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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. I started to read this thread before posting but I realized I needed to give my impressions first without getting influenced by y'all.


    This is definitely one of the best books in the series but I would not call it the best...I think that is still GOF and POA for me. I think I had the same reaction as Heidi...expectations were high that it took a while for me to really get into the book. The problem I had I guess was that number 5 seemed so intense and powerful that I expected the story to pick up from there...I expected more of the OoP members to make appearances. But as I got into the story I realized I liked the fact that JK really added a lot of light touches to the book. I am glad Harry was more optimistic and that his terrible experiences actually helped him grow instead of making him a morose and negative person. Heidi you are right this is a much lighter and fun book as a whole. IT was so much fun reading him getting all giddy about Ginny and spending time with her...I was eeeeing about that.

    I haven't been reading anything about this book, I was good about keeping away from the spoilers. But I always knew that it would be Harry and Ginny and I also knew that Dumbledore will die. What I didn't really see was that The Half Blood Prince was Snape. I guess the fact that the book was 50 years old threw me. I always knew Dumbledore had to die in order for the story to progress. In the past Dumblebore was always there to save the day. Harry never really stands up against Voldemort on his own. I knew that the Hogwarts people had to have a huge defeat in the sixth so that the seventh will be more dramatic. Harry needed to face Vodemort on his own. But even when I knew it was going to happen I was still riveted to the scene...I still couldn't believe he was really dead...It was still terribly sad.

    Romantic subplots:

    I knew it will eventually be Harry and Ginny ever since Harry visited the Burrows in Book 2 Its just a typical romance story plot and I liked the way JK developed Ginny's character. I also think it is going to be Ron and Hermione. This was hinted at from the very start when Ron and Hermione can't get along...another typical romance story plot of people who can't stand each othar because they are hidin a strong attraction. I think Hermione always just had platonic felings for Harry. I do love the Harry and Ginny combination. I think Ginny is one of my favorite characters because she is quite feisty and has her own mind. I love her reaction to Harry's decision to cool off. I think she knows deep down that their destiny is really for each other and she can wait until the time is right.

    I liked the other love angles in the book with Tonks and Lupin and Bill and Fleur...but I wished they fleshed out the character of Bill a little bit more. I don't think he said one word in the book. Same with Lupin. he is one of my favorite characters and I was disappointed that he didn't have a bigger role...hope we see more of him in the seventh book.


    My prediction...he is good. I think that would be the more interesting story line. I do believe that Snapes was secretly in love with Lily...and as much as he hated James Potter, he would never want any harm to come to Lily. I think that is why Dumbledore trusts Snapes he probably knows that he now hates Voldemort for killing Lily adn he can;t stand the fact that it was his info that lead to her death. The tower situation is very telling too...because Dumbledore made sure Harry couldn;t help him...and Snapes never really hurt Harry.

    I also have a theroy, if the person has to mean an unforgivable curse for it to work...is it possible that his Kedavra curse didn''t fully work on Dumbledore and that he might still wake up from this deep sleep. The begging was also intersting...I also think he was begging for Snapes to kill him. Finally...I don't think Dumbledore would make such a huge mistake as to trust Snapes completely, with Harry's life no less if he didn't have a good reason to trust him. Finally he seemed too defensive during hi interview with Bella and Narcissa.

    I do think Neville, Luna, and Ginny will continue to have a big part in book seven. This time I think we will hear more about Harry's parents and the connection with Snapes.

    Time to read what you all thought!!!!


    At this point I know everyone is being respectful and the discussion has been mostly speculative, but I think we should try to stear the conversation away from who is responsible for this fiasco. We are not here to start a witch hunt...so I hope we can redirect the conversation to the role of the media in this, and on the positive work and experiences with BAF.

    We understand that there is a lot of anger, and sadness for Clay and the BAF. It is appropriate to express this here as long as we do not target individuals and/or fan groups.


  3. Lucia couldn't you partner with someone here in the states that will take care of the mailing and packaging. That is what was so great about having a partner in taking care of this. I live in Canada so the mailing wouldn't be practical on my side. So Couchie had to take care of all those. But what I did was to organize the orders as they come in so that it would be much easier for her during packing. I didn;t feel so useless and we didn't feel so harrassed all the time. Although I hope its not too stressful for Couchie now as she sends them off in the mail. <_<

    Anyway, I hope we get to see your pin...you could still put it up on FCA...I'm sure it will be a hot item during concert trading...

  4. My daughter has an ipod and her dad started downloadong books for her...he started her off with star wars...She does like reading but she is picky with books. If a book is abit difficult to read she loses interest right away. I wonder how audio books would affect ther reading level and interest...any insights on this?

    eta: thanks diamondjake. I think my daughter's problem is that she started reading really early....no one had to teach her, she was recognizing words before she was 2. I think you are right that now she has to develop the comprehension part. FOr books she enjoys like Harry Potter she will go through the book really fast. But I do wonder if she truly understands all the book. I think I will encourage her to start listening to audiobooks and even start with some classics that she alsways seem to reject.

