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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. What I want to know is if Clay is such a bad person why are people still posting on message boards about him? I would've moved on to someone who is a better singer, cares about his fans more, is better prepared, never late, always communicates etc. etc. etc.
  2. There's another message board that should read that quote. IYKWIMAITYD
  3. I totally agree. I think the problem lies in the fact that we have a life and to some folks Clay is their life!
  4. Article about SVU http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2013/10/m-american-idol-meets-law-order-svu-see-exclusive-clip.html
  5. iPads and iPhones are great except for adding stuff to message boards!
  6. Calling Ldyj! There's another pic of Clay on SVU over at CV.
  7. Omg! News flash! Clay eats and walks! Hee, there were two tweets about him doing just that in NYC today! Err not at the same time!
  8. The theory is that the guy sitting with Clay is Alex Puette, one of the brothers in Joseph.
  9. There's a pic of Clay on the subway, over at CV but I can't bring it over! Ldyj?
  10. I now know why I live in the South! I hate being cold.
  11. Ken Arpino is too cute: @KenArpino: Got a flu shot today in louisiana... Guess whos song was playing in the background... @clayaiken #helpedmethroughit #bros4life #myarmhurts
  12. I really enjoy candy crush but I will not buy anything! I've reached level 135 without spending a dime and I'm going to see how far I can get. Did you know that the folks who made the game make over $600,000 a day from people buying more lives and boosts?
  13. I honestly feel that the majority of fans are not worried in the least and these fans are not posting on message boards. When the posts become the same thing over and over, by the same people, things can get so distorted that it feels line everyone is tearing their hair out. All of my close Clay friends do not for one minute feel any angst but then all have other things going on in their lives. Clay is a nice addition not the be all and end all!
  14. I just cant get worked up about something that does not affect me personally. I have enough crap going on with my husbands health right now that this is all a storm in a teacup. I know I supposed be more understanding but I just can't.
  15. From Clay's Facebook page. Clay will be appearing on an upcoming episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit on October 30th! Tune in to see Clay's guest role. The episode will air on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 9pm ET/PT on NBC. Any guesses on what his role will be?
  16. Can I staple keeping faith to the board? Can I? Can I?
  17. I'm in the wait and see mode and will be until the man tells us what's going on! Every one is entitled to their opinions but when it descends to a level of absolute rudeness and name calling, as it did on Saturday then it is just wrong!
  18. No it's not you. It has been going on since the blog and has become very personal and nasty in some places. I think there has been a sellout of green ink! CV has a clack alert and mp3s of the gala Hee ldyj and I posted together!
  19. I just listened to the SONG and to me he sings it like it is a thank you to supporters and fans nothing more! After this debacle I wouldn't blame him for quitting. The nastiness that has come out has just been too much.
  20. Tweet @clayaiken: A big THANK YOU to everyone who made last night's Champions Gala in Charlotte for @includingkids a wonderful success #happytenth
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