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Everything posted by Clayzy

  1. I honestly would include in those "people" one Clay Aiken. Now, I really don't believe that those adjectives are "negative" to me at least, but that's one of the reasons why I'm not sure Clay would be able to make it on the Grammy's. He's got the voice, but as we've seen tonight, the voice isn't what sells. Frequently, it's the song, not the singer -- and with Clay's history of what he seemingly (to me) likes to sing, that isn't going to sell him records (or get him on the Grammy's). AT THIS TIME. There's the key to me -- I think someday the pendulum will swing back, and he'll be considered for a Grammy, because his style of music will find a place. It may take time, but I do believe it will happen. I also don't think he'll change his style of music just to get a Grammy. JMO. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy all kinds of music, and I will continue to enjoy Clay Aiken and his music. He'll sing for me for a long time. I don't know. I guess I might just be a pessimist, but I think the biggest charge leveled against Clay (that doesn't have to do with him, but his music) is that he isn't edgy or pushing the boundaries. (Personally, I think if he went out on the town drinking, carousing, lost his underpants, whatever, people would probably put him on awards shows and whatnot... Worked for Britney, didn't it?) But that would make him something he isn't, and I prefer a Clay who is who he wants to be rather than one who is what that terrifying specter of Them want him to be... I have no idea if I'm making any sense. Too tired. Brain fried. Could be the David Archuleta playing...
  2. Clay's not cool enough. I think people just have these negative images of Clay Aiken in their brains (that he's dorky, he's not cool, blah blah blahdity blah) and don't want to put him on. Also, I don't think OMWH was a big enough commercial success. ETA: Let's remove the double negative, shall we?
  3. Can they even sing... you know, not live? ETA: Y'all aren't old. Well, I don't know, but I don't think so. I can't stand contemporary music myself... Maybe I'm old at heart? Mature.
  4. Yah... It just seems odd because weren't Superstar and Somewhere Over the Rainbow kind of like Ruben and KLo's "signature" songs on the show? ETA: I'm that way too! On the Wings of Love
  5. I know I keep bringing up AI2, but does anyone know why Clay sang OTWOL in the Top 3 group performance? I've never seen it mentioned before, but I thought it was odd because Ruben and KLo both sang songs that they had sung before in the competition...
  6. Some superficial reasons for being a fan. Mmmm... I love a smorgasbord of Clay pictures... So many different looks!
  7. I like this title too! It seems kind of silly at first--he is therefore I fan? But it works on plenty of levels. He is (hot) therefore I fan. He is (a great singer/entertainer/humanitarian) therefore I fan. I want the t-shirt! Where can I get one?
  8. I think we should let threads go to a hundred... big, round number... hee!
  9. Wow, 68 votes? We must have lots of lurkers. Unless I'm logging in at the wrong times and not seeing all the peeee-puhll. liney23, I'll try to remember, but I might forget. :o My brain tends to leave late in the week.
  10. ETA: OH, no worries, AnAmeraikenInTX! I've seen all of the pimpomercials and I really like the Must Be the Money one (I think that's what it's called) where Clay dresses up both dorky and like a pimp--I just don't like them enough to download them and keep 'em! Jeesh, whose great idea was it to have Charles Grigsby and Pink-Haired Girl sing together in the Guest Judge Medley? Blergh! EATA: *watches the video posted below* Ooh, look, Clay in a t-shirt! EYATA: I LOVE the AI2 videos!
  11. I think the full version original files had better audio than rewind. I think they should be at CU. Really? I only see segments... But then again, I find things like a man, so... No offense if there's a man hiding out here!! I just took a look at CU to see how the AI files are listed. They're not there as full episodes, but it looks like all the Clay parts are there. If you d/l to one folder on your computer all from each subtitle under the Season 2 heading, then sort on the name of the files column, it will sort everything into date order since each file name begins with the date. That won't put the files per date into exact order of the episode, but it will group all the files by date and that alone will give you a pretty good summary. I think on competition nights, the proper order of the files will be pretty obvious; not as much on results nights as they included many segments, but the order probably isn't all that important. Each results episode ended with the results. During AI2, the Top 12 down to Top 2 did group numbers each week. They all sounded so good with each other. AI hasn't done group numbers too much since Season 2. When they did, they sure weren't as good as what the Season 2 folks did. Hope this helps. Good luck! Hee, thanks! I have most of everything I want (no pimpomercials or Jaded Journalist clips for me!) but I was actually looking for some of the other contestant's performances... plus, I thought it would be nice to have everything in actual episodes... Ah, well. I just don't understand why they don't release the series(es?) or at least the rewinds to DVD... I would think there would be other fans out there who'd like to have the full episodes.
