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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Me too! In fact I am more than happy, I am.....wait for it.......merrieeee!!!!
  2. I wonder if the cast will dress up to tease him when he gets back for the dress rehearsal?
  3. And you know we are loving every moment! What a ride we are on. The guy is not letting any grass grow under his feet! I guess babies don't spell doom for a career after all! :lmaosmiley-1:
  4. Hee I can't keep up with my Google Alerts! You'd think this was news or sumthin! I love Sir Robin!!!
  5. Oh gosh we are so easy...he just pulls us right back in! I think I'll just give him my debit card and pin number to make it easier!!!
  6. Hee the naysayers have started! He will never tour again, don't want to see it again...yada , yada, yada!!!!! Didn't take long! Last week I was in the Schubert Alley just wishing Clay was back there and it killed me to walk by Spamalot. Juniors wasn't the same. I did meet Patti Lupone (Gypsy..Wow)and Whoopie Goldberg (Xanadu..Yuck) and got their autographs but not the excitement of Clay Aiken. You think the Schubert will be ready this time???
  7. Ok let me rephrase that! Real life took over for a while and Clay got put on the back burner. Well 00lsee sent me a text and I called keepingfaith and guess what any plans I had for tonight went right out of the window....I just had to get home to read it for myself. (As for my plans....I didn't need that new vacuum anyway...what's a bit of dirt!!!!) :lmaosmiley-1:
  8. Just when you think your fandom is cooling down a bit a little bit of news like this just sucker punches you and there you are back in the thick of it eeeing and wanting to make plans to go to see HIM!!!! I still can't believe I feel this way after 5 years.
  9. OMG I laughed out loud at this!! It's Clay Aiken we are talking about! If past history is anything to go on there will always be "IIT" moments. And talking of babies I want to marry wandacleo and have hers...oh wait I really am too old for that!
  10. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I am so excited for him!!!!!!! He really wanted to have this child...no doubt in my mind with the choice of names!!!!!
  11. http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/3349132/ Congratulations Daddy Clay!!! Hee! I love that Lynda Loveland got the scoop! Oh and I just love Clay Aiken!!!!
  12. Well I'm back home but I'm not supposed to be!!! Yesterday was interesting to say the least. I left Boston in a plane that would have made a sardine envious! They asked for people to volunteer to be bumped but I was too late so I flew off to Houston to go to OK City. On the way there was a teensy little storm that shut down the airport in Houston so we took a little side journey to Beaumont!! Sat there for a while and landed in Houston to find out my plane to OKC had gone. They told me I was standby for the next 3 flights and had a confirmed booking for this morning! Well I was only staying in OK one day so that was not really an option so I asked for my bags so I could just go home. Well my bags are nowhere to be found! (after a 3 hour wait) When we did the self-check it appears my bags never left Boston. They might have put them on the flight that they were going to bump me to! Needless to say I still don't have them and my DD is not too happy! Oh well the joys of flying! I am so disappointed that there was no news of any kind! I felt sure that something would happen! Clay in a tank top??? Naa! Clay in a tank top over a t-shirt, over a tank top? Yep! Subject? I need a subject....Clay's LI AIW without a doubt unbeatable for me. That man showed real strength of character. He did not want to let us down and gave everything he had. I felt sure he would fall of that stool and yet as ill as he was he sang the most beautiful I had ever heard. I will never forget being there.
  13. Did ya miss me? Did ya? Did Ya? No I didn't think so!! Well I made the second leg of my literary trek!! We took the Amtrak to Boston which was great except for the guy behind us who was talking so loud even Clay on my iPod could not drown him out. I cannot believe how many ads I saw, in NY, for Drew Lachey and not one for the other guy! I felt sure there would be something exciting when I logged on tonight but no you guys are talking about oil changes. Oh well back to my Lobster Roll, Lobster Bisque and Boston Creme Pie!
  14. Ok so we land at La Guardia, walk out of the airport and what do I see? Only a cab with a Spamalot ad on it with Drew Lachey's picture. Oh no I couldn't see one with Clay's pic at all even though I was there twice!!!! We went to see Gypsy tonight (3rd row dead center babee) and Patti Lupone was brilliant!! She signed autographs and there were about 50 people waiting......all very quiet and respectful! Earlier on we watched a few people waiting for Lawrence Fishburn to come out of his stage door and a stage hand collected up their Playbills and went inside and had Lawrence sign them! There would have been a riot if they had tried that with Clay. I miss seeing his face on the Spamalot poster. And I miss my eHp buddies!
  15. I love love love my Dell! They had a great offer on one already built which was exactly what I wanted. It is a great sleeping companion (see previous posts by the eHP) I will never set foot inside a Best Buy again! The store manager told my husband that someone his age wouldn't understand these things .......meaning computers! Err that's my husband's business and has been since 1965. They also charged us $800 to fix a laptop..didn't fix it and replaced the Hard Drive which in capital letters at the top of the work order specifically said not to! Also because my DH would not sign a piece of paper that said the work was done to his satisfaction they refused to give him his machine even after we had paid them and had the receipt in our hands! Oh, that is just scratching the surface. I could go on and on about a lot of other things said and done but the rest would bore you! Needless to say we were not happy. They just didn't seem to care and this was at two BB in two different states over the course of 3 months! I just spent many thousands of dollars on Home theater stuff and they lost that sale because of the treatment.
  16. Hee Scarlett I was in The Wooldlands Mall yesterday and the guy in B-A-B was holding the T-Rex, It is cute. My DD has two bears one of whom is dressed in black leather and she calls it her gay one. Her birthday is the same as B-A-B and they used to send her a certficate for a free bear whch ended up costing a whole lot of money for all the clothes etc. OK so where is our little buddy? I really miss news of him. I'll take anything just throw us a bone will ya'. Oh play thanks for the invite to the beach but we are not in NY that long and have a lot to do. I have your number so if I get a chance I will call you. Now I know something is going to happen so I booked rooms at 2 hotels that have free wi-fi! If I am paying $300 dollars a night for a room they had better have something free!!! My DD I are both taking our laptops or we would be fighting for airtime (TM CHA). So who'd like to peel those layers? Oh yeah the baby's name is Maggie and thanks for asking. It's KA's birthday! How come I didn't know???? A happy day to both Kandre and Crazy For Clay
  17. Thanks for all the good thoughts for my friend. She had her baby this morning and she weighs just 1lb 4oz. Both are doing OK. Thank goodness.
  18. Talking of babies...I told you about my friend who is having a baby. She is 41 and has Toxemia. They are going to deliver the baby tomorrow and she is not due until the end of Oct. Having a baby later in life is extremely high risk! So I hope everything is going well with YKW IIT! Happy day to our birthday gals! You know Txwriter you really have to meet us for lunch one day.
  19. I had this email today and thought it was cute. I have to add "I will follow Clay Aiken no matter what others may say about it. I will love every minute and ignore the haters". I do hope if he did the AI himself he enjoyed it.......What!!!!
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