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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. IMO ATDW fit AC radio...I do believe if Clay and RCA wanted that path for him...they could've pushed for radio. BUT I have a feeling Clay didn;t want to get his first big hits with covers. Maybe he didn't want to follow Rod and Barry's path and if ATDW became a mainstream hit then the danger is that he will be put in the same box as Micheal Buble and it will be more difficult for him to set his own path.

    I really think the fans ought to be more patient. Clay has never put out a CD that was essentially his. MOAM and ATDW were limited by what Clive wanted so how can we say whether his sound would fit radio or not. I am really excited about this coming CD cos if things move along the way he wants then we may finally have a glimpse of what Clay truly likes. Will it be radio friendly...I admit that part of me wants that too but if not then there are other avenues for Clay.

    Liney...did Clay ever say he knew BFM was radio friendly? I know fans thought so but that does not mean he thought it was. I like BFM enough and it seem more radio friendly than his other songs but that does not mean program directors would think so. I remember asking my daughter about it and she wasn't really impressed and thought it sounded old so I don;t really know if it would;ve been a radio hit if he recorded it.

    WORD ldyJ...

    its not all about the money...it is a start. If the label won't invest for it to be heard when it first comes out it would never have a chance. But not every song on the radio resonates with people. Kelly's Never Again had a lot of radio play for a bit but it died an early death because it didn't get the right response from the listeners. SO there comes a point when its all about the song. So I am with ldyJ ...if its in his fate to have a huge hit, then the right song will come at the right time.

  2. Since it was the AMAs, I'm thinking "Breakthrough Artist" meant a debut act that had sold a truckload of CDs and that had a fan-base that knows how to spam polls. That's where I think the AI connection helps. Daughtry winning in both "Rawk" and "Adult Contemporary" categories should tell you about how meaningful the AMAs are, other than as primetime exposure for the acts that appear on the show.

    I watched a little last night, and must say it was the first time I thought Maroon 5 didn't completely suck donkey balls during a tv performance. The lead singer has a better recording voice than live performance voice, I think. Maybe he lipsynced.

    Clay content - He has a great voice, whether it's recorded or live. :DoClay:

    I just checked the winners and nominees and I do think its all about sales and fan votes. DO the fans vote for every award? I think Daughtry winning in adult contemporary is because of Home...and favorite album...must be because fan votes...cos I JT sold more I'm sure.

  3. Well to me breakthrough is about a new artist that has captured the attention of the public, the media and the industry. It is not the same as a new artist award because I think in that instance they recognize the potential...and the excellence in work. Now that does not mean the winner will be the one that sold the most album...but the one that their peers beleive is best. When it comes to breakthrough...I think the success of the CD in sales...and in radio play and exposure should be considered because it means that that artist has the attention of the public. Daughtry certainly has that.

    Personally...I do not expect to like every artist that wins awards because I don;t really like ALL types of music. I can appreciate a good hip hop song or rap by I don;t really enjoy all of it. So I can't judge whether Akon deserves an award or maybe someone else shoudl;ve gotten it. But I do know that I liked two of his songs.

    To be fair to the music industry...a lot of times they simply follow what the audience are into. Its not even about what is played on the radio anymore...cos a lot of radio is dying. Its what CD's are getting bought, downloaded or what vidoes are getting the most hits on you tube. The fact is...all throughout history, the unique and ground breaking sounds don't always end up being the big pop hit. Even the Beatles became popular on their most light hearted and bubble gum pop songs. Its more about the familiar and what people like to hear so it is pretty common to find similar sounding songs getting the most attention.

  4. Word KF...When I look at AI objectively...I can honestly say that most of these kids that get to the top 12 have some talent. Not all of them appeal to me...and not all of the have the star power or equally talented but they do appeal to certain people. Even Carmen was able to get people to vote for her. There were people that actually liked her. So I am very happy to see them succeed in some capacity. On a personal level I do like it when I am able to predict what will happen to these idols...I was wrong about Kat...I thought she would do better. I was right about Taylor and Daughtry and Elliott is a pleasant surprise.

    With the season 6 people...I know there is a lot of expectations on Blake, but I heard a snippet of his music, and I had to turn it off, so I don;t know if he will be the hit they expected. I totally have no idea about Jordin but there is just no buzz around these kids so I wonder if they will come out with a legitimate star this year. Come to think of it...so far every year AI produces people with really promising careers I truly love that...and I think that could only be good for Clay to come from a show with credibility for making music stars.

    aww gb...cute story. I do like Carrie...I don;t usually like Country music but her music has enough cross over appeal that I really like it.

  5. Getting into a Paris Hilton Party? Now that's something for the resume. LOL

    I don't find much original in music today....when I was at the club the songs didn't sound at all original. I don't think originality gets celebrated all that much anymore.

