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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. I also think Clay's issue is that he doesn't fit in a nice little box. Plus people like Alicia have known their whole lives that they want to be musicians and totally define themselves in that way. They know who they are musically. They can explain it. They can articulate it. It's who they are. Clay is still on that journey. Four years ago he was just beginning. He's much further along now but I definitely think he's still exploring all that. And I think that doesn't help when it's time to go before the suits and sorta have them trust in your vision. I've always said this was a journey as a fan. It's been fun watching this all unfold and I think this next album may get us closer to where he'll ultimately end up but it too will be just a stepping stone. I'm so glad I'm here for it.

    In addition...Alicia Keyes writes her own music and so can really define who she is. Also, her sound is considered cool and radio friendly. If Clay had a rock sound like Daughtry or can do r&b Urban like JT...then the music industry would GET him. But he is not easily defined. Hopefully the next CD would start to establish Clay's true sound or direction.

    So how can Randy saying is this a concert be an insult or diss....I can;t get that. Even if it refers to the audience reaction...that is still complimentary cos it means the audience tryuly appreciated them. I do believe Clay's group came out much later in the day...this was just editing that put them one after the other.

    WOW ...love that picture with the sunglasses.

    Every time fans go on and on about his casual wear..I feel like moms clucking in disapproval over our kids clothes...hee. I can almost see him roll his eyes over some of the clothes comments.

  2. I actually love his outfit the first day. I guess I am so used to this type of layered style with my girls and their friends...the baggy pants ....these are all part of the usual outfits for kids his age. He was age appropriate IMO.

    and so interesting that they didn't take the same part of superstar for Ruben and Clay, no real direct comparison...if I remember correctly Clays group was actually later in the day cos by then I think the girls were there already. I am glad at least, that they showed that Clay wasn't part of the groups that flubbed this part. Puts Clay and Ruben in even

  3. This board is going down that well intentioned paved road to hell!!!

    Hee, I thought we heard that Clay had a small band of groupies in high school.

    Yup ...I thought Clay;s school problems was in Middle School and he found his comfort zone in High school.

    I just watched the show...and another telecast is going on now...EEEEEEEEEEE

    I am so happy that they got so much new clips not just of Clay. But I love the little clips of Clay in the background...the coming in from the airport...the sitting in my butt now looking for a spot to nap...and I loved it Ruben told this pretty girl he will be the next AI.

    I am so excited about next weeks episode...I hope we get to see his final solo performance. and also the deliberation about Clay! They were saying he was weird...hee...This will be so goood. yeah I think they almost didn't take Clay.

    I think Ryan just really got a kick out of Ruben thats why he always talked to him....and I really loved Ruben's original melody, I think he had the best song in that portion.

    I really think, even without Clay, this was the best AI season ever.

  4. I think there were four cuts...one right after they introduce themselves and they do a short song, that is the UM; I think they did the make your own song next, or the group songs, then there is a final acapela solo then people were placed in the three rooms.

    I find a lot of the emphasis of the hollywood shows are the drama between the singers. Originally, they focused on a lot of interactions between the contestants...like Kim and Julia, the guys that went out to party before the group sing, the story of Kim and Frenchy. I think they only showed Ruben and Ricky as the good group cos it was more dramatic to say everyone else was bad. When you think of it...Clay and Ruben were both featured once or twice in the original version. If we would believe that they featured the people they wanted to win then that would be Corey Clark, Kim and Julia. I don;t think they really had a plan at that point. It just was not the Clay Aiken show as much as Clay fans wanted that. So they had to feature others cos to feature Clay more than that would give him an unfair advantage.

    This new versions...its starting to seem like Clay Aiken show cos they sure are using his footage a lot, even more than Ruben. Even in the Atlanta auditions...he wasn't featured as much in the original ...now they had all this little shots of Clay in the background, but those were not there before. I wonder if they put in a lot more Ruben too or is all the new material from Clay.

    I ain;t complaining...but if people still think there is bad blood between Clay and AI...I don;t think Idol Rewind can support that notion.

  5. I knew ruben recorded the superstar song, but if i noticed him (Clay) back then i would have been blown away, heck re-watching the fanale, (I was a ruben fan back then and since i was busy with school and stuff I recorded the entire episode, am I glad i did now, because i have one clay appearance on my hand.) I kinda missed the fact that i did not pay attetion to clay eariler. Heck i still still regret it.

