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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. found this recap at CH:

    Here's a review of yesterday's matinee from PJMain at the CB:

    I was at the matinee today and while there were definitely Claymates there, I would say the audience was mostly others. full house. Lots of men - couples, father/son types, buddies, etc. The show had a different feel than Opening Night that's for sure, when it was all US.

    Waiting to get in I heard 2 women talking about Clay only being in it for the month, and they hoped he was at this performance. I filled them in on his run. They remembered him from AI and were eager to see him. Unfortunately I couldn't find them to ask what they thought later. I did ask afew people around me - none particularly Clay fans and all were enthusiastic. People nearby mentioned this being the first time they've seen any "AI" in a performance. I have no doubt he will have many more fans soon enough

    I went with my brother, who majored in theater and works in NYC and he was VERY impressed with Clay. His favorite scene was Sir Robin misunderstanding God, thinking he was looking for quail. He also commented on the guard banter. (My brother is a Monty Python fan and honestly had hoped to like Spam. a bit more than he did) He thought Clay was one of the best on stage.

    I did not follow any of the reports after opening weekend, so not sure how this compares with the rest of the week. The audience appreciated the humor, and Clay definitely got some applause/shouts specific to him but nothing like opening night. For me, i was absolutely so blown away by the whole package opening night that this show was a tad less magical, but still amazing and wonderful to see Clay in this role. I still laughed outloud in parts even though i knew they were coming. I thought his accent was even better tonight, more natural somehow. I didn't notice him looking to others for footing cues or reaching to the left for a prop on the right (Things I found endearing opening night!)

    There was a surprise for me re: the audience participation at the end (and I daresay a surprise for the person in A101 from what I heard) but not sure if sharing that is a spoiler? I would like to find out if they switched it up other nights, too. Anyone?

    Oh, and in the Knights that say NI scene, king Arthur and the Knight mixed up a line. Not sure exactly what it was supposed to be or who flubbed, but they worked it right in to the dialogue, correcting the other one, saying something like "that was supposed to be MY line". I was hoping for INVISIBLE but it was an Oscar Mayer Bologna bit instead. the flub worked out fine, but SO GLAD it wasn't Clay, who would likely be critiqued publicly for one flub.

    I wasn't able - AGAIN - to go to the side door, so can't give any report about that.

    My next ticket isn't til closing night, but I daresay I need to find a way to get there as feb-march-april's an awfully long stretch!!


    p.s. one flash from the mezzanine early in the show, but I didn't see another one. not sure if they were caught or just stopped.

  2. Oh goodie, a K'Andre story, not that I had any work to do or anything. Why do such terrible things happen to such nice people? The trials and tribulations that make other go argh, seem written to amuse us here!

    OK, I asked in the pin section, but no one answered, so I will ask here - now that the pins are arriving, is anyone going to get FCA pins to Clay or shouldI just show up oin a slow day and hand him mine?

    I figure as it warms up, it mayl be harder and harder to get near Clay as more fans pour in the city or regulars find it worth the wait for him to come out ot autograph. Maybe I have to check the representing lists and see whne they are smaller.

    hee that sounds like a good idea...oops unless we are still planning to send him a gift or something.

    But I think a copy of FCA pin would be great. Oh but maybe Jerome won't let him take things from the fans...y'know security risks? Did anyone try to give him something before?

  3. OMG...KANdre...that was just toooo funny. Now that I have met you and Scarlett...I can so see this whole airport drama in my head. I wish I have met merrieee and solo so the picture would be complete.

    Thanks for your impressions on the show. I really don;t expect much from Clay's dancing which is cool cos I didn't think any of the knights in the DL were really dancing like pros...but rather like people that had to. Which I guess is part of the appeal of the show. The chorus line were the ones that had to be sharp in their dancing. As long as Clay is not fumbling and seem to be counting his steps...

    can;t wait for the next part...

  4. Hey CG!!! great to hear from you again!!!

    thanks for sharing your observations of the band...thats too cute!!! Love Sean and happy about how he was able to embrace the fandom...

    I actually don;t get the huge reaction to the word shit...oh I do know why...but I don't really think its that shocking or surprising since it is part of his role. Now if he does that in public or in regular banter in concert...it would get a big reaction from me...

