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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Well things have really quietened down over at the OFC. It almost normal...oh wait normal would be just like last week*g*
  2. OK I just listened to Touch for the first time since the great reveal. Is the real reason he won't sing it is because it says "girl I want to be by your side etc?
  3. That would make a good song line! Oh wanda I wish I had your way with words....over there!
  4. I just got a Google alert where the blog is posted in full. They started out with the Gayken has a lot to say! Can anyone tell me why an online mag. in Dublin Ireland really cares about Clay Aiken? Hee couchie if only he was cool!
  5. Hee years ago Catholics could only eat fish etc and no meat on Fridays. Well they changed the rules and it was ok except during Lent. It was a sin and they had to go to confession. I asked a priest if the new law was retroactive. He was really not happy with me!
  6. The deserters are few--basically the same ones who've been saying the same thing all week. They're just sticking around to spew hate. Lovely Christians that they are. It's getting really old now. It was about them and it still is about them! No compassion whatsoever. My DH called me today to say he saw People and was it true? I told him it was and we had this great conversation about the whole thing. I was telling him about some of the posters and their disgusting posts. You'd have thought he had been reading this board! He mentioned how it was all about them, how some must have been too deep into fantasies and a lot of other things we have said here. He is not a Clay fan, does not follow him at all but he said the guy should just live his life and never apologize! He has nothing to apologize for!
  7. OK, am I blind? All I see is her post saying she can't find it. Keep on scrolling it is quite a way down. Post # 25
  8. Here's a link to Claybella's bio on the OFC: http://forums.clayonline.com/showthread.php?t=14481 You must be signed in to view. Scroll down.
  9. ldyjocelyn I don't want you to go to any trouble... I was thinking there could be someone who has a cache of scanned articles, all neatly archived in chronological order!! It's not that important that I see that article... I have all the music, and that's the main thing!
  10. So how am I expected to do any thing today? He blogged! I want to marry that blog and have it's babies....since obviously I can't have Clay's! *g* I LOVE CLAY AIKEN. He is one hell of a guy! As soon as I read the words....He Blogged my stomach just turned over. It didn't when I read the People headline but I so wanted this to be "right". I'm not to good at explaining myself but I didn't want whining, apologies or pity me. He doesn't owe me any thing, least of all his heart and soul on a plate to dissect. I should have trusted him. It was in fact.....right.
  11. Hi clazycoffin! If that picture posted up there doesn't turn her off then nothing will! (I should have said back on the previous page) We now have over 2000 members? Wow! I love that Clay Aiken, funky cutting edge clothes and all!
  12. OMG someone actually read the rules? Oh well we won't hold it against her. Welcome clazycoffin! I hope you don't think we are like that other board! You may want to ban yourself before we'd ever ban you! We are just here to have fun and love that Clay Aiken.
  13. It's pretty easy to find it - it's just: http://www.findingclayaiken.com/ Who knew!
  14. I just managed to get 2 People, from last week, before they pulled them. Let me know if anyone wants one.
  15. Just like when Clay Aiken came out of the closet. Much better outfit last night. Waves to Gibby...just cos! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  16. I want to hold that baby and I don't like babies!! As for the man...he is just beautiful!
  17. Whoopee a new page. It's so Clay. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  18. Ah you guys know me so well. Case in point......Well after 4 months my remote problem is fixed. When I bought my plasma tv etc I was told the Bose system had a universal remote. Well it didn't! All I ever wanted was to get what I paid for. Well after being given the runaround, numerous phone calls, visits to the store, lied to, paperwork mysteriously disappearing and generally being given the "pat the little lady on the back and get her out of the store attitude" I finally had had it. I told the store manager on Tuesday that I was done. I would be contacting Bose, the BBB, posting in every one of their forums (hee I'm good at that) and calling their national HQ about the lack of concern and the fact that I had been ignored and lied to numerous times. I also said I would never ever buy anything from them again and I purchase a lot of electronics. Yeah I know I am geeky that way. The store manager said he had never heard about any of this, gave me a free electronic remote and free set up and sent me on my merrieeee way. I said I didn't think that it was too much to ask to get what the salesman sold me! Apparently he agreed. Oh and the tech today told me it was my salesman's last day!!! Hmmmm!
  19. eeeeeeee I'm home for the afternoon. I am trying to finally solve a remote control issue with my new media room's stuff. It has only taken so far over 4 months. Hee now I have time to gush over the latest incarnation of one sartorially challenged Clay Aiken. Bye the way Gibby thanks for showing those delightful sNOflake pics. I don't know how I can ever repay you. But trust me I will find a way.
  20. Clay you seriously need to go back into the closet....to find another outfit!
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