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Everything posted by canfly172

  1. ldyj... BWAH!!! I think there is a wabbit under all that fur somewhere! I have no idea who did this, but it has been in my photobucket for years... And, in keeping with the day... I found this on my way to the Easter pictures... GAH!!! and :thud H A P P Y E A S T E R !!!
  2. Ask and ye shall receive!!! Say thank you to VTclayfan. She is my hero...and official "ripper". ANTM extra footage of Clay debriefing the girls: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i4483o
  3. It's not, lol. (former French teacher here) "de" and "le" don't go together. They become "du" but not in front of a name. It would just be "de Clay" with no "le" or "la", so verdict is... Clay doesn't know French...and neither do a bunch of you guys, lol.
  4. Ah, that reminds me...does anyone own one of those hand-held steam irons? You know, the one you use to smooth out wrinkles on clothes on a hanger, and can be used to iron sheets directly on the bed, curtains that are hanging. Can also be used to sterilize and steam-clean clothes you would normally send to the dry cleaners. I am about to buy one but just don't want to end up with another unused electric appliance. Hey Claytonic let us know what its like if you do get one. I have watched those adds and often thought it looks good. But then again I am a sucker for those things on infomercials. I once ordered a mop for $60. I can't believe I paid so much for a really crappy ordinary mop that turned my hands black every time I picked it up! I restrain myself nowadays! I had not heard that term when I went to Juniors last year. Ausdon: "Could I have ice cream with my apple pie please?" Juniors waiter: "One apple pie a la mode" Ausdon: "Oh no I would just like apple pie with ice cream" Juniors waiter: ( suppressing a smile and talking realllly slooow) Yes, that is a la mode. Ausdon: " Oh OK!" Juniors waiter: (fakes smile and thinks "stupid foreigners!) BTW: On the 2nd April it was exactly 12 months since we started our excellent American adventure. Where da heck you from that you've never heard the phrase "a la mode" before? I wonder if Juniors misses us, lol?
  5. We had snow here too but it mostly didn't stick...other than I had to clean off the truck yesterday and my wipers were frozen stuck this morning. It was white this morning but hardly any left now.
  6. http://vids.eonline.com/services/player/bc...tid=18759204001 This link works. Takes a minute to load but Canadians can watch it eh. ETA: oopsies...too late once again... yup...that's the one that works that I was bringing over.
  7. EEEEEEEEEEE!!! Anybody else watching Dancing With The Stars??? I just saw an ad for ANTM with Clay. Some model goes bazerk (sp?) and Clay made one of his typical eye-brow raised WTF is wrong with YOU looks that he often gives crazy fans! Somebody get ahold of Gerwhisp and tell her to get ready for it on the West Coast showing ... It was about 8:55, so would be about 11:55...maybe a minute or two before that? Was a decent ad and they showed him quite a bit. Did I say EEEEEEEEEEEEE???
  8. bottle... trust you to find a GLAAD tongue picture... I loved that little clip from GLAAD. "Would I change anything in the last five years... no." Says a lot to me. It was his journey and he made the decisions right for him and he's happy. End of story. I'm back on page 7 but had to quote this...
  9. I just skimmed. GDG ordered from Amazon.ca for me and some others. Have a feeling that will get cancelled. My friend Yeahyou'regifted already grabbed 4 from the store yesterday and said she could go back and get more. Let me know. I can change my order from 1 to 2. My other half went a little crazy today. Took me forever to figure out how she did what she did cuz we can't substitute words on Yuku like you can on Invision. Turns out that she typing a replace code right into a skin (a ready made Easter one, lol) and I was no longer canfly. I was poopy head and Just Clay was Ass Shelf (cuz she fully admits that baby's got back). I'd been prattling on about changing the skin and somebody was making us fancy buttons, so she replaced skin with foreskin and buttons with balls and that thread was freakin' hilarious. Once I figured it out, I added a few changes myself, lol. Then we have somebody who knows how to embed audio into threads stick mmmbop and Wake Me Up Before You Go Go in some threads....played automatically when you opened the threads. :lalala: Was OK for awhile but I got tired of it, lol. Everything's back to normal. Seriously, if ya need help jazzin' up the skin, lemme know...I'm startin' to get a pretty good handle on Yuku skins. I'd assume basic concepts would transfer over.