  5. Thanks for your review Cindilu2. I hope you haven't been made to feel here like your review wasn't wanted. I've beenw waiting for it. 3 months and counting for me.

    I agree that the appreciation by his fans is part and parcel of having Clay. I do understand why it would be puzzling. I think Clay fans respond to things that are Clay, not necessarily Sir Robin if that makes any sense. like just him saying a dirty word or dancing maybe? It's like they are left out of a joke.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    That's a good point. I remember reading somewhere that the cast was surprised that people were laughing or reacting to things they never thought was funny. But probably the fans are reacting to things like seeing Clay dance or showing his butt.

    As long as fans are being open to the whole show and giving the other performers appreciation...I don;t think we should try and control our reactions to what Clay does. I think we should just go there and enjoy and not worry about what NJU's say.

  6. Well DHP and Clay are playing the same character so there is a point of comparison.

    I am not saying that one has to be better than the other. I like the way KAndre compared it as two different interpretations. Which is fine. Some people will like the more innocent version of Clay's and others may like the more reserved treatment of DHP. Like I have seen two versions of Eponine on Les Mis and I have no problem comparing the two.

    For example...Bottle said she liked the touring company's Lancelot than Hank Azaria...I am not really surprised cos I was underwhelmed by his portrayal too.

  7. Awww duckyvee...thanks for your comments. It makes me so happy that he is doing the part so well.

    I probably saw the dl of this show so many times and listened to the cast recording. I really think it is an excellent show so I am happy to see that he is a great addition to the cast.

    I do think well known cast members tend to get a bit more attention. In the Dl DHP and hank Azaria get big applause when they first came out. I also think that DHP's rather stoic portrayal of Sir Robin works because the audience is familiar with his Niles character in Frasier...

    I do love Christopher Sieber's work...I believe he also is in the dls from you tube. He is great at portraying all his characters.

  8. Nah, I don't think fans are moving on from Spamalot due to short attention spans. There are more fans this time that won't get to see this latest project of Clay's due to location, so they're just looking ahead to something that they will be able to participate in, too. It's not like he's touring with Spamalot, a trip to NYC is awfully expensive and ticket prices are higher than a normal concert, so it's more prohibitive for the average working-girl fan. Plus, there's not the free-flowing Clack to hold the average fan's interest on a show they can't see or hear for themselves. Stage-door video is fun for the first two times maybe, after that..meh.

    We've always had our calendars and count-downs looking ahead to the next piece of Clay on the plate. As someone who won't be seeing Spamalot I'm just looking forward to the next project that I can enjoy firsthand, not discounting Spamalot at all.

    That is sooooo sweet that Clay asked the crowd to stay and sing HB to Prince Herbert! :flirtysmile3: That's just so typical of the kind of generous spirit Clay displays on a regular basis. I bet the cast & crew just love him to bits! I have such a sweet boyfriend.

    Very good point. Without clack its hard to discuss the finer points of the show. Also...the reviews are not in yet...so nothing new to talk about. I really love the recaps and reports from the stage door.

    Of course...I would also enjoy it if the people that have been to the show can discuss Clay's performance in more detail. like what parts were your faves and how y'all think he measures up to DHP's version.

    Now that I know Clay is doing really well with Spamalot...I am more anxious about the CD. I hope we get some songs previewed or leaked.

    The "no comment" answer on the tour...probably means he cannot discuss it right now since they don't know if there will be one or not. I think thta answer is better than a flat out...no tour ...

  9. Regarding fan behavior, fans asking cast members questions about Clay and stuff like that, is very poor judgment but doesn't bother me all that much because the sad fact is that some people have little or no judgment in real life and aren't going to develop it just because they're fans of Clay. I try to not condemn people who may make asses out of themselves without actually hurting anybody else. What gets to me are the supposed intelligent professional fans who meddle in Clay's business by contacting the record label and distributors and putting out press releases and interviewing people only tangentially associated with TC and then broadcasting opinions and rumors as if sourced and causing a hullabaloo on the boards. That sort of thing is harmful in a systemic way, and crosses the line for me.

