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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. No but clayandr is on the OFC so wait for it..........
  2. OMG I just read that tag as Aiken 4 Clay's screw!!!
  3. And now for something completely different*g* Way back when, I took a friend to Clay's first solo concert in Houston. Today she asked me what I thought about the news that Clay was going to be a daddy. She always calls me when she hears news about Clay. We started the conversation about it might not be true and then she said "What" when I joked that if only I was a few years younger (ok more than a few) it could have been me! She heard the news on tv and did not know Jaymes was 50 or it was AI. That part just flew right by her! She just heard he was going to be a father! After I took her to the concert she said she liked it but had more fun watching me be fangirly! Today she told someone, that was standing with us, that he was a great singer and he is such a good entertainer and that she really did enjoy it! Huh. She was really complimentary, no judgement call, just good for him and praise for his talent. It made my day I can tell you. Guess who went home with a CD of OMWH?
  4. I saw nothing, I know nothing, I didn't do it and you can't prove it (signed CA)
  5. Scarlett again posting on merrieeee's laptop... We're all still sitting here waiting for a roof guy because the one who was supposed to show up yesterday (see merrieeee's post) didn't -- eh, his loss. He missed the scintillating company of the eHP (or maybe he peeked in, got scared and ran off). It hasn't been merrieeee's weekend -- at the pool she picked up a large bag of "our favorite snack" and it was open at the bottom so everything dropped out. Typical for the eHP, we laughed and agreed that all the ants were now concentrated on one side of the pool. Then a tree branch fell right right on the exact spot where merrieeee had been standing -- so most of us took that as a sign as hurried inside. I stayed an extra hour because it was just fun to sit in the water with the pretty sounds coming from merrieeee's iPod. Today there's supposed to be a thunderstorm brewing and we're thinking the hole in the roof (not a leak, but a shoebox-sized hole) just might be a problem. It's right close to the planned media center and we are all rather fond of merrieeee's electronics, especially when there's a cute guy on the screen and speakers. We called someone else and he promised to get here in 10 minutes -- merrieeee's hoping that he's tall and blond; I'm just hoping he knows geography. I don't say it enough but I really love these guys. We were reminiscing about the Frisco concert, going over every single detail, recalling how that afternoon we were driving to Dallas and all the soundcheck comments on the boards -- how his career was over because of "Like A Virgin" and how horrible the TV show tunes were (ok, we didn't actually believe that part at that point), etc. (Solo pops by to remind me that I need to render the Frisco clips). Then KAndre re-retold the saga of the "You Were There" battles on the board, it was great to laugh at that too! Wish we could all do this periodically someplace because it would be great to see more FCA'ers!!! ETA: We can hardly wait for all the headrolling when the announcement comes of the arrival of "Clive Roger Vernon Ray Foster-Aiken" or "Paula Kimbermee KLo Kelly Fran Spike Faye Foster-Aiken" (through the backchannels via our sooper sekrit source)
  6. Ain't that the truth! and it's such a lovely nose, too! Damned gnats! ETA: G'Night! Off to the beach tomorrow so I'll be behind again. Hope the Texas Revelers are having FUN! Hi Cotton! (Scarlett posting from merrieeee's laptop): *waves wildly to all y'all!!!* MUAH! Had a long fun but exhausting day, well as exhausting as sitting in a floater with a can of Coke while listening to merrieeee's amplified all-Clay iPod until the sun went down and then standing around the kitchen table just talking and laughing can be!!! We need to set up that FCA spa and soon! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Missing everyone!!! Welcome newbies!
  7. Lets see ......I'm getting ready for my people to come over and 1) My maid didn't show up so now I have to clean, 2) I almost fall and break my arm, 3) My daughter calls and tells me her car won't start, 4) My vacuum isn't working and to top it off I have. shall we say, a large hole in my roof that I discovered while putting suitcases up in the attic this morning!!!!!! I think the eHP should be very afraid! At least Clay sounds pretty on my iPod.
  8. I just watched the Broadway Cares DVD. Wow what a treat! Such talent. Clay sure fits right in there. I loved the fact that they used him and Hannah as the introduction background...someone in that community respects him! I only ordered it on Tuesday and got it yesterday.......hmm maybe Clique could learn a thing or two. It is well worth the money. Clay looks gorgeous and the sound is so much better.
  9. Hee it's 3 am and no-ones in the place.......just think what havoc I could wreak....Just kidding couchie!!!! Now if I could just sleep and have a Clay dream.
  10. I've heard that angst is followed by laughter, which is followed by smut! OK so where is the smut....it's been too long!!!
  11. Heck if this isn't turning out to be the F****** Cheery board!!!! I think I'll stay here for a while....it's a lot more fun!
  12. Since I don't drink I'll join you in the FCC car and I will be the designated driver and tell you who you have to apologize to the next day!
  13. http://coverawards.com/2008/06/04/star-says-angie-collapses/ Yep another day in paradise*g*
  14. I have a back pack and I love it. If you go to Dell's website they have all sorts of bags. I found mine there for $49 same thing was $89 at Best Buy. Also if you access that site through Continentals website you can get frequent flier miles. (you might try other FF programs to see if they have that.)
  15. http://theclayboard.yuku.com/topic/24348/t...r-Approved.html I don't know if anyone is interested but there is a cookbook fof sale benefiting TBAF. Credit goes to you chapter.
  16. Thank you! Some of us are not feeling any political love! E! just showed the pic of Jaymes, in LA, that we have seen and said yes that's a baby bump. Nothing disrespectful, I felt.
  17. I have to chuckle, less than a week ago we were moaning how he was gone and we missed him! We were wondering when we would see him again. Little did we know!!! I kind of hope he sort of disappears off of the media's radar for a while. I will be quite happy not knowing what's going on in his world for while!
  18. Oh I think people knew and unlike the Prince Herbert in Spamalot they chose not to tell!
  19. They know a good man when they see one and so do I!
  20. How come all of a sudden all seems right in the Clay Nation?
  21. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/111...ds_theatre.html Well Clay is in DC OMG Clay was singing and he's going to be a father. I guess his career is not over after all[/snark]
  22. I'm with you. I don't expect any comment at all. http://www.2-art-coliseum.com/rd_p?p=11308...clay%20machines Somehow this just struck me as funny tonight
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