  10. I'm thinkin' about going. I've never been to one. Of course, I'd need a ticket first...
  11. Thanks. Justclay said the pix were at CV but that's a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig place and anyhow...I couldn't get in. I keep getting the dreaded white page.
  12. Depends if they deserve it or not. CF hasn't mastered nice yet, i.e. the endearment above. We're still working on it. :fuckoff:
  13. Whew! canfly, THAT's a relief! I mean ... ETA: Why no ???? How am I supposed to hit people?
  14. I'm gonna agree with mush-face, lol. :21: If they'd been concerned with any of the pictures from the bowling party getting out, they would have said to attendees to not post the pix. Nothing slipped out before Clay came out and from all accounts, they've been together for a long time and kept a lid on it. Once Clay realized that fans were being totally accepting of Reed and happy for them, he's totally relaxed and isn't hiding anymore. I'm happy he seems happy. Now somebody make him go to the doc to check out why his jaw's still all puffy. We.need.a.tour (with lotza OMWH songs!) Sorry, I haven't been around much. Was off flying around during March Break and then I was "decorating" NNHB. Iz all pwitty now.
  15. My quotarama from 2 days ago sits...untouched. I went flying again today. For the Ontario folks, I went to Hanover on Saturday and flew over Stratford (over Claymatron's house twice), over Aylmer (Cindilu2's house) to St. Thomas and London (over luckiest and goldarngirl's house) on Sunday and Brantford and London today. Well, OK, I didn't pick out their houses but we'll pretend. Well, there are more but that's the only one that I've personally uploaded. Iz easy now. I tried a couple of years back and it never worked. I wanted it to show somebody in a Survivor Game. Just uploaded it 2 days ago, lol. Head in the way towards the end of that one. I was shooting through a small hole. Hadn't noticed. What makes you think he'll be on the finale, lol? I don't watch it either but I'll be there to watch Clay faster than you can pull a greased string out of a cat's ass!!! What the hell?
  16. Mark this date in your calendars, ladies! jmh SMUTTED! BWAH!!! When's it coming? Somebody else said that. Well actually, they said his face looked puffy. I said, "OMG! He's put on another 10 pounds since last weekend in the NYC pix! " I still have a page of quotes sitting from last night that I never got to cuz I got verra tired last night...getting there again... Watching DWTS. Not as good as last year. ETA: congrats Couchie!
  17. :choke: *spits diet Pepsi all over the screen* Is it coming soon?
  18. Ha I wondered the same exact thing!! Unless he's buying a new tour bus, I guess it doesn't matter!! I think that the phrase shoulda been "for privacy's sake" vs "for safety's sake", lol. Did sound silly but maybe the person who took out the exact colour and model of BMW that Clay bought, figured it would be safer without a buncha crazy claymates chasing all of the BMW's in that colour and model around the triangle, lol? :lmaosmiley-1: I checked it out (cuz I'm nosey and all) and it looked practical and ideal for carseats. Chacha, Let us know if you hear that he's rented any tour buses, K? My calendar is completely clear for the Summer. :thumbup:
  19. I can't tell if the lashes are dyed from this picture that claygary lightened: How come the dude had a basketball at the car dealership? And a camera? Things that make you go..."hmmmmmmmmmmm..." TM. Arsenio Hall.
  20. The R looks like it's seen a few rolls around the washer and dryer, lol... so why have we not seen it before? He musta traded Reed for the UCONN hoodie, lol.
  21. Well, amongst you and I it's just you! Have you ever known a car place that didn't?? Re: that info. I just saw the orginal note and it says the exact colour and model of BMW that he was buying, so that's what was removed and likely a good idea.
  22. I came to drop this off but see claygary already did...ah well... Random sighting...at Chapel Hill BMW place in Chapel Hill, lol??? What's the deal with Reed in a toga there, lol????
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