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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. Just curious cos y'all know I don't go around too much on the other boards....but is the eyeliner really an issue?

    as far as i can see on this board we have some people that said they prefer him without the eyeliner...to me thats not an issue...thats just a preference. But are there fans questioning his use of it?or wondering why he is using it? or saying he should use it?

  2. hee that picture is sure getting a varied reaction....at both extreme.

    I like it but it isn't one of my favorites. I actually think he looks very contemporary since a lot of the artist my girls listen to have long tousled blond or black hair and a lot of them have eyeliners that they choose to wear or is part of their band image. I think what I find off in this picture is the huge smile on his face...cos usually these young bands would have a scowl or brooding look. But since this is Clay, I like to see him looking happy.

    actually my favorite picture is definitely the one most prominent in our banner. The matinee idol shot is also gorgeous but it is a bit dated...and too posed. I really like the open and natural smile in my avatar cos it goes right into his eyes...sigh


  3. Maybe Dudley wouldn't want Clay to get bigger than her girl, Carrie. Sometimes it's hard to keep your real feelings in tow.


    I am uncomfortable discussing a person's motivation when they really are not able to defend them self. If we are going to discuss other fans posts and behavior I rather the focus be on their opinion...or on how they acted rather than take them on personally. I really do believe everyone is entitled to their opinion without being accused of bias or having other agenda.

  4. OMG weeeeeeeeeeeeee this game is good

    I know!!!! and that does not always happen

    as far as I'm concern...just another persons' opinion. I never considered anyone in the fandom to be an expert. But I think I can understand why the reaction is so strong.

    YAY GIANTS!!!!

    that was good!!!

    I didn't really care who won...but I just love it when the under dog wins ...

    all I care about is a good game...

    Sorry to the Patriots fans...you had a great season though.

  5. On a completely different subject, I have a question. It seems Jerome will be with Clay his entire stay in NY. Why do you think they find this necessary? In a city where bigger stars than Clay can walk around anonymously, where the other actors in Spamalot don't appear to have security with them 24/7, why does Clay? Is that a comment on his fans? Or do you think there is another, perhaps more ominous reason? Or is Clay just paranoid?

    My guess, claygasm, is that it's a little bit of all of those things. I think because of the nature of AI, Clay, unlike many recognizable celebrities, was hit hard and fast with the world of over the top fans. I think most other performers sort of ease into 'ass and grass snatching'. That, along with a combination of his own insecurities about crowds and the mean crazies of the world (JP and the like) showing up along the way, I would imagine Jerome is worth the money for the peace of mind afforded. Didn't Clay once thank Jerome for making his life feel like it was 'normal again'...? (or some such wording)

    I also think that for Clay...Jerome is more like family. I feel like he is not just security but a trusted friend, so he probably does not feel so closed in with him unlike how some celebrity would feel with a faceless security always following them around.

    I did wonder if Jerome would eventually leave him alone...but as long as the stage door crowd is there specifically for him, I think he will need him.

    Can't wait for some more post show reports...

    oh I think I will go see if I can find reports elsewhere...

  6. CG unfortunately I do think he is there for us, for ominous reasons and also for Clay.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Clay has had more than just fan mails. He is just the kind of guy that can bring about extreme reactions. I have a feeling he may been getting scary letters since AI since it seems like he was the only one that had Jerome beside him most of the time and that was before they knew much about the enthusiasm of the fandom. For us... with stalker fans and fans that think they are talking to Clay and getting impregnated by him and just from fans that have a tendency to get overly excited...I can see where this can be a problem for Clay. For Clay...we already know that he has had some panic attacks that he had to take medication for. He is now off that medication but his life hasn't really changed. I bet Clay just finds Jerome's presence really reassuring.

    I didn't always like Kelly. I didn't watch AI 1 so when I first took notice of her ...it was when she would be interviewed as the first AI along with Justin. My first impression of her was an airhead...and a bit of a Diva because of the AI Christmas special. But she sure changed my mind during IT. She didn't seem like a diva to me and I loved how clay and her would talk to each other cos she can be pretty witty and I thought she kinda pushed Clay a bit. I think Kelly also tried to keep up with Clay and I really thought the chemistry between them was strong and I do think that its because they had so much in common and because she did bring out a lot of Clay;s child like qualities. I thought if Clay wasn't so careful with relationships and pretty much a gentleman, then something could've developed between them. But I always felt that Clay would be wary about starting something in such an unusual setting. But after IT...their career paths moved away from each other and I think Kelly did get pulled a bit into the party scene and the cool rocker chick image during Breakaway. Right now I bet these two are very different people from their IT days. They went through a lot of personal and career challenges but I think they still have more things in common than not. I have to admit that this friendship and his friendship with Ruben are the two that I get schmoopie about. I don't feel the same about Klo though. I think they are still friendly but I doubt they are as close as they were on AI2.

