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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Can I get a braille version? I'm kind of a touchy feely person myself! Joe the auctioneer was not there so Jerry Aiken did it. Let me put it like this....I missed Joe.
  2. Logged out at the OFC. Send email. Get email saying membership extended. Try to log back in. Invalid Account. Send email. New Password. Password Invalid. Send another email. New Password. Password Invalid. Six minutes later. Try log in again. Password expired-it has been over 24 hours! There definition of 24 hours is a little bit different than mine. I officially give up.
  3. OOh the one thing I forgot to mention, about last night, was that someone thought I was 10 years younger than I am.....Best weekend evah!!!
  4. Last night Clay did indeed sing from the heart. He was thanking the supporters of his foundation. The songs were the right choice for the room and function. During his singing you could hear a pin drop..we all were just listening to every note. He may have not been as perfect as a CD but he was imperfectly perfect. Just him and a piano, singing for us....what more could you ask for? I would not have missed that for the world. I felt emotions welling up so many times thinking about how talented he is and how I get to be one of the lucky ones who"gets it".
  5. I met the golfers that various people sponsored today. There was a 12 year old boy who was the cutest thing. His team shot 5 under! We high fived on that one. There was a girl who didn't tell me her age but she said her team shot 5 over. I told her it was a lot better than I could do. Their teaching instructor was an ex LPGA player. We talked for quite while and the teacher could not thank me enough for us sponsoring them. They were thrilled that we would do such a thing and said how generous it was of us. They had a wonderful day out on the course and Clay stopped by to have his picture taken with them. The little girl had no idea who he was but at the end of the dinner they were standing at the back of the room taking pictures. As they left they again said thank you to the fans who had enabled them to play. It is an experience these kids will never forget. I took them ball caps and they liked them. I did not get any pics because they are very protective of the kids pics on the internet. However if they are posted on the First Tee website I can then give you the link. I know they would like to do that as it is quite a newsworthy item for them.
  6. By the way in case I didn't mention it he was GORGEOUS! Loved his hair. it was actually styled but I think he went a bit heavy on the guyliner. I keed, I keed. No make up at all. Very light lashes GAH. Not that I was staring or anything!
  7. Clay said at the beginning that it was going to be low key with no "big" songs.
  8. What a night. He looked gorgeous! I had him directly in my line of sight through dinner.....he is gorgeous. I won a poker set which I donated back because I have never played poker and that sucker was heavy. I'm told the guy who gave it to me was some famous poker player, Greg Raymer. He wasn' t as gorgeous as Clay. Scarlett had the best view for Clack evah! Even Clay agreed! Oh did I say he was gorgeous. The mini concert felt so intimate and personal. I loved it. There was a non-fan sitting next to us and after the concert she said she could just feel the love in the room for him. It was quite palpable. Oh and he looked gorgeous. He came over to our table to congratulate the woman who won the dinner and he was standing next to PerusingOne who was so shocked she didn't take one photo!
  9. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OMG He looks gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://forums.clayonline.com/showthread.ph...507#post1006507
  10. Calling kandre!!!! http://www.mirasolclub.com/clubHouse.asp It's a ritzy CC in Florida or as 00lsee says
  11. Well we are back in the hotel room. No we couldn't round up enough pennies to buy a one night membership....do they even have those ? I think not! We consoled ourselves with some of the best seafood we have had in years! Mussels, Oysters, Clams, macadamia encrusted dolphin, bouillabase, seared tuna and the most wonderful creamiest goat cheese evah! Followed by Key Lime cheesecake, Key Lime pie and carrot cake a mile high. We are stuffed! Not as good as listening to Clay admittedly but what are girls going to do?
  12. Eeeeeeeeeee! Come on, I know how resourceful the Claynation is...can't you sneak in as a server or waitress? Kim Oh Mr. Aiken can i get you some water? How about some more salad? Oh I'm sorry did i just spill soup down your front? Now you know you just need to let me rub that stain with a little water.
  13. We're here!!!! Clay is here too and going to do a mini private concert at Mirasol tonight. We can't go cos we are not members......anyone got a few thousand bucks to spare*g*
  14. Ok so I slept 2 hours last night, am ready to go even though I don't need to leave for another hour and here I am surfing the web. Is it just me or does your house have to look spotless before going on a trip? {{{{georgiesmybaby & family}}}}
  15. Hi nicki503 welcome. I too love black cats. They are really lucky you know. My kitty died 18 months ago and I still miss her. She was about 24. Well here I am surfing instead of packing!!! Oh well I doubt I'll sleep tonight so it will get done.
  16. i've always felt that Clay is basically a good man. The crazies out there can do what they do and write what they write because they never have to stand up and be counted. It is all anonymous and you can say what you like. They don't care if it is sick, disgusting or harmful. It just their kind of fun. If you had to put real names out ther instead of made up monikers then a whole lot would change. But that's the way of the internet. Sites like TMZ & Perez get a lot more traffic from other than Clay haters so they see something and comment on it. It's not because they hate Clay but it's because they can comment and that sure shows the loonies out there. Hee I really have to stop writing bad things about the OFC. I have no active membership now...OMG it's the thought police!. I can still read the message board though.
  17. If it makes you feel better think about it this way. First it has to be untied, you have your wicked way with him and then re-tie it. That's why I like glasses sooo much. I just think about taking them off. You have to be real close for that, real friendly like and well.....you get the rest And now for something completely different: A question for you wise computer geeks gurus. Is there any way to change the orientation or layout of the emoticon page? No I don't want them all to be gay but when looking for one specific sucker you have to scroll and scroll and miss the one you want and then start again...or is that just me*g* I have seen them, on some other sites**, all just on one page so you can see maybe 30 at a time. I would love to use them more with my witty and urbane posts but I guess I'm to much of a hurry to share these bon mots that I just don't take the time to look. ** oh not Clay Aiken sites I would never stray from here....not me, its the other merrieeee....the one that spells her name differently. Ausdon wrote: The angst out there on one particular board (OFC) is all centered around his lack of blogging and whether you will re-up. It has become quite nasty at times and the thread has had to be edited quite a few times. It is a pity because you take a genuinly interesting subject/question and it just goes to hell. But then that is par for the course over there. That's why a lot of people don't like the board. Hee from the ride we are on with Clay, it seems like Disneyworld at times!
  18. Well the queen of Clack & her Radio Shack is going to be there soooooo.......
  19. Hee FromClaygary you are going to Florida too? What a coincidence! Hmm what are the chances we are going to the same place
  20. I have to tell you I cannot get a thing done tonight! I have so much to do before Sunday morning but I just keep looking at the purdy pics. He just looks like a contented soul. eeeeeeeeeeee I love that Clay Aiken to bits! My goodness you'd think I really was 12!
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