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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Ok this pic is coming pretty close to the "you know what one" for me!!!
  2. The board was acting weird for me too! I couldn't make a new post! Ok who's playing with us?????
  3. I'm here!!!! eeeeeeeeeeee My girlfriend went to see the the touring show of the Rat Pack in Houston on Sunday. This morning she brought me the Playbill, from the show because as she says "My guy is in it". Well page four has the "It takes Two" article about Clay on Broadway. What a nice surprise (and a nice friend)!
  4. SInce this board is always risque I thought I would contribute a little smut! A Peep Show
  5. Oh Wow!! That stage door pic looks like there are more people there, than opening night! Baybee is a STAR!!!!!!!! Isn't the guy in the ticket booth just the cutest?
  6. Ausdon wrote: Years ago I finally figured it out (duh) that I was always doing for someone else! My whole life seemed to have been spent trying to please others. I know it wasn't 100% true but at the time it sure felt like it. Do for my DH, do for my DD and always go to England on my holidays because of my Mum and Dad! I loved going home but it was always staying with them and kind of catering to what they wanted when I was there. My Mum resented it if I went anywhere without them. So you know you keep the peace! I made my mind up that I was going to do stuff for me! It is funny that this came to be around 2003 and I began to be a little more self serving. So in 2005 when I had the oppportunity to go to the JNT I jumped at the chance. Best decision I EVER made! It was totally for me and I had a blast! I still plan my trips around my DH's schedule but I don't say no any more....unless the finances come into play*g* I have more fun than I could possibly have imagined. I adore the girls I travel with. They are some of the most caring ang generous people I have ever met. I consider them my friends and not just Clay buddies. I am doing things that I did not have the chance to do when I was younger. The folks at work think I am crazy and I agree with them............. I am crazy (about Clay) and loving every minute.
  7. Oh yesss!!!! (tm Sir Robin) Quick does anyone have a really big picture of the Mandals??
  8. Ha I had a laugh today. I am shopping for a new car and I want one that has the Sync system in it. One of the cars I was looking at had the connector for the iPod and a USB port for a flash drive in the center console. The young guy says you know you can get something called a Flash drive really cheap and put music on it. He says all I would need is a 1gb! Ha! That wouldn't even come close to what I would need! I said who only buys a 1gb? He said most people! I guess then I am not most people. The look on his face was priceless! This "seasoned" woman was discussing the merits of iPods over Flash drives like I knew what I was talking about! He seemed a little surprised that I knew about all the latest "stuff". You know it is so much fun to play with their little pre-conceived ideas about us mature folks! Another salesman thought he had to explain Bluetooth to me! Still didn't buy a new car but had fun anyway! The weather here today is just great! In the 80s.
  9. OK I am so weak!! Put me down for April 25, 26 (Mat & Night) and 27! I still haven't found a good seat for Sun. Mat but it's not for lack of trying.
  10. Since some of us on this board are not citizens and don't have a vested interest in any political race, It is nice to come here and not be bombarded with it! This is my haven!
  11. Hee! I thought I was on the wrong board! I had to look at the beautimous banner to be sure! OMG I've made it to the top! Thanks to all the little people who made this possible!!!
  12. Quick find me a copy of Clay singing Celebrate me Home!!!
  13. Oh Gibby there is no doubt about it! You will go into that trance-like state that we most of us fall into. You will act like you are 12 and not care, which is the best part! Your board buddies will be eeeing ang squeeing with you and you will love it! Just don't try and look back at it because 1) you won't remember it all, 2) you will cringe at how you behaved and 3) wonder why the men in white coats didn't show up! (Not that that was me of course....just observation you understand) Touch...a girl can dream of hearing AND experiencing!
  14. http://rhonnar.smugmug.com/gallery/4495488...9865_Xi78E-O-LB Oh muski....here is the pic of him with no undershirt only......you know what they say, bigger is better!
  15. Shhh! A quick fly by from work! I heard an add from Geico on the radio this morning and at the end the lizard says "and that's the point"! It sounded exactly like Clay saying "and that's mi point". Then I went into Walmart and heard The Way and the traffic even cooperated and allowed me to concentrate on Clack! Good morning all aound, I'd say!
  16. OMG I so read that as Diaphrams! I've been reading way too many of muski's posts!
  17. I love to go to bed with an Extra Large Clay Aiken....T shirt! Lots of room and not too tight! eeeeeeeeeeeeee Scarlett now lives 2 minutes from where I work! Now if there were any decent restaurants around we could meet for dinner........Chili's gets a bit old! Can I be Hannah when I grow up?
  18. ::::gives Scarlett a big squishie hug:::: I missed you!! Have you been sneakin' off and doing bad things with our boyfriend in NYC?? Would you people quit coming up with Clack for me to watch? I'm not getting anything done at all. I keep watching things and then it leads me to something else and something else and........ Is it April yet? I have to get through the Shell Houston Open this month (Anyone want tickets?) and then it will be time to think about my next eHP trip. eeeeeeeeeee I get to behave just badly enough not to get arrested but have more fun than should be legally allowed!
  19. Welcome gloch! You will love it here! Is it glock or g-lock?? Enquiring minds want to know!!! Oh we all want to be on that list and not the other one!!! Oh Kandre my clack has now suddenly become much clearer Amazing what a new computer with a good video card will do!!!!!
  20. I so want to shake Hannah's hand! Yep you know which one*g*
  21. Boo Hoo! I can't access it. The First Noel That was the beginning of my concerts with the eHP! Sort of speshul...you know first time and all! Weather here was really gorgeous today. Long sleeved T and sun shining!! See Houston does have some good days. It's not always hot.
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