    Clay's the only one who could ever attempt to exercise control over the fanbase as a whole -- and I don't think he's interested in doing that. This fanbase is full of people of all ages, from all walks of life, with a myriad of personalities and behaviors -- there are fans that project, pretend and think it's a power contest, and there are fans who buy tickets and albums and merchandise, and never express an opinion. This really is a Clay Nation and I'm looking forward to the day when the Clay Nation truly extends around the world. There's something unifying, purposeful and joyous about being Clay's fan that papers over a lot of behavior that I don't find laudatory, but I try to let it be.

    ITA KF...I don't worry anymore about the effect of individual fans on Clay or the fandom in general. I may find some actions OTT or strange and may raise my eyebrows, but I just deal find all of this fascinating and let people be. I do have the same problem as yours with fan experts that don;t limit their activities on the boards.

    I am really not worried about any delays anymore. There will always be fans that will get stressed by this...but I think as a whole, this fandom has learend to temper our expectations.

    YAY...starting next week we will have Clay on our TV every week!!!


    I love the fact that Clay got the fans to sing to "Herbert". Its funny that I keep seeing people refer to him as a kid. I saw a link to his myspace and checked it out...the kid is as old as Clay...hee.

    Ivy...don;t let them take your EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE's.

  10. I personally hope there is no summer tour. If he has album out in May or June he needs time to promote it properly. ANd squeezing in a tour before Xmas, because you know he is doing that, just seems like to much. I'd rather see him pour everything into album promotion and then tour in 2009. Of course if there is one..I'll be there in a new york minute.

    I'd also like to see him hold off on a tour and be able to cover the US and Canada after he promotes it effectively. I really think Clay needs to at least get to some areas of the US that have been ignored and of course I want him to come back to AZ. because I can't travel far to see him. This next CD is going to be an important one for him since he is saying it is what he wants and it will be more representative of him. I want him to take the time he needs to make it all as successful as possible, CD and tour.

    I think we would all love a tour with a bigger coverage...unfortunately, tour promoters that do nationwide tours may not be too eager to jump in if there is no radio hit from Clay. I think the trend has been to do smaller clubs or venues first as the cd gets promoted. I think this is what Justin did. I also remember with Breakaway, Kelly started with a smaller tour first. Then if the CD has one or two hits...a bigger nationwide tour may be possible.

    I think it will really depend on what the goal is for this CD. IMO ATDW was not meant for fanbase building...but to give the existing fanbase something to tide us over. I do think TC should start concentrating on trying to expand Clay;s fanbase. If that is the goal...then I hope they add radio and TV promo in the plan. There is also the question of what type of production he has. If he will have lots of orchestra...then the tours may be limited. But if its more like MOAM...then there is more flexiblity.

    So my wish list...May release...with lots of radio visits and TV...I hope he takes advantage of summer hits like So You think You can dance. He can have a small tour to promote the CD August...then continue promoting during the start of the tv season. If he can have some hits off this CD...then he can have a bigger tour 2009....that would hopefully include visits to Asia, Australia, Europe and Canada.

  11. Bottlecap THANKS.

    I didn't even know about his striped socks trademark!

    Do fans turn up at concerts in striped mismatched socks? It could be a good trend to continue... then when you lose a sock, you don't have to throw it away... just find another odd one to 'match' it.

    oh this trend is alive and well in my house. My two daughters do not bother pairing socks anymore.They say its just more pactical

    I'm disappointed in these day-time talk shows. They spend more time on the hosts and small segments. Do you think it is because the producers buy into the theory that the young generation can't handle the longer segments because they have short attention spans? So they run interviews that last 5 min or less and bring on ph because of the hits on his web site. Yuck! I'm thinking there is a real opportunity for a new format that allows for longer interviews and less focus on the chit-chat of the hosts which I often find boring. What also happens to me is that I tend to turn the channel more frequently away from those shows. It gives me the chance to find something else to watch or to pop in a DVD.

    I was wondering why the interview portions of these shows was so short. Now I think I understand the reasons behind it and I don't buy it.

