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Posts posted by Ansamcw

  1. I would love to work on this project. 'Exact rendering' is the name for what I usually do, so you get the idea...however, I wouldn't mind giving this a go....maybe I could at least sketch some things out for you to get a better idea with, even if you then took that to someone else for a final draft.

    Ah my PM person surfaces!!!

    I would LOVE to have you take a stab at it! It doesn't have to be a complete charicature, just as long as there is humor to it.

    It would be just so much more special if it was done by someone here.


    Definitely...I was thinking...even some sort of multimedia art work...or something similar to the salamanders.

    CG...when I made my suggestion...I was mainly thinking of different art work done by the members here. I just don;t want peole to think that if they submit something it might not get used. So if its caricature, wall paper...or exact rendering...its the art work of the members that is important and I want to be able to give Clay all the creations submitted.

  2. We're here in beautiful not-so-downtown Wichita. I think part of Team Clay is staying at our hotel and part of them are staying at the hotel across the street. It's really weird. We could see one of the buses in the hotel parking lot across the street, and I was so excited I stood in the parking lot blowing kisses at the bus, then I heard JaMar behind me say "There's Jerome". Sure enough, there was Jerome crossing the street right in front of me (ask me how stupid I felt), he came into our hotel and went straight to someone's room. Then later one of the buses was in the parking lot at our hotel. All I can think of is that they've split up and staying in both places.

    We found the venue, which JaMar reminded me is not a venue, it's a church. When I saw the entrance labeled 'worship center' I immediately thought "Yeah, baby!!!", then remembered the worshiping wasn't intended to be for Clay. If God doesn't strike me down dead for a blasphemer and blow up the venu church, I'll try to get back on later and tell you about how thudly and hott reverent and worshipful he looked. :)

    Only 4 hours!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thanks for the reports!!!!keep em coming.

    oh and FCA Mains CITH christmas pages. Thanks to Cindilu for the great Christmas banner...

    Each page will be updated with recaps, pictures, special memories....and you tube videos as they come in so visit often to check out the pages and relive each cocnert.

  3. WOW....I see there are a couple of disappointed people at CV who were contacted to clarify/test their stories, but have not heard back about actually reading them for sure. THAT would be tough....I'm not sure it's over with for sure for them, but if it doesn't happen it's very disappointing.

    Poor Clay~he's between a rock and hard place again! Poor let-down peeps!

    Awww...I do think people should just be ready for anything when it comes to the stories...they should be proud and happy to be in the short list...

    For all preparing for the concert...HAVE FUN!!!

    I love first nights...its exciting to hear the setlist for the first time and to see if there is anything new...I truly hope so.


    As usual...we will do the cell cert report in the Wichita thread in the Christmas in Heartland Forum...hope to see a lot of you there...

  4. Well the fan forum does have a calendar of its own...just haven;t been updated...the program automatically updates the birthdays though but Clay happenings...we gotta put that in...but RL has been kicking the butts of the admins and mods lately...so sorry about that

    Since I already do the countdown, I would be happy to update the calendar with Clay events.


    oh thanks kim...let me set you up...

  5. BWAH Scarlett!!!

    oh yeah those magic sing or mic are so much fun and so convenient too. My girls bring it to their school and everyone wants one but I don;t have any idea where they can get it. My daughter found a trick for the score...just sing lou and close to the mic...she gets 90 scores even when she does not know the song.

    Leeana...we are totally in the .25 cents league with Mahjong. My friends have this pile of coins that circulates among them...its so much more fun when we don't worry about losing money.

    That squash dish looks good.

  6. Just got back from my brother's place. We had:

    Turporken (turkey stuffed with pork)

    Honey baked ham


    Cranberry sauce


    Mashed potatoes

    Green bean casserole

    Sweet potato casserole

    Macaroni salad

    Fruit salad

    Apple pie

    Pecan pie

    Tres leches

    Plus - "Sex on the Beach" cocktails and lots of red wine.

    Which may explain all the karaoke singing we did afterwards. I sang, "Top of the World" and "I Want You to Want Me."

    Yes, it was a happy Thanksgiving!

