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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. Awww thats sooo sad. I do hope the media would simply respect the family and leave the why's alone.

    I always loved him. I first saw him in 10 things I hate about you and he was perfect. That is one of my favorite teen movies.

    every movie I saw of him was truly excellent. I was so sad to hear of his death. He was incredibly talented and I was sure would be one of the biggest stars of his generation. What a waste.

    I am glad to hear he didn't live the stereotypical hollywood lifestyle. I always sensed that about him so was very shocked to hear of his death.

    Thoughts and prayers to his family and his fans.

  2. recap from the view audience

    mustbeme at CV wrote:

    OMG.....He looked so good!!!!!! I just finished watching my tape so I can re-live it again!!!!! Let me say that his hair looked even blonder in person!!!! I just saw him at the stage door on Friday night and it looked even lighter today!!!!!!!!

    The studio is very small....smaller than what I remember it like a few years ago! We were seated in the 3 row ...so we were very close to him!!

    You saw the show by now so you know what happened but let me tell you once he thrusted his leg out to show how the dance is done.....that was it I was toast!!! His leg...his thigh...his hip...oh my !!!!! At one point we even got skin!!!!!!!!!!! No undershirt today!!! I think it was when he was getting up but like I said once the leg was out there nothing else registered!!!!!!!! His sock....I only saw one... was purple , black and white striped and his shoes were soooooo big looking !!! They had this rust swirl design on the bottom of them but I think you were able to see that from the TV. They seemed very happy to have him there.

    This was not a Clay crowd...in fact before they put us in the studio this guy came out in the hall and asked who here is a Clay Aiken fan!!!! The four of us yelled but that was it !!!!!! Once we got into the studio we noticed more fans so I think they got in on stand by. Duing the commercials the ladies said they would answer questions....most of the questions were direct to one of them until someone asked " where will Clay Aiken be sitting when he comes out??" They were puzzled....they said what do you mean...we will change the set and he will sit here on the couch with us!! I think Joy said ...he's not cohosting..if that is what you mean!!!! They let you take pictures once they go to commercial but the staff always seem to get in the way! Once Clay's part was over he stood up waved to us...yes he was pointing to us when they asked him about Claymates...hugged the ladies again and was gone !!

    After the second "hot topics" I remember seeing Bill the producer come over during the commercial and say to Joy they went way too long over the time limit! The guy had the "wrap" sign up and they just kept on talking!!!! I think what Clay said to Elizabeth was about the picture they were showing of him with his hair....something like he did like to look at it.

    After Clay left and before the last segment Elizabeth was rubbing Sherri's knee...I think she was putting some cream on it too. It was because she was down on her knees with Clay !!!! On the way home all we kept thinking was ...oh great tomorrow she will be complaining that Clay hurt her..... King of Controversy strikes again .....

  3. found this at CH:

    From LittleC at CV who is in a linedancing class with Clay's mum in Raleigh.

    back from linedancing

    Faye and her mother loved the show.........she said she went into it blind, had no idea what it was about or Clay's character's (one part she didn't even know it was him at first ) Brett liked it so much he decided to stay to see it again instead of flying back with them ( course we already knew that) They did go to his party for a little while, but didn't stay too long.

    Everyone was very impressed with Clay and his fans. He was a little worried about all the audience attention being on him, but the cast assured him they loved it, so he relaxed Such a sweety, always worried about other's feelings

  4. What an absolutely beautiful banner! Great stuff, oolsee!

    Although it was waaaaaaay too short, I loved The View "interview/notaninterview". He sure has learned how to get a lot out in a short time before they start asking if he watches AI :cryingwlaughter:

    He looked simply MAHvellous in that beautiful outfit. Have no idea if he was "styled" or did it himself, but he looked absolutely wonderful.

    And I managed to dawdle enough this morning to be able to watch it in real time. Eeeeehhhh!! :cryingwlaughter:


    Am I the only idiot or are others having a problem? When I try to renew my OFC membership by:

    -signing in

    -going to "Account"

    -clicking on "Renew Now"

    -going to "Sign In" and putting in email/password (the other option doesn't work at all)

    -click on "Sign In"

    I then get the message:

    You have already successfully subscribed to Clay Online with this Clique ID. By continuing with this process, you are about to renew your account AND purchase an additional/duplicate Clay Online membership and package. Please make sure you want to continue with this transaction before proceeding -- no refunds will be offered for additional Clay Online transactions.

    HELP!! I don't want TWO memberships....I just want to renew!


    I think for people with current accounts, its really not renewal time yet. You can upgrade your membership but not renew. I think Clique is supposed to send us renewal emails. Anyway I am in and still a member without paying anything.