    In regards to superstar they should have given it to Clay cause I am so amazed as always at the voice of the guy.

    Oh well then you will be watching these idol episodes with fresh eyes. Just think that you were able to enjoy two fandoms. Ruben is great too. If Clay wasn;t there I probably would turn into a Ruben fan. I was actually was cheering for him on GR 2...wasn't fond of Open arms Clay at all.

    Oh he is gorgeous here...specially his shy smile with Paula's praise. Right there...you can tell he was a bit star struck with Paula...

    HEE yeah Randy was saying ...is this a concert...hee..

    and did y'all notice Jordan take side looks at Clay...probably thinking...damn he's good and I'm toast...GAH

    Yeah Jordan was a fellow contestant. this was during the group sing. I remember in the original episode they showed how BAAAAAD the guys did and only showed Ruben's group as the only decent guys groups. Then in a clip from Raleigh we find out that their group got a standing O from the audience and it was the first time we hear a snipet of superstar.

    I think Jorda is the guy Clay visited with when he went to Hawaii...its cool that he kept in touch.

  6. love the kitty pictures!

    Clay killed on Superstar. Does it seem like he gets more screen time than the others they interview or is it just me and wishful thinking?

    Thanks for the clack!

    oh he definitely gets more time. This show is really not the same as the originals...they really put in more clips of significant people and with Clay doing narration and the addition of two clips that have been talked about before in the fandom but never shown...its clear that they recognize who are the big stars that came out of this season. I bet they will do the same thing for Jennifer Hudson once AI3 goes on air.

    I really do think AI was still convinced that image will win over substance at the beginning of this season, thats why Clay wasn't featured as much in the original telecast. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he is totally cute!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. {{{{{KAndre }}}}}love you girl

    This will cheer you up. Snippets from AI Rewind He's a cutie alright!


    ((((KAndre)))) I was wondering where you;ve been...I'm glad your cycle seem to be over, a combo of your son and cute Clay will be the best medicine for sure!!!

    OMG!!!! that is some primo clack!!!! I can understand why they didn;t show those Clay clips in the original Hollywood episodes...cos that would give Clay a HUUUUUGE advantage overall...totally different rendition from Ruben;s superstar and he looked totally cute too!


    rohdy...feel free to start a thread in the 2007 holiday tour forum if you need a place to gather recommendations, or a place to organize your project.

  8. Took me quite a while to catch up today....

    rohdy...good luck with your project...once you are ready we can put something up about it on the FCA website...

    I am so excited about the Hollywood episode...I watched the original several times and I think Clay was only on 3 times so its cool that they did a whole new edit to put more of him in. I heard about his UM rendition that brought the house down...I always hoped that we can see that.. and now we are!!! I do wish we can also see his groups performance.

    Clay and wobbly skating...I think he exaggerated for effect but I do believe he was truly wobbly. He is used to hockey skates which is very different from figure skates. People that learned on hockey skates have a hard time stopping when they first use figure skates because of the toe pick. I remember one of my favorite feel good movie cutting edge and how the hockey player kept falling when he first tried figure skating. Clay looked very confident when they were gliding...he was wobbly only when they were trying to stop.

    I do hope we see a video of the skating lessons.

    once again...thanks so much for all the beautiful pictures...recaps. I promise to update FCA this weekend with pcitures and recaps of the skating event.

    thanks to all who ordered the pins. We would appreciate it if people can share the link with other pin collectors...thank you

    and thanks to cindilu for the design

    BTW...lots of cool new pix for next weeks banners...I am open to new submissions.

  9. To AAIT and all the fanfreakintastic Clack gatherers... :F_05BL17blowkiss: (does anyone know who took those beautiful untagged shots?) :hubbahubba:

    RL been kickin' my ass lately, so I didn't get a chance to respond to the 'spontaneous shout-outs' vs. the 'I know it's coming so I'm screaming already' conversation and the merits of both.

    I just have to say, I think each fan should have the right to enjoy Clay as they see fit. We all have our own way of doing that. The Ethels, the CAPS, the OMG Woman, the shouters, the moaners, the people who bring the party hats or banners and pass them out before the show. They are part of the quilt, the fabric (TM CHA), of this fandom, and it wouldn't look quite as lovely to me if some of the color were missing.

    I think if the planned applause, or the shout outs at the end of a number bothered Clay he would say something like he did in Clio about being respectful while gathering Clack. I know this last gig involved other performers, so it might have been a little more problematic, but I figure if Clay was going for the glory note, the skaters were probably trying to match it with some of their best stuff too...so a thundering round of applause might have been appreciated for their talent also.

