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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Oh Kandre...I like the beat! I'll just have to join in....... dance dance dance
  2. Hi there dummie. Hee I never thought I would actually call someone dummie and not get hit upside the head for it*g* I guess to lurkers this must seem like a pretty tight knit group of Clay lovers. It was that way when I started to post but I didn't let it stop me! Heck I can be such a dummie (hee) at times I never even noticed whether I fit in or not!! And you know what I just kept on posting like I belonged. (Psst I think I fooled them. Shut up Kandre) A lot of us have Clay friends in real life....some of us even belong to a posse but there is always room for more*g* So don't be a stranger. You're in our neck of the woods now,wherever that happens to be! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  3. Hey, honey's I'm home! I went out for a little while but I keep hearing strains of a string quartet playing "Nearer My God To Thee" so I thought I would come back to my home away from home. By the way the eHp has an auxilliary branch but it is called the nseHP. Not so evil Houston Posse. You can however work up to full minionhood. Just ask Kandre for the details*g* I believe dancing kitties may be involved! Now I am going to go listen to the best voice on the planet...David Archeleta....I keed, I keed!!
  4. It's starting to get ugly out there....and I ain't talking about the weather! I mean isn't talk about the label might drop him a teensy bit premature???? Thank goodness this board is sane!!!
  5. It is going to be 100 degrees out here in Houston today but there is more doom and gloom out there in the Clay Nation, you think it was thundering! I haven't seen this much gloom since...oh I don't know.....Oh yeah since ATDW came out! Give me a break!!!
  6. Me either!!! I was getting my nails done today and there was a video playing of Beyonce in concert. At first I thought it was good. Lots of flash....pretty costumes...nice bods.....good dancing and then it dawned on me it was all about the spectacle. The music after a while all sounded the same and I couldn't understand half of the words. The words I did understand, to me did not make a lot of sense. The one thing she did do, that I liked, was brought 3 guys up on stage and she and the other singers fawned all over them, shook their bootys in their faces and sat in their laps! All I could think was that if Clay had done that in concert well no-one would have come out alive!!! There would have been some serious fighting to get on that stage! 15 minutes into the video I just wanted to be soothed by the best voice on the planet but i had to wait almost an hour before I could escape! I went back to my car and drove the long way home.......I live only 2 minutes from the Nail Salon*g*
  7. I miss him already! I was so spoiled by having reports every day from Spamalot. How will I ever survive? I guess seeing those fabulous pics up there will help.
  8. No, no, no. I love the dark hair/bangs Clay but not the sNOflake hair!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE My hometown just won the FA cup!!!!!! They haven't won since 1939! Play Up Pompey!!
  9. Ah Snoqualmie Falls!!!! ETA: My boyfriend ditched me . He doesn't text me any more!!! It's over I tell you.
  10. Hee CG I still have a piece of the best damn cherry pie in my freezer!!!
  11. I wouldn't read anything into it. Didn't I read that they moved the taping up to 5:15 because of a scheduling conflict? Maybe it was Ryan who had the scheduling conflict and that's why he left early. People seem to conspiracy in everything! Ryan goes by a tight schedule! I heard everything is on a grid! It probably just didn't fit in. No big whup!
  12. The eHP is having a great time! Said they enjoyed the show and Ashes was right at the end so it may not be on. Clay looked good. He joked about people texting during Spamlot!!!!!
  13. http://tv.msn.com/tv/photos/american-idol?...mp;photo=737491 This site has 108 pictures of AI and Clay is #s 38-76! That's a lot-o-pics. Uh try and ignore the semi-sNOflake one!!!!!
  14. Someone from another board reported hearing OMWH and Falling
  15. Talked to Solo. They are in line on the sunny side and are really hot. The staff from Kimmel brought out umbrellas and want them to stay hydrated so they can enjoy the show. They did not see the bust of Clay. They are just getting their bags checked and they will call back later, with reports. They heard Ashes & OMWH.
  16. I miss my peeps! I cannot wait to hear Kandre's reaction to fans kissing a bust of Clay in the Kimmel Line! Just for the record I'm not going anywhere...and since it is indeed the same old fans, who are the first to complain, I know where the scroll bar is and it is indeed my friend.
  17. Ooops!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOLO :00003653: :bday2: :7252: :7254: :bday: Yep that about covers it!!!!
  18. Since he got away from the slicked down look. His hair is looking mighty fine!
  19. {{{{{couchtomahto}}}}} Wow gibby you took the words right out of my mouth. That is if I had any idea about music which I don't.*g* I just know what I like and I like Clay's new CD....all of it! To me it is a work of art! God that man is so freaking talented! (oh and he is cute too)
  20. Lets see they asked Clay if he had ever heard the term Claymate. Wow how original. Talked about no plans for a tour and he doesn't know where these rumours come from. Talked about EIDN, Spamalot and that was it. He didn't sound tired. I emailed them to see if maybe they could play something from the current CD, after all that is what he is promoting. What a concept. I am more than annoyed about Invisible!.
  21. eeeeeeeeeeeeee Sunny 99.1 just talked about Clay. 00lsee's real name was just mentioned!! Clay will be on in 10 minutes!! ETA: Way to go guys...let's play Invisible and not anything new! Grrr
  22. Me likey the video....definately a theme of I was there and now I'm here. CG I don't have any issue with people who actually....like...see a show and then trash it. Even if I don't agree*g* Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But when you haven't even seen Clack of it and you condemn it well that is just wrong.
  23. Last Summer folks were ranting, on the 4th of July, about how bad his show was and it would be the end of him. Only problem was these people were not even at the concert but they sure influenced some thinking. I now scroll on those posts.
  24. I adore The Real Me, I want to have Sacrificial Love's babies and I can't get enough of As Long As We're Here. Hee like anyone cares what I think. Oh and Clay you done good babee (And you're cute too!)
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