    I really still like Kelly, I think she is so very very talented...I think the post Breakaway craziness with My December was a result of bad advice from her management.

  7. I remember watching his appearance on Tyra. I wasn't able to watch it for a few days after it aired and all I had heard was how amazing it was and what chemistry they had. Maybe I just expected too much. I saw no real chemistry. They were pleasant together, but nothing jumped off the screen at me.

    Obviously they are friendly now and it must have come out of his appearance on her show and that's great. But every time the fandom goes nuts for them I wonder why I can't see what they all see.

    I feel like I am missing out on something!

    I do believe that may be the case on this one...you were expecting something more...All I know is that it seemed obvious to me at the time, but that is just our individual perception of the situation and it is very subjective. I think if you were expecting something more overt...then you will be disappointed. I remember the reason I found their interaction so interesting is that there is a bit of shyness between them. Clay was not as goofy and non-chalant and Tyra...who can sometimes be OTT in her interaction with people was really excited and impressed, but she seemed to also be a bit surprised by how charming he was and even a bit hesitant in some of her interaction with him...like when he asked for a kiss. To me it seemed like they really connected in a real sense and not just in a professional sense...like when she invited him to her place she really wanted him to go and when he started asking her questions...she was really involved in the conversation. I really couldn't stop smiling all through out that show.

    For me...I think I observed some kind of attraction between Clay and 3 women, Tyra, Kelly and Angela. With Kelly, I think he is attracted but he still sees her more as a friend or kid sister but I thought she was more into him than he was. With Angela...I think Clay is more into her than she is...With Tyra, I thought the attraction was on a similar level, definitely mutual. But of course...what do I know?

  8. I think Sawyer is one of the six and is with Kate.

    I sure hope so! I love them together!

    I don't think its Hurley in the coffin either. No one was at the funeral home and every one liked Hurley!

    But he was going nuts... can see him going deeper into his psychosis and alienating everybody.

    At one tie I thought...it can;t be a person that was vital to the story...but then death may not be the end of a character in this show...

  9. report on Tyra from amazed in nj at CV:

    I just got back from the show. It was a last minute decision to go - I took a bus into the city all by myself for the first time. I was terrified! But I am so glad I did!!! I had so much fun!

    Tyra sat on the right side of the theater for the first half and then sat third row center orch. during the second half. She was three seats away from me. She sure is beautiful! She enjoyed the show! At the end of the show when the players were coming out and taking their bows, Tyra jumped up and gave Clay a standing ovation when he came out. What a fun sight to see!!!

    I could tell when he spotted Tyra in the audience and then at the very end during the sing along Tyra waved at Clay and Clay waved back at Tyra. Very cute! After the show she was immediately escorted up onto the stage and through the curtains to backstage.

  10. just watch AI2R....I was shocked at how excited I was to see him...to think we were watching how all this started....

    the only ones that really deserved to go to that finals was Clay and trenyce. Carmen was just BAAAAAAD...I think I would rather have Alyson, Olivia or Janine cos she had the worse performance of the night. Poor Chip...it wasn;t the wrong song chocie it was the wrong gender...They only had room form one guy and it would be Clay. But trenyce was fantastic.


  11. Good summary Bottle...I think the only thing that I would add is that we actually had different insider infos in different boards. In my old home board, someone that was pretty well respected was giving info that was so rosy that was soooo good that people can;t help but have really high expectations about the CD. I still don't know if that fan was being given false info or she was just reading so much into the information she was given, but it sure created a lot of disappointments in the end.

    Then in other boards the insider info was going opposite...was giving the fans all kind of worrisome info about how Clay was reacting to the CD...some actually were asking the fans to take action and help Clay fight RCA...I thought that was the most insidious of all. That really divided a lot of the fandom. Nasty business....

