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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Ok Now we need just $80 more for the golf sponsorship. to those who have PMd me. CV has already done it so can we. Gosh do I sound like a cheerleader or what?
  2. eeeeeeeeeeee We are now 2/3 of the way to sponsoring a golfer!!!! All we need now is $100!
  3. My pet peeve (like anyone cares) in the grammar world is "its" and it's". It's not like it's too difficult is it? Hee! We are half way to getting a sponsorship for a golfer at GFI so if I don't hear from any one else by about 2:00pm. we will not be able to do it as the deadline is today. Times are tough, I know.
  4. Oh aikim what would I do without you??? Don't forget if you want to sposor a golfer at GFI I need to know by tomorrow am. We are half way there.
  5. I didn't realise how much I relied on Akim's countdown every day. Arrgghh now I don't know how many days till I see Clay*g* Come back little sheba!
  6. Jesse Vargas has a new website. Listen to Clay et al on his site....really good. Scroll down http://www.shouthollermusic.com/music.html
  7. Not a good day today first Patrick McGoohan and now Ricardo Montlaban dies. RIP
  8. Ok guys the deadline for us to sponsor a golfer for GFI is Friday. If you want to donate just PM and I will set up Paypal to take care of it.
  9. The First Tee is a free program that teaches youth life skills through the game of golf. i.e. Courtesy by not hitting someone with a golf club or honesty..not lying about your golf score etc. We run program for children ages 7-18 and we also have a National Schools prorgam that provides golf equipment to schools for the PE classes. It is a fun program that kids from all walks of life can attend....no belonging to a country club. We provide clubs etc. which if they stay in the program they get to keep. The majority cannot afford their own. If you want I will keep track of names/amount and see if we can get enough together for a donation. Just PM me. Hee fear and i had the same idea.
  10. If you need more information contact: The Bubel/Aiken Foundation 104 TW Alexander Dr Building 1 PO Box 110104 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Phone: 919.314.5540 Fax: 919.314.5541 Aron Hall [contactus@bubelaiken.org] AT LAST a con.nec.tion! I work with The First Tee progam in Houston.
  11. eee One day closer to GFI. Do you think I am excited? Nah!
  12. Hee I listened to the rest of AI...yawn. I love our Dr Clay, Professor Clay, Hawt Clay, Sexy Clay....oh what the heck I love any incarnation of Clay.
  13. They showed Clay twice in the beginning of AI. The finale of AI2 and when he sang with Fake Clay. I missed the beginning. Hee kandre it's the only reason i had it on to see if they showed my man!
  14. Oo goody more speculation about Clay not being with RCA......As The Gerbil Wheel Turns
  15. There's a another photo of Clay appearing and since I can't remember my photobucket account stuff I can't bring it here! CH has it and s does OFC & CB Yep it's the usual suspects!
  16. There are people over there that feel it is their life's work to critique everything Clay does in a negative fashion. Some have even been banned from other boards because of the attitude. So for some...no they are not bored just pot stirrers! Of course as usual IMO, YMMV etc
  17. It's fine to have differing opinions about Clay and his sartorial splendour but some of the posts that I have read have been downright ugly and hateful.
  18. I cannot wait to go to the GFI. I doubt I will be bidding on much...too rich for my blood. Hmm I wonder what goodies will have been donated for the silent auction*g* Hee I will probably be my turn to get to sleep with Scarlett...she is such a ????? Now what's the word I'm looking for? Yeesss my favourite look of all time..the striped suit, orange tie and tortiseshell glasses...rawr!!!! God I just drool over that pic!
  19. Hee I'll take any look over the sNOflake look in the one pic!!! I saw two fake headlines regarding Clay & Reed at CV, that I thought were funny: The Geek & the Chic or The Aiken is Taken!
  20. CV has a pic of Clay last night, post # 1046 but i'm at work and can't bring it over. It's also on OFC Spam thread
  21. Paraphasing from the OFC: Lighter hair, Clay came in with Jerome and Reed. He went up on stage and stood in the back and hugged everyone. Now it's on CV so here is the whole thing:
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