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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. Here is a description of the Showbiz Tonight interview:

    Just saw it! He was great. He said they had an independent auditor announce that they spend .85 cent of every dollar on their charity!!!! He said it's probably true that BAF only spends 1/3 on grants because that is not their main focus. He said they (his critics) failed to take into account the Camps, Able to Serve scholarships, etc! He looked great.

    Angela, Quina and Jacob were with him and all decked out in very unusual costumes or something. They said he will be doing Barry Manilow, Bee Gees, Sam Cook on his tour and said he is still as popular as ever.

    Then some yahoo came on and said that chartiable contributions to celebrity foundations are a terrible waste of money because they always fizzle outl

    Clay said he was very disappointed in the reports because he's trying to do so much good. He said it's unfortunate that people are only interested in the sensational.

    He said BAF raised more money in the last 5 days than they have in the last 2 months.

  2. New music, and a new tour book with purty pictures - Awhoo Hooo!

    I remember paging through the first scans of the NAT Tour book, and actually losing my ability to breathe when I saw the Tux in the Grass picture.  Based on the quality of what we've already seen on the OFC, I'm not sure sure if any of the Colorado pictures, which I'm assuming would be used in the Jukebox Tour Book, are likely to elict the same response.  Here's hoping, though!

    I agree, hope we get some pretty, pretty pictures. Although there is just one picture in the OFC that I didn;t like. Still love the poster...so I am truly psyched. I'm telling myself that they probably reserved the best JBT pictures for the program. *crosses fingers and toes*

  3. July 25, 2005

    Possible new song courtesy of the CB and CH:

    BACK FOR MORE (Title Code: 321596690)








    (none found)






    NEW YORK , NY, 10019

    Tel. (212) 830-2036

    ASCAP website

  4. Anyway...they reference things that I don't remember...who is Grinwald...and Gleam of triumph...what the heck are they talking about...any ideas?

    I know way to much about Harry Potter.....

    Grinwald, I believe, is the dark wizard Dumbledore defeated in the past. It was mentioned in SS when Ron and Harry are reading those chocolate frog cards on the train to Hogwarts. It think it may have been mentioned a time or two elsewhere. They mentioned time-frame in the interview and I am not sure exactly what they were talking about. Dumbledore defeated Grinwald in 1945 which was around the time of WWII. Voldermort killed his dad and grandparents in 1943. Not sure if there is any relationship there or not.

    The gleam of triumph. This is in Goblet of Fire after Harry comes back from the graveyard. Harry is telling Dumbldore what happened and Harry mentions where they took his blood to bring Voldermort back to life. JKF describes Dumbledore as having a gleam of triumph in his eye when Harry mentions this. No one is quite sure what the gleam means, but suspect it has something to do with using Harry's blood specifically.

    Thanks Buzztechie...this saves me from actually going back and searching for these...

    Now I know who to go to when I have a Harry question *g*...there are others things in that interveiw that went over my head...I will ask another time..

  5. third part of JK Rowlings interview with mugglenet.com is up.

    Very interesting...there seem to be things that I totally overlooked. She mentioned getting clues to the other Horcruxes from rereading the books...and she didn;t shoot down my theory about Snapes in love with Lily....

    Anyway...they reference things that I don't remember...who is Grinwald...and Gleam of triumph...what the heck are they talking about...any ideas?

  6. WORD Skatejoy. This make me think of the different charity activities my kids do in school. They have this Jump Rope for the Heart campaign and I used to wonder how effective it is in getting money for the heart foundation since they end up giving incentive gifts to the kids. But I realize that there is a bigger function for these type of charity activities. Its not really just about the money they raise but the awareness and the experience of volunteerism that they get.

    I really wonder why people are upset when the galas are considered to be awareness building. They do end up getting publicity for BAF that they normally wouldn't get without the gala...free publicity with the features in newspapers and local entertainment news. People don;t realize that without a legitimate entertainment angle the only way you can get in the newspaper is if you take an ad for it and it is very expensive. So the gala accomplishes several goals...it raises awareness, raises money and also becomes an activity that local volunteers can actively participate in.

    I do agree with Couchtomato that if it hasn't been effective then they could think of other ways to raise money and get local vounteers involved. Benefit concert are good...maybe it doesn't even ahve to be all Clay...it can involve local musicians and Clay can sing 5 songs...

  7. I think what I can do is when people are going to put up a new pin...I can ask them to consider putting it out twice in the year, now and then they can re-issue it after the concerts or before JNT, or they can consider taking names for a waiting list. At the moment I think most of the pins coming out are from smaller groups or individuals who haven't done this before and are simply getting inspired by all the pins out there. What's incredible is that the demand is still pretty high, new pin makers are still getting lots of response.

  8. Could this be...some positive spin from the press?


    People in the News: Even good guys come under the gun

    Angelina Jolie isn't the only do-gooder celebrity. Geek-turned-idol Clay Aiken co-founded the Bubel/Aiken Foundation, which aims to help disabled kids by spreading awareness and funding special programs.


    Critics, though, have acted like hounds ready to chew up and spit out Aiken's efforts. You'd think that instead of criticizing a celebrity using his star power for a good cause, they'd focus on far-more-obnoxious stars who spend money washing their faces with Evian water or buying their fifth beachside mansion.

    But, no. Critics point to an IRS document suggesting that the Bubel/Aiken Foundation raised more than $1 million, with less than a third going to grants, according to MSNBC.

