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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Oh good others to eeee with! Thanks for the link to Fido. Everything I Don't Need is a different snippet than the other site. Put his name in the search bar. They will show up.
  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Love love love it!!! OK do not click on the second link....That has now become my least favourite pic of Clay....Yes bottle it has replaced the sNOflake one and I thought that would never happen. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
  3. I just had the best commute home! I was talking to my bud keepingfaith on my cell phone and we were so busy eeeing and squeeing about seeing Clay next week I didn't even notice the traffic! I am already starting to pack.....maybe it will make the time go quicker! I tried to access the album from the Sony site and I cannot find OMWH. It doesn't show up on the left of my screen at all and a search doesn't bring it up either.
  4. Quite frankly I don't care what the bonus tracks are! If he can sell out there it just creates more buzz. More NJU will see him and hear his music and isn't that the end game, so he has a long career?
  5. No one said it was easy being a Clay Aiken fan but this is getting ridiculous! I've registered at QVC, I've pre-ordered at Walmart, I've pre-ordered at Amazon, I've got to order on iTunes on the 21st, I've got to get in early at QVC, on the 28th, in case they sell out, I've got to buy at midnight on the 6th, I've got to get a music pass, I've got to listen to every audio on the web so there can be hits, I've got to watch every webisode and video for the same reason and I've got to go to my 5 Spamalot shows with scads of money, to buy stuff to support charity! Gosh I am exhausted just typing this. Now is there anything I've forgotten....please say no*g*
  6. Since I am a furriner myself add me to the list to help the Clayily Challenged
  7. keepingfaith Houston Hot hits 95.7 has all his videos up and if you click on the new one it takes you right to YouTube. It is just great. How many times can I watch it? To heck with the laundry and eating!
  8. OMG OMG OMG The video, the video, the video!!!!!! What a fab day...a video to die for, KR gets put down, CD gets put aside, a 5 track bonus on QVC, Kimmel etc. Can it get any better?? ETA: I just read aikim's post and yes it can get better!!!! I can just imagine that little s..t laughing his head off knowing we are all going crazy with all the stuff showing up! I have come to a revelation........I am in lust with Clay Aiken! Kandre :F_05BL17blowkiss: just becoss!
  9. Yessss! (tm Sir Robin) I'm no longer the token........insert whatever you want!*g*
  10. Kandre since I will be sleeping with you next week I think I should point out that paybacks are hell! Hmm someone might find her room a little cool if you know what I mean! Of course to Kandre 78 is a little cool........so how does 65 sound? By the way it is not the hair in the pic....I just think he looks ill and not at his best. He looked better on LI when he had vertigo! IMHO
  11. Oh my Clay texted me. He wants to know what I want him to sing.
  12. Dislike???? Yep I would say that is an understatement of the grandest proportions! Oh let's be honest here, I hate the sucker! So bottlecap since you are being so magnanimous I will try my best to get you something signed!
  13. If I don't eat out between now and then and only eat the free breakfast at the hotel, then I can maybe afford sumtin'. Oh wait the hotel doesn't have free breakfast..........Thank god for Cheezy Poofs! OK eHP no fancy restaurants for me and Ben at Juniors better not be looking for a big tip. I going to have to give my money to anything Clay wants. Like I don't already! I am going to 5 shows...oh am I in trouble! I want it all and I want it next weekend! Oh Bottle how bad do you really need one of those...I mean for a measly $200 I could get you one. ::wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, if you know what I mean and I think you do:: Seriously if you want one I could try and get one just for you at the discount rate of $40. Such a deal!!! Oy Vey!!!
  14. Yup I noticed And here endeth another profound post by merrieeee! ETA: Ok is it considered egotistical to bold ones own name? I never boned up on the etiquette of posting.
  15. eeeeeeeeeee lots of fresh meat err nice new folks joining us other Clay lovers! Always room for more!! Oh and Kandre doesn't really bite.....but watch out for her spork. It's a killer, kind of like the bunny. You think it is harmless.................
  16. It is a glorious day here today and I need to be doing all sorts of "stuff" but I'm not. I'm sitting on my back deck again enjoying the warmth. It's funny but I now take certain things for granted that a few years ago would have been thought impossible. Sitting outside, surfing the net. listening to music and all wireless. Ain't technology grand? I have become so spoiled now. Bye the way trench coats are the in item. They were shown a lot on the runways this spring. See our man is on the cutting edge again. Now if we could get him to throw away a few items.........well more than a few. One moment he is hawt, sexy, studmuffin, GQ Clay and then in an instance he is goofy, endearing Clayton. I sometimes wonder if the fact that Clay has those Clay/Clayton moments, like in the webisode, is how he keeps his sanity. Does that even make any sense?
  17. Oh no not me. I have this uncontrollable urge to see any and all stuff "Clay Aiken" that appears. I want it all and I want it now! It is a sickness, I tell you! The new webisode is great. I'm loving his clothes, so GQ. I cannot wait for the weekend after next to go with my buddies to NY City! I think we are going to see one smokin' hawt guy who is appearing on Broadway! I hear this guy is talented and can sing and dance at the same time! You might have heard of him lately....every day there seems to be some kind of stuff about him on the web. I heard someone say it was called promotion! What a concept! Oh by the way this guy is also....CUTE!!!! Oh and DF Gala UM was the best. I love it when David keeps making him re-sing parts! As for KLo she doesn't even appear on my horizon. Even during AI2 she was, to me, a non entity and I only paid attention to Ruben because he, I felt, was Clay's only real rival for the title.
  18. kf Clay called the Trinity (three friends of his) after the show to make sure everyone knew that he did not forget the words. He told them that TPTB had added a verse at the last minute. He didn't want anyone to think he had let them down. Sept 20 is a good date for a wedding! I got married on that date in '69 and am still married.
  19. Hmm! What kind of performance are you taking about???? My BF is such a multi-tasker!
  20. Why should we have sane Mods when none of the members are? eeeeeeeeeeeee it's the weekend and I get to do ...nothing!!!!!! I am going to listen to OMWH over and over again and no-one can stop me!!!! Two weeks folks and I shall be giving my hawt boyfriend seekrit messages from the audience. I shall be mouthing things like "text me you know you wanna" and "no Kandre is not your favourite" and "Karen Eh! is Nice AND Easy or so I've been told". My BF is so clever he is going to text me during the performance. You will all think he is only acting/dancing/singing but my BF is so talented and he will do it so well and seecritly even he won't know he's texted me! But I will know it is him...he has given me his private phone number to call him back.
  21. Ah! No just too easy I too have Clay Aiken in my contact list. He's my boyfriend now!!! He loves me best!! God I really am 12!!!!!
  22. Me too and I think that is a verra verra good thing! Two weeks tomorrow and the eHP will be winging its way to NYC! I am so excited about going I bought two tickets for the same show!!! Yes I know a lot of people bought more than two tickets for the same show but not for the same night!!
  23. OMG I know a Jeff Garrison who is in radio in Houston!!!! I shall have to do some investigatin!!!!
  24. Hee Desertrose i'll take his gizmo or his gadget!!!!! Either might come in useful for something! Look up gizmo in the dictionary and this is what you get: A nonsensical placeholder name for something that one does not know the proper term for. Ha I think we have a proper name for it!!!! Or how about gadget: A clever device designed for a specific practical use. Oh I bet we can think of a practical use for Clay's gadget!!!!!
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