  5. Loved Clay's look on the View and wasn't he so in control. I can actually see him being a talk show host. He really took control and seemed to leave them speechless. I know we will always disagree on his best look. But having raised two sons ,one of whom I was never sure what color or style his hair would be day to day, I guess I can just go with the flow.

    Well here's hoping for another great show tonight. :lilredani:

    yup... one thing is for sure...the blonde, beach boy look won't last...and dark hair will comeback sometime in the future.

  6. I think it means he really does not know what looks good on him or not. He leaves that to the stylist to tell him what looks better.

    KF...i know you loved the long hair with bangs...but maybe HE didn't like it or was sick of it. As much as I liked AI5 hair...that really wasn't him IMO. It was so stylized and difficult to maintain. I'm glad he went a bit shorter with ATDW hair. He probably wanted a new look and they decided to try this. It seems like he has anxieties about reaching 30 and he wanted a new look that makes him look more carefree. I think they are looking for the surfer look right now. Also...maybe they ...and I mean they as in his stylist and TC and Clay...feel that its a new phase in his life time to look different.

    What I wonder about is if this hair will survive till the promo of the next CD. I am looking forward to the look he will have for that. Each Album cover he has sure looks different.

  7. Sigh I knew I missed a lot of details when I was reporting.

    I guess he did answer the age question of Joy's...he said he was 29 and Joy said she had hoola hoops older than him...

    He was also very aware that Whoopi had Broadway experience since he goes to her you know how that is...

    and the hair convo started because he they said the Claymates in the audience had pictures of him and he said it was kinda weird cos the wig was pretty close to his real hair color so it takes him aback a bit to see the picture.

    also about the claymate name...he said it was created by the fans and at first he was...then he made hmmm kinda look and he figures...if you can;t beat them join them.

    the embarrassing convo came about because Whoopi was wondering how the claymates were in the theater and the others were asking if they would throw things at him and he said not in this show yet thank god and he was very hesitant to use the word embarrass...and he explained cos they would scream ...CLAAAY ...when he comes out...oh it was also Whoopi that asked how was that for the otehrs on the stage...and Clay said the cast said it was refreshing cos the show has been going on for a while so this was something new.

    I thought it was a great show...and I do think he was late cos he was apologetic when he arrived


    eta: ok just watched the dl and thank god for our cappers...and as he enter..he was embarrassed by them showing the spamalot picture...he was saying hoe weird he was in that hair...so nope I take it back...don;t think he was late or apologetic ...just his usual deprecating self who is the first one to make fun of his pictures...

  8. I think it was Shari who said that about coming from a small town.

    I think Clay was late today. First, there was the "we'll be back when we find Clay Aiken comment" ... and then when he came out and was greeting everyone he said "I'm so embarrassed" to Joy. I think that he was somehow detained and that's why the appearance was so short -- and why they went on and on talking about nothing before he come out.

    In defining Claymates for Whoopie, he laughed and said Claymates carry his picture around everywhere (and then the camera showed audience members holding up his picture).

    Regarding being embarrassed last Friday night, he said, Oh no, they're going to embarrass me in front of my new friends, referred to the disproportionate response he received from the audience. It's obvious Clay doesn't want to be perceived as stealing the thunder from the established cast members. But face it Clay -- you have and you will. Get used to it. And he did say the cast loved it.

    And ... I interpreted Elizabeth's remarks "You'll get to the point where you want to go back" as referring more to Idol than high school.

    I've watched it three times now -- and it gets better every time. He's happy.

    Oh I totally agree with your take on the embarrass part...he did say it was the huge applause that he got that was embarrassing and because he worried about the others...But the the cast said it was fine and he did say something about the show being on so long already.

    I will rewatch it again...now the problem with this interview...there were so many people talking over each other and it went so fast that its easy for some people to focus on the word embarrass and not hear the rest of what he had to say.

    I really think the hairstyle is so hip and it has the look of casual elegance...like he didn;t even have anything to do with it at all...but is actually styled that way in purpose...

  9. Did we say that he yodeled a little?

    I actually missed that.

    I was so busy trying to type what was being said...that was one of the toughest reporting I ever did...and I usually do every appearance. Its because they were talking so fast and over each other it was really hard to understand. And so many info was coming out. It was exhausting.

    oh one of the things I loved is when he said he had to be careful not to react to the audience since he always does it in concert. Someone mentioned cos there is that 4th wall...

    I don't tape the appearances because I rather have them on the computer...so just waiting for the view to come on again. For the download as well.