  12. I think the full version original files had better audio than rewind. I think they should be at CU. Really? I only see segments... But then again, I find things like a man, so... Heh. No offense if there's a man hiding out here!! ETA: I heard that there were entire episodes of the Rewind somewhere, but it was someplace where you need a membership and getting a membership just so I could download stuff from their vault seemed... crass?
  13. Sooooo... Are there entire episodes of AI2 squirreled away anywhere for downloading or do I have to be clever and try piecing the episodes together? Might be fun!
  14. Thanks so much! (I just realized I didn't say that before :o) I should go watch the Gala RHW now--I mean, heck, I'm already teary-eyed, right? Any other super-emotional clips I should know about out there?
  15. Awww... man, I was gonna make it, but then I saw Quiana wiping away tears and I got all teary-eyed myself... I've never watched that clip before.
  16. I have a random question brought on from listening to LTS. Is there any known Clack of the time Clay had to clear his throat during a song (I think it was MOAM?) and the crowd picked up the song? I hope I'm explaining myself correctly...
  17. Well, I've never thought cheese was a particularly bad thing either... I think it just depends on the doses. Well done cheese-o songs are, like you said, comfort food. Like yummy macaroni and cheese or a grilled cheese sandwich... warm and tasty... Man, apparently I shouldn't talk about cheesy songs when I'm hungry!! I like The Bodyguard too! As much as I like to think of myself as above it, I can't resist movies/stories where the guy saves the girl. Of course, I also love it when the girl saves the guy so... maybe I just like movies where somebody gets saved. Hm. ETA: I wish Clay would be in a movie and save somebody... Of course, he'd probably get stuck as the witty sidekick...
  18. Nope...didn't even consider any of them. Kim Have to admit he has sung some love songs that can be considered cheesy (Because You Loved Me, anyone?) but his interpretations have never struck me as cheesy.... you know, like Whitney Houston's covering of I Will Always Love You which one should never, ever mention to a Dolly Parton fan because panties will become wadded.
  19. The one with the scarf? I like that one! I don't like the bangs and funky tie one (I think his chin looks weird for some reason...) But I also like the Rosie Gala one! ETA: I have to write an article for my school newspaper on the cheesiest love songs of all time. Anyone have any suggestions?
  20. Awwww.... I hate America's Next Top Model! Clay Aiken will be broadening horizons for me, I guess. ETA: APRIL??? *paces* Wonder what his hair's going to be like!
  21. I like that picture of the two of them, even if it is kind of old... there probably aren't that many newer pictures of them together. Plus, I really loved the glasses and the hair... and the black... They're very cute together! Oh yeah.... HOW DARE HE TELL KELLY BEFORE HE TOLD MEEEEE?????? I'M LEAVING THE FANDOM!!! Well, you know, until I find something new to bitch about interminably... ETA: You know what I do wonder, why would Clay even come up in that interview? I mean, I hadn't heard them as being connected for a long time--since the IT anyway.
  22. Right but Tribeca wasn't saying that they were rude because they were claymates. She was only arguing this: Hey LOOK! It's Clay. Isn't he pwitty? Miiiiiiiiine! MIIIIIIIIIINE!! Stubbah-hubbah! And it's just for me! All mine! *trots off with Stubble!Clay securely tucked under one arm* I have no idea what else is being discussed. The stubble's all that matters in my world. Sorry to be rude, but I've got teh have it!
  23. *sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze trance* Did I hear mention of the Sooper Bowl? I'm upset... I have to go to a concert for school and that plus this insane history assignment I have to do probably means I won't be able to watch the Sooooooper Bowl.. and I love the Soooooooooper Bowl.
  24. *stumbles blearily into FCA* I stayed up until 5 am last night doing homework... and now I have a horrible crick in my neck. tm Clay! Ooof! A Clay/Reed sighting! Reed looked really funny to me for a second there, almost like his head got 'shopped in. But then I saw the sweater. I have no fashion sense, but I like it! I really like how Clay looks too!
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