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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I'm listening to this Internet Radio Station and they are playing Clay at least every half hour! I've heard Ashes and It's only make believe so far. EZ Does It Radio
  2. Don't forget if you are doing any shopping online, for Christmas, this year you can access your favourite stores through Good Shop and they will donate a portion of the sale to your charity of choice. To date "National Inclusion Project" has received over $14,000 from people searching through Good Search or shopping. Just make sure you designate "National Inclusion Project" as the charity you want the money to go to, if that is what you wish!
  3. All I can say is that is the first time someone actually got that close to Clay! Her hand went around his neck and started stroking him..........totally OTT It was a great show. I will post more tomorrow. I am wiped out!
  4. We're here! I am getting ready.........no standing in line for us. It's been fun so far.........kandre and perusing one were renting the car when the Hertz guy asked how they were connected. Without batting an eye kandre said that perusing one was the light of her life! You should have seen the guys face....priceless! Hmm posting from my iPad is turning out to be a bit of a challenge!
  5. On my way home tonight I happened to turn on the OutQ channel. It was the Derek & Romaine show. The guest was Suzane Whang who used to host House Hunters and now does PBS pledge shows. The hosts have not been very nice to Clay in the past so i cringed when I heard the guest say that she met a lot of famous people including Clay Aiken. Derek wanted to know if they had the creepy Claymates with him and there was a discussion about if they were really called Claymates! They said when Clay was in their studio he had two women with him who when the studio techs put the headphones on him fussed with his hair until he told them enough. Suzanne said he only had a big black man with him...his bodyguard and she said she couldn't believe how tall he was. She also said he was very funny and irreverent and joked about forgetting the words to his own songs! It was just so random to hear his name brought up.
  6. I love Ernie! He just let Clay talk and it was so good. Not a lot we didn't already know just a lot more in depth! He said there was one song he will never sing and said his fans know which one and they have tried to get him to sing it many times. I think it was one of his best interviews ever. He checks Twitter!! He said he has become comfortable with his life now and doesn't mind it when he gets recognized in public.
  7. I have emailed the station in Houston to see if we can get a list of stations where the interview is being shown and when it will be on the web site. They showed TnT again over the weekend and I didn't realize they would have the same pledge breaks as when I was there. A friend today said I saw you on the TV over the weekend, on the Clay Aiken special. He was surprised when I said it was taped last Wednesday! I told him I hoped that seeing me on his big screen TV did not put him off pledging!
  8. Quickie post. More of the same here from CV.Clay & friend
  9. I guess no one would believe it if I said I was actually looking at keeping faith? Na didn't think so!
  10. Omg I just watched the PBS special from Houston! I want every copy destroyed (except mine*g*) I cannot believe I was on tv that much. At one point they show me having a conversation with Clay.........i still can't believe I was that close to him. I just got excited all over again. I now have proof that it reallly happened.
  11. eee Are we going to have a FCA peeps. Chicago get together?
  12. This is too cute. I think it's safe to post this as it was over half an hour ago. From Twitter. Poster is in Cary.
  13. OMG best night evah! He was snarky, funny and gorgeous!! He helped answer phones and leaned over my shoulder........I can't believe he was so close that I could feel his breath on my neck!!! He is the nicest man! The PBS peeps said they were very pleased with the amount of money raised tonight. He was joking with us and in fact made the evening so much fun. He asked me how to answer the phones I told him and he looked at me and said do you always answer the phones like that (in an English accent)or just for tonight? Then he launched into his Spamalot voice! I told him he did great and he said well of course!! He had his picture taken with us all and they will email it to us! eee There were only 15 M& G and they went right away! Well of course some of us there bought them! OMG I got a Meet & Greet first ever!!!! I am thrilled about the night. Oh and he did an interview that will be aired later but if you pledged with a CC tonight you will get a copy! OMG OMG I just cannot go to bed! I got a Meet & greet! OMG OMG I just love him. He makes you feel so at ease. I was so snarky with him and he just laughed and at one point he said that he wouldn't come back to Houston because of me so I told him I'd move. I can't believe I was like that around him! We shared headphones what more could a girl ask for? He looked wonderful, brown shirt, tie and jeans....at one point he was standing in front of me, leaning over keepingfaith and let me tell you those are some nice jeans!
  14. I will make the ultimate sacrifice and take one for the team! Yes I will stare at his butt all night if needs be!
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