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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Yes we had them. They only work with outdoor grills so at least we could cook and heat water when it wasn't raining. The propane was hard to find after the storm and those grills are too expensive for some. A lot of folks were using charcoal. Some people had generators but ran out of petrol to run them.
  2. OMG Glasses and short hair. I have just died and gone to heaven!
  3. Happy Birthday ldyj Oatmeal...ah a staple of life. I like mine dry right out of the box.............I know I'm weird. Well life is looking better. I think I have power now at my house and I go back to work Monday, darn.
  4. OMG I am soooo glad to be back on line!!!!! I might stay in OKC until my power is finally on even if it does take a month. To heck with the job......oh wait it pays for my Clack habit! Mmmm what to do? What to do? Hee I just figured out I am an Underwriting Champion for the golf tournament. Pity it doesn't give me any access to the dinner! I'm good with spikes1 I just need to see him.
  5. Just a quick post to say hi! We are now in Oklahoma. They say we might not get power for a month so we decided to take a vacation in OKC. I had a lot of debris but no real damage. The romance of candlelight can get tired really fast. No cable or internet either and the phones went off yesterday. We could get spotty cell phone coverage if we stood out by the pool, on one leg with the phone held directly over head!!!! At least I had hot & cold water. Had to throw out two freezers full of defrosted food, before it stank up the place...yuck! Oh and the Nutella was wonderful! Glad all of my fellow eHP's are OK.
  6. Kandre you should be here!! My DD says you and her could have got drunk together! (Hee she know you already and she has never met you) She just saw on the news that her school has started to flood and her classroom is a portable building that is nearest the water. THe sky is starting to take on all sorts of funny colours! I want to go home!! Oh wait I am home.
  7. To a Friars Club roast? What else......Brother Maynard's Robes of course!! :lmaosmiley-1: :lmaosmiley-1: :lmaosmiley-1: Can you tell I'm bored right now? It's like waiting for a guest, that you don't like, to show up. Everything is done and you just sit and wait.
  8. This could be a great high profile opportunity to show some folks how funny and witty he is. See another side of Clay Aiken.
  9. I hope all my fellow eHP peeps stay safe. I've brought all my "stuff" from the outside in. I have enough water to float a battleship, lots of Smoked Salmon and Nutella.....hey I'm going to ride this out in style! Desertrose if you have to leave your welcome to come to my place. I believe KF is in River Plantation with her sister.
  10. I made it home with no trouble today but the traffic was just beginning to back up really bad. Tonight my DD and I went to the local Target for a couple of things and the freeway was at a standstill. Of course we had to take photos. Target was empty it was really weird. My DD teaches in a portable classroom about 50 yards from the bay. She thinks that it will be flooded and maybe totally gone. Now we are going to "hunker" down...how I hate that phrase. I'm 60 miles from the coast but we are still expecting hurricane force winds. Time to look at some cute videos!
  11. Hi Scarlett...stay safe! So now I have to drive into Houston to work and then get stuck in the evacuation traffic to get home! Makes no sense to me!
  12. Talledega nights in BluRay.....yess!!!!!!! I have an extra guitar. Hurricane...what hurricane!!! Have propane will cook!!!!
  13. That guy was some dude from Coldplay. Now you just watch it or I will play re-runs of Masterpiece Theater or better yet Dr Who repeats!!!!
  14. Hey one and all over to my place for a hurricane partay!!! :04: I have stocked up on........guess what........plenty of SPAM!!!!!!! Oo if everyone brings all their clack I can secritly go through it all and confiscate any contraband! Oh and Jemock I have to say I love your stuff...I just burst out laughing! One day we will have to meet! I mean we do live in the same state! Oooo if the hurricane gets bad we could all mosey on over to your place..I keed. I keed!!! Hey Play Let's not offend just well known fans let's offend everyone!!!! Lotus, it's never stopped us! :lmaosmiley-1: (see above sentence)
  15. Ha you may have posted before me but I've been here! Lets hope for more news today. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I love CA ::note no serious stuff from me:: Scarlett :big hug:
  16. Oh Lotus are you going to get to Houston? The eHP would love to indoctrinate meet you! I stayed in an Embassy Suites on Congress, in Austin which was not too bad and you could see the thousands of bats fly out from under the bridge at night.
  17. But but but I bought my DD UNICEF Mosquito nets for her birthday! I'm going to have to buy some more now aren't I? OMG I love Clay Aiken! I have written the beginnings of a bio but I'm waiting for you know the offishul rules...they are coming soon right?
  18. I never heard of either of these guys but I just picked 2 random songs on YouTube, from the two finalists on CI. All I have to say is "Who did Mitch McDonald sleep with to get that far?" Oh and YouTube will be down later for maintenance!
  19. I love GMail too! It really has a great Spam filter. It was funny I was one of the first to use it too and I used to have people say "How did you get one. Can I get an invitation?" Hee that used to be fun. The only thing I had to get used to was having "conversations" which others don't do but once I got used to it I loved it. I have been sitting here re-watching Hometown Connection and really early Clay Clack. Boy he was so good even back then but the shiny outfits. Well nuff said! I have been backing up my iTunes in preparation for my new machine that DH is going to get me! In the middle of it I get an error message and iTunes closes and now the CD drive won't open! It is driving me crazy! I don't want to lose all my stuff but if it won't let me back up......
  20. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Ausdon, Happy Birthday to You.
  21. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It made me feel good. I had a tough day today. I kept thinking about my Mum and how much I miss her and then when I got home I read about people's problems with ageing parents and as bad as this may sound I will be eternally grateful that my Mum went fairly quickly and didn't suffer unduly. When I think of having to deal with things from 3,000 miles away...well I don't know what I would have done. It's tough to be without her but I believe much better than the altermative especially for her. My DH & DD sent me roses at work and they are both feeling guilty that I am alone tonight! I just told my DH that if he feels that bad he can fix and upgrade my home office computer. He said no but he will buy me a new one! Yeesss!!! Guilt is great!
  22. Oh Yes! That had to have been quite the compliment! Gushing is not one of our strong points. Having a "a spot of bother" could mean anything from dropping a cup of tea to World War 3! A good example is when Sir Robin has done the OTT version of YCSOBIYDHAJ the king just says "Gosh"! "Quite good" really could have meant fantastic, greatest thing since sliced bread but I'm sure it wasn't that he was just ok. I love Lobster Rolls......had one every day I was on holiday in Boston!
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