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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. ::sigh:: One day I might figure out who these people are! Who is Nikki?
  2. Nice banner...talk about a chameleon! He looks so different in each photo.
  3. Muah!!! You's guys are de best. (said in my unbeleeeevable New Yawk acccent)
  4. The Obama Love Story video on YouTube is now over 500,000 views!!
  5. Hee Ididn't know that was even there, thanks!
  6. OK where can I find a copy of the Mary Did You Know with the clicks? I have a copy of the one without but when I transferred everything over to my new machine I lost a few things. Help Please! I want to d/l a copy of only one concert from each Xmas tour. What are your recommendations? Which would be best?
  7. Haven't you heard his time is over....like he's not a star any more?
  8. Hee I've got more than one spare OMWH/WalMart if you really need one!!! Hmm I wondered who else would notice the RCA talk again! I just have to scroll.
  9. Oh yes it was tough driving today....the wind was just blowing through my hair when the windows were down!!! Sitting outside in 60 degrees, surfing the 'net, was the pits too!!!
  10. Today I was shopping in Big Lots...yeah I know upper end merchandise *g* Anywaaaay, I found two hardback copies of Learning To Sing for $3 each. Well how could I pass up that bargain. Sooo since I already have it in Hardback, Paperback and CD I really don't need any more. If anyone wants one just let me know. (Ok one has gone!)
  11. Yes it is usually Clayversity, The Clack House, Clayboard (your favourite) and the OFC as well as here.
  12. Usually someone has a cell phone and at intermission texts a friend who posts it on a board and voila around the Clay Nation in minutes! During regular concerts there are always fans with cell phones doing a cellcert so you can get "live" reports and listen to the concert, but Spamalot doesn't allow that. Cellcert=cell phone and concert They are great fun to do and listen to especially when he is doing a concert for the first time. It's always OMG he did what!!!!!! Those nights if I'm not there doing the reporting I'm on 3 boards, listening to the 'cert and in chat all at the same time.
  13. Calling muski ....oh calling muski .......Reports are that Clay is frisky on stage tonight!
  14. That baby sure is a cute little Porker.........err Parker! Claybella is going to meet Clay tomorrow night. She wrote the bio.
  15. The "Obama Love Story" video on YouTube is now up to 482,760 hits! There were almost 15,000 in the last two days alone! Someone's listening to our guy big time.
  16. Yep that's my new background! He is one handsome man!
  17. I'm not surprised that Clay is staying out until he is really better. Starting the 22nd out of the following 9 days there are 6 days with two shows and one day with only one! A total of 13 shows! That's a pretty hectic schedule.
  18. OMG I love that picture of CLay! The glasses are just sooo sexay!!! Rawr!!!
  19. Ha the Clay Nation has not lost its touch I see!
  20. The GFI is January 26th. The Shish Kebabs from the vendors around Time Square are good for only $4.00 (Scarlett and I had one every night) and there is a deli called Europa, nearby, that has a really good Rasberry Lemonade for $2.00....yum! You can eat cheap if you want to.
  21. OK so there are only 2 people in the office today. I have nothing to do (yeah) and I can keep my laptop open all day and guess what...nothing is going on....no news, no scandal, no new pictures, nuttin honey! I tell you how am I to survive? I don't even have a trip to plan for until GFI! I've done my Xmas shopping, written my cards and have surfed to the end of the internet. I guess I will have to go searching for some Clack to watch. Oh well someone has to do it!
  22. As far as we know he didn't perform tonight........at least on the stage!
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