    So at this point I am really not worried about these inside infos...cos I am hoping that the fandom has learned our lesson. Take everything with a grain of salt...just because it fits in with what we want to happen does not mean we embrace the info....and always be suspicious of info that claims to know what Clay feels.Another thing that I think hurt the fandom...the secrecy...the back channels. Most of these infos were never fully discussed on the boards because it will get the informer in trouble...right...as soon as the person telling you the info can;t give sources ..do not take it seriously.

    So right now I will treat this as a game....lets see how many inside info comes out and whether anything will actually be accurate.

  12. from Toni7babe at CV:

    She thought he couldn't be any better than he was opening weekend but he is! Says she seems much more comfortable on stage and his dancing is effortless.

    Says there is more ad-libbing from Clay. In the scene where they bring out the Wooden Rabbit (it was a rabbit, wasn't it?) Clay is lying on stage next to the rabbit and hugging it!

    Says his delivery in the tower scene is even better than before!

    The show is over. Clay got a huge standing ovation. Natch.

    Tyra was sitting fourth row dead center - she was with 2 other women. Tyra was clapping like crazy at the end of the show!

    toni and Invisible are at the stage door waiting for Clay - once gain, they're in the front row. hee

    She'll call back after Clay arrives on the scene.

    Clay's on the fast track to today. He already did the stage door thing - came out the door only 10 minutes after the show. Big crowd there today! Wearing the black puffy jacket and jeans. Didn't stay too long but was very friendly and fun!

    toni and Invisible got pictures and Invisible has a short video!

    Hair was all messy and Clay was very friendly and interacting a lot with the crowd.

    One guy said to him: "See, and Simon said you couldn't dance." Clay replied "I still can't." hee. I beg to differ.

    Seat C101 was chosen for the peasant. toni said it was a cute young girl who was there with her boyfriend.

    I'm pretty sure toni still thinks he's f****** gorgeous. They're off to dinner at Junior's

    From Ch:

    Invisible926 calling.

    Tyra was right behind her and she didn't realize it until the end. Tyra had a blast, she was laughing a lot.

    Awesome show.

    He did not sing the Amen.

    She got an autograph, pictures and short videos at stage door. She'll put it up tonight after the evening show.

    His characters are hysterical. He is not hiding Waldo in those white pants at all.

    Invisible calling again.

    She figured out why she didn't realize about Tyra until second half. Tyra was sitting further back and then moved up. She looked nice, barely any make-up on ,thin and casually dressed. She was with an older woman (her mom?) and a younger woman.

    She did not go backstage that they could see.

    They are very hyper and are at Junior's waiting to eat.

  13. recap details from windstar2 at the CV:

    Thank you to everyone who read my first recap. I'm glad I could provide some visual for some of you. I need to say that I probably would not have soaked up as much detail as I did but I traveled with five other ladies and we usually all sat in different seats at each show. After the show ... we would all compare what we had seen/noticed/witnessed. There were a lot of things they saw that I didn't and vise versa. So, at the next show, I would look for the things they saw too. (Probably helped that I attended five shows in a row. Not going back for more, so I wanted to do as much as I could on this one trip.)

    I'm sorry about all my typo's in my last recap too.

    General observations about the show:

    Drunken guard outfit - I didn't give a description of this outfit in my first recap because I felt that recap was already too long as it was. But now I realize that the details are important to many. He has on a fancy tunic that looks black in color. It is sleeveless and comes about mid thigh? It is covered with what looks to be round gold beads/brads/studs. In the middle is a wide belt that buckles in the middle. I can't remember the shirt underneath that or the pants. I do remember that he wears the fleece lined gaiters again (like in the "Not Yet Dead" outfit) that cover the lower part of his legs ... ankle to just below the knee. He has a helmet on. It covers his head and comes to about his mid forehead. I think it is silver in color (but not sure) and it has flowers on the side of it. Wildflowers. You really concentrate on Clay's face here because of the way the hat fits. He is carrying a tall spear .... something a guard would carry if standing guard at a door. The spears is decorated though ... with ribbon and flowers ... same flowers that are on his hat. ( I didn't get the reason for the flowers, decoration, or the "dressed up tunic" until about the 3rd show. One of the ladies I was with reminded me that they are having a wedding at that castle ... so everyone is dressed for the wedding festivities. ) His facial expressions are just hilarious and I don't know how he keeps a straight face. And his comedic timing is just brilliant.