    ETA: I love stripped socks and have worn them for years. I have one really cute pair with frogs on the top. A young guy in our office (much too young for me btw), thought the socks were great. I think he thought it was cool that an older professional would do something so different. One day while shopping, he saw a pair of stripped socks, thought of me and bought them for me. He left the firm recently. I wore the socks on his last day to say goodbye. To tell you the truth, some of the other people in my area are rude to others. I think he did it as a gesture of appreciation because I gave him guidance and let him handle his problems, didn't jump down his throat if he did something that didn't work but made light of it and directed him towards the right solution.

    I have really stopped watching these shows and I realize that commercials are really so long, I thing they simply try to put in so many stuff into the hour they are allotted.

  12. I googled some of the stories this morning and found this part of the story from MSNBC to be quite funny. This regards Dave Stewart (Eurythmics) who was performing with Ringo:

    However, Stewart had plenty of criticism for the show, calling it “disrespectful treatment of us as artists.”

    “Four minutes (3 minutes and 40 seconds, actually) seemed like an appropriate amount of time for a former Beatle. Mr. Gelman apparently felt Ringo’s musical legacy should take a back seat to additional banter about the size of Ms. (Kelly) Ripa’s derriere,” he said in a statement.

    So they wanted to cut Ringo's song down to two and a half minutes for more time to talk about Kelly Ripa's ass?


    Well I used to be a regular viewer and now...can;t stand that woman. I really used to like her but the incident with Clay just showed me an ugly side of her. I would feel like this if she did that to any other artist BTW. It was just Diva, ego driven moment. I bet that attitude is really hurting her cos I bet this is how she usually is now...

    but I still love Regis.

  13. From reading the Variety article January is what it is on Broadway. The most important thing here is for people to go when they can - and for Clay to take out of this experience everything he can to move on in his career to other exciting projects. To me it's more important than Clay being number one! Yes it's important that when the week is over, nice numbers be posted in the Broadway mags. I don't think they care if most of the attendance is on the weekends. Tourist and locals will continue to do their part for this show.

    You know I am totally not worried about the attendance. First of all. I like the idea of Clay going through shows with mostly NJU's. I think it will totally boost his confidence to get reactions and laughters with people that are just Broadway fans. I also don;t think Clay needs his fans to make sure he has a good reception. His own performance should be enough for him to earn the applause. If he gets a night that is less than enthusiastic, then he will just learn to deal with it and continue giving the best he has with less reinforcement.

    The only reason why I hope attendance will go up is so that this show will continue to make a lot of money and run for a longer time. I think its an excellent show even without Clay.

  14. That boy will be very busy. I bet his spamalot promo cycle probably will end with the critics reviews. Then he will lay low while actively recording...then expect another bunch of appearances hopefully in in the middle of his run and towards the end in anticipation fo his CD.

    I hope he gets fantastic reviews because I think that would put him on Letterman and most every other NY-based show, for at least a week or two. And if he gets rave reviews, R&K would probably have to invite him on for a big makeup with Kelly. Clay may have put R&K in the Conan basket, which wouldn't hurt my feelings.

    I hope so too...but not holding my breath...I don;t think he will get terrible reviews but I don;t know about rave. I think he is certainly capable of it...just not sure how much bias these critics will have if any.

    You are right he might get some more invites...since I don;t follow fantasia I wonder how much press and TV appearance she did and got after her reviews.

    If they wait for the end of January....good to rave reviews coudl keep him busy through Feb.

    what i am hoping for is a visit to GMA...and Today. Also letterman will be great. Really don;t care about R&K...

  15. Not feeling these new pix too but I pretty much expect that from paparazzi pictures. Today there was an Enquirer in the school staff room and I looked through it and gah...lots of ugly pictures of usually gorgeous people. Watching ANTM taught me that lots fo the gorgeous pictures we see are not accidental. So many elements goes into it and that to take constant gorgeous pictures one must be conscious of every aspect of your face. Clay is a gorgeous man...but is no model. So bad angle and bad lighting can make some scary looking pictures at times.

    But we have so much great clack today that a few unflattering paparazzi pictures won;t bother me.

    great interviews in the morning shows. Too bad Mike and Juliet was too short. I wouldn't be surprised to see a co hosting stint when the CD comes closer.

    Back to that excellent radio interview...I find his response to the AI question interesting. I would venture a guess that he is disturbed about all these ringers that are being used in the show. And I can so understand the stress level for him. I remember he got so disturbed in AI3 when the diva's got taken out early.

