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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. MTRR that I though it just had to be something to do with DTTR/L
  2. Ok I need some support here! Bad things come in threes....Right???? Right????? Well 1) when the eHP was over I discovered a hole in my roof 2) My DH was taken to the ER with a severe bladder infection on Sat. (He lives in one state and I another and he wasn't sure he'd tell me) and 3) I am having my kitchen re-done today and the guys called to tell me I have termites...ah the joys of living in TX. Now it is just a small infestation so not too bad but bad enough. So that makes the 3 things! Now for the good I got to come home early...yeah and I cannot cook because the whole kitchen is torn apart even yeaher (tis so a word) and I get to do nothing for the next 3 nights because I can't clean or do laundry! So life is not looking too bad right now....gotta make lemonade!!! Have to live up to my name don't ya know! Just in case no-one else mentions it, this is one of the best MBs out there...we have the best mods (shameless suck up) :F_05BL17blowkiss: and the coolest members too. :F_05BL17blowkiss: We have a view new post button........who knew!!! I keed, I keed!!!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7gKW7oRnoE This is Hannah singing Our Kind of Love. It doesn't sound the same singer to me. Can anyone tell if I am right or not? http://clayaikentheidealidol.com/whatsnew....#currentmontage
  4. Oh let her stay in ignorance for awhile!!! Too much at once is not a good thing!
  5. Hee. I work for a PGA TOUR golf tournament and I think I was the only one NOT watching golf today!!
  6. Ah Asheville, what fun. Skipping down the middle of the lawn holding hands with Jerome and waiting and waiting for Clay. The bus drivers were on overtime and the Biltmore people were not happy. They forgot that when we got on the bus before the show they told us there would be a bus line. D101 they obviously never had Clay fans there before. I remember Jerome telling us all to get in la single line at Knoxville and we did, only to be told by a "special" fan to do the same thing a couple of minutes later! Someone gave her "what for" I miss those times!!!!
  7. Hee here is dictionary.com's word of the day: claque: a group of fawning admirers. Yep that's the eHP.......a claque looking at Clack! OK so is a clique more than a claque? Be careful out there (HSB)
  8. See now I am on the other end of the 50 scale and I am also happily married but if I wasn't and a 30 year old guy was interested in me? No way, I'd have too much repair work to do! I am firmly in the "I don't care car". It makes not one iota of difference to me about his private life cos that's what it is...private! Just sing to me pretty boy and I'll be happy.
  9. it's not a blog so no need to rush over unless of course there's something new I don't know from say uh the last 7 months? But it is kind of nice to read positive stuff for a change!
  10. On the lyric thought: How come everytime I hear "Get outa my bed, get outa my room" I hear "Get outa my bed, get outa my womb"? ETA: See I thought no one knew!
  11. Hee I get to go in late today. Finally getting my roof fixed. I just have to say how nice it is that this is such an upbeat board.........not a lot of doom & gloom like other places! I am not fond of hearing over and over that this baby spells the end of his career! Who knows what is down the road and I would much rather look at the pretty than speculate about how soon he will be gone. (no offence to any other board*g*) I was going to say you guys are voice of reason then I remembered where I was! Love you all :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. Is anyone else having trouble getting into the fan club message board? Oh and by the way not all English men are rude*g*
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5vmPLoip4g This reminds me of the eHP! Especially the end! Not quite sure why
  14. OMG I have had a revelation!!!!!!! Tyra is my ALL time favourite hair!!!!!! That is all....go on back to your drinking!
  15. Err.......there ain't nuttin resting there!!!
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