Anything you need help with? I have a couple of weeks before I'll start getting busy with Back To School. The emotes are gradually getting renamed ( )but if you need help with that...with changing the ones that still have weird random numbers and stuff, let me know. Emotes are kind of my "baby" and I know how to add and re-name them on Invision Boards as well as yuku. I did go have a look at the Main FCA Page: Things I noticed: The BAF link at the bottom needs to be updated to be The National Inclusion Project. Can't I just type NIP? Huh? Huh? Can I? The message: Goes off into the same colour area to the right and kind of disappears. There is a big 2 inch gap under "Clay On The Web" and where the list starts. Is that fixable?
  6. Happy First Birthday Parker!!! I can't believe that it's been a whole year already!!!
  7. Since when has that ever stopped Clay from wearing a sweater (or two) ???? Or three. Well, ya OK... a couple of shirts and a sweater.
  8. Weally? Well, an obvious difference between Invision and Yuku then. Yuku lets you pick how many days you want a poll to run and that has nothing to do with the thread itself. You're so cute! ETA: :confetti: worked. I love it when things make sense! ETA2: But :confetti: didn't, lol. Here we go...
  9. Yay! Players! unfortunately he tripped
  10. This is an easy game. One person posts a Clay animation and the first person to correctly identify the tour/venue or TV appearance or situation or whatever's pertinent gets to post the next animation. If you are looking for a certain year or a certain song as part of what you want people identify, please post that with your animation. Don't cheat and check the name of animation if somebody happens to include it, OK? Feel free to comment on/reminisce about/drool over any animations, whether you're making a guess or not, OK? Or if you have an animation that you have NO idea where it came from and you just wanna ask, go for it. If you are 100% on the animation, you do not have to wait for the person who posted it, to say, "Yes, you're right!" If you aren't sure though, then ask the person who posted it for confirmation. I'll start. Looking for the venue. Song/tour should be obvious, lol.
  11. We start with the name of a song and the artist. The next person has to take one of the words either from the song title or the band/artist name and post a song with that word in the title. The word has to be part of your new song title, not part of the new band/artist name. Example: Here You Come Again - Dolly Parton You could then do On My way Here - Clay Aiken or Hello Dolly - Carol Channing (bolded words are part of the new song title) It's nice if you bold the word that you used from the previous song or artist. I'll start: Measure Of A Man - Clay Aiken
  12. I'll try adding a couple of games in here and see how they fly. I've played this Three Word Game a couple of times and the results can be hysterical. When we did it, we included our own names in Clay's story but it's totally up to you. If you want to see a "work in progress", let me know. The idea is to write a fanfic together...3 words at a time. One person posts 3 words and the next person posts 3 more words to continue the story and so on. Every once in awhile (probably once a week or so depending upon the frequency of the posts), I'll copy the posts and put them together into a paragraph. I'll start: One day Clay
  13. I like it! Anybody remember that sweater and what colour the stripes are or is it a new one?
  14. When the new name got leaked 2 or 3 months back, I remember immediately thinking that I didn't really like it because of the "National" part. To me, it seemed that the name was excluding countries other than the USA....so to me, as a Canadian, it was giving an organization all about Inclusion, a name which was, itself....exclusionary. Just my little pet peeve, which will likely land me a upside the head from somebody.
  15. So you lock the threads to comments after the poll is closed huh? If I'd have been on time: Tourney number 1: I liked picture #1. He's just so cute making that square and looking through it. Tourney number 2: I like both. I would have voted for #1 because I love his smile in that one. Tourney number 3: Love both of these. Definitely number 2 though. I associate that blue shirt with ISY growlies, lol. Love that look! Tourney number 4: Hmmmm.... #1 is sexier. #2 is pullin' at the heart strings cuz he looks like he's gonna cry. I guess #1 cuz I don't wanna see him cry.
  16. Just discovered this whole voting thingie....and followed the magic carpet link to here from the main thread. I'm assuming the other rounds are still here. Too late to vote but I'll go have a look. This is a hard one for me cuz I'm not fond of either look (what a surprise huh, justclay?). Anybody who knows me knows I hated the whole ATDW bangs look that so many loved, so gotta go with #2, even though that's not my fav look either cuz of the orangish, squarish dark rimmed glasses. I'll be all over NAJNT or OMWH here pix though!
  17. Thanks for this! I have read some really stupid stuff about the acronym already. God, some people amaze me. (Hee, does anyone remember Clay's definition of "amaze"? Think Asheville DCAT.) I had no idea until yesterday but yeah according to a friend of mine, it used to be a derogatory word for a certain ethnicity. I'd never heard it before. I'll have to come back to catch up tomorrow...it's 3:44am, lol.
