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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I grew up in the 50/60s and I knew people that were what were called queer back in the day! Everyone did but no one was bothered about it, where I grew up. I had two Girl Guide mistresses that were "friends" living together. No one talked about them. They just lived their life and no one cared. I went on camping trips with them and it didn't matter. As open as a society is today there would still be people saying they would be a bad influence....OMG those girls, in their care, might turn gay!
  2. He was/is in fact awesome. Every woman's dream. Shogun....oh my! Thornbirds.....oh my! Ha it really doesn't seem that long ago but I guess it is. I never knew he was gay. I never noticed things like that. The media never remarked on it and no one talked about it because it just wasn't important what people did behind closed doors. Laisser faire attitude.
  3. Richard Chamberlain??? Thud!!!!!! Gahh!!! You know I feel old......at the OFC there are people saying they have no clue who he is!!!
  4. http://www.broadway.com/Shrek-the-Musical-..._photos/5017785 Slide # 49. Hmm Clay better watch out! Reed was out on the town.
  5. http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2008/12...mates_for_l.php Ok this is just another story about Reed & Clay but the story is filed under: It struck me as really comical that it is a notable accomplishment to be dating Clay Aiken! Hee I know it would be if I was (in more ways than one)!
  6. I have purposely not been watching any JNT Clack but I have been listening to him singing Xmas music on my commute, which inexplicably has gone from 35 min. to 1 hour. He can just put me into a wonderful state of mind that I don't care that I am doing 10 miles per hour! Well I care but at least it gives me longer to listen! I remember him saying he couldn't see a Christmas not doing a tour....err Clay remember that next year would you.
  7. eeeeeeeeeeeee It's only 41 days till I see Clay eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. http://news.lalate.com/ I think that lalate likes them some Clay Aiken...or at least the hits*g* They have named him their humanitarian of the year . Scroll down.
  9. Since I can't make any whiz trips to NYC and I can't get to Spam this weekend I'll just have to suffer and have the eHP over instead! So who wants to come over and Partay with us cool chicks??????
  10. I just found the ETHS on YouTube by searching Clay Aiken and sorting by uploaded this week. It broken into 5 parts. Oh and that is not Jerome.
  11. Bye the way THAT sNOflake picture was not bad. He didn't look sick in that one!!! It is some of the others (full face) I just hate.
  12. He looks so young and the cheekbones are back!! eeeeeeeeeeee Are we sure he is 30?
  13. bottle are you sure they are not texting you?
  14. Surely I can't be the only one not to have heard the so-called rumours about Clay and dates. I consider myself a fairly intense fan and yet I missed it all. Who's been holding out on me?
  15. That blond guy on the left sure is cute! Now I know I've seen him somewhere!!!
  16. Since Clay's personal life is off limits at the OFC there is a thread where if you are so inclined you can wish Clay happiness. http://forums.clayonline.com/showthread.php?t=15582 You have to be logged in to see it.
  17. He looks like a man who is genuinely happy with himself and his life.
  18. A match made in you know where. Their names are just so organic.......a clay and a reed! I should be working on finishing my Dickens Village but I'd much rather be hanging with you guys.
  19. Good grief it took me an hour and a half to get home tonight!!!!! People it's only a little snow and its not even sticking....just freaking drive will ya! OK now I feel better. I hatess cold weather. It's why I left England and Cleveland and Detroit and Buffalo! If there is global warming then why am I so cold?
  20. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Clay is on my local radio! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  21. It's a nice pic though! Hey i'm making lemonade out of lemons here!
  22. Hee my pretend gay boyfriend may have a boyfriend! Pretty cool if it is true. (Note I used the long form of IIT to avoid hurting any sensibilities*g*) Hi smitt...... claylaughs welcome to the madding crowd! Well that's as profound as I get for today. My work is done!
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