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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Ben Cohn & Clay's album From CV: scroll down to see Ben's pic and the fact he is working on Clay's new album! I think the Tweet says someone had Clay's CD's stolen and Team Clay will Private Message her about it.
  2. Oh boy I spent all day waiting around MD Anderson while my DH had tests and we come home drained. And there is my bestest boyfriend blogging to make me feel better! What a guy. I think I'll keep him.....oh and DH too!
  3. This Tweet struck me as really funny this AM! !
  4. Hee the $20 raffle ticket I bought helped!!
  5. <--------I think I like my new avi!! Isn't he gorgeous?
  6. He is a clearer video! Bought bacon flavoured chocolate once....it was yummy!
  7. Yeah Kim you are right.......it's already started! Oh and they don't like it because he didn't let them know! Duh! It's a surprise!
  8. OMG & EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE He sings beautiful At one point he talks about David's Birthday and he sounds exactly like he did on the old Clack before he became famous (Hometown something?). I don't have it saved but it is the one where he talks about people in the audience having birthdays, including his Mother's. You can take the boy out of the country but.........
  9. Oh god that man is just gorgeous and sexy and he's not even trying...that's the best part! He has the fastest growing hair!!!
  10. Ask and ye ........well you know the rest!
  11. When I click on the link it says nothing about the NIP. I want to make sure they get the credit. OK so now it does! Go figure.
  12. About 15 months ago my friend gave birth to a baby girl, weighing 1lb 3oz. I thought you might like to see her on Halloween!
  13. And real chocolate is the best...none of this fake stuff that looks like chocolate, says it is the same as chocolate and tastes like...well you know!
  14. Hey bottle the Hersheys Candy Corn Kisses are really bad! I had exactly 6 trick or treaters! I now have 10 bags of candy to give to my DD for her 11th graders. She has a couch in her classroom and bribes them by allowing them to lounge on the couch, instead of sitting at their desk, to do their reading. Candy is good too! She is allowed to give them candy and as she says whatever works. Her kiddos are really low income so they don't get a lot of candy (especially the good kind) so it is very much a treat for them. She said it is amazing how a small piece of chocolate will change an attitude! Oh by the way couchie.....thanks for having no edit counter!!
  15. GFI Press Release I'm eeeing and yet I'm hearing Barbara Streisand singing ! IYKWIMAITYD
  16. GFI Registration EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I got my ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. You know how sometimes Clay just creeps into your everyday life without even thinking about it? Well this week I had my interview to become a citizen of the USA and guess what one of the questions they can ask you is? Name a person who wrote the Federalist Papers!! Yep thanks to Clay I knew that one! (oh yeah I passed)
  18. Just checking to say hi. I came home from the Gala with Bronchitis and I have been home from work for 2 days. Oh well this too shall pass. Does anyone have any good (ha ha ) pics of me at the Gala they could send me? I'm the one with the spikey hair that's......oh so 2003!
  19. Twitter.....Clay just thanked me for helping win the Cookie challenge I know it was his team but a girl can dream!
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