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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Right back at you...does that mean you are going? Kim Yes siree Bob. I am going!
  2. I just realised that in less than 3 weeks I will be seeing Clay eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and he is going to sing just to me!!!!! Who else is going to GFI?
  3. But..but...but there is a major difference, people were not hoping that by talking to you or any other fan/board member they were going to get a "con.nec.tion". If Reed had been an not-famous actor that had no interaction with Clay would that same person have introduced themselves to him. I highly doubt it. The fan in question is a well known FAN and as such it just makes me go hmmm! And as for posts on topic....I would still be a dog walker if my posts had to be on topic*g* Ace? Ace who? [/snark]
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhm48mp8q98 Here is Whitney singing it.
  5. OK now that Spam is over I can be truthful........I thought Juniors was over rated! There I said it!
  6. If you can tear yourselves away from looking at YouKnowWho, in the stage door video, there is a head popping up in the window above to see what all the fuss is about! Too cute! I also noticed in the picture of Ace he has his CD prominently placed...hee!! And FWIW I like Reed better than Ace, but no-one beats Clay Aiken....no-one!
  7. Just popping in real quick to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
  8. Annnd there just might be a chance that someone might want to buy one....oh for a good cause and not just to drool over, you understand!
  9. Since tomorrrow will be kind of busy i just wanted to take the opportunity to say: MERRIE CHRISTMAS FCA
  10. At the moment there are so many twinkling lights in my house it could be mistaken for Vegas!
  11. aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Not that!!!!!! Scarlett has pictures! OK! We had a blast....started about 5:00pm Saturday.....talked about Clay.....wore silly party hats.....exchanged goofy and good gifts.....laughed till we were hoarse.....had some good food.....talked about Clay....watched a JNT concert....got to bed at 5:00am.....got up at 8:00am.....talked about Clay.....Scarlett tried to figure out how many Clay fans she has slept with but lost count and went to go home at 3:00pm Sunday and didn't realise she still had her PJs on! When 00lsee, keepingfaith, Kandre, Solo, Scarlett and myself get together it is wonderful, but we really missed PerusingOne. My DH called to find out if we had a good time. Ha that didn't deserve an answer!
  12. In case you are wondering why there are no reports from the eHP gathering..........well what goes on in my house stays in my house
  13. Clay's getting his caricature at Sardi's tomorrow per CH.
  14. Once in a while it is good to be reminded why I left Buffalo! It's only 68 here this morning....oh well I'll just have to suffer. I will say snow is very pretty when looking at it from afar! Only 37 days till I see Clay....not that I am counting or anything! I have aikim for that!
  15. I guess the term "pure as the driven snow" would in no way ever describe you guys!!! Hee! We just had our office party and the catered lunch include Aioli! When the one guy said what is that I piped up with "Oh it's a delicious garlic mayonnaise".
  16. Does this mean we are one of those sooper sekrit boards then? (((couchieandcouchiemama))))
  17. Well it got to be 75 degrees here today! Yay!!!! Well that is unless you wore a suit and polo (turtle) necked shirt cos the office is like freezing! I was doing a "Scarlett" and taking clothes of in the car, on the way home! Eeeeeeee Saturday is eHP at my house day! I cannot wait to see who shows up. I like surprises. Kandre suggested a white elephant gift exchange........any one know where I can get a white elephant? If anyone wants to come and join us let me know. Now I have to go clean up for the maid. Oh and that Clay Aiken guy sure is cute!
  18. How come I didn't notice before that he is so cute? Why didn't someone tell me?
  19. You have to love the internet.....one big telephone game! One site has taken "the trying to get preggers" story into now she is pregnant and the baby is due in August! I can hardly wait to see what is written next..........not!
  20. Stage Door tonight Calling Muski.........tight jeans Funky sweater with hooks on it (???) Lavender Shoes! (Nikes) Here is the quote:
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