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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Oh wow our own thread!!! I'm all alone...so all alone.....
  2. Ok what the heck are we doing for a starters? :lmaosmiley-1: I think a thread would be good. We were supposed to bring sandwiches?
  3. Sounds good to me! I am a really slooow typist! So a thread is better for me.
  4. OK so i'm supposed to be in Chat in 10 minutes! Where the h**l is chat and how do I get there????? Since I volunteered to do something that I have no idea about maybe I don't want to know where chat is!
  5. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I get to stay home this morning!! Boo It's to get my alarm fixed! I cannot believe all the stuff that I have had to fix in the last few weeks. But eeeeeeeeeeeeeee tomorrow the eHP is coming over! We shall have lots to talk about and it might even include Clay Aiken I feel I have missed so much lately I just cannot catch up! Have I missed anything important? Oh and you know who didn't send me a personalised message! So I say ppfftt to him! I too have GMail and I love it. But alas there was no email in the Spam folder! Ok so I sent money but I tell you.......next time see if I will! No emailey, no money! Oh who am I kidding I'll be pulling out that CC before I even read to the end! Jeter...Jeter....Jeter...I've heard of that name somewhere!
  6. Muski there's one too many words in that phrase!! So how come everyone is pairing up? I feel left out!! By the way if anyone's in Houston this Saturday you're welcome to come on over to my place. Karen Eh! will be in town and the eHP cannot miss a chance to Partay! ((((hugs ))))) to any one who needs them! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I've skimmed a lot in tha last few days so I'm sure I missed a lot of "stuff"
  7. I went to visit a girlfriend for weekend and sat and talked to her daughter. Two weeks later she called to tell me 'Surprise"the same daughter had had a baby! It was a total shock to all concerned. The Dr believed the girl went into deep denial!! She said she had no clue and thought she was really ill! I didn't see any baby bump and her mother who I knew really well had no idea at all. I never believed that you would not know but I have first hand proof that it can happen. OK where is Clay....I miss him!
  8. You rang??? OMG...Gah...slurp...swoon...thud...pant...white pants....no t shirt...dark hair.......i'm a goner!!!!! (Dictionary.com word of the day is laconic! Quite apt I think!) muski :It's not the hair in the sNOflake shot, it's his face! He doesn't look well to me!
  9. From CH: http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900S...LY?OpenDocument I hope there is Clack of Clay playing basketball.
  10. eeeeek you mean it's "not just us"? Who knew! IMO it is great to be on top. :medium-smiley-070:
  11. I think I am not going to have any opinions! But I still don't like the sNOflake pic because I think he looks sick......oh wait that's not an opinion, is it?
  12. My girlfriends back and you're gonna get in trouble ...hey na ne na my girlfriends back! I just got an email from 00lsee and she's back in town. :thbighug-1: She couldn't believe how wordy we are and how much she has to catch up on. It's a good job there was no Clay news! See I'm real good at the shallow posting bit! You can always count on me to fly right over the angst and move on to the mindless....I leave the smut to others (muski) and as for the stiletto heel...calling Kandre! Oh in case you haven't noticed I love the new emoticons! Thanks couchie
  13. A Turkey Baster? Woo Hoo!! Congrats Iseeme!!!!!!
  14. OMG don't remind me of that rain. Horrible. Of course it didn't help that I had just recovered from my eye surgery and it was the first time I had driven downtown in years! Ha I thought I would be able to see the roads. What roads, more like rivers! The party was great and Clay was even greater. keepingfaith ran interference with the Security Guard and while I was doing the cellcert I ended up putting the phone on the stage and no one noticed! Ok Clay, enough of the reminicences get your cute little whatever back here and entertain me........yes in this instance it is all about ME! The Reduced Shakespeare Company is the best ever! Does every one of his plays in 90 minutes and it is hilarious! I know Kandre, Shakespeare and hilarious in the same sentence...just not right, but it is really good. My DD, who teaches 11th grade English, loved it and you don't mess with her Shakespeare!
  15. My one and only attempt at quilting. It was supposed to be a pillow and I just kept making more blocks. Not a very good pic........ha another thing I'm not good at!!!
