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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. On a lighter note...remember the purple flowered shirt.....it's baaack!
  2. I said I would not bring any more news about posts from over there any more and that is true. I have been reading over there tonight. However I will say that I don't believe I will ever feel so sad about what some people are writing about this good man as I am right now. I have tried really hard to be understanding and show support but no more. I am done. There are a few a very few that delight in vilifying this man and it is delight. I thought the media was hateful but it pales in comparison to the hate I see over there. And it is hate pure and simple despite how it is couched in religious terms. Less than 10 days ago this man was a wonderful, funny, compassionate humanitarian. Now he is the devil incarnate who is a master manipulator, all because of one little word....gay! Clay has to be a far better person than I will ever be! He may forgive I will never! This really good man does not deserve this....ever!
  3. From CH: It's amazing what you think about on a freaking 1 hour commute!!!!! I have seen people posting that he is no longer the Clay they fell in love with on AI. Well apart from the obvious he hasn't been that guy in along time. He was really put into a box by AI & the media when he was on that show. The good boy etc. It's no wonder some put him on a pedestal! In the last few years he really has dispelled that image. He shows up in tight pants and does some suggestive moves on the JBT and rips of choir robes. He is very bawdy in Christmas shows (be proud of your instrument). He grinds on Angela. He sings songs about butts and getting sprung! He talks about bugs down bosoms etc. He does Spamlot a really bawdy and irreverent musical. He announces that he will be at a Friar's Roast-really bawdy! ANd a whole lot more! I cannot wait to see what he has up his sleeve next....do you think he really might become cool? Nah..what was I thinking..it's Clay*g*
  4. Err I'm starting to get a bit concerned. I was listening to ATDW this morning too and I thought EIH was really something. I have found myself saying me too, to a lot of your posts, recently but last night was the killer........ I dreamt of you!! Please excuse that there bad grammar you may gets from I! You see being English it doesn't follow that you are good at English grammar*g*
  5. Just to let you guys no I will no longer be saying anything about the other place. Got the hint.
  6. I am in a much better place this morning. I may rant and rave over here to get it out of my system but I came to the conclusion last night that in the end they will be judged by someone. Hee didn't Clay say it's not my place to tell them they are wrong. God he is a much better man that I am....oh wait...... Thanks FCA. I love you guys! Scarlett :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  7. He did the stage door and took pics with a few people.
  8. Isn't it about time for renewals at the OFC? Yeah wanda nothing worse than a self righteous bitch....but then they might beg to differ!
  9. I've go to remain calm...I've go to remain calm. I have been reading the thread over there trying to figure these people out and be supportive for those genuinely trying to come to terms with it. I did not want it to deteriate to the lowest level and know that that was all Clay was going to read,but I just cannot stomach a couple of them and it is only a couple. If you think the guy is a pervert and beyond then leave. It's not trying to be understanding it is hate pure and simple! I cannot understand anyone who is a "true" christian doing that. What a warped sense of religion you have.
  10. The only great posts you are missing are wandacleo's. The rest well it's all hogwash! Except that I'm probably going to hell. Ha no probably about it. When you suggested that God was gay because he hung around with guys and Eve was an afterthought I thought Iwas going to lose it. Oh god now the posts by that one woman has just gone out in left field, She's posting an article that equates gay with pedophelia by some nutjob from an organization called NARTH! She is the one that is sick I tell you.
  11. The only great posts you are missing are wandacleo's. The rest well it's all hogwash!
  12. OMG Wanda I love you.........God is gay? :lmaosmiley-1: Only you would post that. You know you are going to eternal damnation for that one!!!!!!!!!
  13. I get this picture in my head of Clay being appalled at what has been written over there! He is better off without people like that.
  14. Yeah wanda it's one thing having issues but to taunt someone with Aspergers, Just downright...oh I think mean is a good word!
  15. From your mouth to whoever will listen's ears! I want to go to a concert sit in the front row and scream until I'm hoarse for that guy! I want to show him all the love in the world and be surrounded by people who get Clay Aiken...who really get him........of course I mean that in the non-smuttiest way posssible*g* Someone posted over there that he isn't free but I think he and us are probably the freest we have ever been. I have always been proud to be his fan but if I have to be honest sometimes it was hard to hear comments from people I work with. Well you know "he's gay" kinda doesn't have the same ring to it any more. Yep he is...your point! I cannot wait for the response to that!!! Ok that's it I can no longer go over to the OFC. I have had it with those people over there. I don't know if I can bring myself to tell you what someone did........Ok I know you want to know .......well someone posted the sNOflake picture over there!!!!!! Aaarrgghhh!!! I just can't take any more (*g*)
  16. And then people have the nerve to say well he lied and focus on that. Don't see they bigger picture here. This guy has just done something so momentous that things could very well change peoples very thoughts and actions. I read somewhere that he is the first celebrity gay man, with a child, to ever come out! No cover, no beard just I am a father and I'm gay. He normalizes this. Even in his own home state he wouldn't be allowed to adopt that child. As he said there really was no option for him. Talk about courage! Kandre I laugh at the folks that say well who is he and why does anyone care? Well obviously the news media cos this story is everywhere. I have never in my life received so many google alerts about one story.
  17. When we first moved to Houston we went to an arts festival in the gay part of town. My DD was 10. I had told her there were going to be a lot of gay people there and explained what that meant. We had a great day and my DD said at the end of it that she hadn't seen any gay people. So I pointed out to her that the two men walking down the street holding hands were gay. She said but Mum they just look like everyone else! I thought good I got my point across. It's a good job she did not see those guys from the rear. They both had on leather pants with the rear end cut out! I really had to stop myself from laughing out loud. I wanna go to the Gala and I wanna go to Spamalot and I wanna see my buddies and I and I and I ...well enough about me!
  18. Can I take a guess? Is Church Street anything like Montrose?
  19. I just rewatched the GMA video for the umpteeth time and my favourite part is when he says I have son and the look on his face is so beautiful, Just a flicker of his emotions about Parker. God that baby will be loved! Oh keepingfaith I see it all in those pictures...that man is too beautiful to be straight! Hee! Hee!
  20. I was just over catching up at the OFC and the tone has definately improved. Some of the "i'm outta here" members have actually stuck around and are working through their issues. Quite a change. Even one who was spouting scripture right and left has toned down. She is probably not going to stay in the long run but has become a lot more respectful.
  21. Oh didn't you know it was a rule that you can only smut on page 69? Well except for muski she'll smut any time any place! The rest of us are pure angels we would never smut no not us!!! Now as for that pic up there...well I'd like to tell you what I'd like to do with that man but......see above sentence*g*
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