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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Hee i am phone-posting! So you can return to you regularly scheduled posts as this is just a test! Hee.
  2. Can you telll i am bored. That site is fun. Clay the bad guy on his return from Paris!
  3. A funny from CV: The Gosselin Haircut on Celebs. A listers with Kate Gosselins haircut. Lookie who is there.
  4. Ice Tea......Ice Tea....Ice Tea. Them's fighting words!
  5. Annnndddd talking of freakish. Whose leg does that? Only Reed's I guess. That guy sure is bendy. Ha if it never gets above 70 who needs ice? Hee Clay Aiken just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'
  6. Hee I'll take the fifth on that one........and I don't even drink
  7. You know I was thinking...dangerous I know. Clay is like that pesky favourite nephew. You know the one. The one that is so lovable, looks at you with those adorable eyes, says all the right things but always seems to get into a heap of trouble. He is the cutest and you can forgive him anything but some times you just want to shake him and say what were you thinking? He is like a trouble magnet! Even if he doesn't do anything he still can get blamed and when he does actually do it he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes and your heart just melts. Oh well back to work....at least it is a short week! My DH is home for the week and he's painting our bedroom. Oh boy! Oh yeah I almost forgot.......I still love Clay Aiken
  8. Well I've been gone all day and it seems to be much of the same thing going on. Clay blogs...some people are happy , some people are mad and some like me just couldn't give a flip! Today I bought myself a new 40" flat screen tv for my bedroom. I can attach my laptop to it and watch Clack from my bed. Life is good! Well DH isn't too keen on the Clack. He'd sooner watch The Postman!
  9. Ah, but I'm sure he appreciates the $50 CAD she donated to do so!....and I've told her so. (see note above ) Could someone point me to those posts. I'd like to read them. Thnx
  10. Good grief he made the Drudge Report! Must be a slow news day.
  11. Unfortunately they are slicing and dicing. It is a now an AP article so it's goin' places.
  12. I'll bring the white flag! Oh wait it had better be rainbow coloured...wouldn't want anyone to think I am not PC
  13. I am sooo excited I got to use that emoticon...yep doesn't take much to amuse me. It must be the thoughts you are having about CA and RK in Paris together.
  14. Thanks! Lawd I hope the PC police don't ever catch some of the things I say/write if that is their standard for PC correctness! It is more than a jungle out there! It is nice and cozy in here isn't it?
  15. It was a great post and I read the whole thing...I didn't scroll once. I'm kind of lost on the PC thing. Clay said what that was exactly not PC? Did he call someone stupid? Did he make a reference to their colour? Did he say something homophobic? He just stated his opinion. Right? How was what he wrote not PC? 'Splain please? kimiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. I just saw an interesting post at CV that said he moved his Q&A answer over to his blog to make it easier to find. Why would he want it to be easier to find? For whom? We all know how to find his answers! hmm
  17. Does this mean that because the story is now appearing everywhere that Clay Aiken is still relevant? Someone must think he is newsworthy...no? I've heard he is a has-been and no one cares about him any more! Well except for us crazeee Claymates!
  18. Huh? Explain, please. It's just that his blog is now showing up those places and not just on blogs alone. Well my google chat has frozen up on me . So i'm not ignoring anyone just can't get in.
  19. Boy, Access Hollywood & Rolling Stone. He sure knows how to make a splash!
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