  16. Hee Kandre don't you know it's all in the editing? What's a few thousand between enemies? The publicist said 36,000 were slain and then retracted the story cos they didn't want to use the AI factor (artificially inflate) and at a knees-up in the palace the king told some good friends he'd lost only 25! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink! The tabloid, Yee Olde Londinium Globe got a hold of it and Bob's your uncle.....a legend is born! I just d/l the Musicpass and it was easy but as for quality....I can't tell the difference but then I am not the most discerning listener.
  17. Why yes I am! Unlike some people I have no aspirations to be anything alse! Lovely quilts. In my pre-Clay days I used to do a lot of things like that! Now I seem to be doing a lot of Clay related things. Like today I didn't need to go to Target but I passed one and the steering wheel just turned! I found the MusicPass in this store right with all the others at beginning of the row. They are $12.99 so I had to buy one....ok two. If anyone cannot get one let me know. I miss Clay!!!
  18. No, how about V as in "up yours". Hee, hee You don't think Churchill was really flashing the peace sign...do you? Yeah! The kitchen is done but the problem is now that everything I don't want, in my nice newly decorated kitchen, is now scattered throughout the house. I never realised I had so much "stuff"!! I don't know how I will ever get rid of it! Anyone have a match?*g*
  19. It is not a chick flick per se but one of my favourite "women's" movies is Shirley Valentine. If you have ever been married and at any time wanted to just escape from the mundane things...this is it. As for what Clay does behind the scenes, I really don't care. Not that I wouldn't like to know but it really is none of my business. I love it when we get little glimpses, like the Linda Loveland tour of his house, but I get the feeling those things will be few and far between now if not totally gone. We get to see Clay on tv this week and I bet there will be more stuff from UNICEF to make use of the timing. :thsmilies-6728: I love this one And where I'm from there is no way this means peace...just sayin'. Gee now I have to listen to WOTW. Ok I'll sacrifice my valuable time and listen to it. Now I'm not saying I will comment but for the good of the board I will listen! :F_05BL17blowkiss: The things I have do ...oh well! So ldyJ tell us how you really feel. I mean you seem sort of on the fence on this one! A big smoochy hug...... :thbighug-1: Well off to finish my kitchen. Thank god for iPods and good speakers! Clay everyday helps make your cares go away! Dang Shirley should have listened to Clay!
  20. I have been studying the banner quite closely and it seems to me to almost be 4 different people...maybe brothers. You have the devilish one, the serious one, the fun loving one and the kind & sensitive one! He really can look so different at any given time. I took a break from re-organising my kitchen to go to Target and guess what? They didn't have the Musicpass. The assistant said they had 20 in stock but he had no idea where they were! I just walked away and didn't buy anything. I know it is not on OMWH but I love love love how he sings "smoke" in Solitaire. the ending k gets me everytime. In SAU I like the words magic and music, again the hard c at the end. Welcome to all the newbies. This is a happy place........well most of the time! Just watch out for that couchie she's a killer!
  21. eeeeeeee the 12th works for me! Hubby will be home for the 4th and go back to OKC after that! Partay, Partay, Partay!!!!!! So come one come all..............the pools open!
  22. Scarlett, I told them that "What goes on in this kitchen stays in this kitchen!!" So Kareneh! will be bak(u) soon. It looks like another partay is in order at my joint! Now if I can just get my DH to get the media room done we will be kikkin' some you know what!!!!! Is 52" big enough ............tv that is!
  23. Today I had an exterminator in to discuss termites!! Yes I have them in a small section of my kitchen (see what I get for remodeling) and he gave me a quote........when I got up of the floor I said yes do it. I don't have much choice. As he was filling out the paperwork he said "I notice your screensaver is Clay Aiken"! I told him I was a huge fan. He said his wife was also a fan, had been since AI2. She kind of followed his career, knew he had a charity and worked with UNICEF, liked his singing etc but had not bought his new CD! Well I just happened to have a spare one (or was it keepingfaith's*g*) and I gifted him one to give her! Scarlett was that pushing? By the way that pic up there...one of the best evah!!!!!!! (IMHO)
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