    MMMM Turporken...I wonder if that is like my dads stuffed chicken, where he debones his chicken and stuffs it full with this ground pork (pretty much like embutido), marinates in soysauce and lemon mixture and baked....

    and Tres leches...is this similar at all to leche flan???

    and Karaoke? was this with the magic mic???

    This makes me miss my Filipino friends in Bathurst...we almost always end every get together with either Karaoke or Mahjong.

    Well I was pretty happy with our supper last night...a very healthy supper of panfried Tilapia, stirred fired vegetables with shrimp, sauted spinach and Basil tomato rice, Uncle Ben's natural select...I highly recommend it. Very easy to make and very flavorful.


    I do envy the US for their thanksgiving celebration. The Canadian Thanksgiving is just never as huge. I have my usual American Thanksgiving tradition... I usually will be home to watch all the parades and the endless food shows and segments featuring traditional food...they all look so yummy. Today...I was working for the first time in 5 years so I missed the parades...

    Karen eh...the Celine/Halifax controversy has been a topic of discussion in our school staff room for the past few days. I am so sorry that your daughter was affected and I am thrilled that she will get to see her idol anyway.

    Yeah, this sentence, as well as him using the word "signature", really popped out at me too. I really get so sick of people wanting him to define his musical direction. Why does he have to? What's the rush?

    Because they would like him to confirm that his "direction" is the same one they've not so subtly been pointing out to him all this time? And if he's even a tad off then it'll be a chance for them to change his course to the one true way to that rocketship/stardom/fame they've always wanted (no matter the cost to his life) so they could affirm the staggering amount of time/effort/angst they've been pouring into his every career move all these years and smugly say "I-told-you-so" to all the "tasteless" morons (critics/djs/family members/acquaintances) who ever dissed them for their choice of idol or the "even bigger tasteless morons" who accepted and appreciated Clay's recent music that didn't past their muster for star quality.

    BWAH this paragraph made me laugh and nod my head so vigorously that I now have a headache....

    I don't think he has to give up ballads to have a more contemporary sound. There are actually quite a few highly successful ballads on the charts.

    Take a recent favorite of mine, "Hey There, Delilah" by Plain White T's. Very simple song, but very earnest. Lover All Alone isn't that different. I could see those words having broad appeal, especially with younger listeners who feel they haven't found "The One," and who hope they will. However, LAL is arranged with piano and violins, which is beautiful, but a little less hip. If he were to use more of a guitar arrangement, his voice could still stay front and center, but the song might have a somewhat more contemporary feel.

    I don't see Clay as a rock star. However, I do think that there is a way to make his music appeal to a broader audience without obscuring his voice or abandoning his creative center. IMHO, it's not necessarily about fast songs vs. slow songs. It's more about the arrangement and production, about finding the right sound.


    I was thinking about the dilemma of how to make Clay's sound more contemporary and yet true to himself. I do believe he started trying to sing with different placement and not relying on big notes in a lot of the ATDW songs. IMO...Clay's glory notes may be thrilling, but it can make him sound dated at times. Huge male voices like his seem to be rare in pop nowadays. We usually would hear either high falsetto voices of JT and Robin Thicke variety or rocker voices that have a hard edge when they sing. I do believe a lot of the younger audience associate Clay's type of voice with Broadway or with old folks music (my girl's terms, hee). I find they are not that discriminating about the voices anymore if the song has a hook, a beat or cool and interesting lyrics. So I can see him trying out a few mellow songs in similar styles as LAA, HYCA, Sorry.

    I do believe he can still go for the big glory notes if he tries a more contemporary approach to the production. I think going New Agey or putting celtic feel to the music is a good way...which he tried for BW and the Robin hood song...Or trying more guitar and synthesizers like Invisible, which had quite a bit of glory notes too. Or more acoustic like piano and simple guitar. In the end I see him going for a similar sound as Five for Fighting or even John Mayer with a bit more range

    This post was brought to you by speculation R'US.....

    (((claygasm))) and others that find the Holidays to be difficult.

  8. Oh I remember that now...But I thought he said they were looking for a particular sound...not necessarily a different sound. I seem to remember he wanted something more contemporary. Now I happen to think that he was starting this process with ATDW, he was already experimenting in a way. The only problem is...he was doing it with songs that have a certain history so its tough to really make it very contemporary.

