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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I really think that has held true for a long time now. More about "them" and that has just been magnified.
  2. Does this mean we can't have a "Doing Clay Aiken" pin any more?
  3. It all depends on your definition of naughty!!!! You know it is kind of weird being able to write Clay is gay.
  4. Did he lie, didn't he lie has just gotten so old. What difference does that make now? The guy just did something momentous that could affect his career, family and his very life and that's all some can think of. I am in awe of the guy. He has more understanding and class in his little finger than some of those people over at the OFC if you lumped them all together. I don't know if I could read post after post of people calling me names and bashing me. Yet in the middle of it all he gets with the mods to try and get some sense in that thread. He and his whole family have to be hurting right now and yet he reaches out to try and help those also hurting. I still want to have his babies! I know too late but a even if he is gay a girl can still dream.
  5. OMG ! just heard that Clay Aiken is gay!!! I thought he was just cute!!!! Ok so can he be both cute & gay? I'm not really up on gaytiquette
  6. I'd say that she was pretty vehement about him not receiving ONE RED CENT for the article.
  7. Thank you Hurricane Ike for coming when you did! I would not have wanted to miss this circus for all the tea in China! Oh wait I don't drink tea....I know, I know I'll probably lose my British citizenship over that. I think Clay would have to be a saint to be able to read some of those people's posts on the OFC and not want to throw up.
  8. Last night I was flipping channels and came across the Chelsea Lately show. She has never shown Clay any love and nothing changed. She was joking about the Claymates being upset. Well the woman who wrote about his unholy nights got quoted! I had to crack up thinking that the most judgemental of posters got quoted on a show like that! Good job she is no longer a fan. ((((play)))) I agree that post was not directed at the 98% of supportive people but at the really vocal minority. I would go off like that too at the folks that were trashing my loved ones and I did not have any problem with it. I have no doubt that after last night she sincerely loves him and only wants his happiness.
  9. Maybe our dreams for Clay have died but one of his has just been born for him.
  10. Oh Kandre those posts were worth the price of membership alone! I mean is there any other kind of gay and telling the mother that they were just using the baby as a shield!
  11. OK a simple question. If you feel Clay lied to you and you can't take that why stick around I don't get it. It's not as if they are chained to his ankle or anything.
  12. Scarlett go watch the clip....you won't be disappointed. He is beaucoup gorgeous.
  13. ooo what a fun day! You know the more things change the more they stay the same. The same whiney posters not knowing things are directed at them.
  14. Aaarrgghhh! ET online used THAT picture!!!! Hee I brought my laptop to work today and the boss is away! Good times.
  15. Hey kandre can I have clayandr when you are done with her? Sorry wanda...I know I'm fickle!
  16. Wow Clay wants no editing in that thread for 2 weeks: per clayandr
  17. Hey if it is Clay posting don't you think he should like "come out" and say so?
  18. The Man: The people mag interview thread. Posts 2986 & 2992 Hee she is now having a kind of conversation!
  19. I said had no problem with the news and I really didn't but to see him and hear him talk just makes it all alright. I just needed to see that he had not grown 3 heads for myself, despite what some may think!
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