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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Yes it sure is. Here people are angsting over various posts/blogs on a message board and he is in one of the most beautiful cities in the world with someone dear to him and probably having the time of his life. Ce La Vie!
  2. You know that would make a good song! "I love Paris in the springtime, I love Paris in the fall, I love Paris in the winter, when it drizzles, I love Paris in the summer, when it sizzles. I love Paris every moment, Every moment of the year, I love Paris, Why, oh why, do I love Paris, Because my love is near."
  3. Do you realise he did it again? Here we are a day after the AI finale and who are the blogs talking about? It sure isn't the winner! What was his name again?
  4. What really annoys me is the people who read his blog but didn't "read" his blog! How can you comment on one part and not get what he is saying? He has been misquoted so many times it isn't funny. He has been accused of just about everything under the sun except that he could be homophobic! The guy gets treated so bad on his own board I just can't believe it. You'd think he came out again by the way some are reacting and these people are fans?
  5. It's probably the same ones who complained that he didn't blog enough!
  6. Well the twit got it from someone who said he was thrown out but didn't say when! See how these things really are the devil?
  7. Paraphrasing from OFC: There is a twitter that YKW got booted out of the Idol theater last night.
  8. Well we didn't know for sure but it was fun to speculate!
  9. I think it might be a good day to stay here...the knives are already out. I guess he refuted the NE without saying anything....oh he is good!
  10. OMG I love that guy more each day. Why don't you tell us how you really feel!!! Hee!
  11. merrieeee wanders in singing :I love Paris in the springtime: Just sayin'
  12. Hmm! I wonder if he is not there already? Soo how come the board is loading sooooo sloowwwly?
  13. And if it's anything like ours you are not going to want to miss it for the world!
  14. It's me again:) From CV: Idol Ratings Aww they missed me.
  15. Oh it will be the closest ever, there will controversy over the phonelines, endless debate over who really won and if the "real" winner doesn't win there will more conspiracy theories than you can shake a stick at. At last AI will be able to be finally rid of that pesky Clay Aiken guy! Instead of all newspapers referring to him they can refer to (insert name here) as Clay (Clay who?)will finally be supplanted as the media draw and guaranteed website hit. After all us "Claymates" have switched allegiance...right?
  16. I'm not fussy I'll take leftovers and what leftovers! These are from CV: Capital Awards
  17. Oh lets be honest here! I want to go to the Gala because I want to see Clay. If anyone has a problem with that so be it. I support the BAF in a lot of ways that will never be known and this is for me!
  18. Hee I didn't watch any of AI and to tell you the truth I don't care who wins. I wouldn't recognize Kris if he was on tv and I'm tired of the OTT Adamizing! Thank goodness, after tonight, we can get back to the real news about the Brangelina or 8 mom or who broke up with whom or what happened or didn't happen to Paris' dog!
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