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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I am not jellus...no I am not! I love the bit about Raleigh & Durham. That child is going to be spoiled by everyone!
  2. Yessss!!!! Hee when it came to running down the field to see Clay who knew you had a gimpy foot? Clay Aiken heals what ails you!
  3. Yep we knew!!!! But as someone said earlier Clayfans are sooooo predictable!
  4. If you look at Clay's clothes they are for the most part cutting edge fashion! We may not like them and they are not put together as they should be but they are usually ahead of the curve fashion wise! He particularly likes British designers and over there his style (bwah ha ha I know what style!) is quite the norm. He needs a little help in the puttin' together. Do they have Garanimals for adults?
  5. That reminds me of the beginning in the fandom when people would comment on Clay always saying "we" and there was a pic of a mouse in his pocket! Bueller?
  6. Some of the Clack is already available to d/l in MP4 format which will play on iPods. eta: SNAP
  7. D101! Studdard, Studdard....I knew I had heard that name somewhere!
  8. I guess his "It's private" attitude must really bug them. Here is a celebrity that could be getting all kinds of free publicity and he doesn't! Wow someone with integrity...they are not used to that. The more I know about Clay Aiken the more I admire him.
  9. It looks to me that Clay was surprised by Jerome picking him up. He knew the E! folks were there but I guess Jerome took him off guard and hustled him into the stage door.
  10. Gotta love the media! Here's the blurb attached to the pics of Clay at the stage door:
  11. I'm really not jellus of all of you in NC.....well maybe a tad! I hope you all have a good time and get a chance to fondle Clay's goodies .....the auction goodies, the auction goodies......geesh!!!
  12. Darn there goes our fun!!!! E! was at the barricade tonight and Jerome had to hustle Clay back inside!
  13. No way. We NEED their reports. But yeah, jealousy is rising in my throat. *sigh* Ok then we will just have to live vicariously!!! At least I am going to Spam on the 7th of Nov.......and maybe 8 & 9 I have also made up my mind to go to the GFI. I can't stand it!
  14. And the half that isn't going to the gala is sitting at home, stewing with jealousy. Or is that just me? No s**t sherlock!
  15. I envy you all that are going to the Gala. Have fun for us and don't you be flashing Clay now, you hear!
  16. It is frightening! I just got home It took me an hour and a quarter! It normally takes half an hour. Water, water everywhere! ETA: Scarlett JFK underpass is flooded and you have to drive on the shoulder. It is about 6 inches deep there! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just saw an ad for Spam on E! Starring International Superstar Clay Aiken!!!!!
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