  5. Do we have to be nice to Ms. Walls too? :rolleyes:

    The gossip item on MSNBC was just that. It made absolutely no sense at all. I don't think this was from WRAL. Some of the numbers were different. It appears to me that she was fed this information and printed as she received it without checking out any of the numbers. I think she mentioned $150,000 in salaries. The audit report shows $112,284

    She showed that only $345,000 was distributed. This number does not include the $155,750 spent for Project Gonzo nor does it include the costs of the 2 galas $189,891. So when reporting the amount distributed she includes the income from the galas but does not deduct the related expenses.

    Almost half of the travel related to Project Gonzo. Which makes sense due to training and observations of other camps.

    I did a calculation in the den of the Clackhouse and by deducting the income and expenses of the galas the resulting distribution of revenues to programs was more like 78% than the 35% or so they reported.

    Sorry for the numbers talk. I really dislike the unjust manipulation of them.

    thanks for clarifying...the numbers talk is fine...had to read it through twice...hee. But that is interesting and I think you may be right. Frankly I think that this item...of gossip will probably die down much like the Sewell incident. If this does not get fueled by well meaning phone calls and emails.

    The intersting thing is this incident made me focus back on the BAF and the thought that its getting attacked made me look back on its short history...it hasn;t been smooth for sure. I do belive it will weather this too and I think many people are showing their support in different ways.

  6. I have always been impressed with what TBAf is doing. I actually like the fact that they haven't been too fancy with their brochures or communication with donors...I like the fact that they don't have a huge staff. Why? Because all that means money. I would rather see the money go to grants and to support the different programs of BAF than going to shiny brochures and all kinds of official correspondence with the donors. Should they have these...of course it would be nice to have them but not if it means taking away from grants and expenses for the various programs.

    Another thing that always impressed me are the corporate partners BAF has acquired. First they targeted the right organizations because they are high profile and children oriented. Second I don't think these groups would associate themselves with just any upstart organization. Of course it could be the decision makers in these organizations are just Clay fans *g*...but really to set this up needs some leg work and good networking. They also must've given impressive presentations.

    Finally Kudos for receiveing the huge grant from the DOE to work on a curriculum for inclusion. The best way to make lasting changes for inclusion for children with special needs is through changes in policy. It does not matter if there are camp Gonzos all over the US...if when these kids go back to school they are still seperated from their their peers then its back to square one for these kids. Creating a practical solution for inlcusion within the classroom is the most effective way to reaching the most children.

    These are just a few things I would like to give TBAF props for...I'm sure others can add to this list.

  7. thanks for the comments on Bewitched. I used to love that series and was really looking forward to renting this on DVD. I love Will Farrell but I was wondering if he meshed at all with Nicole...she jsut seem so glamorous that its hard to believe she would fall for Will...but I think he is one of the funniest actors today.


    In putting this forum together we hope to be a place where Clay fans can celebrate every aspect of Clay's career and life that he wishes to share with us. The Bubel Aiken Foundation is a big part of Clay. We hesitated to put a forum to discuss TBAF because sadly it has become a controversial subject with a lot of fans. However with the current WRAL news item and now the MSNBC gossip column that questions the integrity of this very young non-profit organization, we feel that this topic is necessary. And it will remain as long as a balanced, fair, and respectful, discussion takes place.

    We are very much aware of the different complaints and issues that were brought up by the critics of TBAF. We are very much aware that TBAF is not perfect. It has gone through some growing pains and things haven't worked in the most efficient ways. There are areas for improvement for sure. But TBAF has also done some amazing things and should indeed be celebrated as well. We support Clay and his efforts to make TBAF a success.

    We invite people to post their experiences and impressions about TBAF and also some suggestions on how this organization could continue to grow and help as many people as possible.

    We are open to a discussion of the possible implications the MSNBC gossip item would have on Clay and the BAF and impressions on how the media is handling this story.

    Finally, we would like to give a few posting guidelines about this topic:

    1) No bashing of Clay, Fran or Diane - no matter what - this is just unacceptable.

    2) Anything that crosses the line from constructive criticism into just plain nastiness will be edited or deleted- this will be up to the discretion of the moderators .

    3) Respect for other's opinions is a must. The mods will just have to make the call if they think somebody is being condescending and rude.

    Thank you

    The FCA Admins


    We are putting the whole quote here since this story has gone National and is a concern in the fandom, we know many will be curious about it. Hopefully this will also lessen the need to give this story any more hits.


    Aiken’s charity isn’t that charitable


    Jeannette Walls delivers the scoop

    Looks like Clay Aiken’s charity isn’t terribly charitable.

    Aiken co-founded the Bubel/Aiken foundation to benefit children with disabilities, but a document filed with the Internal Revenue Service revealed that of the more than $1 million the group raised last year, less than a third was handed out in grants.

    More than $150,000 went for travel expenses, $173,000 for “professional services,” and nearly $150,000 for salaries. One of the reasons for the high expenses was high-profile galas held in places like Los Angeles and Hawaii.