    We all thought Clay looked like certain other actors during this play. Out of the six of us that I was with, all these were mentioned:

    "Not Yet Dead" - Danny Kaye.

    Drunken Guard - Tim Conway.

    Brother Maynard - Jerry Lewis.

    Finale (tux and top hat) - Willy Wonka.

    - Knights of Wi changed up their name at all five shows I saw.

    - The Lady of the Lake also changed up her "Camelot" song. She also changed up some of her gestures in her "What Happened to My Part" song. (I loved that robe she wears!!!)

    - Lady of the Lakes lipstick ... Ruby red with glitter. Really sparkly!

    - Clay's feet. Always point out to the side. During the Camelot scene, he sits on the table and his feet are that way. Also, when he is playing dead, his feet our each out outward. So cute.

    - Look of determination on Clay's face as he does the bottle dance is hawt. (And about the stomach muscles comment I made ... I think I should clarify that we really couldn't see his stomach muscles per say, as his tunic is thick and bulky. What I meant to convey is that we could see his stomach area expand and contract as he did these moves. If your sitting close, look for this and you will see what I mean.

    - His beaming face when he is dancing and singing. I said in my last recap that he brightens up the stage. He just does. He's magnetic.

    - The confetti feels heavy!

    Saturday afternoon:

    The lady in front of me caught the bouquet that the Lady of the Lake throws at the end. I was so busy watching Clay that I didn't see it coming and if the lady in front of me hadn't of caught it ... the bouquet would have hit me and/or my friend sitting beside me in the face. Sometimes watching Clay can be dangerous ... maybe even leading to getting an eye poked out.

    Jerome left after the performance and stage door carrying Clay's backpack (or what I assume is Clay's backpack) and walked down the street toward Broadway. We didn't follow ... just watched him until he disappeared into the crowded sidewalk.

    Yes, I went to the stage door and all I can say is ..... Chest hair!!!

    Saturday night:

    When they mentioned that the grail had gone beyond the 4th wall, the cast appears to look out into the audience like they are just noticing them. I waved to one of the supporting actors on my side and he waved back.

    Jamie goes to stage door and Jerome escorts her back stage. Comes out soon afterwards and takes a picture with someone standing at the stage door barricade.

    Sunday afternoon -

    As Brother Maynard, Clay sings a 5 fold Amen and then the Knights do too.

    When Clay lays dead on the stage, his tunic flipped up. We tried our best to check out what was lying beneath, but he is in the shadows and we couldn't get a good look. (Darn it.) But could still see his feet splayed out to the sides and his stomach going up and down as he breathed.

    Sunday night -

    When Clay played dead, he missed his mark when he fell so after he was down, he moved over. LOL!!!

    Something was off during the Brother Maynard part. Clay almost forgot to skip! He recovered from that though. (Sir Galahad and Patsy were cracking up ... didn't even try to hide it ... just bowed their heads and were laughing.) Then the King said "Amen" before he was suppose to and Clay paused here too. Maybe he was going to sing the "Amen's" again but then the King spoke too soon? Clay never batted and eye and covered up whatever was miscued beautifully.

    And to my five travelmates/friends - Thanks for a wonderful trip and experience and for letting me use your "eye" in my recaps.

    To the cast of Spamalot - You're all great!!!

    To Clay Aiken - Bravo!!!

    PS ... Ummm, we also discussed the wig issue some. Glad Clay cleared that up for us.

  14. Hey everyone,

    Just thought i'd pass along that Tyra's at the show this afternoon. My friends are there right now (I couldn't make it ) and she's there in the orchestra. Lots of security around her from what I heard. Not sure about her reactions to the show so far because my friend's can't see her well enough.

    Last Edited By: jax5230 02/02/08 3:08 PM. Edited 1 times.

    from JAX5230 at the CB

    Wow, she is really a true friend.

    AWWWW the Clyra lives!!! hee!!!

  15. Glad you enjoyed it. I love this running joke with the Finnish names on the Holy grail movie. I downloaded it from torrent recently...and I forgot all about the Finnish subtitles in the beginning. I thought I mistakenly downloaded a foreign language version...hee. Glad the extended the joke to the playbill...

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for getting an autograph...sounds like you had a great time!!!

    What is torrent and is there a website for it?