  18. Ummm, there are a few more of us coming than just them, you know! See ya there. No, I didn't know, lol. I wasn't dissin' ya. I had no idea. I was so surprised (and pleasantly so) when I got to the restaurant and saw all of ya! :thbighug-1: I had NO idea you, Cindilu2 or Heinz were going! I just thought that GDG had invited me to join her and FromClaygary for Supper. I almost didn't even know about THAT, lol. I missed the Facebook info. I just went hunting and I swear...I got no notification re: your posts on Heinz's wall re: the dinner that I was just looking at. Wonder if some are going to junk mail? In anycase, it was nice seeing everybody! Alspaz??? Really? I asked today if anybody had heard from her! Alspaz! Where ya bin! Ya missed the supper!
  19. Sounds like fun. This is to remind me of where I left off, lol. Page 24. Check. I might have some games for the Fun and Games area. Leaving in a few to have supper with Goldarngirl and FromClaygary!
  20. I'm now double-booked, lol. FromClaygary, Yeahyouregifted stayed at the Sheridan last year and said "We stayed at the Sheraton last year, and it was fine. If you know where the heck the Marriott IS, it's just across the alley facing the other side of the block."
  21. Don't blame you! I would have too! :thbighug-1: You got it!! :thbighug-1: ETA: I can't for the life of me remember if it was here I saw it or somewhere else...but the Sheraton (which is a block away from the Marriott or less) has a deal on for those of us *ahem* "more experienced" fans. The first night is $109 (which is less to begin with than the Marriott rate) and the second and third nights (if that applies) you pay the year of your birth....so e.g. someone born in 1963 (haha! I wish!) would pay $63 for the second and third nights. I was able to book the Gala Friday and Saturday nights, no problem. Just another FYI for those Gala-goers who have not yet booked....and remember, you can almost always cancel a hotel up until the day of registration. Nothing against the Marriott, mind you....HAH!! I was born in 65!!! :meme So, you're getting the room really cheap, huh?
  22. I'll have NO problem remembering lol. I just gotta remember to put the : at the end. Why you have : at the end of all of the emotes, lol? Ya don't need it, lol. And thanks for gradually renaming the emotes to something that makes sense. I'm a code memorizer. Some are easy cuz they are the same here as what I'm used to. I have a hard time with :pickme: and cuz I'm used to :meme and :running What I find hysterical is cuz :curtsie : is a typo and it's my fault somehow cuz one of you found it either at the old NHB or somebody got it from somebody, who got it from there...maybe somebody at RHT? Because, I stole it from the Shed and I thought that :curtsy was spelled wrong, so I spelled it :curtsie but that was wrong and after several months of typing it incorrectly, I realized it was either spelled curtsy or curtsey. I changed it to :curtsy to be the same as the Shed but in the meantime, somebody copied my spelling mistake, lol. ETA: Waaaaaaaaait a minute. You must have 2 :pickme s cuz the one I was meaning was this one: and it's called :pickme : on the list but typing :pickme : gives you :pickme:
  23. Most of the questions that I wanna ask are career related and we're not supposed to ask those questions, so I was prompted by the question re: a site I'd never heard of that Clay answered was full of innaccuracies...so I asked this: Clay, Are there any misconceptions or totally inaccurate things that you have seen written about you over the years, that either made you so mad that you wanted to scream or that made you laugh hysterically ...any that you'd be willing to share with us and "debunk" or "correct"???
  24. I couldn't find the smack emoticon that they have at CV so this will have to do (not that I can find it at CV either) Wut? May I be of assistance? I have lots of other abusive type emotes in my arsenal: Any of those work for ya GDG? I have a few pages to catch up on.... Thanks, as anyone who knows me, I can never find the emoticon that I need. The only reason I find the laughing one is cause it's at the top. I would have been less violent if I had known I just had to type in but then again, by the time I need it next time, I will have forgotten. AND cindilu2 you know wut. *sigh* obviously my doesn't work. Probably since I don't have a photobucket to pull from hmmm heee now I'm a thief. I'm usually v. appreciative of emoticons but you guys are giving Solo too many ideas. How about if one of you sits next to her at the next show/concert/thing-that-has-not-YET-been-announced? OMG I just I totally forgot about that BUT if that was what hinged on a new concert tour, could you take just one for the team? Now, see... If I was sitting next to her and Clay took MY camcorder and started asking questions in front of 2000+ people, I'd be makin' up names, lol. And now that we've quoted 20 times, maybe somebody will add it, so we can abuse each other more easily.
  25. I couldn't find the smack emoticon that they have at CV so this will have to do (not that I can find it at CV either) Wut? May I be of assistance? I have lots of other abusive type emotes in my arsenal: Any of those work for ya GDG? I have a few pages to catch up on....
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