    So excited about the CD...so the label is sooo supportive. Good. I think this is what is giving him the confidence of giving a May date.

    That boy will be very busy. I bet his spamalot promo cycle probably will end with the critics reviews. Then he will lay low while actively recording...then expect another bunch of appearances hopefully in in the middle of his run and towards the end in anticipation fo his CD.

    I think its good for clay to have these shows that are not as full and filled with NJU's...that will truly hone his skills and get him used to more mixed audiences. Love the great reception he is getting...

  16. (((((CG))))) So sorry for your loss. I can relate to that numb state. We're here when you need some distraction or hugs.

    OMG...Another excellent interview for Clay!!!!I think the difference here is that the interviewers were prepared with interesting questions and seem to really care about the answers. As a result...you get a very engaged , very smart Clay...with lots of new info.

    Boy....I think they are getting pressure from the Label to bring it out in the spring and early May. This is from Clay's own mouth now that they are targeting May. I bet they already have quite a but done...like song choices and preliminary recordings. I also think that with all the publicity Clay is getting from Spamalot, they now want to strike while the iron is hot. They probably don't want to waste another Golden opportunity like the AI5 appearance. If Clay continues to do promos now and then and if he gets good reveiws from this Broadway stint...its really best to follow up with the CD right away.

    Whats that word some people are sick of? Narrative? Well this time the narrative is starting 5 months before the release of the CD. I bet we will continue to hear things about the CD in the next few months. Next big reveal will be the producer...then we probably get a leak or two of new songs. I do hope they can bring out a single early enough to build up interest for the CD.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am excited about all these good things happening for Clay.

    Oh and don't forget....after this week...we will have Clay on our TV EVERY WEEK!!!!Thats great build up to the CD. AI rewind may not have the big ratings as AI itself but I bet he will bring in lots of new fans once he comes on every week...

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE its such a great year for Clay!!!

  17. Oh I love that fangirly review from squeaky....she hasn;t been around the online fandom since NAT I think. Its great to hear from her and I suppose she knows the New York crowd so I;m glad she thought he got great reaction.

    I won't be around for Mike and Juliet so I won;t be able to report....hope someone can give us updates.


    Scarlett...marvelous video clip. Thanks for taking the extra time for HD versions.

    Couchie...you may have to dl a Vista codec for your laptop ....but just google it, and install is less than a minute. Then you laptop should be able to handle HD files.

    See y'all later....

  18. The kid started the Clay Aiken thing before Simon. Before he went into the room he said he was the black Clay Aiken then he said it again in the room when they asked him. After that Simon made the comment about the over the top stuff.

    I still cringe every time I hear his name come out of the zero trios' mouths.

    hee I guess I missed a lot when I am half asleep. Thanks for filling in the blanks.

  19. Just testing to see if my avi shows up. I thought ldyj and I had chosen the same one at first.

    nope its more like you and me...mine is more close up though...

    BWAH...Simon has mentionitis....he had to bring up Clay;s name again...there was someone who sang with a good tone but sooo over the top in his actions and really over powered ICMYLM...simon goes you remind me of Clay Aiken. The guy asked is that good or bad...Simon, answered, not great. HEE No the guy didn;t make it through cos he was just too much. Does not bother me anymore cos its obvious to all that Simon has a thing against Clay., he is obsesseded. Anyway if you guys see Simon getting a lot of hate in other boards y'all know why.

  20. OMG...OMG...

    WOW...those pictures have KILLED ME!!!!


    so grown up and mature...yet youthful looking....GAH!!!!

    and what a wonderful little article...love what the associate director said...

    I am sooooooo Happy fan right now...

    I told ldyJ the other day that my fave hair was AMA/snowflake hair, then ATDW promo hair, then the blonde beach boy look....but man...in those pictures I think that hair is just overtaking ATDW hair!!!!

    OH what a guy!!!! can the press please...for gosh sake permanently erase the Jenna Bush party/wicked pictures and replace their stock photos with these gorgeous shots!!!!

    SIGH...I think that will be great look for the next album....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    can you tell I;m excited!!!

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