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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Ok so I signed up to help out at the local PBS station. Well today I thought I would not be able to go because AT&T are supposed to come between 2&4 to install the cable etc. And i hsve to be there by 5:30. i was explaining to my DH that I couldn't go. He said to call them and change the day and time and he would be there when AT&T shows up. He didn't want me to miss a chance to see Clay! Hee he doesn't even like him.
  2. I hope i'm not too late to volunteer....maybe I'll just stake out the airport instead...oh wait there's two airports...aagghh what's a girl to do? Offer him a place to stay overnight?
  3. Since I don't do too well driving at night I just bribed my Clay hating daughter to drive me there! Money will do wonders!
  4. Pretty soon it will be time for a partay!!!!!!! Hee shortyjill I noticed you are in the Detroit area. My first house was in Sterling Heights.
  5. Thanks guys. We wanted to downsize but it is only 200sq ft smaller but it is joy of joys one story and 6 miles from work with no freeway! Tomorrow I get to stay at the house all day waiting for appliances, alarm guys and i'm having painting done before I move in. One big problem, no internet yet and because of the energy efficient barriers no cell phone coverage! I have stocked up on Clay DVDs so I should be OK.
  6. eee Today I finally closed on my new house! Only took 6 months in an apartment! Me likee!
  7. Houston has added a third showing of the special. Boy I love taking the morning off!
  8. Just popping in to say hi! I finally get to close on my new house on Tuesday. What an effort it has been. We have been waiting two weeks for the utilities to go in and now they are I get to close. I'll post a pic if I can find one. It has worked out quite well though as it is not interfering with my little trips to see Clay. Today I was ordering U-Verse and the girl asked what answer I would give to the security question......Who is your favourite singer? Hmmm let me think about that. When I gave her my answer she said oh yeah he's good and so is Ruben. I told her i'd just seen them in concert and she said I didn't know they were in Houston! I said oh no they were in Biloxi....the look on her face was priceless and she couldn't believe I'd gone all that way to see a concert. I love surprising people.Yeah I'm old not dead!
  9. So sorry to hear your sad news couchie {{{{{hugs}}}}}
  10. I just made myself a DVD of Biloxi! Wow was that a great concert or what? I'm going to have to d/l all of the shows now. I played the sucker on 2 of my computers but it won't play on my tv! Any ideas?
  11. Clay's PBS show in Houston has changed. The website now says Wed. Sept. 8 at 8:30 instead of Monday the 6th. It's also on 9/10 at 2:30 am.
  12. Oh and for the record I still have at least half a pitcher of Koolaid left so I'm not about to shave my head for anyone! You kind of had to be there! Ok my recap...fun, laughter, good good friends, swanky hotel, good food, great travels, not enough sleep (who cares it's a Clay weekend)) and most of all one of the very best concerts I have ever been to! Clay or anyone!
  13. Err KF just remember who'll you be sharing with tomorrow! OMG It's tomorrow! Hair done...check, nails done...check, outfit ready...check, lost 20lbs...check (ok so I lied), packed...tonight! Yeah
  14. Here's the MTV guys review. http://newsroom.mtv.com/2010/08/12/clay-aiken-ruben-studdard-tour/ Hee nobody puts Cluben in a corner!
  15. Isn't Clay Aiken the bestest boyfriend? He wants to spend Valentines with meeee!!!!!! Does too!!!
  16. What a beautiful picture. Clay just exudes happiness!
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