    OMG thats for sure. There is just different types of music but within those subsets...they all sound the same. I love going through my girls playlist...they like a bit of hip hop, when you listen to their favorites they all sound the same...then they love pop rock with Daughtry, Hinder and Nickelback all flowing together...then there is the punk rock groups and emo that all sound the same too. But somehow...I do enjoy listening to their playlist. I end up dl some of them myself but I often wonder how they can distinguish one from the other cos I often get the aritists all mixed up.

  6. I don't think Clay should get the same things other idols get and that there is no great equalizer in the air, but I do agree that giving the band an award when they are not on the album does make AI graduates look almost as phony as the rest of the synthesizer music winners - the co-writers who change a single word and the auto tuned lip sync only singers.

    And, no, it has nothing to do with Clay, he already has his AMA.

    I don;t think this kind of thing only happens with Daughtry, so if they get picky on that issue with this band then they have to be picky with all the artist that pro tool and who may use other enhancers on their CD...the fact is...they have done well on radio, CD sales and if the band is not the band on the CD...the main guy Daughtry was the one who created the music so I still think he deserves it.

  7. I dunno...I still remember the week Daughtry!!111!!! got the boot. THAT gif was priceless!!!

    He just rubs me the wrong way. Has nothing to do with Clay since I never hear Clay on the radio...I guess it's more the "Nickleback" wannabe thing.

    Glad to know he and his wife are still together.

    Yeah...but he is lucky cos the band does the sound well I think that is why they are successful. Its not enough to be a copycat...but you have to be authentic and do it as good or even better than the people you are following. I find it interesting that Kat...tried to copycat the Urban sexy pop princess sound like the PCD or even jojo...but her music was sub par and she was not really authentic in her sound...so it didn't resonate with the people. Chris...this is really the sound he came with. His songs are good and even the arrogance...part and parcel of the Rock image so he is a natural.

    I am not really a fan although I like that sound...but I see how many people around me really like him...

  8. OMG....unreal.

    Chris Daughtry may not have won "American Idol" — but his band, Daughtry, won the breakthrough artist award at the American Music Awards on Sunday. Carrie Underwood, who won the award last year, presented it to the rockers, who thanked God and their wives.

    and the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round... <_<:rolleyes:

    I don;t know why anybody is suprised by that. AMA's always makes a nod towards the most successful Idol of that year. Daughtry is the one that really is making a difference in the industry today from that one season. They did have a good selling CD. They deserve it. Got nothing to do with us Clay fans and Clay.

    We gotta just get used that more and more Idols will be succeeding. I think thats great for all the idol alums...

  9. If my computer was not all tied up in knots today, I would check, but didn't Clay have 88 and flip the number at Charlotte? - the man is repeating himself!! Maybe that is why he struggles to make each show different for us and can't do the same schtik each time like most performers.

    Yup..he did that flip in charlotte audition...more as a way to break the ice I think. But the 6 and 9 would really be a dilemma...love that GIF...love his little smirk.

    KAndre - I agree with every word you said - even about the bad auditions. And yes, AI has run them into the ground, but I don't feel sorry for any of the contestants who is shown during them. Some are truly delusional about their talent but many, many, many more go to those auditions planning to be as bad and outrageous and possible so they will get in front of the judges and get on TV. At this point I don't feel bad about the "public humiliation" because every single person who shows up for the auditions knows how the show is run. There are no surprises, no blind-siding. Those shown during the bad auditions get what they asked for, IMO.

    Season 2, I started watching because of Simon and the bad auditions. I couldn't believe how delusional some people were because I thought they all saw the judges. When I read later on that even the bad auditioners had to "pass" through several levels of producers...then I got pissed cos I thought these people's hopes were raised just so that they can be humiliated on air by the judges. HOWEVER...By season 4, I wasn't sorry for these people at all. By this time everyone of those going to auditions knows how the show is and that they are taking the risk of getting humiliated. Lots of them go for precisely that reason.I am finding this part still interesting in the regular season because its fun to figure out who will end up going all the way. I also still enjoy seeing the lengths some people will go through for some TV exposure.

    Clay was young and innocent then. But I think the innocence starting leaving him almost from the day AI ended and his new life began. He had his first taste of bad reviews with MOAM. The gay stuff was out there in the early interviews. I believe there was even tabloid stuff early on. He learned quickly that he was an employee and his boss, like most bosses, generally gets his way. I think by the time the crap came along he was far more realistic about the good and the bad about being a "celebrity". I don't think Clive's alleged mandate (and boy, do I HATE that word - a word that I think conjures up images of something that didn't happen and a word I would bet Clay regrets ever using that ONE time) hurt him nor destroyed his innocence. I think whatever actually went down during the time preceding ATDW did not shatter his innocence (and yes, I know Clive was the one who wanted him to do covers but no I don't think he was forced and threatened into it while Raleigh and Durham were being being held hostage and no I don't believe there is any "lost album" of kick-ass rock songs that would have propelled him to the top of the charts, tons of radio play and Grammys out the wazoo). I think he saw it for exactly what it was - a business negotiation with his boss getting the final say.