    Torrent is a way to get huge file downloads. First you need to install a utility that will download the files for you. I use utorrent. Just google utorrent and dl the program and install. Then you have to search for the different torrents for the movies or TV shows or even computer programs you need. There are a lot of torrent sites. Search for it in google but what I use is Mininova.org. When you get to the torrent site...you search for what you are looking for and you dl the torrent. Then you open the torrent with your Utorrent program and it will start to download the principle file for you. The dl can be slow but you can put it in the backgorund and it does not take much of your memory.

    BWAH on the soooper sekrit info...DF??? cmon can we get a bit more creative? Sure he wrote 3 or 4 songs yup...I will believe it when I see the song listed.

    who wants to keep track of all these insider info. It would be fun to see how far off they can get.

    What??? no rumor of timbaland as the producer??? :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter:

  16. I'm back home from NYC and seeing Spamlot and Clay on Thurs. evening. I won't say much about the production other than it was hysterical and Clay was very good. There are some excellent actors in the cast and Monty Python is my type of humor.

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned on the Boards is the Playbill. In front of the Spamalot pages there are some pages for "Dik od Triaananan Fol" (Finns Ain't What they Used to be). Considering that the Executive Producer of this work of art is Vlad the Impaler, the cast blurbs and scene information are incredibly funny - at least to my warped sense of humor. I was sitting reading it before the show trying not to laugh out loud. If you missed it, check it out.

    I waited at the stage door, but I was blocked by two tall, broad men. Since I'm very short, I had no real hope of getting an autograph, but Clay managed to spot a disembodied hand clutching a Playbill at their waist level. He signed it and even returned it to the correct person although I had to reach through several other people to claim it. There is one video where my head is on screen for exactly 0.5 sec before a poster covers me up! I guess that's my 15 min. of fame.

    Glad you enjoyed it. I love this running joke with the Finnish names on the Holy grail movie. I downloaded it from torrent recently...and I forgot all about the Finnish subtitles in the beginning. I thought I mistakenly downloaded a foreign language version...hee. Glad the extended the joke to the playbill...

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for getting an autograph...sounds like you had a great time!!!

  17. I was wondering, from his post, if he's a titch concerned about the drop in numbers from week #1??

    Anybody else?

    Nah...I don;t think so. He knows he already made a difference. I see they are at #6 again in top 10 earner. I guess they have dropped off the top 10 before and now they are back and thats good. The reviews are not even out yet.

    I am just not concerned at all about the ticket sales, I just want clay to have fun and to continue to grow as a performer. We really should relax and enjoy the ride and stop stressing about Clay's career. Its doing quite well at the moment.

    I was just looking around the OFC...its pretty much like facebook. It would take some getting used to but at least Clay's page is right there. I was looking for familiar names in the people on line and only found YSRN ... will probably explore other fan page tomorrow. Might even try to write a blog...or not...hee

  18. hi, guys,

    can anyone here give me a link to David Hyde-Pierce's performance of "You Won't Succeed On Broadway", the one on YouTube? I've tried it from a million different directions and come up with bupkis!!

    oh yeah--hi!!

    I'm Penny, I'm kinda new here. I post mainly over at LBFCA but I've lurked here for a while. I'm 57 and live in Maryland.

    Thanks!! You'll see me around now that I actually REMEMBERED MY PASSWORD AND USER NAME!!

    what a dork....

    Hey penny...welcome to main!

    are you just looking for that particular performance? because we do have links to the whole show with DHP here...the broadway number is in the first part of clip no. 3...

  19. WAAAAAH can't watch the video since I am not in The US..sigh...any you tube links?

    Hey Zena...welcome back!!!

    baby mama...hee that is just so ridiculous...is the autograph for the baby???

    Fans shrieking... Claytonic I understand being annoyed that the glory notes gets covered up by the shrieking. I know that you are not alone in that annoyance specially in this board, but personally...I really don't mind. I guess I simply expect some audience reaction whe its a live performance. I have a very different reactio to the spontaneous cheers he gets on Solitaire...I also remember that visit to AI3 ...I thought the audience reaction was perfect and was soo electric as he holds that note and the camera goes around him...what a huge spontaneous roar that was and for me...it was exciting. I actually think I miss it when I listen to the recorded version. BUT as they say...different strokes for different folks. Just sorry that the reaction upsets you at times.

    I really don;t mind when obscenities are used in a comdey sketch because thats what is being made fun of...I just can;t stand it when some comedian uses it for shock value or to seem edgy.

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