    As much as I loved the AI5 hair and look and ATDW look...I do think that he is past that. This is the look that young Emo kids have and aritsts like Zack efron....so I do think it may not fit the image for his next album. I don't think the blonde is my favorite look but I don;t mind it.

    I really think he took one look at the Jenna Bush party picture and said....make me looks as different form that guy as possible. But he was looking really fit now...gorgeous.

  10. Then they go aside from the dancing he also has to learn the British accent.

    So he proceeds to talk in a British accent and tells them that he learned to do it by watching the lizard in the Geiko commercials....EEEEEEEEEEEE

    he sounded soooooo sexy...soooo cute ...so natural....EEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    when he was saying I learned it from the lizard...then he can;t remember the name of the comapny...ne he kept repreating the lizard...I thought he meant Simon at first...heeee

    Then they ask him how he is doingwith adjustment in new york...Of course elizabeth had to go on about coming from a small town...

    so Clay said he really hasn;t been to New York growing up...so the first time he was here...he felt trapped at first. But now that he has to live here till My 4 he is getting sued to it and so happy that there are stores open 24 hours...

    then Whoopee said since she is new here...she is not familiar with the claymates...and then Clay got a bit flustered a bit...said it was a name that was made up by the fans and at first he was uncomfortable using it...but now its ok.

    Then they asked if the audience throws things at him...he said that thank god nothing like that yet in spamalot but he was a bit embarrassed in Friday when there was a huge applause that happened for him when he first came out. I was nto sure about this part but something liek these are his new friends and wants the love to be for all...or something. But then he said the cast told him it was fine...it was great to have such an enthusiastic audience and since the show has been going for a long time...this gives them new energy.

    Then elizabeth says she really enjoys chatting with him so she wants to ask him if he watches American Idol. Here he was very careful to say that he is very thankful for AI cos he won;t be here today with out it...then he gave the high school answer and says...you con;t go to your high school football anymore. At this the ladies said...yeah we like visiting now and then...elizabeth says..well you may not be at that point where you want to get back to high school.

    So then they say good bye...she mentions spamalot and schubert theater...and then said they gave the audience spamalot CDs...


    it was really great...he was so animated...it was sooo short but lots of topics covered

    I need to watch that again...

    It comes on after the 30 minute mark...and no other mentione of him on hot topics so y'all can do something else until the second half or fast forward on TIVO....

    now to get screencaps...

  11. Ok...let me see what I can remember...

    first the talked about his hairstyles...which I thought was a great question hee...

    they showed a montage of three hair, AI, AI5 and the beautiful AMA red carpet hair....

    he said he really didn;t have anything to do with his hair but he said he thought the dark hair made him look older. He said he felt old...where Joy said she had hormones older than him or something...

    he also said that the wig on Spamalot was really so close to his natural hair color....YAY now we know.... that it was a bit weird to see it in the dressing room as a wig...

    he said he felt old cos he is sooo tired and he only had 5 shows since he opened Friday

    Then he talked about the rehearsal schedule was sooo gruelling and that they also had to teach him to dance.

    someone asked whether is was hard to join the show...and he said yeah cos when he reherse he was the only one that didn;t know what to do.

    then he talked about doing the Russian dance and he said that it was so diffcult....elizabeth said show us.

    so he said we all have to do it cos you put your arms together like this..and they have to kneel ...and they all assumed the russian dance positions. At this point elizabeth says...well you can baost that you got all of us to our knees...then he shows them that you stretch out your legs...and he does it and OMG...his legs were sooo ong and lean and GAH!!!

    at this point shari says ...I am wearing a dress and he goes oh we really don;t have to do it... then sits down

    He said its so hard cos you have to drag your body accross the stage and the others end up dragging him

    ...wow so many info ins such a short time...more to come...


    Ok...he looks...sooooo blonde

    showed the chicken picture

    ties and sweated and jeans...

    the wig is so good cos its like by real hair

    what is his favorite hairstyle...they showed

    he said the dark hair made him feel old

    then so many people were asking questions

    and he said which questions

    and he said hetired exhausted...

    and hse said and I only did five...

    and he said he can barely walk during rehearsal

    he said he was the only one that done;t know what he was doing

    then they made him do the russiona dance

    so he got every on their knees and he had his leg out


    he did his british accent he said he elarned it from the geko lizard

    whoopee asked what are claymates...she is new to this

    he said that they made the name

    he said themost difficult thing is not to acknowledge the audience unlike the concert

    and he said he was a bit embarrassed that the audience was soo loud but the cast were so happy

    he said that at first he felt trapped in New York but now he really loves it that everything is opened all day long

    Elizabeth asked him about AI...and he gave the high school ansswer

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