    oh I will go further. Clay may be inexperienced when it came to this competition...but I don't think he was very innocent in the ways of the world of showbiz. Already early on he knew he had to fix up his image for the auditions that is why he asked some friends to help him with his look. He was always very aware that they won't see him as the pop idol material. He was also very savvy in his behavior in Hollywood week. He knew enough not to get involved in any controversies and that he needed to work hard. So I do not think he would be surprised to be in the maybe group. Finally, week after week, he learned to curb his naturally sarcastic tongue and checked his temper and never got into any argument with the judges. He always met their criticism with humor or at one time he showed some confusion...but the Clay that faced the judges was not the usual Clay that his friends and we now know. So I really don;t see Clay as this innocent country boy that was getting taken advantage of...and that was broken hearted cos he didn't get what he wants. He was very pragmatic, realistic and savvy from the very beginning

    I do agree with you about this past year. I think the tabloid mess with JP may have had a bit more impact but I don't think he necessarily got hardened by the ATDW experience.

    Cindilu...I do think Couchie meant the group 2 in the semi finals. I also had him at third place that group and wouldn't have been upset if Candice had a better showing. I really loved the tone of her voice.

    Couchie...I got the impression that Simon knew something already about addition of 2 people or that the judges just kept quiet about it. I remember Nigel already talked about the top 12 to the press before Simon made the surprise announcement. I remember there were people wondering if this is the surprise he meant. I do think the fact that there was a lack of PYTs made it essential that they get wildcard people that were not on the top 32.

  10. I think by the time they had the top 32...which is a bit of time after Hollywood...they probably knew they were going to get 12. I base this on the fact that adding 2 more people has an affect on the length of their season and I think this would need input from FOX. I doubt they did that just because Clay didn't get through. I suspect that the success of season 1 made fox want more episodes so they could add two more singers.

    I think you are right...they stacked group 2 so that weaker singers can make it through in the other groups. They knew they had the wildcard so they can;t be too nervous that their strong singers in group 2 won;t make it. I bet they always knew Clay, Ruben and Kim were going through. I really think they got the people they expected to go through except for Charles. I don't know if they expected Rickey to come through but I'm sure they wanted Corey and Josh in there.

    What still make me wonder is why Carmen. There were a lot of really pretty girls that were stronger singers. Maybe its her age...they wanted someone to attract the teens.

    I am really enjoying AIR. Can't wait to see how they do the top 12...

  11. Toots I do believe Candace Coleman was sent through to top 32. unfortunately she was in group 2 and in my opinion was a very tough group to be in so she didn't go through.

    I loved this episode. So many clips were never shown before. I do believe the original episode was only an hour. Quiana was so calm in her group...good for her.

    So Kim L was with Clay...OMG he was hugging Simon...cooties.

    And the deliberations was not as bad as I thought. Paula was an early supporter. I think the problem really is that she loved both Clay and Ruben. Randy...it was obvious he thought he looked funny too but he said gotta give it to hi cos the voice is undeniable...

    OMG...thank you Paula and Randy...but y'know..Simon reall din;t fight it that much so I think it was inevitable that he will go through. Simon was right about Patrick...He wasn't really good enough to stand out in the semi finals.

  12. well Karen eh...they are all pretty energetic and excited now....have fun guys and we expect a hello !!!

    (((00lsee))) hope you are feeling better soon.

    this weekend I gotta study for my drivers learners permit. Yeah I still do not have a license. I tried to get one 19 years ago bu when i flunked my first driving test I never tried again. Now I'm ready to try and get that license. Tuesday will be the first step. I took a preactice test and I did very well...but I still need to read that thick driving manual.

    I finished my Christmas playlist. There are 230 songs...60 is Clay and this is the first step to getting in the Christmas mood. I am one that totally love Christmas. I don't even mind Christmas songs getting played or Christmas decoration going up in the stores early. I love Christmas music so I enjoy listening to it and I just think Christmas decorations make stores and homes prettier. This is also one time I enjoy shopping for gifts. If I have money I like to be generous with my gifts. I love thinking it out and planning things. Wrapping the gifts and seeing the tree full of presents. Unfortunately ...my hubby does not have the same love for Christmas ...so he grudgingly puts up the lights, buy gifts and get into the spirit, so I totally understand that not everyone feels the same way about this time of the year.

    I was thinking though...that having such a big annual celebration is something that people need. I think even if Christians never existed, I believe something like Christmas will still exist that allows people to slow down and look back on the year and get together with family and celebrate.

    well better start with studying...no more procrastinating...