    I think once he announces the producer he is using...we will get a better view of how this new CD will be. I am open for anything of course. I would be thrilled if it would be more alt rock...hee. I am really going to be happy if he has some rocking up tempo songs and even if he comes out with some dance music. I just don;t think he would be going that far. I just wonder if fans who are putting so much hope in this CD will be able to accept it if he still has majority ballads and does not stray too far from what he is used to singing?

  9. The album I did the last time was an album of love songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s. This will be new music, new songs that will become signature songs. Am I the only one who interpreted this as meaning that this new music will be in a style similar to the songs on ATDW? I don't mean all schmaltzy ballads, but rather in feel and style.

    He also said last Summer that he was going for a different "Sound" for this CD...so no I don't think it is going to be like ATDW.

    Whatever he puts out, I think, will be uniquely Clay.

    I honestly don;t remember him saying that. Can you refresh my memory? Cos my impression was he was determined to get new material...don't remember him saying anything about the "sound".

  10. Q. What direction do you see yourself going on the next CD?

    A. When they talk about direction, I don't ever know what that means. I hope anything I do will just be Clay Aiken. I won't do an album where I'm doing stuff people won't recognize as me. The album I did the last time was an album of love songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s. This will be new music, new songs that will become signature songs. They'll stand up against some of the mess in the market nowadays.

    And you go, dude! Tell it like it is! :clap:

    That was a lot of good information in a relatively short article.

    Thats for sure...and it makes me think it would be very similar to ATDW except all new songs...which makes me go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    And...YAY the goal is a CD the first half of the year...I still say that will probably be more Fall...but at least they want to bring it out by Summer...


  11. I'm watching DwTS - and man, I hate Avril's new song - she starts out so atonal, and then she howls somewhere in the middle, and I have no idea what she's singing about. And now she looks bored.

    I want Clay to sing "Broken Wings" on this show! And Maks to do some sort of shirtless dance to it.

    I'm shallow.

    I usually like Avril but I don;t think she fits this show.

    Cute cute Clay is back...New CUTE Banner is by Cha Cha trusty....

  12. Wow lots of interesting discussion...

    first of all...YAY I passed. Aced the first two parts but the driving technique portion was a bit tricky I ended up second guessing myself and getting more mistakes than I should...but in the end...it was all good...so now I have the driving course to get through and 8 months of practicing before I can get my license. But I guess its happening finally.

    So...are we back to discussing ATDW??? hee

    anyway...ITA with a lot of people here, surprise surprise. Although Clive placed some parameters on Clay for this CD I do believe he was still able to explore his own sound. So much so that I do not think the new CD would sound very different from ATDW. Maybe some more upbeat songs...but I don;t expect any dance music or pop/rock songs coming from Clay.

    As to the release of the next CD.... I suspect it would probably come out some time next fall. I guess I am hoping that with this next CD he will get better promo with a lot of advance info in all kinds of media. At this point....its too late for that for a Spring release. I am hoping that through this tour and by January we will hear more about the CD like the producers and such.

    But Clay will be soooo busy....I suspect we may see him on TV doing some promo or talking about his UNICEF trip. Not too difficult to do from NYC.

    I want to join Clay for Thanksgiving...sounds like it will be lots of fun with lots of Christmas music around...

  13. I really love the caricature idea at midway of the show...

    I was thinking...that our photoshoppers can also submit their own photo montage or homage to Clay on spamalot and we can put it in one of those internet frames and so it will be like an album of wall papers. We can have the first frame as the caricature (of course we also give him the original) then the other wallpapers can be like an animation or slide. I think one of those frames is like 100 bucks.

    I just like the idea of our talented members getting a chance to participate.

  14. I just got an email from a pin maker that does caricatures and is willing to help. I asked her to post in this topic to give a link to her work...but I remember her designs and they are cute. She is excited about your proposed design CG.

    I do like the idea of giving Clay something as long as its fun and I think this is fun.

    I also have another idea that can be added to this...that would involve our photoshoppers and our animation queen Cindi...I will propose it later on cos i have to get ready to take my drivers learners permit test...yikes.

    anyway...I would love it if lots of people can be involved...

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