    I like to think that a long, long time from now, when I'm long gone, Clay Aiken will be sitting around talking with family and friends and telling stories of how at one time women threw panties at him, how his fans sang the words to his songs for him at his concerts, how they all held their breaths and waited for that last glory note....and how they all leapt to their feet when he nailed it.

    Beware: this man is dangerously cute!


    laughn....yup...word. There really is so many types of fans..so many ways to show love, support, respect, famehoness...hee...I learned that the best way for me to enjoy my fandom is just to accept and at times tolerate those differences. Not to say that I don;t get frustrated and rant at times...but after...I just sit back and enjoy or shake my head ...

    KAZOO??? what the heck is that? this ust be one of those times I just shake my head in bewilderment.

    Thank you so much to all that bring the pretties...

    GAH...such CUTENESS!!!!

  10. Thanks for these comments keeping faith and 'Toots'; I'm not always sure what my reaction should be to the reaction. Duh.

    My take on things like this is usually fairly specific to the song and the occasion. Maybe it's just me, but for AIW especially I wish individuals audiences would just hold their noise until the song was complete. Granted, there is this big note that he missed (once), and now it seems like there will always be the collective holding of breath, the predictable "Will he make it? Will he make it?" murmur, and the gasp and/or shriek of relief when he does. Why is this such a surprise?

    It is as if he is walking a perpetual tightrope to the inevitable glory note, and if he falls, Oh MY, what would happen?

    The world would keep on turning and Clay Aiken would just keep on singing.

    I have to admit this song make me nervous...but not because he flubbed it once, but because it is a very tough note to do. This whole song has a high difficulty level because of the range and emotion he has to convey and very few singers can do this well , so just as I get nervous when I watch my favorite skater about to do a quad I get nervous when Clay is about to do this song. I think it makes it actually more thrilling for me when he not only hits the note but when he does is so beautifully and masterfully. So I do think if I was in that audience that I would follow the organic reaction of the audience of standing on my feet and cheering.

    And all you FCA'ers, I want to share a proud mother moment with you. :family2: Tomorrow evening, my DS#2 will be singing the lead tenor role in a modern Mozart opera on the stage of the Centennial Concert Hall in Winnipeg. Although he has sung solo on the stage many times, Thursday will be his debut lead role in an honest to goodness opera. He is only twenty two years old and my favorite classical tenor in the world. And wouldn't you know it, the best I could do on TM was the 11th row. And I wish I had some quick lessons in taking subterfuge Clack or in this case Chrack for Christopher so I could save a few moments of it for posterity sake, but alas, I'd probably get thrown out of the concert hall, and wouldn't that make the lead tenor proud? :yow: Or not. :lol2:

    bye now.... :deepersnow:

    Congratulations and hope everything goes well with his performance.

  11. Ok who is the Clai??? Did I miss someone else???

    I was reading the CH and GBB mentioned watching Shae Lynn skate with Michael Bolton singing, when she finished she gave him a high five...hee

    Don't miss the WWFlub...so cute!!! He was so poised.

    lilyshine..I wouldn't be surprised if that is the right term. I just can't say cos I just hear it used around the boards just like you. My own shortlived vocal lessons was more than 20 years ago.

  12. bookwhore is very wise...hee

    but I wonder if you have seen Spots DSIAFCD...cos you may not want to see the huge hug Shae Lynn gives Clay before and after her skate. She looked so enthralled and thrilled with him...and Clay seem very attentive too... OK is she married and how old is she...hee

    DSIAFCD... this had some rough patches, obviously due to the dry air and not having his chords properly warmed up yet. There is a reason he usually puts this in the end of his shows. BUT...again...I am so impressed with his poise and the way he was making adjustments to accommodate the vocal problems he was having. I still think it is one of my favorite DSIAFCD. LOVE the change up...EEEEEEEEE

    lilyshine...I am not an expert, but I remember when I was taking some vocal lessons in college my vocal teacher told us that optimally you want your vocal chords to be free to vibrate and to move very fluidly. That is why it needs to be lubricated and your throat and vocal cavity as relaxed and fully open as possible. I do believe that is what Clay was doing...the air in Vegas was very dry, so this will affect his performance so he has to do every trick to he knows to give his chords the optimal space and breath support so he can do that note well without vocal strain.

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