  13. I'm feeling a bit "poor me" right now...please scroll at will.

    I am in kidney failure...Drs. finally decided to go with a transplant...both sisters were tested as live donors and both were rejected...so now I'm on "the list" and I'm wishing they'd never brought it up....I was doing fine just hanging out taking my meds and getting my check ups...then I got my hopes up that I could actually have a new kidney in the next 6 months. Now...not so.

    Oh well...what will be, will be.

    Sorry for the whine.

    (((Jumpingjack))) so sorry your sisters were rejected...will pray that you get a kidney from the list. Don;t worry about "whining" to us. Its sharing of burden. We are happy to give you a hug and an ear to listen. Take care and keep us posted.

  14. I can't believe this. My brother is buying me a laptop. I just called him so he could help me get a deal from his friend that owns a computer store. And I was even going..huh, are you sure. Did you talk to your wife. HUH? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Bwah laughn...more like that last little guy of yours. heee

    YAY!!!! we can still chat when you go on the tour!!!EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Laptops have gone down in price. Some really nice ones on salewhen I was there this summer...

    I can't believe this. My brother is buying me a laptop. I just called him so he could help me get a deal from his friend that owns a computer store. And I was even going..huh, are you sure. Did you talk to your wife. HUH? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


    But...uh...Couchie? If I remember correctly, you absolutely HATES using a laptop touchpad, right? Better find yourself a mousie, babe! :cryingwlaughter:



    oh I bet she gets used to the touchpad quickly. I used to hate it too, but now its so natural to me that even if I have my pen and tablet hooked up and still use the touch pad.

  15. Atinal...I created my ultimate list a long time ago so I don't know why I chose this but I really love the IBHFC version from Atlanta...by ncclaymate...the problem I had with it was that it had this long intro of everyone...it really is fun if you love banter cos he was too cute with the introduction. But I really wanted an all music compilation so I trimmed if off and now you can hardly hear the audience and he really wails on this one at the end...love it. So if you want a trimmed version I can send it to you.
  16. Ah, good luck with that, ansa. Everyone has their own preferences. I can't do it, I prefer to have a 'best of' from each tour. There are differences in the way he sang certain songs, for sure, but I don't necessarily like one tour's version over another. For instance, I love the JNT04 O Holy Night with the different ending. Freaking love it. But then I also love some of the cool things he did with it in the JNT05, like the Minneapolis version I have in my 'best of' list where he goes up at the end, which he only did that once. I really hope he adds it back into the set list again this year.

    Oh I still maintiain best of playlists for each tour. This playlist I am doing now is simply my faves of Clay Christmas. I started off with about 100 songs and now I am down to 69...MDYK was tough and just choosing between target and mcwl version was tough too but in the end I chose the fuller orchestration of MCWL version.

    Now I pare down my MCWL list. This is such a chore specially during this rainy morning...hee

  17. What I am doing is getting my favorite across the tours too. So I already have my best of from each tour and I am comparing them. What I noticed...aside from the fact that the later tours have better audio....thanks clack gatherers and technology....but Clay's delivery became more nuanced...relaxed. I noticed this most in DSIAFCD. But the strength of the voice was always consistent.

    But I did keep one GN from 2004 and 2005. His delivery is really similar but the back up arrangement is different, with a whole choir for 2004 and just the back ups for 2005.

  18. Muski...goodluck with the job woes...I'm sure you will get back on your boss good graces.

    You're welcome, jj.

    Hey, I want to burn a CD of live Clay Christmas music. I have a few favorites, but wondered if other people have particular favorites. I really like MDYK from The View on 12/09/04, Good News from KC JNT 05, and AIW from Vegas. I haven't decided yet on which Emmanuel performance to include. Any other suggestions?

    I was just doing my xmas play list I am trying to trim the Clay songs cos some of the songs have 5 to 7 versions. SO I am keeping one recorded version andchoosing my favorite like version. I found some gems. and of course having a hard time getting rid of others.

    right now I have rediscovers AIW from LI and DSIAFCD is also fantastic.

    "Celebrate Me Home", Portland is my favorite. Someone did a blended one without the interruption.

    Portland or LA ...my very favorite...I was in heaven listening to it.

  19. god I love this show

    Coop -- I'm having sex tonight

    Pete -- congratulations, what's her screen name


    Addie is awesome.

    ME TOO!!! By far my favorite new show of the season. That scene in the birthing tub last night was just awesome. I can't remember the last ensemble show where at least one of the leads didn't get on my nerves. I'm even warming up to Violet *g*

    OMG yes I loved that. When I contrast this show with GA...its just amazing. The characters make mistakes but are not stupid and immature.

    The tub scene was very moving and I do think there is tons of chemistry with the new love interest. I always liked that actor from Gilmore Girls...

    LOVED Dell...grow up!!! hee

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