    But WRAL-TV in Aiken's hometown of Raleigh, N.C., consulted an independent accountant, who found that about 85 cents of every dollar donated went toward program services.

    Also on WRAL-TV, foundation co-founder Diane Bubel said, "We're volunteering and doing something good, and all we hear is complaining."

  9. Could this be...some positive spin from the press?


    People in the News: Even good guys come under the gun

    Angelina Jolie isn't the only do-gooder celebrity. Geek-turned-idol Clay Aiken co-founded the Bubel/Aiken Foundation, which aims to help disabled kids by spreading awareness and funding special programs.


    Critics, though, have acted like hounds ready to chew up and spit out Aiken's efforts. You'd think that instead of criticizing a celebrity using his star power for a good cause, they'd focus on far-more-obnoxious stars who spend money washing their faces with Evian water or buying their fifth beachside mansion.

    But, no. Critics point to an IRS document suggesting that the Bubel/Aiken Foundation raised more than $1 million, with less than a third going to grants, according to MSNBC.

    But WRAL-TV in Aiken's hometown of Raleigh, N.C., consulted an independent accountant, who found that about 85 cents of every dollar donated went toward program services.

    Also on WRAL-TV, foundation co-founder Diane Bubel said, "We're volunteering and doing something good, and all we hear is complaining."

  10. Yeah...I really hope we get a good turn out in GMA...I don't usually like to worry about things like that but since Clay hasn't been around for a bit I do want his first big National performance to be really fun....and it would be good if fans would show support for BAF as well.

    eta: I guess you have a point about how GMA can make things look really good for clay. I guess I just want him to feel a lot of love.

    So do y'all think we will get another Blog this weekend? Hope so!

  11. I think the last DVD was a total washout for Clay fans since it only had one sonf for Clay I think...

    Frankly in entertainment value, the only time I consistently enjoyed the music in AI was during season 2. Season 3 is one they should erase from the records entirely...didn;t watch season 1 but the only ones I think had any talent tehre was Tamyra, Kelly and Justin...AI4, started with promise but turned out to be a dud as well.

  12. I do love the Weasleys – but Ron is my least favorite there too. Fred and George are the main dudes.

    Oh man. I loooove the twins. And here comes a really big gripe about the movies; which really doesn't belong here, not really: how do these directors make Fred and George so boring??!@! The twins rock so much in the book and in the movies, they just kind of fall flat. Bleh.

    Yup another twin lover here...and I am also totally intrigued by Charlie and Bill...that is why I'm sad that the focus never said a thing. I do think he will have a bigger role in the next book. I am intrigued by what his werewolf bites would do to his personality.

    Well, my main beef with the movies thus far is that they just don't capture all of the nuances in the books. I know it's nearly impossible to do that, but if they can do it with Lord of the Rings, I hope that they manage to capture more of the characterization and nuances of the universe in the rest of the movies. This particular book will be interesting to see on the big screen. Really, a LOT of the time is spent doing things that are not so action friendly, but IMO, all of the 'downtime' so to speak with Harry and the little things that happen around him all add and make a big difference to the story. I miss all of the introspection in the movies, I guess, and the introspection in the books makes a big difference in how you react to Harry and others, because you see them through his eyes more, and in the movies, you have to use the impression you are given from the action on the film itself, not Harry's thoughts about them and what goes on.

    That is my main beef with the first two movies...I really hated Christopher as a director because he went more for the big CGI effects. I remember being so furstrated by the very long a boring quidditch scene...I felt they could've kept more charcter bulding scene than wasting precious time on them flying through the stand.

    Oh yeah they are!  I LOVE the twins.  I just wish they were in the books more than they are.  Does anyone else think that one of their joke inventions will come in handy when Harry fights Voldermort?  That whole subplot has to have some reasoning besides just being there for laughs.

    yeah I think they will end up having heroic roles in the end. Ron is probably my most hated character. I do believe Hermione has been more loyal to Harry than Ron. Ron often gets his ego and jealousy get in the way of friendship. Yeah Hermione was a pain in this book. I hated how petty she was about the potions class.

    I am a Harry's girl just like I was a Luke Skywalker's girl years ago.

    There is someone else that thinks like me! I have to admit, I was kind of devastated when Leia turned out to be his sister (cause, eww). And reading the books set after RotJ didn't satisfy me any, because Luke never seemed to catch a break.

    Hee another Luke and Harry girl here. I was really sad that Luke never got anybody in the end.

    I really want a happy ending for Harry out of all of this. I am a romantic in every sense of the word. The kid DESERVES it. After Book 7, I will probably have to resort to fanfic it that happy ending doesn't happen, and just live in my own little world of bliss. Heh. Harry's had a raw deal from minute one (and btw, how MUCH did I love it when Dumblebore finally told off the Dursley's? And it just occurred to me this second that Dumbledore's words to them were very...final. He seemed to say everything he needed to say to get Harry through until he turned of age. Interesting I didn't notice that before. Another little clue to the 'is Snape evil or not' mystery. And this is now the world's longest aside. *G* )

    WORD on wishing for a happy ending for HArry...or at least a possibility for one. I do believe he will lose another person that is important to him. I don't think it would be Ginny but I think either ROn or Hermione.

    love that interview with JK...she sounds like one of us...cool!

  13. I'm sure you are not alone. This is what's so amazing about this...we are close to having 140 different pin designs...and the new pins are still getting a lot of orders. I do hope this is here to stay and that there will be CLay pins for most ocassions. Its just so much fun.

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