    Aiken’s rep didn’t return The Scoop’s call for comment, but his partner, co-founder Diane Bubel, told WRAL-TV in Raleigh that critics are misrepresenting the situation. “We’re volunteering and doing something good, and all we hear is complaining,” Bubel said.

  10. Here is a lovely essay by Ananka1 from Clackhouse


    My tastes in music throughout my life have been very simple and miles away from the mainstream. I looked mainly to music that would help me achieve altered states of consciousness. I pretty much stuck to classical, eastern meditation music and in my wilder moments some Yanni and White Stones. The Beatles, heavy metal, pop, hip hop and California Dreamin, all passed me by.

    My life has been incredible and if I were to leave this plane tomorrow there would be no regrets. I have been both rich and poor, lived in sprawling big cities and out in the country far from civilization. I have been loved and had my heart broken, traveled the world and studied with fabulous teachers. But the dark night of the soul did come for me suddenly. I lost my mother, the love of my life, my great teacher, my job and my health all in one fell swoop. Circumstances forced me back to my childhood home where the remnants of my family welcomed me reluctantly. For years my body and my soul suffered. But I endured.

    How did I endure, did some wonderful wise man come to my door and impart to me the secret of happiness? Did Glenda the good witch from the wizard of Oz descend from the heavens and toss me those ruby red slippers to have my hearts desire? How about the genie in a bottle? No, none of these magical occurrences pulled me out. Instead I chanced upon a stupid little talent contest on TV and heard the golden voice of a skinny kid from the Deep South. Something inside of me stirred, that seemed long ago dead and I was transfixed by that voice and those alluring green eyes. And from that day forward I began to live again.

    I am convinced more than ever that Clay is the incarnation of some great wizard who came back to earth to mesmerize the females of this planet like some modern day Pied Piper. Perhaps he is really from some barren planet that needs women to survive and he has been sent here to steal us with his enchanting voice. Maybe I should stop watching the Sci Fi channel.

    Years later I still cannot understand why I feel love for this man I have never touched and barely ever laid eyes on. My intellect hated that I was swept away with everything he did, after all he was not as learned as I, not as spiritually advanced as I and his songs were a far cry from my beloved Mozart. The ego was crushed. I was as giddy as a silly teenager filling my room, once filled with books from masters of the Far East, with Clay cups, Clay posters, Clay key chains, Clay mouse pads and Clay videos. Imagine when my friends from advanced spiritual schools received letters from me plastered with a Clay return address labels and Clay stickers. They were sure I was suffering from some advanced and mysterious disease that had rendered me incompetent.

    So what does this all have to do with that picture? Well over the last months I have tried to fill my life with other pursuits and convinced myself of how silly I had been. Not that I did not still love and admire the man, but I had cooled the flames of love to a slow simmer and placed him where he belonged, on the back burner of my life. After all, I reasoned, I would never get to meet him or know him and he could care less about me and my life, so cool it baby. Besides, it really had hurt to love someone like this from afar. I was much too mature for unrequited love for a pop star. So my heart healed and I was exorcized of the demon of Clay Aiken.

    Then what happens, he does this interview with TV Guide where he sounds really intelligent with a mind of his own and depth of spirit. It sounds like he realizes that the true beauty of all mankind lies within and not in what the mortal eye can see. And then those pictures, and this picture. I thought I was over you, you wicked, wicked man.

    You may never appreciate who we are personally or hold our hand or sigh over what we look like. But we don’t care. We are magically drawn to you. You may hurt for the world you are in, but we hurt sometimes too because the object of our love will never be ours. But we are there for you as you discover who you are and willing to help you. Just please, no more pictures like this for a while. We need to recover.

    ~ ananka1

  11. But then I wondered about "tags", like the item below:

    Can we post these .......or.....will this be an avatar picture only with text replies (limited only to the smilies from this board - and not imported smilies)?

    i loved this tag... oh it is so cute.. i copied it i hope you dont' mind.

    would love it for my board.

    i want avatars... but understand,, must go by board rules.. i will regretably comply.. lol.



    We decided to let people use avatars...they are usually not too big and obvious...although I do know that some can be really dangerous cos it make you lose concentration....<<<<<see my avatar for example :D

  12. You are so right...Clay really has a very distinctive sound. I have been listening to my ipod almost nonstop since I got it...I placed all my songs in my collection with a good dose of Clay...only a very few voices were very distinctive in that collection and CLay is one of them. The newer bands and singers all sound alike but Clay really stands out and could still make me stop what I'm doing to listen to him.

  13. What we did is we gave a certain time for the orders to come in then we based our orders to the number of orders we got by the deadline. Yes we had to have some extras as well. we figured we can cover the cost of the extras by offereing the pins again later on...but I don't think we will need to do that

    We used the preorders we got as a way to estimate the number of pins we will orderand the final cost of the pin. Of course our final order was way above our original estimate.

    what I like with the deadline procedure is you are not in a panic to make sure that everyone received the info that your orders are done. But of course you cannot control the number of orders you get that way.

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