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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I got all giddy inside just knowing he went and there were pics!
  2. http://www.filmmagic.com/ItemListing.aspx?...&navtyp=gls Lookie lookie! Yess!!!
  3. I just figured out how close Nov. 7 is..........I'm going to Spam..........eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. {{{{couchie & mama couchie}}}} Good thoughts are coming your way.
  5. Well ok I'm nothing if not generous with my fantasy boyfriend!
  6. I have come to the conclusion that Spamalot was one of the smartest career decisions Clay ever made. He is gaining a lot of new fans, has become well respected and is shown to be willing to volunteer his time for a good cause. I think i'll keep him.
  7. Sometimes I think people panic too much! He's young and healthy and should be able to take a few bumps unlike some of us who shall remain nameless!
  8. A good hands-on massage will work wonders.....any volunteers :PickMe-1: :PickMe-1: :PickMe-1:
  9. Anyone know how Clay is? He hurt himself tonight! Supposedly he walked out but was limping.
  10. Hey in his blog he wanted us to get back to the important stuff and what boyfriend wants he gets!
  11. What cute pics. He is just gorgeous. I love, love, love his hair short and those cheekbones....well just gah!!! He has grown into himself very nicely! Oh and by the way a big thank you to aikim for the calendar. I really like being reminded, every day, about what's coming up.
  12. I have been watching the gala on Youtube. I love that because you can see them and then decide to d/l. I found a couple of my fave montages and they are rather poignant now!
  13. Yeah and i'm on my third pack of cigarettes, if you know what I mean and I think you do!!! I keed I keed I don't even smoke
  14. Don't forget that this is, once again, People magazine. I tend to believe that online article that was published a few weeks ago, talking about his publicist not liking any of the tabloids...except for People. And frankly, I've always thought People was good to him (with the exception of album reviews). With the release of every single one of his albums, there has been some sort of blurb in their magazine, usually with pretty pictures. They covered the IT. They've mentioned every single one of his UNICEF trips, usually with a picture involved. I also think that the 2006 article was fantastic, and the picture that accompanied it was the most thudworthy picture ever. But even that litttle blurb about the bio is now showing up all over the web i.e. foxnews.com, AccessHollywood.com and for the most part the story is ok. Of course there are some digs (ha it wouldn't be the media if there weren't) but they are really benign! I read an article this morning about Lance Bass saying he has to be careful how he acts on DWTS, due to him being the most visual representation of a gay man, in the Entertainment industry right now! Hmmm!
  15. Good grief another decent article about Clay in print! I hope it is not me just projecting but are we taking baby steps here to give him a different and better image? Although after looking at claylove's pics I like his image just fine.
  16. That is so sad that she cannot get through her hurt to be able to embrace all that he is and has to offer. It is her loss. If I felt that way I could never have gone to the gala. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Clay Aiken in my life. He brings me so much joy. I have sat here all night just watching the Clack and have got nothing done. Do I care? Nope dishes can wait when there is new Clack to be watched. One minute I am tearing up and getting all schmoopie and the next laughing out loud. What charisma! I love Clay Aiken!
  17. Cotton...I'm so glad you were there too! Great Not-A-Recap
  18. Ha! No luck about it. It's damn smart...we picked a winner! Oh yes we did! On the OFC, Clays Helping Hand thread there are some pics of the silent auction items and there is one post from someone who was struggling and is no more! RHW did its job.
  19. All is right with the world...muski is in fine form and speaking of fine form
  20. Well I almost had a heart attack! I finished setting up my new computer and I could not log into FCA! Talk about panic! I got logged out for 15 minutes and then it finally worked....phew!!! Now my problem is I have no Clack. I have had some serious problems with my old machine and I don't want to get into any trouble with this new one. Oh well I 'll just have to start from scratch and re-watch a lot of stuff! Yep I'll have to force myself to do it. Oh and yes that Clay Aiken is one cute guy.
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